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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The gang members were standing in groups as Leah made the selection of who will go on the mission with her

“Gabriel, Logan, and Lilly, you three are coming with me, while Maddie, Lucy, Rosie, Lucas, and Liam go with Lucifer,” Leah said and they nodded

Gabriel, Logan, and Lilly went over to their already waiting car, Lilly was driving while Logan join her in the front. Gabriel sat on the back alone while Leah climb her bike


Many guests were already at the venue when they got there, Leah, Gabriel, and Logan followed the back door while Lily stayed behind to give them signal

“Go two should follow this site and get the first one, I will get the other one,” Leah ordered and they nodded

“Lilly what did you see?” She asked through the hearing aid

“Keep going My lady, there is a door at your left… One security is coming hurry up and gets into the door in front of you,” Lilly instructed

Leah hurriedly entered the door as she said and looked through the door hole, a guard walked past her

“Gabriel and Logan enter the door in front of you, replace the gold with another one, and don’t step back no matter what, their Is a security alarm attached everywhere,” Lilly explain

“Go now my lady, the second door on your left,” Lily said

Leah walked over to where they kept the gold and the door was locked

“The code,” she said through the hearing aid

“7511269… Securities approaching,” Lucy said and she quickly put the code and the door went ajar

She went in and bring out a fake gold then she slowly place it on the position of the real gold crown while slowly removing the real gold, she was careful to avoid attracting securities

She continues pushing the fake one forward while lifting the real one with her right hand, she successfully switched the golds and let out a deep breathe


Gabriel dropped his backpack on the floor and gently open it

“Make it fast, we don’t have all day,” Logan scolded

Gabriel ignored him

He brings out the fake gold and switched it with the real one

“That was close…”

Logan took it from him without his knowledge

“Give that back,” Gabriel said angrily

“Come get it,” Logan replied smirking

Gabriel made to take it but Logan knowing pushed him and he staggered backward and knock down the fake gold

All the security alarms started beeping

His eyes widen as Logan rushed out with his backpack leaving him behind

He made picked up the gold and fixed it back then he turn to leave only to be surrendered by numerous security


“Let’s go,” Logan said immediately as he get to the car

“Where is Gabriel?” Leah asked looking into the car

Securities already surrendered the whole place

“I dunno, I thought he was already out,” Logan lied

“You both should go, don’t wait for us,” she ordered

Leah get down from her bike and went back inside through the back door, she saw him fighting with securities

She draw her sword and charge towards them, she flipped in the air she double kicked the first guy that come towards her and he went flying to others

She slide the other guy in her left hand cutting him open, flipping and leaping in the air she brought down ten security within a second

More securities were still coming

“Follow my lead,” she said to Gabriel and start running

“They are trying to escape,” one of the securities yelled and a sword stuck in his mouth then come out from the back of his head

“Learn to keep quiet,” Gabriel muttered

Leah suddenly jumped up and her legs landed on the wall as she started running back to the securities immediately

Her gun in her hand and she opened fire and started taking them down one after another still running on the wall, Gabriel have never seen her do anything like this before

He is good but running on the wall is something he can’t do, he was still staring at her when Leah shot the guy that was about to stab him

“Get your @zz out of her and quit staring,” Leah shouted, her feet on the ground

She brought down all the security and more were coming

She ran outside and Climbed her back then Gabriel joined her

“Hold tight cos I won’t stop if you fall off,” She muttered and he tighten his hold on her

They were already speeding down the highway, and two cars were behind them, she’s a pro

Breaking all the traffic rules and going at high speed, Gabriel saw a big truck in front of them

“My lady,” he Mumbled as fear grips him

“Shut up and hold tight,” She said and stepped on the gas

Is she crazy or what? She was speeding to a big truck, he tighten his grip on her, his eyes closed with his head on her back

She continues speeding and just when she was about to collide with the truck she suddenly turned around and follow her left, Gabriel nearly fall off

She looked back to see the two cars behind her already on fire then she smirked

” You don’t mess with Leah,” she muttered and speed off




Natalie was coming out of her room when she saw everyone leaving the clan, she hid behind a wall and watch them

She rushed back to her room, her sister was still there

“Give me your phone I need to call 911,” Natalie said, and her sister raise a brow


“We have to leave, quickly grab your things we are leaving,” Natalie said and took her sister’s phone

“What are you…” Luna took her back from Natalie and cancel the emergency number she already dialed

“What are you doing?” Natalie asked staring at her sister

“Natalie I don’t think this is a good idea,” Luna muttered

“I told you everything, all of it and this is what you are saying! They want to ki|| me don’t you get it? I don’t want to die please, Luna this is the least you can do for me. let’s run away,” Natalie pleaded, tears building up in her eyes


“Luna please,” she cut in and her sister signed

They left the room and hurried to the huge gate, Natalie looked around, and when she didn’t see anyone she processed

“Stop right there or consider yourself dead,” they heard from behind

“Luna run,” Natalie shouted but her sister shook her head negatively

“They will ki|| us,” Luna mumbled

Natalie made to break free from her hold but Luna shook her head negatively

“Natalie please, he’s gonna ki|| you if you run away, he’s dangerous and he will find you no matter where you run to,” Luna added, starring at her sister with watery eyes

“Where the hell did you think you are going?” A guard asked and grabbed them roughly

“It was all my idea,” Natalie said boldly

Even though she was scared she didn’t want them to know

“Then you have to explain to Lord Lucifer,” The guard said and dragged them away




Lucifer comes out from the boat and went straight to the location on Lily’s laptop

Lucifer holds his gun firmly and matches into the house with anger, if he set his eyes on that f-__-king Marcus he’s dead for real, the son of a Ɓîtçh he has been looking for

He kidnapped his sister and keep sending him brutal n*de pictures and sometimes videos, it’s a painful thing to him that people fear him but he can’t save his sister

Getting to the door he kicked it open and they went in, everywhere was empty, they checked the whole place but didn’t see any sign of Marcus or his sister

“I’m a coward, I was there and I couldn’t do anything. I watch them take her away and I did nothing, I should have acted… I should have done something,” He blamed himself

“You were just a kid, what could you have done?” His inner mind asked

He walked outside to see others already waiting for him, Lucy saw the look on his face and bowed immediately

“Pardon me my Lord, the signal…..”

“Keep it to yourself,” Lucifer cut in coldly





Natalie was standing in front of Lucifer her head down, she couldn’t look at his face but she knows that he was boiling with rage

He smoke and puffed it out while staring at Natalie with so much hatred, if there is anything higher than hatred that’s what he has for her

“You were trying to escape cos you have legs! Have you heard of the word Cripple?” Came his deep cold voice

She gulped

“I h@ťě repeating myself,” Lucifer added coldly

“I’m so…..”

“Strip!” He said the least expected word

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

What did you think guys ⁉️?

What did you think happened to Lucifer’s family ⁉️

Did you think the godmother is being nice to Natalie on purpose ⁉️

Did you think Lucifer will lose the death gamble ⁉️

Can you predict what will happen next ⁉️

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