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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 73

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( Yearning For Her… )


By, Marie G.

‼ Copy & Remain miserable ‼️


☆☙( i wanna share my future with you )☙☆


They broke the kiss minutes later and Ryan immediately pulled her into a tight hug which she reciprocated to immediately

” What about your feelings for me? Do you feel anything at all for me? ” He asked, disengaging from the hug but she just kept mute

” It’s okay if you don’t love me, I will accept it that way and stop pestering you ” he added and she frowned

” What? stop pestering me? You can’t tell how I feel?” She snapped while he just stood there, confused

” Maybe you should just figure that out yourself..” she said aiming for the door. She opened it and made to walk out but she felt him hug her from behind and her steps faltered

” I’m sorry if I made you mad ” he said, still hugging her

” Can you stay with me please”.. he said after a while and she sighed

She wish she could too but then, she needed to go home else her grandmother would be worried

” I need to go home Ryan.. My Grandma would be waiting for me..” she said and he released her reluctantly

” Good night then. Call me or just text me when you get home..” he said and she nodded.

She turned around and gave him peck on his cheek and his eyes brightened

” See ya..” she smiled at him before walking out of the hostel

” She’s… cute..” he chuckled, his hands on his cheek where she just kissed

” I didn’t get to know how she feels ” he sighed, slumping on the couch

He closed his eyes and giggled softly as the kiss kept replaying in his head

No doubt, her lips are addictive



” I accept Zhang Shao, I’ll tell my son about it tomorrow..” Li Xue said and Leyan stood up immediately from her seat

” Honey.. how can you accept such ” she asked

” Not as if they’ll get engaged tomorrow or a day after.. They need to know each other very well before going into marriage.. so its no bad idea getting them engaged” Xue said

” You’re unbelievable ” she shook her head at her husband before turning to the minister and his wife

” I’m sorry Mr & Mrs Minister, but it’s not gonna work!! I won’t accept this rubbish ” she said

” I’m not asking for your opinion woman, I’m telling you what’s gonna happen..” Xue said sternly and her eyes widened

She stared at her husband then at Zhang Shao and his wife. She hissed loudly at them before heading upstairs making loud sounds with her slippers as she walked

” Don’t worry Shao.. you know mothers are always protective of their child, please understand.. Xue said

” It’s fine, I should be glad you listened and even gave me a positive response” Zhang Shao stood up and his wife did same

” Thanks Chairman and please tell Leyan to take things easy.. my girl is a respectful and nice girl” Linying said

” You don’t have to worry, she’ll come around soon ” Xue assured

” Alright, We’ll be on our way now” Zhang Shao said and Xue smiled as he watch them leave the house.

Thought he is still very Rich even richer than the minister but the fact they were friends and business partners, he thinks everything will go well if their two kids get married

He opened the door to his room and a sigh escaped his mouth as he met his wife sobbing

” Leyan..” he called but she ignored him

He made to touch her but she slapped his hands off

” I understand your worries but then he’s still gonna get married someday” Xue said and Leyan sat upright glaring daggers at him

” Tell me.. why did you accept the offer? ” She asked

” Because that’s what I’m suppose to do. It’s all for the company” Xue replied and she scoffed

” Everthing is business to you isn’t it?!!”

She carried a pillow and started leaving the room

” Going somewhere?” Xue asked

” I might end up dying if I stay here with you..” she snapped, walking out of their bedroom to her late son’s room. She didn’t want to sleep in the guest room

Li Xue exhaled deeply

” They’ll come to like each other eventually. Having a minister as an inlaw isn’t a bad thing.. he muttered


” I’m home..” Violet announced, walking into the house with Jeffrey. Grandma Pamela was already asleep. She checked the time and discovered it was past 9pm

” The party was fun ” She smiled, sitting on the couch and Jeffrey did same

He stared at her as she smiled

” How is he? ” He asked

” Huh? Who?” She asked back

” The person you went to meet..” he replied

” Why are you so sure it’s a he I went to meet?” She asked blinking rapidly while avoiding his gaze

” You’re so bad at lying. Anytime you lie, you blink and always avoid my gaze” he chuckled softly

” So tell me.. how is Ryan?” He asked and she stood up

” I need to sleep now.. goodnight” She made to enter her room but Jeffrey pulled her back.

” You have feelings for him don’t you?” He asked but she went speechless.

How was she gonna tell her best friend who had feelings for her about her feelings for another guy?

” Let’s talk tomorrow Jeffrey, I need to rest now”

” Jeffrey? I thought it was Jeff” he said

” Oh that….she trailed off, not knowing what to say next

” So you love him too..”

” I..I didn’t know I was gonna fall for him” She sigh

” I’m sorry Jeff, but I think it’s high time you let go of your feelings for me..” she said entering her room

Jeffrey stared at her door sadly with tears gathering in his eyes

” Do you think it’s easy? ” He muttered. He stared at her door one last time before walking out of the house.

Violet exhaled before walking towards the bed and laid on it. She brought out her phone and a message pop out immediately

She smiled when she noticed it was a message from Ryan


? I’m home… She replied

? I miss you!.
He sent and she smiled broadly

? Good night Ryan..

? See you tomorrow… He sent.

She smiled at the message before dropping her phone


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