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Friday, October 18, 2024
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ONE BRIEF KISS – Episode 26

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” Violet wake up.. Jeffrey tapped her and she opened her eyes slowly

” Here is your pay for today. And you two can take the day off tomorrow cause I will be closing the restaurant really early. Just two hours work” Mr Xian said and Jeffrey nodded

Violet made to stand on her feet but her legs lost balance and she almost fell but Jeffrey caught her

He bent infront of her so she could get on his back

” I’m fine, I can handle it.. she said

” You might fall on your way and besides it past eleven already. Walking alone will only delay you both”. Mr Xian chipped in

She wanted to protest but Jeffrey already held her to his back. Reluctantly, she wrapped her arm around his neck and made herself comfortable on his back.

Jeffrey smiled and adjusted her properly on his back.

” Your back is warm”.. she said and Mr Xian smiled

” Good night sir.. Jeffrey said and he nodded.

He waited for them to leave before closing his restaurant

Jeffrey hummed a song as he walked down the street. He suddenly sighted four people leaving the woods and his heart sank as fear gripped him.

It was late already and he thought they were gonna be bad boys

The fact Violet was still asleep on his back made him even more worried

Remy and his friends heaved a sigh as they left the woods

They’ve been walking round and round the woods for an hour

They continued their journey till they sighted Jeffrey. They had no idea he was the one either

” Stop right there.. Remy said when he noticed Jeffrey was about to hide. They hastened their steps till they got to him

” Jeffrey? They called at once

” Remy.. Jeffey called back in disbelief.

‘ what are they doing here by that time of the night? He wondered

” Where are you going? And what are you doing out here by this time of the night?” Remy asked

” Did you kidnap someone? Who are you carrying on your back?” Justin asked, switching on his phone’s light. He walked to Violet and pointed the torch on her

The light rays got into her eyes so she had to open them but Justin was still pointing the light at her

She closed her eyes again then opened them. Sleep immediately left her eyes

” Reece, it’s the girl that slapped you yesterday.. Justin said

” Really?” Remy asked and Justin nodded

” Let me see.. Remy said, walking closer to them

Violet asked Jeffrey to put her down which he did.

” Wow scholarship!!.. Remy exclaimed and laugh

” And what are you guys doing here by this time of the night?” Violet asked

” Aren’t you afraid of what we might do to you? Even your boyfriend here won’t say anything about it.. Reece smirked walking closer to her

” Gosh, you reek of alcohol” she closed her nose

” It’s a law, no one under 25 should take alcohol. The president gave the announcement himself during a conference” she said while Reece took a step back.

” Well…. F”ck the president!! ” He muttered

” You guys should be the one afraid of what I can do to you. Especially you Ďïčk head” Violet scoff, glaring at Reece

” You’re bold and I like that. You seem to have no fear” Fargo said while she scoff again. She took her phone and began clicking on numbers randomly

” What are you doing?” Jeffrey whispered

” Calling the police.. she replied and their eyes widened. She was about tapping the call button when Justin held her hands

” We are actually looking for our way home. Don’t be offended.. Justin said since he was already tired and cold.

” I think you are more reasonable.. Violet said and faced him

” So where are you heading to?” She asked

” Kowloon city.. Justin replied. “Our car fell off the cliff.. He added

” What? Kowloon City?” She exclaimed

” Why? what’s the problem?” Justin asked

” Nothing… Just be ready to use hot water on your legs tomorrow cause from here to Kowloon city is an hour or two on legs and I’m sure you won’t see any cab going there since its almost Curfew ”

” Anyway goodnight.. She added and held Jeffrey’s hands

” Good night and Happy trekking.. she shouted as she walked down the street with Jeffrey

” Is she being serious or pulling our legs?” Reece asked

” Why don’t we follow the Google map?” Fargo suggested and they nodded

Reece brought out his phone, They checked the map and began to walk their way home


” Why did you do that? Aren’t you afraid of what they might do to you if you finally gain admission?” Jeffrey asked

” Why? Who are they?” Violet asked

” Those four are the head of bullies in evergreen college” he replied and Violet’s eyes widened

” Really? Does that mean I’m doomed? She asked

” Don’t just try messing with them next time. That’s all I can say for now. Jeffrey said and she nodded.

” So make sure you always avoid them.. he said again and she nodded as they entered the house

” Tired ” Jeffrey yawned as he settled on the couch

” Good night.. she told him while he nodded.

” Sweet dreams.. He said as he watch her enter her room. She closed the door and sat on her bed

“Don’t try messing with them next time” Jeffrey’s words rang in her ears and she shuddered.

She stood up from bed and walked to the bathroom for a quick bath.

She wore her nightie before lying on her bed.

She tilted her head sideways and they landed on the drawer, she sat upright and reach for the drawer. She opened it and brought out the note.

She smiled at it

” Good night lucky charm.. she said still looking at the money.

She dropped it seconds later and drew her pillow closer to her, Holding it tight as she waited patiently for sleep


” What should we tell the detective?” One of the patrol officers asked

” They must have been dead by now. We’ll report the case to them so they can do their job properly.. another said and the others nodded before entering their car


” You mean kids under the age of 25 fell off the cliff along with their car?” Detective Jacinth asked

” They weren’t kids but…That’s true.. one of the patrol officer replied

” If that’s the case, you can go on and do your business.. Jacinth said and they nodded before walking out of the station.

” Should I go check on them? But no one has ever survived the fall” Jacinth wondered before turning to her colleague who was fast asleep


“Gosh, I’m so tired.. Justin said as they walked down the road

” She didn’t lie after all.. Fargo sighed, holding his waist.

He checked the time and discovered it was 12am already

They sighted some patrols and they quickly hide like thieves untill the patrols were gone

” Gosh, I can’t believe we’re like criminals right now” Fargo sighed again

“She was right when she said we would use hot water on our legs.. Justin whined

” Just keep quiet and let’s move.. Reece scolded and they resumed walking on the quiet road


They finally got home and they immediately slump on the couch heavily.

” Jeez. This is the craziest thing i’ve ever done in my life. Can’t believe I trekked two hours plus today.. Remy lamented

” I know right? But i’m even more mad cause i didn’t get the chance to bang that b!tch’s p@zzy” Reece said while Fargo shook his head

” You’re…. Unbelievable. I will be in my room. Fargo said and left

Remy and Reece left for their rooms too but Justin walked to the kitchen.

” Don’t tell me you wanna eat?” The rest shouted from their rooms while Justin scoff loudly



Remy’s eyes snapped open and he tried lifting his legs but they were very heavy

” Remy.. I don’t think I can walk.. I’m crippled, I need a wheelchair ” Fargo shouted from his room and his voice woke Reece up.

Reece felt the urge to use the bathroom. He tried moving his body but his legs didn’t allow him

” f-__-k you.. he yelled at his legs as he tried to leave the bed. He used his eyes to trace his slippers and he walk to it with great difficulty

He slipped his legs into it and a groan escape his mouth as the pain hit him again

He struggled until he finally entered the bathroom. “I should take my bath at once, I won’t be able to do it later if this continues” He breath out

Justin wasn’t an exception. His legs were in severe pain yet he was still able to take his bath

Remy was done bathing and coggled to the sitting room. His friends also kept dragging their legs slowly untill they got to the sitting room too

“I’m hungry.. Justin spoke up

” Even in this condition?” Reece grimaced

” well, its your turn to cook with Fargo. Remy and I did ours last week” Reece added.

“Really?” Fargo asked and Reece nodded.

All this while, Remy kept mute since his legs were his problem

” I will just order some something to eat since none of us can walk, talk more of standing to cook. Justin said and Fargo nodded

Remy’s hands reach for the TV remote and he switched theTv on.

The news station appeared and they paid attention to it

It was a live broadcast

Their eyes immediately widened on their own after seeing the headlines


” Wait, how can they pronounced us dead when we are still alive?” Justin exclaimed

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