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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeTHE END: ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 49

THE END: ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 49

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It’s the day of the funeral. Michael wanted his wife to be buried in the most beautiful and Godliest church we had and in the most expensive casket.

He’d make sure to only have us and the family that actually knew her in the front rows.

The morning was quiet. The girls and I had gotten up late to see him downstairs with breakfast made for us.

We all ate in silence before the Wren wanted to go to her room and Amara had started to cry again.

Alessandro took her to the living room and put on some cartoons while I had to make a few calls to my job, Serene, and some other family friends.

It was time for the funeral now though. I was slipping on my black dress while Alessandro leaned against the closet door.

He had on black slacks with a matching button up. The dress went all the way down to my knees and I straightened it before trying to zip it.

He came up to me, his lips kissing up my back softly and sending goosebumps across my skin. “You look beautiful.” He mumbled against my neck, wrapping his arms around me.

I smiled at him, “I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

He met my eyes through the mirror and sighed. “Me too. I h@ťě today.”

I turned around and he bent down to give me a better hug that I returned. “I know. We all do.”

We stayed this way for a moment, his arms tight around me and my hands running through his hair.

I whispered in his ear how much I love him and how amazing he is, how proud his mom is and how much she loves him.

I knew that he’d need me the most today and I knew that he knew I’d be here for him in every way he wanted.

And right now he wanted my presence so that’s what I gave him.
After five minutes of us standing here I felt little hands tugging at my dress.

I looked down with a smile, “Mommy, Barbie is here.” I laughed at the nickname she gave our driver with blonde hair and blue eyes.
“Okay baby. Is Wren all dressed?” She nodded.

Alessandro pulled back and picked her up. Amara wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a big hug. “I love you Daddy.”

I smiled with him, “I love you more Princess.” We walked downstairs and Wren was wearing a pretty light purple dress with nude sandals.

I had curled hers and Amaras hair, only putting a bow in Amara’s hair since she asked.

“This was her favorite dress.” Wren said, patting it down.

“It’s fine, Pie. You look beautiful.” I kissed her cheek and held her hand as we left. We’d arrive in a separate limo, Michael wanted to be alone on his way there and back so Kano, Catherine, Rosa, and her girlfriend rode there and back in another limo with Jasper and Leslie.

Amara sat in his lap playing a game on his phone while he held my hand and I held Wrens.

Paparazzi surrounded the church, closing in around the two limos as we pulled up and trying to get photos but the windows were tinted. They were pushed back by bodyguards and officers so we could get out.

I made sure to keep Wren close to me and block my face from the cameras.

Alessandro had his hand on my hip, guiding me through the thick crowd and into the building. The doors closed behind us and people instantly stood up when they saw us.

Wren held onto my hand tighter as we followed Michael to the first row.
Once we were seated the service began. Everyone came up to us, shook our hands, and gave us their condolences.

There were over 100 people here so it did take a while before everybody was back to being seated. Michael gets up and walks over to his wife’s gold casket and leans down to whisper something before kissing her forehead.

He was standing in front of everyone now, just staring out at us. His hands were gripping at the stand and he had to take a few deep breaths before speaking.

“I’ve known Rosaline Grace Sinclair my entire life.” He starts, “And even that amount of time wasn’t enough. No amount of time ever will be.

She is the only woman I will ever love, the only woman that will ever have my heart. Rosaline was a beautiful intelligent woman that had so much love to give.

She was my bestfriend and the only person that could make me sit and watch every Disney movie there was. We stayed in all day when she was pregnant with Rosa and watched all seven seasons of Barbie.”

We laughed, Alessandro squeezing my hand and taking a breath. Michael was smiling now, “Rosaline was the only woman that could make Mac & Cheese right.

The only woman that could make me absolutely h@ťě lukewarm coffee. Don’t ask. The only woman who made celebrating my birthday the best day.” His smile had started to falter. “It would do her no justice to fit her into the eulogy.

Everyone that was blessed to know her knew she was the best person on Earth.

Not a second goes by where I don’t think of her and everything she’s brought and taught me. I will forever treasure our memories and I’ll make sure she’s never forgotten.

I love her more than words can describe and she will forever live on in my heart.”

He wiped his face as he got down and came back to sit. As all of her kids got up I reached over and gave him a shoulder squeeze. Amara crawled over to him and into his lap which seemed to relax him only a little.

I hugged Wren closer to me and kissed her forehead as they stepped up. “It’ll never not hurt.” Rosa started with both of her brothers on either side of her, supporting her. “She was our mother. Our bestfriend.

Hell, our therapist when it came to relationships. She was everything and more. We were close and I regret not going to see her when she was healthy, when I didn’t have to worry about how much time she had.

I idolized her, wanted to be exactly like her. She taught me everything I know today and I am eternally grateful. We lost some so special far too soon. But she leaves behind such an incredible legacy, one that I hope to honor for her.”

She went to Alessandro’s arms, muffled crying coming from her as Kano stepped up. “I don’t know what to say. We all know that she was amazing. Amazing is too small of a word to describe her, though. She was beyond. Beyond everything this world has.

There are no words that could do my mom justice. She is not gone but lives in our hearts, her voice, her face, her kindness, everything about her is implanted in us and I am so grateful for that.

She has held me through so much and it hurts me to my core to know that I won’t have her hugging me when I need it. I feel my heart clench whenever I think about it. She’s gone. But not truly gone.

She’ll always be here and everyone will remember her as a loving wife and mother. A woman who put nothing below her and made sure everyone felt the love she had.”
Alessandro hands Rosa to Kano before coming up.

He takes a deep breath, looks over at his father who is holding Amara then to Wren and I. “My mother was the most giving woman ever. I simply cannot imagine a life where she isn’t there to tell me how much she’s proud of me. I can’t imagine a life where she isn’t here. That’s what makes her passing so much more difficult.

The warmth and happiness she brought with her and be overstated and will not be forgotten.

She has made me into the man I am today and I will continue to live up to her expectations until my last breath. She put her family above all else and dedicated her life to making sure we felt love and supported by her.

We will never be able to fully recover from her death. It’ll hurt every single day but it will, however, get easier. We’ll have our days where we cry and think of her.

We’ll have our days where we want to be held by our loved ones and talk about her nonstop. But the pain will get easier to bare.

As of right now, it is raw. It’s heart wrenching and I don’t know what I’ll do without her.

I will stay the man she wants me to be, for my family, my children, and my wife. I’ll miss her everyday of my life but I promise that I’ll live up to the brother, son, father, and husband she wants me to be. Today we remember her life and the amazing Mac & Cheese she made.”

The crowd stood up in applause, some sad laughter, as they came and sat back down. I kissed Alessandro on the cheek and gave him a smile, “You did absolutely amazing. I’m so proud of you, baby.”
“Thank you.”

He swallowed and took my hand, pressing a kiss to it. Against my hand he mumbled, “I need you once we’re home.” I nodded and kissed his knuckles.

The service lasted for about two hours before we were following the limo that carried her casket to the burial site. Amara had fallen asleep in Michaels arms so he took her in his limo.

Once we arrived, people payed their respects and set flowers on her grave. Slowly people had started to leave until it was only immediate family members, including Catherine, Jasper, Leslie, Rosa’s girlfriend Lana, and I.

Wren had went back to the car, still crying but wanting to be with Kieran. Amara was with the two of them still asleep.

They had started to lower her into the ground and I used the tissue to wipe my eyes. “Mrs. Sinclair.” I turned around and Marsel behind me. “I am deeply sorry but Amara is crying for you.”

I nod, “I’ll be right there.” He nods and turns to walk away. I kiss Alessandro on his cheek and start to turn around as they lower her.

Catherine, Leslie and Lana are following right behind me but we all stop when we hear a loud sob. Then another. And we’re all running back to our men that are shaking. He falls to the ground just as I reach him and I hold him to my chest.

“She can’t go.” He says through tears. “She- She can’t.” I’m crying with him, holding out a hand for Michael.
“I know baby.” I mumble, kissing his forehead. “I know and I’m so sorry.”


Everyone’s gathered at the Sinclair home. We’re all talking about our memories with Rosaline. Alessandro hasn’t said a thing since we came back, he’s just been under me and the kids which I don’t mind.

Our hands are intertwined and Amara is playing with one of her many cousins while Wren is leaning on Kieran.

“Are you thirsty? Hungry?” I asked him and he just shook his head. “I’ll cook for you when we’re home.”

“I won’t be hungry.”

“You’re going to eat.” He doesn’t say anything more, just pulls me closer to him.

For the thousandth time someone comes up to us, tries to take his hand but he keeps it interlocked with mine. “I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was truly an amazing woman.”

“Thank you.” He says for the thousandth time. I know it must be tiring for him to have to hear the exact same words over and over.

It’s like no one puts any actual thought into it and just says what the person before them did. Even if they switched one word it’d be better.

“Remember when Mom made Dad sit outside because he wouldn’t let me hang out with Tyler? He had to sit out there all day until he apologized for embarrassing me.” Rosa laughed, using tissue to get up under her eyes.

“Mom almost beat my @zz for having a girl in my room with the door closed. Almost ki||ed Dad for cheering me on.” Kano laughed, pulling Catherine closer to him.

I smile at the way he presses a kiss to her forehead and at the big diamond on her finger. Unfortunately it’s just a promise ring he gifted her a year ago.

“Mom was making us some snacks for movie night and she nearly died when I walked in on her and Dad in the middle of making Kano. On the d@mn kitchen counter.”

Alessandro had a small smile on his face while everyone laughed and I kissed his smile. It always made me happy to see that pretty smile and those d@mn dimples.

“Your mother nearly ki||ed me once. She was pregnant with you,” He nods to Alessandro, “And thought I was cheating on her.

No real reason just hormones. She grabbed a butter knife not even thinking and pointed at my…” He paused and looked over at the kids that were sitting on the couches.

We all laughed at their clueless faces. “You know what. Scared the living hell out of me but turned me on.”

He was smiling, looking down at the drink he had in his hands. “Beautiful crazy woman she was.”

Beautiful crazy woman she was.” His smile faltered as he brought the glass to his lips.

Amara came running in then turned around and screamed, “f-__-k you, Ɓîtçh!”

She turned around and saw us staring at her in shock. There was a moment of silence before the entire room burst into laughter. Including Alessandro.

He was practically shaking from laughter and when he saw me admiring him he leaned down and kissed me. He went to grab Amara and place her in his lap, “Who taught you how to cuss?”

She looked around with a little smile, her dimples slightly showing. “Mmm… Auntie Rene.”

“I should’ve known.” He looked at me and I just rolled my eyes. “No more cussing, Princess.”

“Why? She cusses whenever she’s mad and Makayla made me mad.”

I smiled, “You’re too young to be cussing.”

“Can I just say f-__-k then? I like that word.”

People start to laugh again and she smiles, “Absolutely not.”

Wren reaches over to pat her back, “It’s alright. I can’t cuss either.”

Shortly after that everyone was leaving. I said goodbye to Michael and gave him some encouraging words before leaving. The ride home was just Amara asking about words she could and couldn’t use.

They were all terrible and I was definitely going to laugh and talk to Serene about it.

Which reminds me I haven’t responded to her texts.

How was the funeral? I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.

It’s okay. The funeral was… just as you’d expect. But the gathering made us all laugh because Amara seemed to learn a few cuss words.

Oh… that? Yeah I don’t know where she’d learn words like that from.

You liar!

Did she snitch? No more candy for her.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

How’s Sky?

She’s good. She misses Amara a lot though. She h@ťěs this vacation because there’s no CiCi’s pizza in Minnesota.2

Awe, Amara misses her as well. See you guys next week?

Definitely. Love you.

Love you too.

By the time we got home Amara was knocked out and Wren was going up to her room to sleep. I laid Amara down in her too big of a room and kept the door slightly open for when she woke up.

It was the middle of the day but I could tell everyone was tired. Alessandro was laying on his back, still fully dressed, with his arms behind his head.

He’s smiling and watching me slip off my jewelry. I look at him through the vanity mirror as I take my earrings out with a smile. “You’re so beautiful.”

It’s so easy for him to have me blushing like a child. “Thank you.” I stand up and unzip my dress as I walk into the closet.

It’s a two-story closet with my wedding dress on a mannequin on the second floor with his tuxedo.

I change into one of his t shirts and walk out to him laying in nothing but his boxers. I crawl on top of him and sit on his lap. “Your laugh always makes me smile.”

His hands go under the shirt and to my @zz. “I noticed. You couldn’t stop staring.”

I smile and move my hands up and down his chest with a yawn. “I’m obsessed.”

“I’m more obsessed.” He pulls me down to kiss me. He kisses along my jaw and I’m smiling so big it was hurting. “Why are you smiling so much, Butterfly?”

“You make me really happy. Like very, very, very happy. Like your the Flynn to my Rapunzel.” He chuckled before pressing a longing kiss to my lips.

Like every kiss before this it’s amazing. I yawn in the middle of it and he smiles before letting me rest my head on his chest and his arms wrapping around me. “I love you. So f-__-king much.” He says, kissing my hair.

“I love you so much more.”

We didn’t even need to say those words. The love we had for each other was surrounding us, pulling us closer together.

Our hearts belong to each other and I couldn’t have it any other way. We’d have our fights, our arguments, times where we may get insecure in the relationship because that’s marriage but I can say without a doubt that we’d never leave each other. We’d never stop loving each other as much as we do and the love will only grow.

And I know that he feels exactly what I’m feeling when I look up at his eyes.

He looks at me like I’m the only thing in the world in this moment. Like there’s absolutely nothing that could destroy the hold I have on his heart.

Life with him and our kids is absolutely beautiful and I thank God everyday for it.


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