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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 17

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BOOM ?!!!!

BOOM ?!!!

BOOM ?!!!

48 hours had passed since Douglas was tasked to create mayhem in the public and so far so good, the mercenary and his team have been very busy carrying out their orders.
Planting devastating bombs ? such as C4s in populated areas within Abuja, the mercenaries were able to create a huge distraction that kept law enforcers and medics busy while they went out to carry out their real mission. The coordinates that Clement gave the mercenaries were bases and operating centers of the Organization he previously worked for and as soon as the mercenaries arrive there, they laid waste to the place and ki||ed everyone that works in the place. The rattling sound of Ak47s and military grade weapons filled the air not to mention the endless tinkle of bullets as they fell to the ground. It was a slaughter and a massacre not to mention an unholy sight to behold , there was a heap of dead bodies laying around in an oozing pool of blood.
After the brutal massacre, Douglas and his team disappear heading back to their own base.
Meanwhile, King who had been notified about the massacre and destruction of their base calls for a meeting to discuss about how to deal with the situation. After assembling some of his most trusted subordinates, King briefly goes straight to the point without missing anything out.

King ➡ Good evening gentlemen.. I’m sure you all know why I called you here. We are under attack and just today we have lost 3 bases and lost a quarter of our staff. This act of brutality and savagery is a slap and a declaration of war to this organization, it is also unacceptable and I won’t let this slide. Fortunately, we know who’s behind this.

Chidi ➡ That’s not all. Ekwueme was found dead yesterday morning in his car. He was shot in the head twice.

Vincent ➡ God! Such a nice man. May his soul rest in peace.

King ➡ As I was saying the person responsible for this is Clement. He has been using his assets effectively, he’s trying to take us out.

Bishop ➡ (laughs).

Francine ➡ Is something funny bishop?

Bishop ➡ I’m just laughing at King’s statement.. That traitor is no match for us and we should show him what happens when the antelope tries to urinate on the lion’s bed. We must strike!!.

King ➡ According to our Intel, Clement has been making some interesting contacts.

Francine ➡ Who are they? .

King ➡ They’re Clement’s wealthy colleagues and they all seem to be backing him up. We’ve made some research on them and they’re all crooks. Look into the tabs in front of you and see if you recognize any of them.

Bishop ➡ HA! HA! HA!.. I can’t believe this.. I know 2 among this 5 men. Ibrahim tukur is a well known professor in Nile university here in Abuja, he’s has a deep pocket of cash but that doesn’t come from his salary. With the huge bribes he’s collected from wealthy parents, he runs a strip club here in Abuja where he also sells drugs and booze ?. I’m telling you that place is a real money making machine, he makes up to 5 million during his opening hours.

Francine ➡ Opening hours?

Bishop ➡ Yes, he opens on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

Chidi ➡ Who’s the next person that you recognize?.

Bishop ➡ The next b–stard is Prince Haruna of Ilorin, he lives here in Abuja and he also runs a small warehouse where he stores banned goods and sell it at the highest bidder.

Vincent ➡ What kind of banned good?

Bishops ➡ Ammunitions, cars, drugs. Etc.

Chidi ➡ There’s someone that I know here as well.. Doctor Ezekiel is well known surgeon but he’s a sick one. He ki||s off some of his patients by injecting injection ? them to death and then he cuts them up, harvest their organs and then sells it to his wealthy clients.. He has a private hospital here in Abuja where he carries out his work.

King ➡ Anyone else?

Vincent ➡ I too also see a familiar face.. Mr Smith Ebele, he owns a number of multiple complex shopping stores in Lagos but the b–stard too plays dirty as well. Considering the high prices of tax and losses of profit in certain occasions, Smith runs a cocaine shop in Lagos , selling his product to spoilt rich kids. He earns a boatload of cash but he doesn’t save his earnings in the bank. He built an underground cellar here in Abuja where stores all his money.

Francine ➡ How in the world did you know all this?

Vincent ➡ Let’s just say that we have history. That’s all you need to know.

King ➡ What about the last man on this screen? Any information?

Francine ➡ I only know Alhaji Umar by reputation. He’s a crooked government contractor, he gets loads of cash to carry out a project but he barely gets it done.

King ➡ Hmm, alright then. Let’s deal with this fools and show them who they’re messing with.

Vincent ➡ Now you’re talking. I have an asset waiting to carry out orders.. Give me the permission and I’ll dispatch the…

Chidi ➡ That won’t be necessary. We already have the perfect candidate for this mission.

Bishop ➡ Let me guess, you’re trying to use your Frankenstein?

Chidi ➡ She’s more than capable to deal with idiots. Her ski||s is the best of the best.

Francine ➡ I have no doubt that asset Ace is very good but she can’t handle this alone.

Chidi ➡ It seems you’re underestimating what she can do. She loves to ki|| and nothing will motivate her more than to go after all targets. Once she turned loose, there’s nothing that can stop her.

Vincent ➡ It seems you’re giving too much credit on this your lab rat.

King ➡ No, he’s right. Black Ace can get the job done. We’ll dispatch her at once.

Francine ➡ Is she going to ki|| the targets?

King ➡ I don’t care what she does.. I just want to make an example to anyone who tries to mess with us.

Bishop ➡ In the mean time, Lets send someone along to back her up just in case. She may be our ultimate weapon but she too vulnerable.

King ➡ Hmm, you have a point.. Alright let’s….


Startled by the sudden outburst, everyone including King himself look around the room in shock wondering where the noise came from and suddenly out of nowhere, Elizabeth drops right in the middle of them looking sweaty and incredibly s3xy in her tight singlet and sweat pants. After landing on the table magnificently on both feet, Elizabeth then bows comically and then turns her attention towards Bishop.

Elizabeth ➡ Listen bishop, father or wh@ťěver you name is.. I don’t need a babysitter. I’m fine on my own and if you haven’t heard, I’m not really good at team work. I ki||ed off my last teammates in case you don’t know. So if you want another dead asset in a body bag, that’s your wahala, not mine.

King ➡ (shocked) Elizabeth! How did you get in here and how long were you listening?

Elizabeth ➡ Oh, I’ve here for like hours and I’ve been hanging on the iron bars of the ceiling. It’s part of my training exercise. Silence infiltration without being notice and it worked (laughs).

Francine ➡ Jesus.. This is a private conversation. You have no right to..

Elizabeth ➡ B–tch please.. I’ve been raised her my whole life and i have the right to be or go anywhere in this building as I want.

Chidi ➡ That’s impressive. Although don’t do that next time.. You nearly gave us an heart attack.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh.. I’m definitely going to do that next time. (giggles)

King ➡ Hmm, So I’m pretty sure you heard what we discussed and I’m sure you know what to do?

Elizabeth ➡ Yes but ki||ing them won’t do. We have to make them suffer first.

Vincent ➡ How?

Elizabeth ➡ Simple.. You destroy their means of living.

Francine ➡ Which is?

Elizabeth ➡ Their source of income , anything that brings pumps money into their account and once I milk them dry..they’ll be… (laughs maniacally).. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA.

Bishop ➡ (silently) Crazy b–tch.

Despite how quietly Bishop was, Elizabeth heard his insult and quickly took action; within a blink of an eye, she summersaults behind Bishop’s back and grabs hold of his head twisting his neck instantly.


The snapping sound of Bishop’s neck bone echoed the entire room sending a cold chill of fear into everyone that witnessed the quick execution and just before their very eyes, Bishop sat dead on his chair with his head tilting to the left side of his shoulder.

King ➡ Why did you do that Elizabeth!? Have you lost your mind?

Elizabeth ➡ Uh.. He called me a crazy b–tch. He had no right.

Francine ➡ Heavenly father.. He’s dead.. Bishop’s dead.

Vincent ➡ What are we going to tell his family?

King ➡ We’ll handle that later but for now we need to focus on the mission. Elizabeth, the mission is yours. Do wh@ťěver it takes.

Elizabeth ➡ I won’t let you down. I need the names and identities of the targets and their whereabouts. I need everything.

King ➡ You will, now get back to your quarters.

Elizabeth ➡ Okay.. Oh and do something about the security systems this facility .. They’re too easy for me. I need something challenging. Bye ?.


Vincent ➡ Jesus Chidi, you’ve created a monster. If you don’t mind me saying this, I think you’ve made a big mistake experimenting on her.

Francine ➡ I agree.. This is insane. She’s too much of a wild card.

Chidi ➡ I disagree. Black ace has never been more better and we have a tight leash on her and we’ve managed to pin point what makes her tick. She doesn’t like to be called mental or any word associating to it.

Vincent ➡ Wh@ťěver, she needs to know her place. She can’t just be ki||ing people like that. She needs to be contained or else I’m afraid she’ll do to us what she did to bishop if not worse.

King ➡ SILENCE!! She won’t dare do that on us. We made her and she’s our property. We control and do as we want with her. Deep down she knows her place. Now if you don’t have anything else to discuss, I’d like us to end this conversation.

Unknowingly to King and his subordinates, Elizabeth whom they thought was gone stood by the door of the meeting room eavesdropping on their conversations. She grins wickedly while listening to King’s statement and in that moment she begins to play with a live grenade ?. After flipping in the palm of her hands for some seconds, she puts the pin back into the grenade before it could explode and after that she walks away smirking excitedly.


Next Episode ➡ Hunt.

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