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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SEDUCE ME – Episode 5

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Braxton laugh so hard after hearing from Spooky what Axton did to Megan.

“Your happy about that”. Spooky asked.

“Of course I’m, she went against my prince charming, thinking she was going to go scott free, serves her right”. Braxton said laughing.

“Really, the boss, your prince charming, if he hears that from your mouth, am sure his going to slit off your throat”. Spooky said with a demonstration.

“Wh@ťěver Spooky, but trust me, one of this days am going to have a taste of his Ďïčk ridding inside of me”. Braxton said smiling.

“Maybe that can only happen in the next life, when his not called Axton”.

“Stop being a vibe ki||er Spooky, ain’t you interesting in having a taste of the boss’s Ďïčk ridding so roughly inside of you”. Braxton asked, getting wet already.

Spooky looks at Braxton and smiles.

“No I don’t, why should I stressed myself longing for his Ďïčk, when I can get a Ďïčk from the mobsters, with just a snap of the finger”. Spooky said snapping her finger.

Braxton frowns.

“How on earth did we became friends, cos I don’t know how I became your friend, or how you became my friend”.

Spooky laughs.

“Is because we’re s*x addicts”. Spooky answers.

Braxton looks at her and smile.

“But speaking of that girl, don’t you feel so sorry for her, getting whipped to dealth, is the most cruelful way of dieing”.

“I don’t feel any pity for her, she’s think she’s tough, so let her bear the consequences of her actions”.

Spooky pouted.

The clan alarm rings.

“I guess is time for the gathering”. Spooky said.

“I can get to see his handsome face again”. Braxton said excitedly.

In the mob, no one can see Axton’s face occasionally.

They only get to see his face, if there’s was gathering about their mission.

Or if he called you to his suite.

The only one who can go in and comes out from his suite like he pleases was kent.

And sometimes Fallon, who seems a little bit closer to Axton.


Fallon enters the power room, Kent Waves at her smiling, but she gaved him a f_ck you sign.

Axton enters too, and everyone puts on serious faces.

You dare not smile, when the Boss is talking.

But Braxton looks at him and secretly smile.

*Why is he so handsome*. She asked herself inwardly, looking at Axton drooling.

Spooky hits her lightly and she looks at her.

“If you don’t want to die, you better come back to your sences”. She said.

Braxton looks at Axton and that’s when she realized Axton was glaring at her.

She quickly bow to him.

Axton ignores her, he looks at Kent, kent got the meaning of his look and turns on the huge TV.

And in a sparkling diamond came to view, it was rolling slowly inside the glass box is in.

“The poison ivies are bent on having that to themselves, we must embezzle it before Jigsaw and his mobsters does”.

And the mobsters nods.


“Yes boss”. She answers.

“How many floors are in the building before you get to where the diamond is”.

Artemis works on her her laptop, Lennox looks at her and smiles.

Artemis is good at hacking buildings, while Braxton was good at tracking people no matter where they are.

And somehow their lives were important in the mob.

“78”. Artemis answers.

“That’s a lot, and that’s we need to act smart, we can’t let Jigsaw outsmart us”. Axton said with his usual cold face.

The mobsters nods.

“Braxton, Fallon”.

And the two looks at him.

“You both we go together, which ever of you get to the 79th floor, should get the diamond, before any of the mobsters from poison ivies does”.

Both Fallon and Braxton looks at each other and nods.

Their ain’t enemies, neither are they friends, they only talk to each other when they feel like, or when they have a mission to go together.

“Ace, Tornado, you both should also do thesame”. Axton said.

And both nods seriously, right now they ain’t their crazy selfs.

“Artemis, you know what do to right”.

And she nods, adjusting the face cap she was wearing, as her hand danced on the keyboards.


Fallon and Braxton were the first to arrive in the building.

“Wow, the building is so huge like Artemis has said”. Braxton said.

“Yes it’s, let’s get to work”. Fallon said.

Braxton nods.

Both got down from the car and made their way Inside the building.

Their faces weren’t shown on the CCTV cameras, thanks to Artemis, the queen of hacking.

And just like Axton has said, the poison ivies were already invading on the building.

“The boss was right, the poison ivies really came “. Fallon said.

“Let’s get to work”. Braxton said, folding her fists, all in the mood to fight.

Fallon and Braxton attacked the posion ivies at thesame time, punching and sending them flying to different parts of the walls.

Ace and Tornado were also in a fistful fight with the posion ivies.

“Judging from the fact that the posion ivies came here in numbers, it means Jigsaw didn’t come with them”. Tornado said punching life out of the man who he was fisting with.

“Your right about that”. Ace said kicking one of the poison ivies to the wall.

As they got to the next floor, the posion ivies attack them again.

“Go for the diamond Fallon”. Braxton said dodging the punch from their enemies.

“What about you Braxton”.

“And since when did you start worrying about me, we ain’t friends, and I don’t care about you, so do thesame, I just want the boss to be impressed, and besides no one from the Adrenaline mob is a weakling”. Braxton said sending flying kicks to her enemy.

Fallon looks at Braxton before heading to the 79th floor.

Some of the posion ivies tried to go after Fallon, but Braxton sends them to the afterlife with her gun.

Fallon got to the 79th floor and turns on the bug.


And Artemis sits upright.

“Are you there already”.

“Yes, the door is sealed, can you open it”. Fallon said from the bud.

“Right on that”. Artemis said.

She stock in her lollipop in her mouth, her eyes rows left and right, as her fingers made clattering sounds on the keyboards.

And after a while, the door opened.

“Is opened”. Fallon said with a smile.

“Am not a queen of hacking for nothing”. Artemis said

Fallon enters the room, where the sparkling diamond was.

She tried to make a move, but Artemis stops her.

“What’s wrong Artemis”. Fallon asked.

“Don’t move yet, there’re invisible lines in the room, once your body comes in contact with it, your going to explode”.

And Fallon step back.

“But don’t worry Fallon, Artemis got this”. She said, and her fingers continues dancing on the keyboards.

“All done”. She said.

“Are you sure”. Fallon looking around the room.

“Yes, am sure of it, I already hacked it, but is only going to last for 10 seconds, so you’ve to take the diamond and leave immediately”. Artemis said.

Fallon nods her head.

Without wasting time, she walks towards where the diamond was and took it and she she leaves the room.

On leaving the room, she had an encounter with the posion ivies.

They were about ten in number.

“Give that to me”. One of them said.

Fallon smirks.

“You can only have that if you can cross me”.

She throws the diamond inside her backpack and rushed towards them, punching and hitting them.

She sticks her knife into the neck of one of the posion ivies and her gun to the other, both groans in pain, and falls flat on the floor dead.

She gave another a smackdown and began punching his face.

Another was about $h00ting her with a gun, but a flying knife stucked inside his throat.

Fallon looks at where the knife flew from and sees Kent waving at her smiling.

She gave the guy a last punch that made him lost his breath before going to Kent.

“What’re you doing here”. She asked.

Kent looks at her and scoffs.

“Is that how you thank the person who saved your life”.

“And when did you save me”.

“Really Fallon, that guy almost ki||ed you”.

“I didn’t ask you to, the boss didn’t add you to the mission, why’re you here”.

“I just wanted to watch this little mission, but good thing I came, cos I saved your life”.

“Wh@ťěver Kent”.

Kent smile.

“Did you get the diamond”.

“Of course I did”.

“That’s my baby”. Kent said trying to hug her, but Fallon kicks him.

He groans.

“Am not one of your sl*t”. She said walking away.

“She’s really a hard nut to crack”.

“Fallon…..wait for me”. Kent said going after her.



Axton enters the torture room and Megan’s faint screams filled the spaces of the torture room.

“Is she dead”. He asked.

“No Boss”. Came the replies from the men who have been whipping Megan.

They were about whipping her again, but Axton gives them a hand to halt the whipping.

Megan looks at Axton, with blood dripping down her entire body.

“Your a demon”. She muttered sobbing in tears.

Axton removes his hands from his trousers and walks closer to Megan.

He squats close to her and Megan looks at him, with her eyes dropping bloody tears.

“I see you still have the mouth to talk”. Axton with his deep voice that’s sends shiverings down the spine of the men in the torture room.

“Yes, your right, am a demon and this demon here can end your life right here and now”. Axton said, and stucks a knife in her thigh.

Megan screams out in pain.

She looks at Axton sobbing in multiple pains.

But Axton wasn’t even moved by her tears and pains.

“Continues with whippings and use the snake whips on her instead”. Axton said with no emotions in his eyes.

“Your evil”

“Your a demon!!”. Megan yells in tears as Axton leaves the torture room.

The men whips her with the snake whips.

“Arghhhhhhhh!!!”. She screams in pains.


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