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HomePISTOLE E SESSO (Guns And Sex)PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 18

PISTOLE E SESSO – Episode 18

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[ Guns and S*x]

# 4 in the DE LUCA SERIES]

♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , Erotic billionaires , Ruthless , Genius, forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




? EPISODE 18 ?


And I froze WTF…I stared in shock as Neomi walked the aisle clad in the The Darkest Wedding dress I had ever seen ..and a black veil .

How Dare she ! I thought it anger !

The Dress gave this Dark vibe with every step she took ,she looked every bit of the Seductress she was with the slit going all the way up .

My Blood was hot in anger .I sucked on my bottom lip as people began to whisper amongst themselves wondering why the bride wore black.

If she thinks Defying my oders would stop the wedding then she haven’t met me yet.

Even if she breaks her neck in defiance we would still get married today .

Massimo had an amused look on his face and Grace looked impressed on the other hand frederico was a laughing mess .

She walked up to me and the mafia Wedding began following the protocols and tradition of the mafia .

She took the oath to stand by me as my wife and protect the Affairs of the mafia .

Betrayal meant death ..I could see the Anger in her Eyes.

” STOP THE WEDDING! Someone yelled whilst walking into the Auditorium.

I frowned in anger .. seeing my bride in black was already getting on my nerves now Riccardo Valentino was here to cause more trouble.

” Cardo ! His father called .

” Andrea is mine ” he screamed Angrily.

” You f-__-king Bastardo ! I yelled in anger as I pulled out my Gun from my pocket gasps filled the air.

” Sergio ” Neomi called as she came in front of me.

” Please Sergio …” She pleaded .

” Get out of the way mia Cara ! I said Angrily.

” Sergio please ….! Please I swear it won’t happen again” she said and I could see the fear in her eyes and it irritated me .

She’s not supposed to care for that f-__-ker.

” It’s you I’m getting married to Sergio don’t hurt him please …I belong to you I’m yours only yours ” she whispered as she took the gun from me and handed it to Dylan .

The security took Cardo away as I looked towards the alter .

I’d still ki|| that fvker anyways ,he just got on my Nerves.

” I pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride ” The priest said and
I removed the veil and kissed her passionately .

We all retired to the Reception and Neomi was doing a good job at staying away from me since she didn’t want me to talk about the stunt she pulled at the Alter .

” Hey ” Emelio said as he walked over to me.

” Congratulations …she’s Quiet the handful” he said with a chuckle.

” She’s Rebellious and it’s starting to get on my nerves ” I said Angrily.

” That’s new ” he said looking at me with an amused look.

” Don’t tease me I’m not in a good mood ” i said and he raised his hands immediately.

” Chill you’re freaking out ” he said softly.

” Are you finally back ? I asked and he chuckled.

” No ” he said and I looked away.

” You’re hurting us Emelio you know that right ? You can’t keep running away ” I said and he sucked on his bottom lip cutely.

” Running away helps to ease the pain Sergio ..i cant sleep in the room …I get nightmares … staying In this estate suffocates me and it doesn’t help that everything reminds me of her … Sleeping around hasn’t helped either …I feel like I’m loosing myself with every single day that passes by ..”

” I ki||ed Her Sergio ..she died because she chose to stay with a criminal ” he said as his eyes stung .

” That’s not true that’s never true …you’re no criminal Emelio …Stop blaming yourself it’s almost Nine years since she died” I bursted Angrily.

” We h@ťě to see you like this ,you’ve shut us all out and trust me this is just a shadow of yourself standing here with me ” I said and he chuckled softly.

” Today is your Wedding bro …don’t ruin it ” he said and patted my back before walking away .

” He’s back for good ? Dylan asked standing next to me with a bright smile .

” No …He’s not I don’t think he’d ever be I feel so sad seeing my brother like this ” I said softly.

‘” he’d be fine ” Dylan said and I turned to him .

” No wonder you’re smiling she’s here for the wedding huh ” i teased.

” Oh please Cora is too stubborn that girl wants me dead , I don’t know why she’s hell bent on ki||ing me like this….one moment she’s on my bed and the next she runs away too far I can’t even hold her ” I said and he laughed.

” At least she lets you f-__-k her …I’m getting into a marriage where the so Called wife just told me it’s a wedding of convineince” I said and and he laughed.

” Your wife is something else …the wall Mafia world has heard of her Defiance I mean. ..she broke protocols with that sinful Dress’d need lots of Luck handling her ” he said patting my back .

I took a deep breath and let Things slide .



” You know wearing a black dress looked segzy on you …you looked like a ki||er bride in all her Glory ” Bella teased immediately she walked towards me .

She was clad in A Gold dress that looked gorgeous on her .

With a sinfully high slit , all the De Luca Daughter’s inlaw wore gold and it looked amazing .

Yet Bella’s dress had this mad slit no wonder her husband’s suit jacket was on her shoulders .

I gestured towards the jacket with eyebrows raised and she laughed.

” Kris is this possesive Deluca that wants me covered up like a potato sack , it’s been like this even when we were dating” she said and I chuckled.

” I guess he’s coming this way ” I said and her eyes widened.

” Let’s pretend we don’t know him ” she Said and I laughed as he covered her properly with the suit jacket .

” Baby this is not fair everyone is slaying their Dresses why do I have to look like a Nun ? Bella asked .

” This wouldn’t happen if your dress wasn’t sinful ..I’ve told you I like you covered ” he said and looked over to me .

” Congratulations Andrea but the Dress is something else ” he said and I chuckled.

” Oh please it looks segzy on her I’m beginning to think I should have worn black on my wedding…” Bella grinned.

” We would have paused the wedding to get you to change your dress Seniorita” he said and she raised her nose as they both walked away.

I took a deep breath as I began to feel sadness after they left .

I had no family at the Wedding . Padre had come but he left immediately after we tied the knot to be with Sergio .

That made me realize that I had no one again …if It were to be a normal situation and I was marrying the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with ,this would have been a different situation .

But no I didn’t have a family …I had no one …I even lost my sister ..I thought as my eyes stung .

And I was marrying the one person that didn’t care about me all Sergio wanted was to f-__-k me .

Break me …what he didn’t understand was you can’t break an already broken person.

He’s Cruel I know this marriage is his gain because he believes he finally has rights over my body .

But that will never happen I will never give him the rights to use me for his pleasure ” I thought as I rubbed my arms .

My eyes met him talking to someone and I looked away again .

Then he began to walk over to where I stood .

” Happy wedding day … My Wife ” he said as he came too close for my liking

I glared into his hazel eyes

” What do you gain in trying to spite me Sergio ? I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

‘ Did you just ask me that stupid Question … Mia Cara ? He asked smiling but I could see the anger in his eyes .

” I just did Sergio …” I said and he chuckled softly.

” I should be the one asking you that Question I asked you to wear a white wedding dress si ? He asked and I folded my arms.

” And who are you to tell me that ? It’s my body Mr De Luca I have a right to my body and I decide to wear what I want ” I said and he rubbed his face as he smiled at the guest.

” You’re tempting me Neomi …I’m your husband ” he said gritting his teeth .

” Oh please …Sergio we both know this is a forced marriage you’re not interested in this Union as much as I’m not we can always get a Divorce .

” There has never been a Divorce in my family Cupcake and it’s not going to start with us …’ he said and the live band began to give us romantic music .

” Dance with Me” he whispered in my ears and I knew better than to reject him .

We moved to the Dance floor and my eyes met with his excited mother at the other end smiling towards us .

” Smile mi amor..” he whispered softly as his strong hand moved over to my waist and we moved with the music .

I looked away and he bent to my ears .

” You can’t keep looking away from cupcake…your eyes must look only at me …me and no one else ” He said and I froze at what I saw in his eyes .

” Mine ” he whispered so close to my lips that my heart raced .

” Don’t kiss me” I said and he trialed his lips on mine .

” What makes you think I will listen ? He asked as his lips brushed mine again and he sucked on the bottom one .

Squils filled the air and I kissed him back Sweetly .

He didn’t force it this time around he was gentle and when he broke the kiss he pulled me into his arms protectively .

” Sergio…”

” Shhhhhhhh” he said and I let it be .

We had dinner with his family after the party and when we got to the Large … Dinner table he pulled me into his laps .

I was still in my dress from the Reception and he was in his outfit too .

” Congratulations ” his dad said lovingly and I gave a nod .

” Mom I can’t find my keys ” someone said joining us .

I froze immediately when my eyes met him and everyone in the Dinner table laughed at my reaction .

” And before you ask they’re not twins Andrea ” Grace said and I turned back to Sergio .

” Welcome to the family I’m Emelio this idiots elder brother ” he said softly and I smiled politely .

” Andrea”

“Neomi ” Sergio and I said together and the Emelio guy raised his eyebrows .

The only difference he had from Sergio was He didn’t keep much Tatoos .

He had Beautiful eyes too but they where dark he looked a bit light skinned compared to Sergio and his rugged looks .

Sergio was sinfully handsome on the other Hand Emelio looked handsome too but he had this sweet look that made you calm down unlike Sergio and his arrogance .

” How can the both of you look so alike and not be twins ” I muttered to myself

” Santiago’s sperm ” Sergio said and I blushed red in Embarrassment .

” It’s too early to start the Dirty talking Sergio ” frederico teased him when he noticed we where whispering to each other and his wife smacked his head .

After dinner Sergio
Decided we should leave for our room his brothers went on and on with the teasing accept the Don who sat Quietly.

Making me wonder if the guy even smiles .

When we got to our room Sergio pulled me into him from behind.

” Sergio I’m sleepy ” I said and he looked at me like I’m crazy .

” Neomi you can’t be sleepy not now that I want this ” he said and I raised my eyebrows .

” Want what ? ‘ I asked frowning

” What do you mean by that Question Neomi …? I’ve wanted this and you know you want it too …so even if what you were scared of was the status at least you’re my wife now ” he said and I chuckled.

‘ Are being serious right now Sergio , please stop kidding me ” I said and he ran his fingers in his hair .

” Don’t test my Patience Neomi De Luca ” he said Angrily.

” I already told you I’m not your Wife in this room I can be your wife out there but this is a marriage of convineince ” i spat angrily.

” That’s a joke Neomi because I didn’t marry a devil ! I married a wife …a woman not someone to frustrate me ” he said and I didn’t say a word .

” You’re my wife and it’s your duty to Satisfy my segzual desires ” he spat .

” And I’m freeing you to go get it elsewhere …don’t you have whores ? I asked.

” Are you insane ? I might have ignored the black dress But refuse to cheat on my own wife ” he said and I tried to walk away but he pulled me and in one swift move I whinced as my back made contact with the wall.

” Don’t start a game with me Neomi ….you will Grace my bed …and bear me children …” He said and left me there with my heart racing against my chest .


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