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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??lonely hearts ??

( his soulmate)

*written by : king provy*

?chapter 9&10?

Yeon search around the river bank but couldn’t find his wristlet , he look around with an angry glare .
“huffff ” he huffed and brush his hair backwards ,he knelt down and place his palm on the soft green grass then he shut his eyes . he shut out all sound and movement around him and the only thing he could hear was his own beating heart , he flung his eyes open and his Iris contract like a spinning lense and it glowed his blue pupil also glow hereby giving his gold Iris a blue shiny dot …

they are lots of things mysterious about him not just because of his mask but because Yeon is what you will call impossible . only his mother the queen knows about Yeon and his mysterious abilities ..

it felt like a dream or More of a vision ,
he saw Su-Bin picking up the wristlet , he saw her smile in delight as she observe it .after seeing what he wanted Yeon eyes return back to normal and he groan .

” that crazy fool has my wristlet grahhh , how am I even gonna find her “he said out in frustration , he stood up and look around . his powers has limits he can’t more than what he had already seen …


he walked back into the castle trying to think of a way to find the stupid girl who has taken his wristlet . he needed to get it back , he has no ideas on how to find her .

“your highness ” Lee called
“what ” he bark
“am sorry it seems you’re not in the mood to hear me out ” Lee said with a bow , Yeon hiss and his gaze move down to Lee’s hand .

“what are you holding ” he ask glaring at the file ,Lee beam and lift up the file
” this is the information on the girl at the night club “he said , Yeon smirk behind his mask .
he has a lot of people to punish maybe he should start with the club girl .

“let me see that ” Yeon said and Lee handed the file over to him
“her name is Su-Bin Lang , she’s an orphan . she has just one friend, Bora .they both live together at … ” Lee explained while Yeon skim through the written documents . he opened the next page and his eyes widen , a photo of Su-Bin standing close to another girl was there .

“she’s the same girl , the river bank girl ” he thought

Lee noticed he is staring at the photo
“the brown hair girl is Su-Bin and the red hair is Bora , Su-Bin is your target ” Lee said .

the same girl that had kicked his balls is the same girl at the river bank , Yeon saw Su-Bin address . he slam the file shut and threw it back to Lee who caught it

” I have someone to pay a visit ” Yeon said and turn back towards the exit door
” should I accompany you ” Lee ask
“no ” Yeon shot back already out of sight
” I really pity her ” Lee said ..


it was a long way but here Yeon was walking down a busy road with out his mask on ,he h@ťěd the fact that he is doing this but he has no choice .if he should approach Su-Bin wearing his mask then she might be able to figure out that the guy at the river bank is the prince .

he made his way through the narrow alley way ,the smell of burnt tyres, papers and rubber fill the air .the smell of pauper fill the air

the living standing of this people is poor starting from the congestion to the littering of discarded things on the road and the stinking water flowing slowly at the drainage..

” number 17 Vi town ” Yeon memorize the address while speeding his way through the road ..

“hey handsome ”
“he looks rich maybe he is here to pick a wh-_-re ”
“am cheap and affordable baby ,I can satisfy you all night long ” a group of prostitute standing beside a burning fire drum giggled while calling out to Yeon who didn’t even spare them any glance. chasing after girls is for Duri not him.

after pushing through ignoring all this nonsense Yeon is now standing in front of a 7 story building which has 17 Vi town boldly written with red paint and black ink .

he glare one last time at the building before walking in ,

how was he gonna locate Su-Bin room was another problem . he needed to ask for direction , he stood at a huge open hall where he saw an old man seated at the end listening to a radio which is held close to his ears .

“hey you ,old man ” Yeon called authoritatively not minding how rude he sound

“huh ” the old man mumbled and frown but Yeon cared not
“yes you , am looking for a girl. her name is Su-Bin ” he said , the old man eyes scan Yeon from head to toe and he scoff.

“he looks like trouble and he is rude ” the old man thought

” and why are you looking for Su-Bin ” he ask now standing on his feet while still holding his radio , Yeon felt disgusted by his question .

” it’s not of your business old man just point me to the right direction ” he snap

” hahaha , I h@ťě boys like you , you think you will just walk in and command me huh . am twice your age so you should…. ahhhhhh “the old man was cut shut when Yeon grab his neck and slam him hard on the wall .. he wince with eyes close

“now you listen and listen good , am not in the mood to play catch the rat or guess the chicken egg colour am here to retrieve something important . now if you give me one wrong answer again then i swear, you won’t be alive to see the rising sun of tomorrow … where is Su-Bin “Yeon growled and tighten his grip on his neck ,the old man gasp for breath .he stared In to Yeon gold eyes and the only thing he saw is terror ,he saw something beyond its beauty .

“room number 18 floor 5″ he said and Yeon shove him aside like a piece of paper .

” ahhhhh “the old man gasp while massaging his neck , he glare at Yeon who has now made his way into the elevator .
“$h|t face ” he spat feeling pains all over his red neck ..

“money , am so going back to school . ahhh Bora will be so happy ” Su-Bin squealed while rolling on her bed with a big smile on her face , 80 ,000 usd isn’t the kind of money to play with . even her salary’s for a whole year won’t be be able to reach that amount , she stared at her phone screen which has the credit alert of the money…
alot of plans on how to use the money was in mind and she couldn’t wait to share the news with her best friend ..

a loud impatient knock landed in her door and she jolt out of her thought
“whose that ” she yelled but got no response .
” could it be Bora ,but why will she knock when she already has her own key .let me just go check it out “she shrug and climb down from the .

Su-Bin unlock the door and just as she push it open her eyes widen when she saw Yeon .

“$h|t ” she scream and slam the door shut
“no no what’s he doing here how did he even …” Su-Bin was cut short by a loud bang and her door crash on the ground . she spun around and before she could even react Yeon grab her by the neck and lift her up with her foot no longer touching the floor ,

Su-Bin kegs dangle on the air as she struggle to break free .

“ahhhhh how can he be so strong ” she thought

“where is my wristlet “he hollered
” I don’t have it , I don’t even know what you’re talking about “she lied hoping he will buy it but clearly he didn’t ,

“you think am joking huh , it seems you wanna die . where is my wristlet for the last time “he said dangerously while tightening his grip on her fragile neck which is now red .. at the looks of things Su-Bin knew this guy isn’t the kind of person she should mess around with .

“o-okay o-okay I-i will tell but first put me down “she manage to say and Yeon let go of her neck and she collapse on the floor ,she cough and wail .

“you almost strangled me to dead ” she protest but earn a glare from him
“where is it ” he snap

“in my cherry box , that’s a only safe place to keep it “she said , Yeon stared at her confuse wondering what she meant by cherry box .

“where is this cherry box ” he ask and Su-Bin smirk and pointed at her lower abdomen , Yeon needed no one to tell him what she’s actually emphasizing .

he big angry frown form on his handsome face
“yo dare out my wristlet inside your V@ģĭń@ “he thundered and she shrug with an innocent smile .

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