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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOLY MARY – Episode 30

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Aaron threw his phone out of the window immediately he finished making the call, then he moved the car deeper into the streets.

He took a glance at sleeping Mary at the back of the car and smiled.

Since the first day she was brought into the empire, he has always had eyes for her though he’s not sure if it’s love or lust, but he gets attracted by every of her moves.

Even the slightest bite at her lip does crazy things to him, he has been trying hard to keep himself in check but he just couldn’t keep up anymore, and that’s why he gave her the proposal.

He was determined to have her, that led to forcing her through injection.

Not like she’s happy to be there anyways, he won’t let Rosario turn her to a s*x slave, he’ll take her to a peaceful place where they can spend the rest of their lives together, and she’ll eventually fall for him.

He smiled again, and the car tyres screeched furiously as he turned to a sharp bend which led to a street of rogues, a rough ghetto.

It’s an hour drive from the empire, he has plans to lodge her there secretly, then get them to the nearest port tommorow morning where they’ll get on any ship that’s going out of campania.

Rosario won’t have any idea of where they are anyways, no source of tracking.

He looked at his bleeding chest scrunched up his face.

All member of the falcons circle actually have a chip of tracker inserted above their heart during initiation, and it can be used to track anytime a member goes missing without a reason.

He actually removed it with a knife earlier, and that’s why he’s bleeding massively from there.

“$h|t” he spat, moving the car into another column in the ghetto.

The area only contains small houses like stalls, lined up with small spaces in-between, he had to drive carefully fast so he won’t get in trouble with the rogues.

He got to the deepest part of the ghetto and stopped the car, more blood gushed out of his chest.

He held the bleeding part and a raindrop touched his arm.

Before he could look up, it started raining cats and dogs.

“Dude needs shelter?” An husky voice asked, and he looked ahead to see a huge bald man, standing in front of one of the stalls.

He’s really giant.

“Have a bed to spare?” Aaron asked.

“Maybe” he replied in same tone, and Aaron got Mary from the car.

He walked in the pouring rain till he entered the place.

A female figure wearing all black with a cloak over her head appeared in front of the stall.

She stopped moving and slowly slipped her cloak away from her head, revealing short strands of scattered multicolored hair on her head.

Her lipstick is multicolored too, same with her blush.

She has rings lined on her lower lip completely.

When lightening stuck, it shone on her face, giving out a flash of her naturally green eyes.

She looks freaking deadly

She looked at the stall and repeated the deadly smile.

“Shall we start the game?”



Aaron placed Mary on a soft fur bed and covered her.

He smiled and stroked her hair, then he kissed her forehead lightly.

“Elopement?” The husky guy asked, and he stood to face him.

Aaron looks like an ant in front of him.

“Is there any way to discard the car?” He asked, and Mr husky nodded once.

“Get the car discarded!” He ordered, and Aaron could hear shuffle of feet as some guys ran out of the stall to do that.

“Thanks” Aaron sighed.

“A falcon?” Mr husky asked, and Aaron looked at him.

“I saw your tattoo” he said.

“Then why ask” Aaron replied.

“Too Ç0çƙy for a stranger” Mr husky smirked.

“What’s the nearest sea?, I need to get outta here as early as possible… tommorow” Aaron said, and Mr husky smiled as the door opened.

The multicolored female came in, her cloak is back on her head right now.

“You really think you can get out of the lion’s den alive?” Her sonorous voice said, and she brought down the cloak from her head.

Mr husky bowed in respect, and Aaron’s eyes widened.



Rosario was still driving furiously, storming the road without minding the heavy rain.

Thanks to his crazy driving abilities, he was able to maneuver through the floods from the rain.

His eyes are still red, and his veins are still bulging as Lush’s voice sounded in his bud.

“His chip is not active, he got rid of it”

“Check the defender’s tracker” he replied impatiently.

“Not active either, he got rid of it too!” Pierce replied.

“f-__-k!!!” Rosario hit his hand on the steering wheel angrily, and it responded by moving the car sidewards.

Before he could control it back, it collided with a roadside tree, and his head hit hard on wheel.

He got wounded and started bleeding, so much that it streamed down his shirt.

He rolled his red eyes nevertheless, and he opened a drawer, bringing out a small black device.

It has tiny words written on it in white.

“TL-DONNA, 141, Log in and give me coordinates” he said.

He only waited for a minute….

“Rogues ghetto, last stall!” Lush’s voice came, and Rosario smirked before reversing the car.

The road water made a bend as if getting bent by water benders as he drove roughly away.



A lot of the Imperium soldiers were already down as the bloodbath got deadlier.

The pouring rain added fuel to the fire, blood mixed with water and mud, heads rolled in $h|t!

No falcon is down, but some like Nightingale and Clyde were already wounded.

Romanio and Lucifer rolled each other in the mud, going down the Riverside till Romanio was on top.

He punched Lucifer immediately, and his already wounded jaw expanded as another wound appeared.

Romanio has sharp knuckles, so a punch is fire.

He threw him four consecutive punches before Lucifer was able to roll him away, then he got on top.

“Motherf_cker! Where the hell did you get Miele from!” Romanio sneered, the bloodiness of his teeth showcasing as he gritted it together.

“I’mma grip your life!, It’s tonight Romanio Gambino!” Lucifer spat and stuck a knife in his arm, drilling it in.

Romanio smiled, not feeling any pain at all… only a drop of blood escaped the wound.

“I’m a metal!, An @$$h0le like you won’t blend!” He shouted, hitting his forehead on Lucifer’s.

Lucifer rolled to the ground and Romanio removed the knife from his arm, he stuck it in Lucifer’s right eye.

“F****kkkkkk!!!” Lucifer let out a painful yell.

“Injecting my twin was over the board, bloody f_cker!, And the shipment is ours!, Blood stole more, so take this as the payback, and it’s not over yet!” Romanio yelled, removing the knife from the eye.

Lucifer’s eyeball accompanied it out.

He made to shove it into the second eye, but a bullet rammed into his right arm, stopping him.

A thin blood traced down his arm as he stood from Lucifer.

The bullet was actually from the gun of an Imperium.

Romanio got karambit from his pocket and threw it at that particular one.

It got his mouth, and he fell down dead.

He faced Lucifer again, but Lucifer was already jumping into the river.

Romanio smirked and made to jump in with him but Hellcat held him back, and he faced her.

“Till another day” she said.

“And where the f_ck is Rosa!” He glared when he saw no sign of him.

Rapunzel and Pandora threw the body of an Imperium into the air, then they got their swords and before he could land, they chopped him like vegetables.

They faced another angle and did the same to another.

Virus and Bullet were $h00ting skulls around, blowing brains out.

Already wounded Nightingale was struggling with two Imperium at a time, and they’re already at the peak of getting rid of her.

Her arm got shot, so she’s having difficulties in moving it .

One was about to punch her throat when Terrius appeared, grabbing his neck.

He twisted it, strangling him on the spot.

“Get to the car, you’re wounded” he said to Nightingale, and she smiled, biting her lip

She fell for him immediately.

“Get to the car!” He repeated.

“Sure, Șëx¥” she winked and made her way to the nearest car.

Clyde and Jeff were still at it, his wounds from the torture are still hurting, so Jeff had the upper hand at some point, but he never had the chance to give him any new wound.

He made to punch his face again,but Clyde went sidewards before grabbing his arm, twisting it brutally.

His arm almost got removed from his body as he screamed out painfully.

Clyde gave him a kick on the face with the back of his boot, and he fell heavily into the muddy water.

Before Clyde could kick him again, he rolled down the mud till he got to the river and jumped in, but he didn’t escape a bullet from Clyde.

Clyde shot at his back before he jumped in.

He looked around and saw all the Imperium down.

“Lucifer escaped too, with an eye though” Terrius said beside him, and he sighed.

“Rosa left the battlefield suddenly?, Why the f_ck!” Romanio thundered as they all walked to the car.

The scopolamine bags were propelled into the car trunks and they all got in too

They drove out of the place.


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