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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LUCIFER’S BRIDE – Episode 61

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Natalie went to Lucifer’s room but the hefty guards by the door didn’t let her in

“Hey this is also my room,” Natalie said but they ignored her

“Is lord Lucifer in?” She asked and they didn’t say a single word to her

it’s been two days already and she hasn’t seen him or heard anything about him, it was like he was no longer in the palace, she was so worried




After the encounter with Natalie, she has been avoiding him, no matter how he tried to talk to her but she won’t give him that chance, he was so worried, and to say that he hadn’t heard or seen Lucifer

Lucas was still in deep thought when his door burst open, Logan, Elliott, and two hefty guards came in

“Are you trying to break down my door?” Lucas asked staring at them

A guard walked over and grabbed his collar, Lucas hold his hand and fling him away but a sudden kick from Logan sent him to the wall

Lucas grunts in pain and a hand grabbed his collar and threw him outside, he falls heavily followed by a double kick

“Argh!!” He let out a sharp painful cry

Logan hold his collar but Lucas punched his thighs, Logan shifted back, and one of the whipped Lucas with a double-head whip

“Ahhhh!!” He screamed loudly

All the palace guards and maids stopped to watch

Elliott kicked his jaw and blood dropped from his mouth, he falls and almost immediately one of the guards held his clothes and highjacked him up, throwing him outside the palace

Lucas hit the ground and somersaulted, he stood up and made to run but they already surrendered him he looked around him to see Elliott, Logan, and the hefty palace guards around him

He stood his ground and Elliott came first with a kick and he ducked, A guard made to punch him and he ducked again, a sudden high double kick send him flying to the wall at the center of the palace, it came from Lucy


Logan ran over and grabbed his collar, he started sending punches to his face repeatedly, he pushed Lucas down and almost immediately Elliott started kicking his tummy

Lucas Tumbled and vomited blood, his face was damaged, and his whole body was red

Summer threw the whip she was holding and the two guards caught it, she threw another to both Elliott and Logan


“What is my crime?”


The crying voice of Lucas covered the whole place as the who cut through his skin

?️ What could he have done?

?️ They are going to ki|| him

?️ I know right, heard the master gave the order

?️ The master? You mean the one that is always angry, we with a scary look?

?️ Yes, heard he’s very mean. How could he stand and watch this, even king Harrison haven’t given this kind of order

?️ But what could he have done

Many people were murmuring but Lucifer didn’t care, he has been thinking of a perfect way to deal with Lucas for the past few days and he finally come up with a better plan

“They are gonna ki|| him,” Natalie said, she stopped right before him and he didn’t spare her a glance

This will be the first time she will see him after that day, he has been avoiding her like a virus

“Ry…… My Lord…” She stopped when he started walking away, totally ignoring her

She followed, getting to his room The guards didn’t let her in again but she thr_@tened to remove her clothes and they have to let her in

She went in to see Lucifer facing his window and smoking

“Are you gonna ki|| him? I already tried to apologize on his behalf,” Natalie said gently but he didn’t look her way

It was dark outside

“Ryan please,” she added and with a swift move he was standing in front of her

“Call that name again!” He ragged, and she shifted back

“I’m sorry, I know what you saw where not supposed to happen but trust me he’s sick in the head,” Natalie said gently

“I’m Lucifer, no one… Nobody touches what’s mine because Lucifer don’t share,” he snarled and Natalie nodded


“I forbid you to come near me from now henceforth, I will prepare a divorce paper and you will go and live your life the way you want it, f-__-k anything you see,” Lucifer said in his deep cold voice

He went back to the window and a moment of silence passed

“I’m sorry, it will never happen again,” Natalie said softly

“Zip it and get lost,” He snapped coldly

“Ry… Lucifer I’m….”

“I said get out!!!” He yelled and she flinched back in fear

Tears came rolling down her eyes

“Why do you keep treating me like this? Just when I thought you will change you bring up the bad side of you,” Natalie said and Lucifer turned around

His eyes gradually turned red

“You have no idea what I will do to you if you keep standing there in the next minute,” Lucifer snarled and she bite her lower lips and swallowed nothing

She gathered enough courage staring directly into his red eyes, he was looking all dangerous with his veins popping out

“Lucas was right,” she sniffed

“You only cared about your own and not anyone else, Sonia was also right, no matter how I try to tell myself that you’re not who everyone wants me to believe you’re, you keep making it hard for me, I know what I did was wrong but it wasn’t my fault okay? I tried to push him off but he cling tightly, he took me by surprise that’s why you saw us that way.” Natalie said and wipe her tears with the back of her palm

The sound of a broken vase could be heard as Lucifer made his way toward her in a rage

“I have always h@ťěd you, right from when I was a little kid but after Sonia told me everything about your family, even though I already let go of the hatred I decided to stand by you but what did you do? You keep treating me like nothing….”

“That’s because you’re nothing but a cheap wh-_-re and I can’t have you as a wife,” Lucifer snapped coldly, a sudden slap landed on his left cheek instantly

Natalie slapped him hard across his face before she could stop herself

“How dare you!!” Lucifer raged and gripped her neck, he pinned her against the wall as she struggles to breathe

“Your sister said she wants to hug you tightly and tell you everything about the good old days but she’s afraid cos you have turned into a demon,” Natalie said but it came as a whisper

“Shut up!!!” Lucifer yelled and tighten his grip around her neck

“Why… Why… Why not shot me instead,” Natalie manages to say, her breathing fading

Lucifer suddenly released his grip on her neck and she falls heavily

“Get out,” he yelled in his deep scary voice

“I h@ťě you, I wish I were never born to marry you, you are nothing but everything they said you’re, I h@ťě you so much, I h@ťě the good s*x, I h@ťě the way you talk, I h@ťě the things you do, I h@ťě the way you treat me, I h@ťě that I’m married to you, I h@ťě this marriage, I h@ťě you, you brought me nothing but pain, you’re the worst man on earth, I h@ťě you for breaking my heart, Am never coming back and I h@ťě that I don’t h@ťě you,” Natalie shouted tears streaming down

“If you stay here in the next minute, I will separate your head from your body bit by bit,” Came Lucifer’s deep scary voice

He stepped on the broken vase on the floor as it paired with his feet but he wasn’t bothered, he took another step forward stepping on the broken vase and Natalie shifted backward

His eyes were red

Natalie opened the door and ran out in tears, it was dark outside but she didn’t stop running

She has no idea where she was running to but she didn’t stop either, She ran to the market and stumbled against a stone and falls hurting her knees

She stood up and continue running without looking back, it was freezing outside and everyone has returned to their homes

She ran past the market and tumbled on the cold sand, all she wanted at that moment was to go to a place far away, she didn’t stop running, she was about to cross the road when …….

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

What did you think guys ⁉️

What did you think about Leah’s upcoming marriage with Malcolm ⁉️

Did you think Leah and Malcolm will make a good couple ⁉️

What did you think about the beating Lucas was receiving ⁉️

What did you think about Lucifer ⁉️

What did you think about Natalie ⁉️

Did you think Natalie and now marry Lucas if Lucifer spares him⁉️

Did you think Lucas will be beaten to death ⁉️

What did you think about queen Macbeth ⁉️

What did you think about Malcolm ⁉️

Voice out your opinion concerning this episode ??

Can you predict what will happen next ⁉️

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