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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HER SASSY BOSS – Episode 25

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? Her Sassy Boss ? ?
His Crazy Secretary ??
Episode 25??❤️
#Wise_Wisdom ✍️?
#Audrey_London ❤️??
What nonsense are you saying Mr Sky?
Williams an i are going out together, an do you even know where we are heading to?

“I watch him with undivided attention as he rolled his eyes an glare at me.”

I don’t need to know where you are heading to, all i know is that you and your… Whoever this man is to you.
All i know is that we are all heading to eat, an as it is, am famished already so safe up the little strength you have an hop in so we can head over an have something in our stomach.

With that he head towards his car an take a halt before turning to take another look at us.
Williams tighten his fist into balls, an i don’t need a smooth transition to tell me that he was frikin mad at sky, “i hope this doesn’t turns to a war zone.”

We got into Sky car an took for the road; with Skylar staring an glaring at us through the glass, every moment in the car felt uncomfortable.

Williams held me closer an pulled me in a kiss,” I reciprocated holding him by the face an before i knew what was happening the car came to an halt making the car bump up an down.

Williams an i jerk forward, not in fears, but as a result of the movement of the car an force it carries along.

I raised my head to fire hot stares at Mr Sky who now turned towards us with his face looking all shocked.
Gaud! I could tell that he was putting this look on.

How can Mr Sky be so good at pretending? Just look at the way he’s acting all innocent.

“Dear, oh dear, oh dear,” he whispered staring at us still in shock.

Am so so so honestly sorry, it seems as if my car has suddenly grow some fault, maybe it’s as a result of the ungodly things going on at the back of my car,” you both may not know this, but my model of car is actually allergic to couples who kiss at the back sit.

I hissed with static electricity, i was literally filled with seams of impatience, i just couldn’t wait to get out of this car an give Mr Skylar Fernandez a big kick on his face, or even his leg.

Is okay Mr Sky, please be careful.
I don’t want my Aud getting hurt, it will really ki|| my heart.
Williams cut in, while giving me those puppy eyes.

I smiled at his remark, seriously he has really turned to a changed man, maybe that’s why he is now a big thr_@t to Mr Sky

Wh@ťěver!! Sky blurt with a mocking an frustrating groan.

“I smirked at his reply, before giving Williams a short an sounding kiss.”

I just love wh@ťěver is happening here
If Sky is really a jealous frick, then he should have hold me tighter, now he is gonna lose me in an unexpected way.

We stayed on our seated position with my arms wrapped around Williams an before i could alter a word of annoyance at Sky the car made the same bumping sound, an bounced up before moving down back in swiftness.

I gasped in horror; holding unto my chest with my mouth left agape.

Do you wanna ki||s us Mr Sky?

He hesitated before turning his gaze over to mine.

Mrs Audrey Williams, as my secretary you are expected to know that i can’t see well at night, aren’t you?

“I blinked rapidly in awe.”

What the f_ck is wrong with this man an his weird lies?
I almost burst into laughter but i had to hold it in.

“You know what?” I think i should drive, so you can rest your eyes.
Williams suggested as Sky stopped at a burger stand.

Why yes! That is a very stupendous idea
Sky squeaked with seams of impatience as he suddenly jolt outta the front seat an head towards the back.

Somehow i felt happy, it made me felt like he still wanted me.
But no! I won’t let him get to me, he has always throw me away like am some garbage, so i shouldn’t be letting him get to me easily.

Williams went out of the front seat an joined me in the back; i turned over to his seated direction an rushed out over to seat at the front with Williams.

I have had enough of Sky an all his behavior.
I need to teach him a lesson so his head won’t spake an crack as there use to.

“Audrey! He called out.”

I ignored him an moved over seat with Williams. I in twined my hands with him before raising it to give it a short kiss.

“I love you Williams.” I whispered, loud enough for Sky to hear.

“I love you more Aud.”

I never took a look at Sky’s face, so i can’t tell the look he had on, but am sure it was priceless.
I bet i won’t trade it for anything else.

After some minutes of driving we arrived at a small place where Williams an i go on a norms.
We stepped down, alongside Sky. With the aroma of pork meat passing through our nostrils Williams an i gave each other a cute smile before trekking down to pick a seat.

With all sort of people around: the place was surely noisy, not mentioning the environment, it was indeed dirty, but their food is the best, not forgetting the drinks.

Mr Sky roamed his eyes all over the place with a disgusted look etched on his face.
The minute we approached chairs, we got seated, but not the mighty Mr Sky
He had to pick out a handkerchief an clean up the chair, even the table before seating.

“Seriously the rich has many problem, especially Sky!!”

Well this is my night, so am gonna use it well an teach him a good lesson he’s gonna forever remember.

A waitress came along an asked what we would love to eat.
I stared at her from the top of her head to the black slippers she was putting on,” i h@ťěd the way she started at Mr Sky with so much shock.

Hi! She waved at him while grinning like a fool. Am Chelsea, and you must be Mr Skylar Fernandez right? Am a huge fan.

Wow! Is nice to meet a fan; he smiled back with his eyes plastered on mine.

Do you mind if i seat here with you?
She requesting beaming in joy.

I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t
He replied occasionally staring at me, but what was more annoying was the way he holds her hands.

Gosh! Mr Sky is a flirt, an a big fool.
Now just take a look at the way she is foolishly touching his hand and suit, argh! I h@ťě her already.
“And what even made her a fan?”

Mr Sky is not even a model, he just own one of the biggest and richest companies in New York City, so is making her become a huge fan at that?

God i can’t believe am boiling and swelling in anger right now, i just feel like grabbing her hair an pulling it out.
Come on baby girl, put it together, hold it in an stay calm, don’t let Sky win this game, cause this has suddenly become a game to him, an also to me.

“Uhmm, willy baby.” I called closing my lips with Williams: i literally got nothing in mind to say to him, but i had to do something to push Sky off the edge.

Let me take a look at your eye! He said getting hold of the lady face.
He came closer to her face and stared at her before releasing his very adorable smile.

You have the most beautiful eye.
He complimented leaving her all smiles.

Thank you Mr Sky; she responded blushing hard.

Did she just call him Mr Sky? Am the only one who calls him that.
Okay time to end this boring k-drama playing on.

Uhmm… I clapped my hands together.
Young miss, you can just call him Sky no need to add the Mr, and yes.
What are you doing here, aren’t you going to serve us again?

Oh yes! Let me sort that out.
Mariam! She called out, an a younger lady rushed out in smiles.

“Yes ma’am, how may i help you?”
She asked waving at us with her smile.

Please Mariam serve our very vital customers their meal.
She turned her head and gazed mischievous with her eyes round his body
I caught her bitting her lips, an i wanted to just get up and drag her head and smash it on the floor.

“Why must girls flirt so shamelessly? And with someone else’s man at that.”

Okay ma’am, please what can i offer you all? The younger lady asked shining her suddenly annoying teeth at us.
Gosh am in so much rage right now.

What do you want baby? Williams snapped me off my thoughts.

That’s right my love,” my sugar. I added kissing his lips.

Mr Sky fist was visibly clutching unto the innocent table as he stares at us in rage.
Get us mimosas with bloody marys an warm plate of country eggs.

How about you Sky, what would you love to have? The flirtious lady smiled at him.

I will have same thing as Audrey here.

After eating in silence and anger
We finally finished, funny to me Sky didn’t even touch his meal.
I pretty well know that he was never interested in the meal, but i just don’t know why he would order for it.

Willy baby am done, please pay so we can go home am exhausted.

Sure baby, let me just get my money from my wa_ he paused with eyes wide open.

Wait a minute, where… I can’t seem to mind my wallet, it was right here.
He said with worries written all over his face as he search his jacket.

“Williams, did you lost it? You know what!Don’t worry I’ll do the bills.”

I took a glance at Sky in shame as i noticed he was trying all his best not to laugh at the funny situation on ground.

I took out my purse to pick out the cash so i can do the bills, when Williams told me that he needed to use the restroom

“Okay baby, be fast. I blew him kisses.”

As soon as Williams got up from the chair something fell out from his jacket.

Williams you fell something by mistake
I said and bend down to pick wh@ťěver it was.

I bend down an noticed that what fell down was actually Williams wallet.
I gasp in horror as i stared vigorously at the object in front of me.

“Williams!” I screamed almost in tears.

Is this not your wallet? I bellowed breathing out heavily.

What!! Uhmm. Wow how did that get there? Jeez seriously i never knew i had it with me all along.
Am so sorry Aud it wasn’t intentional.

Sky got up an hugged me close to his chest as i couldn’t help but cry.

I cried out as if my heart was going to fall out anytime soon, Williams is such a jerk.

“How could you do this to me?”
That was the only word i could utter to him, my heart is so heavy at the moment.

“Baby! Aud… I promise i didn’t know.”
He plead coming closer.

Stay away from her you @$$h0le, haven’t you done enough?
Now look at her, she’s hurt.
Are you happy now, is this how you treat someone you claim you love?

Okay that’s it Mr Sky, or is it Mr Earth?
Audrey an i are in a relationship an not you. Look i have been trying to keep quiet an stay calm so not to help offend the woman i love.

I very well know the game you have been playing, i see the stares you throw at my woman and i….

Shut the f-ck up jerk face, Audrey is not an will never be your woman.
Sky interrupted,” flaring up.

I was taken aback by his words, wait!
Does that mean that he still feels something for me?

Williams laughed out, the way he laughed made me think he was actually mocking Sky with his laughter.

So you actually really have something for my Aud.

“Am not your Aud. I screamed.”

Baby at least listen to me. He plead trying to hold my hands.

Stay away from her Williams, she doesn’t need your fake love right now.

Okay Mr Earth, what in the world is your f-cking business?
Audrey is my girlfriend for crying out loud, an i don’t plan on giving her out to a proud fool like you.

Audrey doesn’t need a man like you in her life. Sky said clenching his teeth; his eyes was red in color with his hand tied up in a ball.

So what are you implying?
That you are the better man for her?
You can’t even keep her properly.

Can you both just stop this, please!
Am begging of you…

You are both causing a huge commotion here, an it is not good, most especially for you Mr Sky.
I pleaded in tears as i hug myself, bending down slowly to meet my knee.

So tell me Sky, do you think my Audrey deserve a proud and emotionless man like you in her life?
Williams asked panting furiously.

“He sighed” No! Audrey deserve someone better than me, she deserves to be happy
She doesn’t deserve a man like you, who is so selfish, stupid, dumb, hopeless and without dreams.

And she also doesn’t need a man like me, who can’t even love her properly, without hurting her.

She doesn’t need a man who won’t stay close with her for a very long time.

Am glad to hear that even you know fully well that you can’t keep Audrey, because if you can then she wouldn’t have run back to me, an make love to me like her life depends on it.

“Williams!!!!” I bellowed giving him a sounding slap.

You did what? Sky turned his eyes to stare at mine, which i find very hard to return.
Guilt passed through my bones an filled me with shame; i bit my lips as the tears kept spilling out in an uncontrollable motion.

Is that true Audrey?

I kept mute an never turned towards his direction: I needed to avoid his stares but that is one of the most inevitable thing at the moment.

Talk to me Miss London, am begging.

I blurt in tears. Yes! But it was only because i was confused, am…i was lost.

Before i could say a word to Sky, he threw out a punch at Williams.

“Sky! I screamed running towards him.”

Williams got up in a swift manner an returned the punch over to Sky.

Audrey is mine Sky, an I’ll ki|| anyone who plans on taking her away, you hear me?

Argh! Mr Sky. I cried checking his face to see if he was injured.

Stay away from him Aud. Williams got a grip of my wrist and pulled towards him, i struggled to get out of his grip but he held me tight.

Sky got up an spat out blood, before cleaning his lips with his hand.
Instantly Williams let go of me and rushed towards Sky to pick up a fight but before he could do anything, Sky was quick to throw him two punches without his notice.

Sky, please stop fighting i beg of you.
I cried running to hold him back as he climbed over Williams an kept throwing punches at him.

I held him by the shoulder, the minute i reached him.

He got pushed my hands away an picked up his bag.
He threw a fierce look at me then turned around walking towards his car.

Sky please don’t go, just listen to me for once. I pleaded running towards him but he just ignored me and off, he zoomed.

I turned back to look at Williams who was now up, thanks to the group of people who helped him.

I glare at him then walked a bit closer.
This is all your fault Williams, i h@ťě you so much, from now no, don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t behave as if you know me.

“You are nothing but a curse to me Williams, a joy ki||er.”
I shivered as those words flew out.

Aud i love you, an you know this.

To hell with your fake and absurd love
You don’t me. Is finally over between us
Get that into your head.

I took my bag to leave but turned back an picked up his wallet from the ground, i took out all the cash in it then ran off to call a taxi.

Come on Audrey not my money.
That’s my only cash Aud.


I went back home in tears, still can’t believe that i have lost the love of my life to my stupidity and foolishness.

I could sleep throughout that night, Sky thoughts just kept on crossing my mind, his smile, the way his lips curve out into smile, the taste of his lips, his rudeness that drives me madly insane.

“I hope i haven’t lost Sky forever; no!”
I can’t can’t loose Sky to anyone or anything at all.
I just have to do something so that i won’t loose him for anything.

* * *
I went back to work the next day and couldn’t meet or come in contact with Sky anywhere,” which is really weird.

I went home so devastated as i couldn’t come in contact with Mr Sky, he isn’t picking my call and his reaction is only making me cry.

This went on for over one week, and with each day that passes by, I’ve come to realize that i can’t live a day without Mr Sky.

“I really love that soul,” an now i realize that i have always been a big fool.
I could eat a thing, or even drink a thing with ease.

My life have suddenly become a huge mess, all i do is take in hard drinks, get myself drunk and cry all day and all night.

Is this what love does to people who doesn’t know how to hold it firmly?
“Cause am really broken: this feeling makes me wanna die, i just wanna die.”

Clara and dad kept consoling me, telling me that all would be alright.
But it still wouldn’t help, i just need to take everything to hands and meet with Sky, anyhow and anyway.
“Mr Sky still didn’t showed up today, i hope everything is alright with him.”

Now am getting ready scared here.
I don’t know when last i prayed, but Mr Sky is beginning to make me pray frequently.

God please protect Mr Sky for me, i really love him.

I prayed as i walked round the company to see if i could see Mr Adam so that i can ask him about the whereabout of Mr Sky.

“I have tried calling Mr Sky but he isn’t picking my call and i don’t know why..”
What am i saying? I know the reason why Mr Sky isn’t picking my call, an is all because of my stupidness.

Finally!! I blurt; the moment i sight Mr Adam coming out of Miss Shanna’s,” the assistant manager’s office.

“Mr Adam!” I waved as soon as i saw him walking towards another direction.

I ran straight to his standing position, i really need to talk to him.

Hi Mr Adam. Okay let me go straight to the point.
Please i just want to know where Mr Sky is, i haven’t seen or heard from him for long, he doesn’t picks my call.
And we just had a great argument that made me so scared that something really bad must have really happened to him.

Please Mr Adam if you know where he is please just let me know, i promise to change, to change and become something better so that this love will last… I… I just can’t loose him at all.

I… I can’t. I broke down into tears, sobbing and Mõ@ɲing like someone that just lost someone.

Look Miss Audrey London. Mr Sky doesn’t want any disturbance and i don’t think i can…

Please Mr Adam trust me, i won’t disturb him for anything, i just want to see him so we can talk to each other.
I interrupted making sure he doesn’t complete his statement.

You don’t understand Mr Adam i… I love him. I really really love and appreciate him and i don’t want to loose him, so please if you have ever loved someone before, please look back into that feeling and tell me where to find Mr Sky.

“He sighed rolling his eyes.” Alright Miss London, but just make sure that Mr Sky doesn’t fire me or else you are so gone.

Thank you so much Mr Adam, i screamed with tears in my eyes, then jump up in joy to hug him.

Is okay Miss London, just stop hugging me so people won’t think otherwise.

Thank you once again Mr Adam.

Later on Mr Adam sent me the address of Mr Sky and instantly i ran to towards my car and went to meet Mr Sky.

On reaching there i met some men dressed in black, am thinking they should be his bodyguards or so.

I made attempt to see if they would let me in but they refused, but finally i caught a glance of one of his bodyguard that always carries him around; I ran to him and he let me in.

He showed me to the sitting room where we took an elevator to the main sitting room.
On reaching the second sitting room the bodyguard directed me to his bedroom.

I got in and couldn’t help but smile as the smell of his lovely perfume linger round my nose.

My heart was filled with joy as i know that i would be able to see Mr Sky once again, but everything changed.
Right there, i saw him lying down so close to the bed. He was sweating profusely.

Mr Sky!!! I screamed running to him.

My heart beat increased as i ran to him.
I was scared, but for what!

Mr Sky! I bellowed louder with my heart beating faster than ever.

Mr Sky!! I sighed heavily as i held tightly to his body, making him lye on my leg.

I checked him properly, but he wasn’t breathing.


No! I cried out.

Why isn’t he breathing? What… What is happening?

“No!! I cried hugging him tighter.”

What happened to Sky?
The big question, is he dead?


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