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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

By Genevieve E.



Cyclops stopped accommodating her like he used to.

Within a short while, their love blossomed, it was known to everyone across the villages that they were inlove.

It was not wrong but unusual for a witch and a demon to fall inlove.

Despite all of Kalisha’s tricks and lies, she couldn’t separate them.

They got married within two months and had you… I mean Zelda, he corrected immediately.

After their union, Kalisha and all other oldest witches were forced to get married too to enlarge the kingdom.

Remember the demon and witch are very powerful creatures.

Zelda grew so fast.

She was so powerful that even her peers weren’t her match.

At 15, she was rumored to be even more powerful than the mother supreme who was her mom.

This family progressed so much after their union, Cyclops was inlove with her even after so many years.

There was nothing Kalisha could do to stop them.

She made sure to train her daughter to h@ťě them as much as she did, if not worse.

Her daughter was no match for Zelda despite them being the same age.

Just like their mom, the two girl grew up not liking each other.

They both were the exact replica of their moms.

While Zelda was powerful and peaceful, Kalisha’s daughter Aria was the opposite.

She was weak but filled with hatred.

It looked like their parents fate was transferred to both Aria and Zelda when Zelda started to grow white hair which means she would be the next Supreme mother after Samara.

Zelda growing a white hair was also a sign of Samara getting weak even though she looked young.

The hatred in the hearts of Kalisha and Aria led them to do things they shouldn’t have.

They started to secretly practice dark magic which was forbidden in White Horse Kingdom.

They poisoned Samara which made her weak and her sickness was incurable.

They became so powerful within a short while, they started to oppress people and started to gather other witches on their side, no one knew how they did it or where they got the power but everyone loves power, don’t they?

One day, Zelda and her father Cyclops had to travel back to his demon village in search of a cure for her mother.

It was in there they discovered that the magic was prepared for them by Saprendo, Cyclops’ sworn enemy.

Cyclops got into a terrible figjt with him which was againt the demon rules and he was detained in their prison, his powers, stripped.

Getting the cure took Zelda who had to do it on her own several weeks and by the time she got back home, Samara was already dead.

All the witches were circled around her already decaying corpse with fig leaves on top of it, the same way they circle around abominable people who died.

Her corpse, dark.

They tagged Samara and abomination who deserved to be buried in the heart of the forest despite being a Mother Supreme.

Zelda who didn’t realize she and her mom already lost the loyalty of all the witches tried to fight for her mom but they ganged up on her making it impossible for her to defend herself as she used a lot of her power in making her mothers cure which was useless at that point.

They had her at her weakest time.

Aria and her mother accused Zelda of treason and she was stoned to death.

But before she died, she promised them revenge.

In her words, she said

“I WILL BE BACK FOR MY REVENGE, AND I WILL BE BACK THROUGH YOU” a statement made with her fingers pointing towards Aria then she breathed her last.

None of them really understood what she meant.

Kalisha was made the new mother supreme even though she didn’t merit it,neither did they have white hairs.

No one else was horn with or grew white hair for a a hundred and fifty three years.

It was a dream come true for Kalisha and after she died, Aria became the new mother supreme without merit.

The people couldn’t be happier when Aria died too and the real witch with the white hair was made the mother supreme.

Peace has been in the Witches coven ever since until Saraphina was born.

She was a reincarnation of Aria.

Unlike some other reincarnated beings, Saraphina came back with memories from her previous life.

She remembered everything and she was glad she was the mother supreme by merit this time and didn’t need to compete with any Zelda to get it.

Maybe it was a chance for her to choose the right part but she didn’t.

But one thing she forgot was Zelda’s words.

Twenty six years ago Saraphina got pregnant and gave birth to a female child.

A child who was born with a natural white hair, her eyes as blue as the sea.

She had a mark at the back of her ear, it was a long mark behind her ear, he said and Blue couldn’t help but touch her ear.

Mia has shown her a mark at the back of her ear before, she thought but waved the thought aside immediately.

Saraphina (Aria) couldn’t help but recognize this creature she just gave birth to, he continued.


She gave birth to Zelda!

She gave birth to her own arch enemy.

She birthed her Nemesis

The long mark behind her ear was the mark from Arias sword which she slashed Zelda in their previous lives.

She would never forget that mark.

Her own Karma came through her, just like Zelda promised.

Coupled with the prophesies about how great the new born Luna was destined to be.

Matching a person as powerful as Zelda with someone as powerful also King Wright, they were going to be the most powerful couple the White Horse Kingdom has ever seen…

She won’t allow herself pay homage and bow to her own child who is her arch enemy.

She wasn’t going to watch her arch enemy become so powerful enough to take revenge on her.

So she decided.

She would make sure this evil child never remembers who she truly is.

So she took this child out of the White Horse Kingdom right into the mortal world.

She found her doppelganger, a woman who looks exactly like her, who also put to bed on the same day.

She took this woman’s body as well as her baby.

Sent the woman’s soul to her own body then she ki||ed her just to fake her own death.

On the ground on her death bed, she declared her own child a traitor who doesn’t deserve to live, she wrote this with her own blood.

Ever since then, this wicked witch has been in here in this world with this child makimg sure she knows nothing about herself or her root, he finished.

I can’t believe this,how can someone be so cruel.

This is what I mean when I said there are good and bad people all around the world.

I can’t deny the fact that this Zelda is a freaking badass, best revenge plan ever but unfortunately she will never get to get her revenge on the witch, Blue reasoned.

I don’t think so, August replied.

What do you mean?

I mean, Zelda has all it takes to be who she truly should be, she just needs to discover herself.

But… how would she do that, if the king hasn’t found her yet then how would she get to be freed? Blue asked looking concerned.

You really want her to be freed huh?

Ofcourse, Blue replied.

Come, August said pulling her up then took her down the hallway.

I would love to read about how she finally defeated the evil witch, Blue was saying as they walked.

They got to a spot and August stopped.

He pointed at a portrait on the mirror.

It was the picture of a woman.

Thats Samara, he announced.

Wow! she is pretty, Blue exclaimed.

I guess thats Cyclops beside her? Blue asked.

Yes .
Wow, you are right about demons being good looking, look at those jaw lines and mustache.

He’s so cute in an old fashioned way, she teased making August burst into laughter.

Then he took another step, she did too.

Thats Aria, another portrait of a woman with a black hair.

Does she have a twin? Blue asked seeing another portrait too that looks like her.

The next picture is Saraphina, the same person you know,just Saraphina has a white long hair but unlike Aria.

He was talking but she wasn’t listening.

She stood frozen staring at Saraphina.

What’s Wrong?August asked.

I’ve seen her…. I’ve seen her before, she spoke looking really frightened.

Are you sure? with this hair? August asked to be sure.

He expected her to recognize her as Aria since that’s what Kathy looks like.

He didn’t expect her to have met Saraphina.

I met her at the library when I asked a teenager, she narrated what happened at the library when she went to get the book with Daphane.

Oh my God, thats her, August said.

You mean I saw a witch? Blue asked, her eyes almost popping out if her socket.

You live with one, August muttered to himself.

But why does this picture look so much familiar, Blue said pointing at Aria.

Does she look like someone you know?

Yes…. I just can’t place the face, she replied trying to think harder.


Its mom!

How come she looks like mom? Blue asked looking at August for answers.

But August ignored her and went to the next picture.

And here is Zelda,he announced.

Blue looked up and was shocked..
It was like she was staring at her own reflection.

The only difference is her white hair is not long enough while Zelda’s hair was so long that the portrait didn’t get it all.

Their eyes were the same, big and Blue.

What’s going on?

Why does she look like me? she asked in an alarming tone.

“Because I am you, and you are me” came a voice from the portrait.

No!!! Blue screamed running out of the hall.

August chased after her but she kept running.

She got outside the building, just when she was about to dash into the road and look for her way home, she saw someone.

The same woman she saw at the library years ago.

The same woman she just saw on the portrait,the evil witch Saraphina.

She quickly hid at a corner as she watched her walk around the area, looking at every corner like shes searching for something.

She white hair so long.

Her fingers too.

She looked scary,but thats not all Blue noticed.

Taking a closer look at her right now,she looks like Kathy.

Her own mom.



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