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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SILENT MOANS – Episode 7

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Daniel opened the car door for Beauty once they’re in the park.

She came out, wearing the beautiful school uniform, she has a floral hairband on her long black hair, then a white teddy bear.

? She’s cute!

? Heard she’s senior Daniel’s sister!

? Her beauty is ki||in’

? f_ck!, I wanna date her!

The junior students released mouthful of comments as they walked to the block, hand in hand.

“Snowdrop I’m scared” she said, holding his hand tighter.

He stopped to look at her.

“Don’t be scared egg, I promise you friendly classmates, trust me” he smiled.


“Of course” he replied and she smiled, holding her teddy tighter with her other hand as they entered her class.

? Here she is!

? Wow!, She’s really beautiful!

Beauty hid her face with her teddy, feeling too shy to face them all at once.

“Attention everyone!, Here’s my baby sis!, Beauty Holland, she’s one of you guys as from today, no dirty moves…ok?” Daniel said sternly.

?Yes senior Daniel!

“And boys, stay away from her if you don’t wanna lose your manhood” he glared.

? How scary

? Overprotective

? I know, right?

A girl stood and walked to them.

“Hi Beauty!, My name’s Allyson, we can be friends… right?” She smiled, and Beauty took the teddy off her face slowly.

“Hi Ally, I like you already” she smiled, and Allyson took her hand.

“Sit beside me” she took her to her seat, and they sat beside each other.

Daniel smiled, and he waved at her before leaving the class.

“I love your teddy” Allyson touched the white cute teddy on the head.

“Her name’s Coco, I have a whole lot at home, I love teddies” Beauty smiled.

“Hi!” A guy appeared, and Allyson bumped her knuckles on his own.

“Senior Daniel’s egg” he said, and Beauty looked at him.

“Meet Cody, my friend” Allyson introduced.

“Hi Cody” Beauty waved as he sat in front of them.

“Hey” Cody smiled.

Margo appeared in class, and everyone went silent as she walked to her sit.

She felt like her chair has some dust on it, so she faced the girl behind her.

“Wipe it” she glared, and the girl fearfully wiped her seat with an handkerchief before she sat on it.

“She’s mean” Beauty said, not liking her a bit.

“Her name’s Margo, the principal’s daughter, senior Davina’s junior sis. You should avoid her, she’s not nice” Allyson said.

Beauty nodded as the first teacher for today entered the class.



The first class was already going on when Davina entered the class.

No one dare question her lateness anyways, so she walked straight to her seat.

“Her arrogance can move heavens” Dooley smirked.

“I know, right?” Daniel replied beside her.

“Now who can spell onomatopoeia?” The English teacher asked, and most students raised their hands.

“Frankie Styles, why don’t you give it a try?” He asked.

“Do I look like I can spell it?, sounds like the name of a demon from the freaking pit of hell” he replied, and everyone laughed out loud.

“I wonder how I’ve been putting up with that brainless d!ck” Daniel muttered.

“Frankie is mad” Micky laughed.

“That madman” Dooley giggled.

“I can definitely spell it” Simon raised his hand, but Micky pulled it down.

“What?, I can really spell it” he whispered, raising his hand again.

Micky covered her face with her palms as he stood.

“Yes?, Simon Baldwin?” The teacher said.


? Whoa!!!!!

“Bullshit” the teacher said.

“Let’s break up!!!” Micky ran out of class.

“Babe I’m sorry!!!” Simon ran after her, and Frankie almost fell as he laughed.

“So who wants to help?” The teacher asked again.

“ONOMATOPOEIA” Daniel and Dooley spelt it at a time.


They stuck hands before sitting down.

A folded paper suddenly landed on Frankie’s seat, and he picked it.

“What’s this piece of $h|t?” He asked himself as he unfolded it.



He smirked when he finished reading, then he looked at her.

She’s smiling largely, and that looks so stupid to him.

He threw the paper back to her, directly at her forehead, then he stood and left the class.



“What chapter are you in the new novel?” Micky asked Dooley.

They’re all on their way to the cafeteria for lunch.

“I’m following back to back, waiting for chapter 8&9 tommorow” Dooley replied.

“Same here!, But wait… did you read the last chapter of Holy Mary?” Micky whispered.

“Of course, but I had to lock my door while reading, it was steamy, my mum mustn’t catch me” Dooley replied, and they both laughed.

“Naomi Cindy is even important than me” Simon said, and Micky pecked him.

“You know no one can replace you babe”

He blushed heavily.

“Aww!, My Micky mouse!” He kissed her lips lightly, and Dooley choked knowingly, walking past them.

“Wait for me!” Micky ran after her.

“So…what exactly happened last night?” Daniel asked Frankie.

“I don’t wanna talk about it, trust me” Frankie replied.

“Is it that bad?” Simon giggled.

“We’re still fighting, so don’t talk to me” Frankie replied.

“Frankie you can’t stay angry at me for long!, Forgive me already, ok?, Ok?, Frankie!!!” Simon started tickling him.

“Ok stop!, Stop!” He laughed.

“Egg!” Daniel suddenly hollered, widening his arms.

Beauty appeared, and Frankie started avoiding eye contact with her immediately.

The butterflies he gets while looking in her eyes, he’s not ready for it this afternoon

Beauty hugged Daniel tightly, and he kissed her hair.

“How was your morning classes?” He asked after breaking it.

“The best!, Allyson and Cody were awesome” she smiled.


“Yes, a friend of Allyson, we became friends too” she smiled.

“I don’t trust male friends” Daniel said .

“Stop being overprotective” Simon replied.

“I’m just being careful” Daniel replied.

“Hi senior Simon!” She waved.

Simon replied with a smile, and she faced Frankie who’s looking elsewhere.

“Senior Frankie….hi”

“Hey” he replied casually without looking at her, then he entered the cafeteria.

“What’s up with him?” Simon wondered.

“Egg I need to visit the restroom, I’ll be right back” Daniel said.

“It’s fine, I’ll go with Simon” she smiled as he left in a hurry.

“Let’s go” Simon said, and she followed him in.

“Babe!, Beauty!” Micky shouted from the table she reserved with Dooley.

Frankie is on the table too.

Simon and Beauty were about to move when Drayton appeared, pushing Beauty by the chest.

She fell on her butt to the ground, hurting her fragile wrist.

“Ouch!” Came a wince from her.

“How dare you enter the seniors cafeteria!, Who do you think you are, huh!” He yelled loudly.

“Drayton are you insane?” Simon made to attack him, but Drayton grabbed his arms and twisted it behind him.

“f_ck!, Big bro please release me!, My arms!!!” He screamed out.

“Babe!” Micky rushed to take him from Drayton.

Dooley helped Beauty up.

“Are you ok?”

“No,my wrist hurts Dooley” she replied in obvious pains.

“Next time, know your place” Drayton rolled eyes and turned to leave, but his face was met with a punch, actually from Frankie.

? Whoa!!!

“How dare you hurt her” Frankie glared as Drayton staggered with bleeding nose.

“Bastard!” Drayton returned the punch, Frankie’s lips bursted.

Frankie made to punch him back, but Beauty got in between.

“Please stop!” She said loudly.

Drayton wiped his bloody nose and waltzed out.

Beauty faced Frankie.

“You’re bleeding, gosh, that must hurt” she said, standing on her toes before raising her hand to his lips

The eye contact he was afraid to make eventually happened, and he couldn’t even take his eyes off hers as she kept touching his lips.

“Should I just…kiss her?” He thought when his eyes caught her lips which is just as pink as his own.

His body was responding to that simple touch on his lips.

“How dare she touch his lips?” Davina smirked.

Daniel came into the cafeteria immediately, and he walked briskly to the scene.

She pulled Beauty away from Frankie and faced him.

“Stay away from her… Frankie”


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