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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HOLY MARY – Episode 21

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They both stay together since that’s what they prefer.

They’re the only ones who stay together in the mob though.

Rapunzel was already stuffing her face with junks when Pandora came in.

“Your favorite cake” she pointed up a wrapped cake.

“I’m not interested” Rapunzel replied and started walking into the bedroom.

“So…. you’re also in love with Clyde” Rapunzel stood, walking to her.

Pandora made to go in, but she pulled her back.

“Stop tryna act secretive, I can see it in those eyes” she said, and Pandora sighed.

“Ok fine, fine ok?” She said, and Rapunzel smiled.


“It’s cool, if he chooses me, what’ll you do?” Rapunzel said.

“Give up, I can’t force $h|t” Pandora replied.

“Deal” Rapunzel held up a thumb.

“So…what if it’s me?” Pandora asked slowly.

“Same here” Rapunzel replied.

“Badass” Pandora said, grabbing the cake from the table.

“Ɓîtçh” Rapunzel laughed.

“Let’s go box” Pandora said.

“It’s 3am already, let’s get some sleep ok?” Rapunzel replied.

“No, let’s go to the training arena” Pandora pulled her out.



Romanio has broken everything breakable in the mansion, and he’s still livid.

He has been on it since last night, and he has smoked close to five packs of cigarettes, but his anger is not getting quenched.

Rather, it multiplied.

Seeing how Rosario choose Mary over him is so infuriating that he wants to ki|| everyone in the clan right now.

He punched the wall last night till his knuckles got badly wounded, and it’s still bleeding till now.

Hellcat came in immediately he blew another cloud of smokes out of his mouth.

“Get the f_ck out! I don’t wanna see anyone!” He snapped.

She took a bandage from the kit on the stand.

She came to him and took his bleeding hand.

“Get lost Ɓîtçh!” He tried to punch her, but she made a counterattack with her punch, and his knuckle bled more immediately it met.

“f_ck you!” He spat, and she took the hand.

She started wrapping the bandage on it forcefully.

“Stop trying to live his life for him, he clearly said your lives are different” she said as she wrapped.

“Are you f_cking high?, Don’t you smell something off about that Ɓîtçh?, I don’t want him to end up like father!, Mother ki||ed father and took Beryl away with Enzo!, All that wouldn’t have happened if dad hadn’t fallen in love with her!” He yelled, unwrapping the bandage.

“Rosario isn’t in love with Madonna” Hellcat said slowly, and Romanio laughed.

“Cut the crap Cat!, He looks at her in a different way!, Has he ever treated any girl like that before?, He even punched me because of that low thing!, He went against me just to save her!, Lawrence said he f_cking donated blood for her last night! Stop tryna dispute the truth!” He shouted, and Rosario came in immediately.

“He’s here!, Ask him to say it to your face that he’s not into her!” Romanio said and stormed out of the room.

When he got to Rosario, he smiled dangerously.

“Changing her name means nothing, her life is mine to take” he smirked and left .

Hellcat faced Rosario, and when she didn’t say a thing, he made to leave.

“I caught a spy last night, we need to go take care of him” she said, and he stopped.


She led him out of the house to the vaults, and she was about to open the door when a guard appeared.

“Enzo and Mary sent a video to the computer lab!” He reported, and their eyes widened.

They took off at the same time, running to the lab.

They dashed in and met Romanio inside already.

Truthfully, a video is playing on the screen of one of the systems.

Mary and Enzo were on the screen, and a young girl is between them, looking like someone who has passed through hell severally.

“Beryl” Rosario muttered, recognizing her with the necklace on her neck.

“Your hackers must be so brilliant over there, we couldn’t hack into your systems no matter what, wow!” Enzo said, grabbing Beryl’s neck.

“Ahh!” Beryl chocked.

“I don’t wanna keep any memory of Smoke alive, and those memories include you guys, and this Ɓîtçh right here” Mary said, hitting Beryl’s head.

Romanio’s veins were already bulging on his neck,, he’s ready to explode with anger.

Rosario’s eyes are currently redder than red, his body is shaking with anger too.

“Just wait you both, I’ll clear you off just the way I cleared Smoke, that empire will crumble once again, just like it did eighteen years ago” Mary continued, and Enzo kissed her.

“Aww, Beryl!” Enzo raised up Beryl’s blouse and started sucking on one of her B-__-bs.

“Suck suck!” Mary laughed loudly as the video ended.

Pierce and Lush looked at the two bosses pitifully.

Hellcat’s anger right now is almost same as theirs.

“Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Romanio yelled, throwing away that particular system in a fit of rage.

“Their location is still unavailable, the IP address is uncrackable” Lush said.

“Yes, we tried cracking all night again, but it was futile” Pierce added.

“That betrayer is good in building uncrackable IP addresses, the only person who can crack it will be Preet, Enzo’s daughter, she was nicknamed Hack Monster cos of her mad hacking abilities” Hellcat said.

“So….we have to start looking for Preet too?, No one has seen her f_cking face!” Lush shouted.

Hellcat held her forehead tiredly.

Romanio stormed out of the lab immediately.

Rosario sat on a chair, remembering Beryl’s face.

“She has grown into a lady” he whispered sadly, but when he remembered how Enzo sucked on her, he stood and threw the chair away ragingly.



Mary’s eyes opened slowly, and she held her forehead straight.

“It hurts” she muttered painfully, trying to sit up, but a sharp pain girded her from her stomach.

“Ouch!” She quickly held her stomach, going down again, then she remembered she has a stab wound.

“That must be it, but….

She looked around and remembered she’s actually in Rosario’s mansion.

“Thank God I’m still alive” she smiled, but her smile disappeared when she remembered Clyde.

Despite her hellishly hurting tummy, she got down from the bed and realized she’s naked.

She remembered when Rosario took off her gown last night and sighed.

“I need to go check on Clyde” she said, holding her bandaged stomach.

She sighted the closet and went there.

There are lots of wears in each segment, but there’s only one on a particular segment.

She picked the black shirt and put it on, it reached the middle of her thighs.

She buttoned up and rushed out of the mansion, meeting Hellcat right in front of it.

Hellcat looked at the shirt she’s wearing, and her lips moved slightly like she wants to talk, but she stopped.

“Going somewhere?” She finally asked.

“Yes… I’m worried about… Clyde” Mary replied slowly.

“That way” Hellcat pointed at Clyde’s apartment, and Mary smiled lightly.

“Thanks” she held her hand.

Hellcat looked at the contact and rolled eyes.

“What’s your name?” She asked.

“Stop crossing your boundaries” she smirked and snapped her hand away from her, then she went in.

Mary sighed and held her stomach tighter.

“She’s always so uptight” she smiled, making her way to Clyde’s apartment.

“Why is that Ɓîtçh going in there” Virus said, stopping her movement.

She was actually coming to check on him with Nightingale.

“I have a plan for her” Nightingale smirked.

“Let’s go check on Mr one ear instead” Virus said and turned back angrily.



Clyde’s eyes opened just when Mary came in, and his eyes widened immediately he saw her.

“Clyde!” She smiled when she saw his opened eyes.

She started feeling bad again when she saw his wounds.

He tried sitting up on bed, but his stinging body held him back.

“f_ck!” He cursed, squeezing his face up.

“Are you ok?” She asked, touching his forehead to feel his temperature.

“I’m fine” he spoke, and she smiled.

“My hero” she said.

Clyde looked at her.

“So…we can finally be friends, right?” She smiled again.

He just continued staring.

“What?” She smiled yet again.

Clyde still stared.

“Are you suddenly feeling unwell again?” She asked, bringing her palm to his forehead.

Clyde suddenly took the hand and drew her to the bed, she fell beside him.

He held her waist just like the other time under the apple tree.

Their faces stayed in front of each other, and he smiled.

“Huh!, Clyde you smiled!” She said shockingly.

“I’m glad I was able to play a part in saving you… again” he said and drew more close, he buried his face in her chest….

The door……. opened

Rosario…. Came in

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