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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BAD BOY’S CRUSH – Episode 15

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. ?BAD

(A nerd?stole his heart❤…. Mr. Grumpy loves me?!)

Highschool romance


(Mysterious friends???)

Nicole’s POV

She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out,
“Do you really love me? “I repeated and she loosened up

“I used to but not anymore,”she dropped a bombshell and I can’t lie my whole body shook terribly

“You used to? When and how? “I asked deeply curious as I stared into her eyes, she looked away from my direction

Something tells me that she likes me so much no matter how she tries to hide it
I stepped closer to her again and she took a step backward still avoiding my gaze

I took another stepped closer trying to hold her hand when she ran off for home
I was startled at her behavior

Why would she act so clumsy and nervous like that? Why is she scared of me? I can’t tell….

Bella’s POV

I ran home and shut the door behind me before leaning on it, I was panting heavily
What was he trying to do? To torment me? That is not happening

My back scrolled down till I sat on the floor of the door still ruminating about what would’ve happened between us
What was on his mind? When did he turn flirty?

My heart was thr_@tening to fly off to the extent that even when I held my chest with my hands, I could still feel it beat so hard against my chest

How did I answer him that I don’t love him when I clearly do, so much!
Tears gathered around my eyes immediately and I stood up immediately rushing into my room…..
A tap on my leg thrice made my eyes flutter open, I sat up from the bed to see Brad carrying a cup of tea and bread on a tray standing infront of me

I yawned looking at him with surprise in my eyes
Who owns the cup of tea and bread? I chuckled with the thought that it was mine

“Good morning “he greeted with his face looking downwards
I was surprised to get that kind of attitude from him

“Since when did you start greeting me witty kid? “I replied him and he sat down beside me on the bed on the process, he kept the tray on the bed

“I’m sorry about last night”he apologized with pouted lips and I beamed
He need not apologize, he did the right thing

“Awwwwwwn, Brad”I was really touched by that and my love for him tripled

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what came over me last night “he said in a low voice with his face far away from me
I giggled touching his jaw and bringing his face closer so he would look into my eyes

“Look at me Brad”
He shook his head like a baby
“Look at me Brad, i’m not angry with you”his face lit up at what I said

“Really? “I nodded my head and he went into my arms
I wrapped my arms against his back and patted him

“I’m sorry”he apologized again
“Stop that huh, you did the right thing
You made me feel loved and that’s the most reasonable thing you ever did in your life “I said pointing his nose and he smiled lightly

So crazy for a brother!

He stood up from the bed, took the tray sighing loudly
“Are you leaving? “I asked when it felt like he was leaving already

“Yes, thanks for being my sister”he said and smiled but my eyes was now to the tray he was holding
I thought it was for me or is he gonna leave it behind?

“Thanks bro”I replied and he turned his back on me moving towards the door
“Hey! The tray? “I asked when I found out he was leaving with it

“What happened to it? “He asked after he turned his face to me
“I thought it was for me? ”

He chuckled darting his eyes to the tray and then back to me
“Why would you think that? You’re dumb! So dumb Bella”he insulted

“What! Who did you just call dumb? brat! “I yelled getting out of my bed and running after him

Chloe’s POV

I didn’t know when I slept off last night, all I know was that I woke up on the floor and that jerk was ontop the bed

I got angry, I went over to him and pulled him down that he fell so hard on his butts

“Ouch! Hey! You want to ki|| me!! “He grumbled after the fall
I rolled my eyes at him biting my lips afterwards

When did he get home? What time was it? I wanted to ask but I rather ignored him walking into my bathroom to take a bath and prepare for school

Five minutes later, I was done with bathing and preparing, I combed my blonde hair and wore a perfume before hanging my back pack on my back

He wasn’t in the room by the time I finished preparing so I went downstairs, I met him in the dinning table with his mom and my dad already having breakfast

I hissed and was about heading for the door when my dad’s words stopped me
“Aren’t you eating with us? ”

“No I’m already late for school”I replied with my back still turned on them
“Hmmm, what’s gotten into my son that always make him be so early to school? “He teased but I wasn’t ready for that

I held the door handle, twisted it open and walked out

Bella’s POV

?Oh my God! The nerd is in school now

?Jeez! Is she the one which the new comer is following about?

?d@mn! The new comer’s childhood friend!

?I heard Chloe sat at her table yesterday too

?She’s a popular nerd!

I heard murmurs as I neared the school gate, something strange happened when my legs came into the school premises

Girls clustered around me, some were hugging me while some were struggling to touch me

?O my bad! I want to be your friend

?What’s your name? I’m sorry if I ever insulted you

?Hey tell us your name, I want to be your friend

?My name is Janet, what’s yours?

?My name is Jenny please, can I be your friend

?I’m Aurora, you need my phone number? I want to be your friend

Noises were around me but what got me startled is they all wanted to be my friend! When did that one start?

Be my friend? Isn’t that mysterious?
I forced my way out of that little crowd but they still made their way around me making me scared

Are they mocking me?

?She’s not even that bad

?I wish I can be her friend

I gulped hard staring at one face to another wondering what could be on their mind when a familiar voice called my name

“Bella! “It sounded

It was Chloe who called me
I beamed at him before waving my arm in the air for him and the murmurs started again

?She’s Chloe’s friend!

?Make us your friend please

They were staring at me pleadingly but to me, it was like another mockery added to my name

“Okay, I will make all you my friend”I said with a clear voice and they yelled

?Whoa! I’m her friend!

They clustered around me bringing out stuffs from their bags and handing them over to me

?Here this is popcorn, I got it for you as a friend

?Here, Some snacks



I was more baffled than ever, they weren’t mocking me, they meant this!!

Well, I think I’ve got friends already, mysterious friends over night!


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