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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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XOXO HIGH – Episode 14

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Star” she called in shock

” I really wonder why the almighty Peace is crying” he said sitting down

Peace wiped her tears and glared at him

“Who said am crying? She snapped and he sighed

” You can’t lie to me,I have watching you for a long time”

“How long have you been here? She asked

” Long enough to get drenched” he replied

Silent fell between them for sometime before Star decided to break it

“If you don’t mind,half problem shared is half problem solve

“I really wish I could say my problem out but I can’t


” I guess am not ready to say it” she replied and the silent fell

Different questions were roaming around her mind but one question got her attention and she decided to ask him

” Do you h@ťě me? She asked

“Why the question? He replied surprised by her question

“Nothing,I just want to know” she replied

“I don’t h@ťě you but I h@ťě your behavior”he replied

” I h@ťě your bullying behavior,I h@ťě you disrespect our teachers,I h@ťě how you treat the students because of their poor background, it’s still a shock to everyone that a nervous nerd became a bully that 80% of the school are scared of” he added truthfully

“Thanks for not hating me but my behavior instead

” You know I can still change my behavior but I don’t know if am ready” and if you accept to be my friend” she said

“Try to change your behavior first, then we can be friends” he said

” Fine then, I’ll try to change my behavior but if you dare ignore me, I’ll hunt your sleep” she thr_@tened playfully and he smiled

“Fine! I won’t ignore you” he said raising his hands in surrender

“Wow! I can’t believe am talking to my chimpanzee freely” Peace teased and Star frown

” That name” he groaned and she laughed

Star stared at her face as she laughed

“You look simple and less intimidating like this” he said and Peace smile

” Thanks” she said sincerely

“It’s nothing” he said standing up which she did as well

“I’ll take my leave then” he said

” Same here” she replied

” Bye” he said

“Bye”she replied and they both went their way but with smile on their face


Mrs Patterson paced around the living room in worry as she saw no sign of Peace

Ethan, Mr Patterson and Carly were with her as well

“Where can she be? I hope she is fine” she said almost crying

“Honey am sure she is fine” don’t panic” Mr Patterson comforted his wife

“I shouldn’t panic! This is my daughter we are talking about!! She snapped at him

“Calm down aunt,am sure Peace will be back soon” Carly chirped in

” You should have just trailed after her Carly when she insisted on strolling” Mrs Patterson said and Carly felt guilty

” I wanted to but you know how stubborn Peace can be” she replied

” Aunt don’t worry, she will be back soon” Ethan assured

Few minutes later, Peace came to view

” Peace!! Mrs Patterson shouted as Peace walked in fully with smile on her face

“Mom” Peace called with a smile and hugged Mrs Patterson instead of replying her question

“Peace are you okay? Mrs Patterson asked in confusion

” Mom today is the happiest day of my life” she replied

” My crush just spoke to me normally for the first time” she squealed out happily

Mr and Mrs Patterson choked on nothing

“Crush??? They shouted in shock


Roselia walk into the building with her head high,

Her dressing screamed a lot of attention from the students and that is what she wants

She was putting a low waist trouser with a mini crop top which stop few inches below her B-__-bs

? Roselia is pretty

?I love her long hair

? Though she is pretty but Peace is more prettier

The last comment got Roselia angry that she almost burst out

“She is more Prettier? She thought balling her fist

” Am more beautiful and prettier than her, who will even like a tomboy like her? She concluded with a scoff

She was so lost in thought that she did not know when she bumped into someone

“Ouch! Danielle winced in pain as she fell down

” Can’t you watch where you are going? Danielle snapped

“Am not the reason why you aren’t strong” Roselia said with a roll of eyes

” What? Danielle said in surprise of her rudeness

“Excuse me” Roselia said and continue walking

Danielle stands up immediately and pulled her back roughly

“What the hell? Roselia cursed angrily

” Apologize” Danielle demanded

“Why should I apologise? She replied with a scoff

“You bumped into me!! Danielle snapped angrily

” So? She asked nonchantly

“Apologize now or I’ll make you regret”Danielle thr_@tened

By now students were gathering around them

“I shouldn’t show them my true behavior now” Roselia thought

Just then her eyes caught the Royals cars driving in

She smirk as a new plan came to her mind

“Apologize” Danielle shouted but to her shock Roselia fell on her knees

” Am sorry ma’am! Please don’t terminate my scholarship” she begged and started shedding crocodile tears confusing Danielle

“What are you doing? Danielle shouted moving back a bit

“Ma’am please,am sorry for bumping into you but please don’t terminate my scholarship” she cried out

? What?.

? How could Danielle thr_@tened to terminate her scholarship just because she bumped into her

?I just h@ťě her

? Spoilt brat

?I really feel for Roselia

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