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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HIS BULLY – Episode 40

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( Her sweet candy)

Chapter 40

By, faith E

‼️ Don’t copy or repost ‼️



” Ughh, emnh ….. I think you should drop me here, I’m fine no need of going to the school clinic again” Elena said, Andrew looks at her face

” Are you sure, you okay?”

” Yeah, I’m fine let just go to class instead”

” Okay then” he replied and put her down, Elena adjusted her uniform properly before facing him with a smile

” Who are you by the way, you didn’t tell me your name and this is my first time of seeing you though, guess you are a new student, I’m Elena”

” Andrew Banks, I’m in grade nine”

” Seems we are in the same class, let get going then” Elena said

“Yeah” Andrew replied and hold her hand, he feels the weird connection again, just like the first time he touched her but he shrugged it off

It just feels so weird, he doesn’t like associating with people, he has no friends, his parents are the only people he do talk and play with especially his mother, he will tease her while she chase him around but then why is he talking to Nelson and Elena, even want him to play with him, why are they different

” Hey, you okay, you seemed lost” Elena said beside him bringing him back to reality

” Yeah, let go” he said and they walked away


Brooklyn gasped when she feels something cold on her body

” Oh, the little pretender is here, sorry the juice just slipped from my hand” it was Melody’s voice and three other girls at her back probably her new dogs, they started laughing

she had managed to bring down the segz tape,so she came to school ignoring all the Comments she was getting from the students

‘ what’s funny? she just poured some freaking cold juice on me’ Brooklyn thought clenching her fist tightly looking at her wet stained shirt

” Get out of my sight you stupiddo” she said

” I know you are the f**cking Ɓîtçh that post that segz tape ” Melody sneered

” So what? Do you think I gonna deny it, oh come on girl not like the video is fake anyway” Brooklyn replied with an eye rolled

” You posted it because of Celine right, I can see you are trying your best to gain her trust and then betrayed her like you did to us, that is the only thing you are good at, such a brainless Ɓîtçh” Melody said and Brooklyn matched toward her looking into her eyes

” I have told you this before, we were never friends but some bunch of bullies joined hand to torment the weak once, stick it into your empty skull and stop spitting rubbish” Brooklyn said nonchalantly

” You idiot, you are such a fool” Melody muttered with a hit of anger

“Wh@ťěver, just stay away from me Melody, I’m not someone to be bully that easily” Brooklyn snorted

” You just want to be with her because of fame and popularity”

” You just want to be with her because of fame and popularity” Brooklyn mimicked her voice, Melody gritted her teeth, she always know that Brooklyn is a little bit crazy and fearless but she never knew she is this annoying, the other three girls were just watching

” You should be worrying about yourself instead, now is two Ďïčk that can satisfy you, very impressive, you will soon start f_cking dogs, you are so shameless” Brooklyn said with a smirked which got Melody angry, she raised her hand to slap her but a hand hold it behind, it was D.k

” You wanna slap her?, Are you crazy?” He asked and dropped her hands before going to Brooklyn, Melody bite her lips and looked at Brooklyn who gave her a smirked

” This is not over yet, I will make sure you regret this” Melody said h@ťěfully before leaving with her minions

D.K hugged Brooklyn tight making her gasped

” What are you doing, get off me” she said trying to free herself

“I missed you” he muttered when he broke the hug

” Why would you miss me, stop acting weird” Brooklyn scoffed

” Your shirt got stained, I have extra one in my locker, if you want”

” No thanks, I have an extra one as well, don’t bother yourself and next time don’t interfered in my issue I can defend myself” she said and walked away, d.K groaned looking at her back as she walk

” In love?, So soon” Kyle muttered beside him

” Shut up and learn how to mind your business” he snapped and walked away



Mr Paulson sat in his office working on his laptop like a pro, as a CEO he always have a lot of work to do since he have no personal assistant

He h@ťě women a lot and to hire a male assistant is a big no to him, he does not want history to repeat it self

He heard his phone ringing and it turns out to be his mother calling, he ignored it but it didn’t stop ringing, he have no choice but to answer it

” Son, how are you doing, you have totally abandoned me, it’s not fair” Mrs Katrina said

” I’m fine mom and I’m just busy with work” he replied

” Work, work, always work, when are you going to get married Blake, you have to move on and forget about the past” Mrs Katrina said and Blake grunted

” Mom, can we talk about this later please, I’m very busy at the moment” he muttered

” Why not now?, You can finish your work later Blake, ivy is out there hiding with my grand kids, the CEO of MIG’s company is still anonymous, I had tried everything to get some using information about Ivy from her personal assistant but she refused to say anything, Ivy must have paid her well, it’s have been fifteen years, she is still hiding waiting for me to die” Mrs Katrina said angrily

” Mom I don’t know why you are telling me all this”

” I telling you because my grand kids are still alive” she snapped

” And you keep on saying this over and over again that the child is alive, you are even saying kids now, just focus on Dalia and stop messing with my head, women are all the same, Polly ( Dalia’s Mom) once poisoned my food to eat and die and Ivy stabbed me twice with a knife, that tiny baby was just a piece of cake to Ivy to eliminate”

” And I’m f_cking saying the truth, you dumb head, I found the hospital she was admitted and the doctor that was in charge of her told me everything after paying him huge amounts of money, he said she gives birth to twins, a male and female and the kids were fine and healthy”

” What????” Blake asked to be sure of what he was hearing


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