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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE GODFATHER – Episode 39

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( Bounded By Honour. . . )


By; Holland Cisca.

★ ★ ★ ★



I never knew I’d let a man in between my thighs and yet feel so happy. I wished I had loses my pride to him, I wish my blood had stained on his Ďïčk and not on Micheal’s. I was beginning to wonder if time can reverse back and make all this happen.

He left a few minutes ago and I feel like crying like a child. No, I think I’m already crying. It feels like a year since he left, the way Pablo is to my life I can’t even explain it in detail.

He has stolen a huge part of my heart, making me empty without him by my side. I want to feel free and happily single, but with his love, his imagination staining my mind, I feel like I’m married already.

Now, he’s heading back to New York, I kinda feel so happy. I am happy he has finally accepted to take the empire. Not that I cared about his father being alive or not, all I care is for him to become the next Lord and have that Ďïčkhead, Micheal put to hell.

I got to my shop. I didn’t realize I was an hour late than before. I’ve been thinking about Pablo, missing him like I was missing mom when she died. That’s just me, being the over emotional type of person. But thankfully, Pablo isn’t the heart breaker, who knows where I could have been if he had injured my feelings?

Bella and Tessa were cleaning the restaurant. On seeing Bella, I smiled. She’s just a fat liar. She told me she wasn’t gonna come back after tomorrow being the only day she’d help me, and here she is…

“I wasn’t expecting you’d show up today.” I said, my voice sounding in the shop. There was no one else except the three of us, so I didn’t mind how loud my voice sounded.

“Come on, Ana, people change, okay? I changed my mind.”

“Why?” I asked. There has to be a reason why she changed her mind.

“Because of what happened last night. I was thinking that maybe the chapter continuation will take place today, so I decided to show up.”

“Is it concerning Pablo and I?” I asked.

“Nah. Well, speaking of Pablo, where is he?” She asked back.

“He has traveled back to New York.” I replied.

“Oh, come on, Ana, why would you let him go?” She said, stressing the words.

“I had to. He has to go back home. Taking that empire is the only way our love can last. If Micheal takes it, he’s gonna do every thing to hunt him down and seize my life.” I sighed. “I have my freedom now is all because Mr Vito is still alive, I can’t tell my fate when that @$$h0le takes over.”

“I understand. Well, you did the right thing.”

“Thanks for understanding.” I didn’t want the conversation to end up being an emotional one, and yes! She wanted to tell me some thing.

“You said some thing happened last night, what is it?”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “I thought we’ve ended the conversation.”

“No,we did not end the conversation, we only passed it. So, we are coming back to it.”

“Fine. Fine, we’re gonna talk about it.” She exchanged glares with Tessa who shrugged her shoulders. The looks on their faces told me what they were about to say was some thing serious.

“What is it?” I glared at both of them.

“Well, it’s concerning your handsome Mr.” She finally said.

“What happened to him?” I asked.

“Look Ana, it’s not so easy to say but, I think he really does like you so much. The expression on his face last night, I can’t explain it but… there was this part of him that felt uhm.. how am I gonna put it..”

“Jealous.” Tessa added.

“Yeah, jealous. Plus the fact that you and Pablo spent a long time outside,” she chuckled. “I bet he couldn’t hold it any more, so he left.”

Oh $h|t!

Why does my life have to be this tempting? I can’t believe he’s this head over heels with me. I told him my relationship was a bit complicated, I don’t remember telling him it was damaged or some thing.

“f_ck! f_ck! f_ck!” I repeated, shoving my hair in frustration. “This shouldn’t be happening.”

“Ana, don’t say that.”

“Don’t say what?” I looked at her. “Bella, he’s gonna make it the third man trying to walk into my life. I have Pablo, then Micheal, then him! Jesus Christ, does it have to be only me?”

“Look, babe, you aren’t the only one that keeps asking yourself this same question. There are lots of people who have up to ten different guys in their lives and they are living perfectly fine with it. Yours is just three and you’re screaming like you’re in labour. Please, for f_ck sake, calm down.”

I sighed.

“According to what you’ve been saying, I figured out that Micheal is a trash bag to your life. Pablo, turns out to be your joy giver and the love of your life. Mr handsome, turns out to be the newbie in your life. So, what I am trying to say is, you can give him a chance…”


“…Just in case your sweet Pablo breaks your heart.”

“Pablo can never do such a thing to me. We promised each other last night, I promised him that I will wait for him until he comes to take me home. I can’t give another man a chance in my life, and not even him.”

“Then I suggest you should tell him that you have no interest in him.”

“Holy $h|t, Bella, you are definitely not expecting me to say that, are you?” I said, stressing the words.

“Of course, I am. You don’t like him, then you should tell him instead and stop damaging his innocent heart.”

“First, I never said I h@ťěd him. Second, how am I supposed to tell him that?”

“You tell him the same way you tell any other guy that you aren’t interested in a relationship.”

“Seriously?” I looked at Tessa. “Say some thing about this.”

“I’m not siding Bella because she is my friend, and I’m not gonna side you because you’re my friend too, but I’m gonna say this, Bella is right. We aren’t saying you should cheat on Pablo, no. All you have to do to get a clear mind is to talk to him and sincerely tell him that you have some one else in your life.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“That’s why you have to make out a specific time for that. Maybe like a walk out, or a second dinner.”

“He’s gonna cancel the dinner if I tell him. Or, he’s probably gonna walk into his car and zoom off, leaving me in the middle of nowhere if I tell him.”

They both glared at each other.

“Then let him zoom off.” Bella added. “At least it’s better off than to disgrace you at dinner.”

I thought about it, and yes, they were both right.

I sighed. “I still think this is a crazy idea, but I’ll still do it.”



We came up with a crazy idea which turns out to be the best way to get Mr Jayden out of my life. But it turns out that Mr Jayden has already started staying out of my life without me telling him to.

I was beginning to feel sad about it. I do want to explain to him that Pablo and I are still together but he is free to hangout with me as long as we don’t have any thing else in common with each other.

But… he was already distancing himself from me. I won’t say it was a great thing, it’s hurting.

Mr Jayden has been one of my faithful customers, and most times he comes to my restaurant with his friends, from the same rich background as he is. And he never leaves my restaurant without a double payment.

Why would he suddenly start distancing himself from me?

For two days now, he hasn’t shown up. Some times when he can’t make it here, he would send his secretary to buy his favorite from me, but for two days now, I haven’t seen him nor his secretary here.


I decided to ask one of his workers. Maybe, I might get to know why he hasn’t been coming. Or maybe, he’s sick or something bad must have come up, preventing him from showing up.

“Excuse me.” I approached the young man. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” He nods his head.

“How is your boss?” I asked.

“He’s been away for two days now.” He replied.

“Did some thing happen?” I asked again.

“Honestly, I can’t tell. But I’m sure his secretary must have an idea of what happened.”

“Okay. Thanks by the way.”

“Any time.” He left.

“Hey, don’t tell me you are this worried about him.” Bella said.

“I’m not just worried, I’m concerned. It’s been two days since he showed up.” I went to sit on an empty chair. “That’s unlike him.”

“I guess you should meet with his secretary then.”

I looked at her. “You’re not being serious, are you?”

“That’s the only way we can find out if some thing did happen to him. What if he is in a solidarity condition, because of what happened that night. You know, it’s always painful when you see another man with the one you love. The problem is, he just doesn’t know that Pablo isn’t just another man, he is your heartbeat.”

“I just wish he could understand that.”

She touched my shoulder. “He will.”


To Be Continued…

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