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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 59

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 59

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️





Fabiola stirred in her sleep only to feel weight around her waist. She didn’t need anyone to tell her why anyways. She slowly opened her eyes, smiling slightly as she watched the sleeping face of Shaun. He looked so cute and harmless right now.

“Maybe I was a little hard on you.” Fabiola mumbled, bringing her hand to his face and stroking his hair. Shaun immediately opened his eyes, taking hold of her hand.

“Evening.” He mumbled and Fabiola smiled widely. She could tell he’s still sleepy by the sound of his voice. This is the first time they are sharing a bed and as awkward as it seems, it’s also very amusing, waking up to him beside her.

“Evening sleepyhead.” Fabiola responded, playing with his hair. It were so soft she couldn’t resist touching it.

“Feel better?” Shaun asked worriedly. He didn’t even know when he slept off. His initial plan was to just watch her sleep but it seems their position was too comfortable and he ended up falling asleep.

“A little. Still mad at you though.” Fabiola said feigning a sad face. She actually didn’t feel angry anymore, she just wanted to tease him a bit.

“Fabiola, you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I only wanted to help Swayer and Fiona. If I had known this would happen I would have just turned the boat around and called for help. I’m really sorry i…” Shaun trailed off when Fabiola started laughing. He doesn’t recall saying anything funny so what’s amusing her?
He furrowed his brows feeling perplexed.

“It’s okay Shaun, I’m not angry. I was just messing with you.” She said giggling softly.
A scowl settled on Shaun’s face for a millisecond which was immediately replaced with a naughty grin.
Fabiola stopped laughing when she noticed the look on his face. What was he thinking?

“Why are you looking at me that way?” She asked raising a brow.

“What way?” Shaun feigned ignorance, darkening his gaze. At first he had got into bed with her to comfort her but now she’s better, he’s feeling very funny right now and she’s the cause.

“You know what I’m talking about.” Fabiola frowned.

“I don’t. Why don’t you tell me.” Shaun smirked and the next thing she knew, he pulled her closer before she could even say anything, slamming his lips on hers.
Fabiola widened her eyes at the sudden kiss and was even shocked at his roughness. This wasn’t the tender passionate kiss she’s use to, it was a hungry kiss, like he was trying to devour her lips. He sucked and nibbled on her bottom lip hard before moving to her upper lip, repeating the process.

Fabiola wrapped her hand around his neck as he rolled a bit, getting on top of her. He deepened the kiss even more, poking at it with his tongue as if asking for entrance. Fabiola immediately opened up for him and he wasted no time in driving in tongue in, exploring every corner of her mouth.

She was still trying to get use to the rhythm when his hands began roaming around her body. She felt little electric shocks on every part he touched. What was he doing to her?

As if that wasn’t enough, Shaun broke the kiss and began sucking on her neck, earning a soft Mõ@ɲ from Fabiola. He kissed that particular spot hard, biting and licking it at the same time before pulling away. He smiled satisfactory on seeing the hickey he had given her.

“Shaun, I think we should st-” Shaun cut her off by slamming his lips on hers again which she didn’t waste time reciprocating. She knew they had to stop before it gets out of hand but she just couldn’t get enough if him and she’s sure he feels the same way.

Shaun’s hand stopped at the edge of her shirt, slipping under them before moving upwards, stopping at the edge of her bra. Fabiola immediately placed her hand on top of his, stopping him from going further. She broke the kiss immediately.

“Shaun wait. I don’t think this is the right time or place for this.” She said breathing heavily. She could see the burning desire reflecting in his eyes and she also wanted him but they were here for a quiz competition not holiday. Hopefully another opportunity for this would come.

Shaun smiled as he understood what she meant. He kissed her one last time before getting off her, laying at the other end of the bed. He still had that feeling but he had to respect her decision. They will definitely have another chance to do this, he just have to wait.

Fabiola laid there for a while, trying to recover from what just happened. After a while, she got up from the bed.

“We should go down. I’m sure dinner is ready.” She said to him with a smile and Shaun got up immediately, heading to the door. He opened it for her and she blew kiss at him before stepping out.




Anna sat on the couch waiting impatiently for Swayer to get back. She’s so furious right now that she distanced herself from everyone to avoid taking out her anger on them. Chrystal had made dinner and as exciting as it was, judging from the fact that Chrystal hardly does anything, she wasn’t in the mood to eat yet.

Ethan told her Sebastian had gone after her so she wasn’t worried about her safety.

“Anna, you coming?” Ivory asked on entering the living room. Chrystal had sent her to get Anna since they had decided to eat together. It’s been a while since they did that and everyone was excited, except Anna which is every unusual.

Anna tried to ignore her but couldn’t. She’s the main reason for all these anyways. She got off the couch, glaring at Ivory.

“How could you do this?” Came her question.
Ivory furrowed her brows, feeling Perplexed. What is she talking about? A moment ago they were fine and now she’s glaring at her like she would actually $h00t her lasers if eyes could $h00t lasers.

“Don’t you dare act like you don’t know what I’m saying. Why would you place a bet on Sebastian?! Are you crazy?!” Anna yelled.

Ivory frowned, crossing her arms across her chest.

“So what? It’s not my fault we all like the same guy-”

“We? We? Who the hell is we Ivory?! You don’t like Sebastian! You can’t like him okay!” Anna was really loosing her tempter. She had planned to talk peacefully about this and try to get them back to their senses. Well looks like peaceful isn’t an option again.

“You better stop yelling alright. Why can’t I like Seb huh? Aren’t I beautiful as well? Aren’t I smart? its not like I like him for his money since he’s got none-”

“Ivory!” Anna yelled. She’s crossing the line now by involving Sebastian’s financial background into this.

“I’m saying the truth. He’s not rich, he’s parents have no high status. I have everything so why can’t I like him? Must I be the one to sacrifice my happiness? Why can’t Swayer just let him go?!” Ivory also yelled.

“Can you hear yourself right now? When have you ever sacrificed anything for anyone Ivory? When? You’re so d@mn selfish!”

“I don’t care. I’m getting Sebastian wether you like it or not and guess what, this isn’t an ordinary bet. It’s an F Code which means you’re also involved in it.” Ivory smirked.

Anna’s eyes widened. She was pissed off about them taking a bet but this one now is a whole new level. How can Swayer agree to this madness? Or maybe she too has gone mad.

“You made an F Code bet without letting me know first? I was in Colombia not Atlanta you idiot!! Why didn’t you all inform me first?!” Anna yelled.

“Because we knew you would react just like you are doing now. Always trying to be miss goody two shoes.” Ivory glared at her

“Now you want to pin the bet on me? How is trying to keep us together being miss goody two shoes?” Anna asked folding her arms across her chest.

“You can’t force a friendship to last Anna. If it’s meant to fall apart it will no matter how much you don’t want it too. I’ve always known this friendship wouldn’t last…it just took longer than I expected.”

“Ivory where is all this coming from?” Anna asked with a sad face. This isn’t what she had expected to happen.

“I was happy when it was just Chrystal and I! And then you all came along and ruined that. I tried not to be the odd and went along with everything. Eventually I began to like y’all too but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss the old ways.” Ivory said with a shaking voice.

“Ivory, we all love you so very much. Why would you feel this way? If it’s because of your parents -”

“Don’t get my parents involved.” Ivory snapped. Before Anna could respond, the front door came open, revealing Sebastian and Swayer. Anna’s anger immediately rushed in and her legs moved subconsciously, stopping right Infront of Swayer.

Swayer smiled at her as usual but what happened next shocked the hell out of her, including Sebastian and Ivory.

Anna raised her hand high and landed hard on Swayer’s cheek, almost sending her to the ground if not for Sebastian who held her.

“Anna!” Sebastian yelled glaring at Anna.

Swayer just held her cheek, not believing what just happened.

“Have you gone mad?!” Anna yelled at Swayer ignoring Sebastian.

“Anna why would you-”

“Stay out of this Sebastian!” She cut him off.




Ghen Ghen?… Swayer that slap must hurt?

Ivory don turn Natasha second o ?

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