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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LUCIFER’S BRIDE – Episode 17

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He’s cold ?

She’s innocent ?


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Written by Rosy Johnson


Episodes 17


“Oh no, this is bad,” Max muttered staring at the number of guards Lucifer came with

Lucifer snapped his finger and the mob members opened fire, they started $h00ting at every living thing they set their eyes on without delay

More than 50 of Max men are already down

“Did you see that? that is the sign of Lucifer making an entrance, I tried to warn you but you didn’t listen, ” Jadan panicked

“Calm down,” Max said gently

“Calm down? He is a merciless god and you know that he ki||s every leaving thing where ever he goes, he doesn’t understand the word mercy. He ki||s both the innocent and the guilty,” Jadan reminds his brother

“Where are mother and Francisco?” Max asked

Francisco is his little boy, and his wife Iris gave birth to twins, a boy, and a girl.

“Did I look like I know? You have to do something Max, I don’t want to die,” Jadan shouted at him going downstairs

Max followed him immediately, he followed the back exit and rushed to his children’s room but he didn’t see his mother or kid

Then he remembered that he left his little girl in his room, he quickly runs back but she was gone, he runs outside to see his brother on his knees

His mother and his son Francisco, some of the buildings were already on fire, he looked at Lucifer who has a dangerous smirk on his face

Lucifer took a few steps forward

“It is written… suffer not the wicked to live, it is written… I will visit your generation and your fifth generation with iniquity… It is written… They shall go lower to the grave… It is written… My wrath shall fall upon those that turn their back on me for I’m Lucifer, the merciless Lord,” Came his deep scary voice

That’s the bible quote he always uses whenever he’s about to ki|| all

Max was silent, his whole world crumbling, his only concern was his family

“His head,” Lucifer shouted pointing to Francisco

Logan who was close drew his sword and Slashed

“No!!!!!!” Max yelled, he watch as his little boy’s head went rolling on the ground

“How does it feel? To stand and watch your loved ones perish,” Lucifer asked, his face showing no mercy

Max stood and rushed to him but a bullet from Leah send him back to his knees

“I will ki|| you,” Max yelled, blood gushing out from his leg

Lucifer nodded and opened his hand, a little knife was given to him and he double kicks Max in the face

Max falls and rolled backward, his mouth and face filled with blood, Lucifer went closer and cycles the knife around his eyes

“How about this?” Lucifer asked and duck the knife in His left eye, he twisted it before plucking out his eyes from its socket

“Arrgghhhhh!!!!!” Max screamed in agonizing

His brother Jadan was already receiving the beating of his life and his mother couldn’t do anything as she watch with horror

“Are you going to ki|| my Dad?” Max little girl asked from know where

Lucifer looked at her and smirked

“Her head,” Lucifer ordered with his deep scary voice

Max’s Mother rushed to the girl and hugged her tightly, covering her

“You will have to ki|| me first,” She said blocking the girl with her body

“Very well then, give me her head,” Lucifer ordered and Logan raised his sword

“Wait! I have a last wish,” Max’s mother shouted

Logan who was the striker looked at Lucifer and he nodded, signifying that he should go ahead and cut her head

Logan is always ready to carry out orders without delay, He raised his sword again and made to cut down her head when someone suddenly kicked his hand

Lucifer pulled his gun Immediately ready to take the person down but hesitate when he saw Leah

“Let her speak,” Leah said in her usual cold voice

She turned to the woman who was still covering the little girl with her body

“Speak,” Leah ordered

“Are you all happy? Will ki||ing my grandchildren make you all happy?” Max mother asked

“You’re a waste of time, L makes it fast cos I want her head,” Lucifer mumbled and turn to Max who was helpless

Lucifer point his gun at Max’s thighs and pulled the trigger

“Argh!!!” Max Cried out in pain

“Say hello to my brother Devil….”

“Did you know the pain of losing a family?” Max’s mother suddenly cut in when Lucifer was about to pull the trigger

Lucifer’s hand hang, as the memory from his childhood came playing in his head

“Those it makes you feel better? That pain where you stood and watch your whole family be cluttered….. You already ki|| my grandson are you going to ki|| his father too? Will you be happy after ki||ing all of us?” Max’s mother added, tears streaming down from her eyes

Lucifer’s hand hang, and his eyes were burning with rage, all he want to do is wipe everything but Max’s mother’s words is having so much effort into him

“Granny, are you crying?” Max Little asked, she shook her head negatively

“Do you have children? Will you ever father? Did you know what it means to watch your children die, will you ever bring a child into this world that is filled with hatred and bitterness? Did you have a mother? What if she was in my place will you watch her die?” Max’s mother added, she was still covering the little girl with her body

Lucifer was silent, he clearly remembers how his mother quickly hide him in the closet, if it wasn’t for her those people would have ki||ed him also

“Please my son…..”

“I’m not your son!!” Lucifer suddenly yelled, his fist clenched against the knife he was holding, the knife cut into his skin and blood gushed out from his hand

“Did you have a mother? Did she know that you’re here doing all this? If yes then ki|| me first cos I can’t watch you ki|| my children, I will gladly die then watch it happen,” Max’s mother said, a stream of tears rolling down

Lucifer’s eyes glued on her, the image of how his mother fought against Natalie’s father and his gang when they wanted to rape his sister came rushing in, he saw everything

She fought for his sister Sonia and they R@P£D her instead till she stopped breathing then they went over and R@P£D her sister, a drop of tear falls from his eyes

He suddenly turned around and left all the mob members followed him immediately

Jadan on the other hand has received the beating of his life, his face was unrecognized and his body was filled with bruises

He was losing his breath but they didn’t stop beating him, they kick and punch him like he was nothing, he wouldn’t fight back cos there were too many of them





Lucy looked around before going into Mark’s clinic

“Hey, Lucy,” he called cheerfully

“Am in big trouble, I think I’m gonna die any day,” she sat on a bench

“What happened?” He asked concerned

“You told me that the medicine was gonna work….”

“Of course, am a good doctor,” mark cut in

“Well, then I think I’m pregnant….”

Mark covered her mouth immediately, his eyes nearly falling out from their socket, he slowly removed his hand from her Mouth and went over to the window and closed it then went back to her

“But how? The medicine is pretty fine and it works for everyone in here,” Mark asked

“I have no idea, I always took it anything I come out from Lucifer’s room, I never for once forget to drink it but how I became pregnant is what I can’t explain,” She muttered, her face down

“Did you sleep with someone else?” Mark asked, she looked at him and frown

“I can’t possibly do that cos I still value my life, Lucifer h@ťěs sharing,” She muttered and he sighed

Mark saw the fear in her eye, Lucifer warned her never to get pregnant cos sometimes he use to sleep with her when he was high and he will live his seed Inside her

Mark was ordered to provide PPP ( pregnancy prevention pills ) and now that she’s pregnant the two will suffer his wrath

“Did you come with the pills? I need to examine it,” Mark asked gently

“No, but I will go get it,” She said and stood up

“This is a very big problem,” Mark muttered and she left




Natalie went into their godmother’s chamber and she was going through her laptop which she closed immediately she saw her

“Hello,” Natalie said beaming

“Lemme guess, you came for the story,” Regina said and Natalie giggled

“How did you know that?” Natalie asked gently

“I just know,” Regina replied and Natalie went closer and hugged her gentle

She disengage from the hug and sat beside her on the couch

“Today is another day,” Natalie said and Regina stroked her hair gently

“I always keep to my words, like I said before his father’s employees set the house on fire not knowing that he was there. After they left this little boy went to his mother’s corps and start calling her to wake up but she didn’t, called her countless times and when she didn’t wake up he tried to drag the body away but she was too heavy for him and they house was about to burn down, he ran out from the house and slept in the bushes,”

“Are you saying she died?” Natalie asked, she reached for fruit on the table and took it

“Yeah,” Regina nodded

“How can the dead work and talk? What about you?” Natalie said looking at her with that look that says “‘ are you a liar just like me?

“A girl found him after wandering for days without food or clothes, he looked hungry and weak, she took him to her parents and they accepted him only on one condition…..”

“What condition?” Natalie cut in

“One day at a time,” Regina replied and she nodded

“So after the girl took him home, it took him three weeks to say his first word, which was I want to see mom, the second word he said was he wanted to see his sister…. ”

“How could my dad do this? I need to confront that man, permit me to go home I have many questions to ask him,” Natalie cut it sadly

She looked at the apple and take a big bite, eating it as if the apple was the course of her problem

“He already ki||ed his father’s employees and two other people that broke into their house that night making it three now he left with two,” Regina replied

“The employee? My Dad? Wait a minute… Are you trying to say that my… OMG, are you saying that the people I have been leaving with all my life are not my real family?” Natalie said shocked

“Your mother was ki||ed the day you were born and your father was ki||ed before you were born, you could have also been ki||ed but I changed my mind,” Regina replied, she has a straight face this time

“Oh no, why didn’t anyone tell me, I have been leaving with this person thinking that they are my family,” Natalie said tears streaming down her eyes

“I think we are done here for today,” Regina said and stood up, going to her inner chamber

“You said a little girl found him, is that Lady Leah? Does that mean you’re not his real mom too?” Natalie asked before she could enter the tiny door

Regina stopped and turn to her

“He’s my son, sometimes family doesn’t always require blood,” Regina said and went into the room

“Can you tell me his name,” Natalie shouted but Regina already shut the door behind

Natalie was confused, she has many questions to ask but it was coming little by little

If Lucifer’s mother was R@P£D till death then who is she to Lucifer? Who is Lady Leah and how come they are siblings? What was the condition that came before Lucifer was accepted? Many things ran through her mind but no one to answer it





“That’s it….”

“Right there Logan,”

“Yes Baby, you’re getting it,”

“Oh, mine… Oh, mine,”

“Yes… Yes, baby go harder,”

“Yes… Yes… Oh mine Logan,” Rosie Mõ@ɲed filling the whole room as he went back and forth

Logan raised one of her legs and hang it on his shoulder then he pulled out his rod and went back in again roughly

“f-__-k,” Rosie Mõ@ɲed and bite her lower lips tightly

It continues that way as their Mõ@ɲs filled the room, Maddie came in

“OMG,” she turned back immediately

Logan didn’t stop as he continues going back and forth till they reached a climax, Rosie took Logan’s rod into her mouth and gulped down all his Com

Rosie put on her clothes and went outside where Maddie was still waiting for her

“What did you get?” Rosie asked

“I think it worked, I saw her coming out from Mark’s clinic today and I watched till she went back in there again,” Maddie replied

“Perfect, keep a close eye on her, I want to know her relationship with mark and why she visited him,” Rosie said smirking

“What else? She might be pregnant already,” Maddie mumbled

“You change the pills?” Rosie asked, her joy was massive

“I did that three weeks ago, I am sure she might still be taking it not knowing it’s not the real one,” Maddie replied and Rosie shook her hands

“So what now? What’s so special about Lucifer’s Ďïčk?” Logan asked from behind

“Everything about it is special,” Rosie replied


“Yes, I want to know what it feels like to f-__-k the great Lucifer, I won’t back down until I achieve it,” Rosie added and Logan rolled their eyes

“What’s with you and Gabriel? You almost ki||ed him today,” Maddie asked

“Huh, that handsome face?” Rosie asked

Logan scoffed

“He almost ki||ed him today if not for Lady Leah,” Maddie replied

“Lady Leah and her brother Lucifer can be unpredictable sometimes, you just have to be careful or apply technic like me,” Rosie said, Logan rolled his eyes and went in

Maddie and Rosie looked at his door then Rosie went over to Maddie

“If she’s truly pregnant then am next in line, I can’t wait for her to die, then I will take over,” Rosie said laughing

Maddie rolled her eyes and hissed



Natalie went to Lucifer’s room and a guard opened the door for her, she went in to see everywhere covered with smoke. An empty pack of cigarettes was on the table next to him but he didn’t stop smoking

She went a little closer though she was scared

“Have you made up your mind ?” Came his deep scary voice

She gulped down nothing and nodded as if he could see her, he wasn’t looking her way but he knows that she was the only that will come into his room and not talk

“Yes,” Natalie mumbled gently

She doesn’t even know what was was doing, her father is evil, and the fact that they ki||ed an innocent boy’s family and turn him into a monster was too much

She could imagine how sweet he was when he was still a little boy but now everything took a different turn, all her life she has always h@ťěd him but now she was not sure of that anymore

“Are you going to stand there all day or make a request?” Lucifer said rudely

“Can you stop hating yourself?” She suddenly said

He turned and look at her making her look down immediately

“That’s not a wish, ask for something else,” He said, he puff out smoke and looked at her

“That’s what I want….”

“Get out and come back when you remember what you want,” he said now staring at her with his blank face

“Can we have s*x?” She said but Instantly regrets it

Why am I even talking about s*x when I should be talking about other better things, I don’t even know what I want. It’s like my mind has stopped working,” She thought silently

Lucifer was silent

“I already said what I want,” Natalie said, deep down she wanted him to decline the s*x request she didn’t even know when it left her mouth

Lucifer dropped the cigarettes he was smoking in the ashtray and stoop up going towards her, he stood a few meters away from her

“You could have wished for freedom, less torture, money, gold, many things….”

“I just said what I want,” Natalie cut in

He smirked and went closer

“If you happen to be the only woman on earth then I will become gay, if you ever think that I will use my rod on you then forget it cos it will never happen, wish for better things now that am still being nice,” Lucifer said coldly

“Why did you h@ťě me so much, you already ki||ed my family… Why not just ki|| me? It’s not like is my fault… You said I should wish for something and I did now you can’t even keep to your words,” Natalie shouted, tears rolling down her eyes

The pain in her heart right now is too much

“You want s*x right? Graham,” Lucifer said and his guards run into the place

“When was the last time you touched a woman?” Lucifer asked

Graham looked at Natalie who has tears in her eyes before answering

“Two days ago,” he replied calmly

“She’s all yours, you can use my bed for today,” Lucifer said, he has no expression on his face

“My…my Lord,” graham called, his eyes wide open

“I want to hear her Mõ@ɲs, show me What you have got,” Lucifer said in his deep cold voice

Natalie’s eyes were filled with tears


“Now!!!” Lucifer snapped making him flinch

“There will be no need for that cos am already going out,” Natalie said, the tears in her eyes refusing to stop

Graham looked at his Lucifer who said nothing

“But before I go I want you to know that if you don’t ki|| me now, a day will come when you will kneel before me and I will remind you of this day….”

With a swift move, Lucifer grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall, a knife to her throat

Blood dripped from her neck as the knife cut through her skin

“What did you just say?” Came his deep scary voice, his eyes were gradually turning red

“ki|| me now that’s my request or I will remind you of this day when you will kneel before me, I keep to my words am not a coward like you…..

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

GAN GAN ?? e dom happen

What did you think guys ⁉️?

What would Lucifer do to her ⁉️

Is Lucy pregnant or she is Just faking it⁉️

Rosie what are you planning this time ⁉️

Is what Natalie did stupid or brave ⁉️

Can you predict what will happen next ⁉️

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