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HomeOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A BetOBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 58

OBSESSIONS: It All Started With A Bet – Episode 58

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✍️ Authoress Cathy ✍️




End of review!

Sebastian finally got off the couch and approached Fabiola. She was still shaking a bit.

“Hey baby sis, you okay?” He asked with a slight smile. Fabiola slowly lifted her gaze to him, bouncing her head in response. She shifted her gaze to Swayer trying to tell Sebastian to go to her instead.

“I’m fine.” She finally voiced out when Sebastian wasn’t making any move. Such a stubborn brother.

Miss Diane had finished patching up Swayer’s forehead after cleaning the wound. It’s a deep cut but not too serious.

“Do you feel any headaches?” She asked and Swayer shook her head. She wasn’t smiling, why would she. She was very pissed at Mr Griffin and miss Diane for trying to ki|| them again!

“Can’t you students do anything right?” Mr Griffin finally spoke up.

“Excuse you?” Josey faced him. It’s the last thing she expected to hear from any of them. They had yet again put Swayer and this is all he could say?

“I’m sorry Josey but what Mr Griffin is trying to say is that they students had once again failed to work as a team.” Miss Diane intervened. She knew if she allows Mr Griffin to speak now he’s angry it might result to a serious argument.

“You told me this was a safe game!” Josey yelled.

“It would have been if they had worked as a team and avoided the diffusers.” Mr Griffin replied with a frown. He was trying to keep his calm infront of the students.

“What the hell are you even saying! They were hit by a f_cking wave!!” Josey faced Swayer. “My sister almost died again!! Are you planning on ki||ing them before the quiz?” She asked facing Diane.

“We never expected there to be a wave-”

“Just like you never expected her to get sucked by sand!” Josey was very angry right now. She expected to hear an apology but instead all he’s giving her is an excuse.

Swayer sighed, getting up and leaving the living room. She actually went out of the house from the front door, slamming it shut which got everyone’s attention.

“Swayer?” Josey called turning around. She was about going after her but Sebastian stopped her.

“I’ll check on her.” He smiled slightly and Josey nodded, putting her attention back to Mr Griffin.

Everyone began leaving the living room as the argument started once more. They needed to rest now and not get headaches from all the yelling.

Shaun took Fabiola’s hand and led her upstairs while the rest just went wherever their legs led them as long as it’s away from the living room.



Swayer kept walking through the part they had followed while coming here the first day. She needed to clear her head. This is the second time she’s felt this scared. She h@ťěs being afraid. She h@ťěs appearing weak infront of people. it’s bad enough she’s skinny and everyone thinks she’ll break at the slightest touch.

She finally stopped walking and stared at the ground. She crouched down picking up a small stone before getting back up.

“Ahhh!!” She yelled throwing the stone at nothing in particular. She immediately dropped to the ground and began crying her eyes out. She’s been holding it since she was brought out of the sea.

Having a near death experience twice isn’t something to be happy about. It’s terrifying and no teenager should ever go through it. This had been the worst quiz travel so far and all because of stupid fallen team work.

Swayer kept crying until she felt an arm around her, making her still. She didn’t want to look up at whom as she didn’t want them to see her ugly tear face so she just kept her gaze down, trying to stop herself from crying again.

The arm pulled her closer and her head rested on a strong chest. She recognized that cologne, anywhere anytime.

“Seb-astian.” She stuttered.

“Shhh, it’s alright. You’re free to cry, no one is here.” Sebastian’s soft voice echoed in her ears and as if she had compelled, she found herself crying again.

Sebastian hugged her tight, rubbing her back in the process. He felt a little angry seeing her cry this way. It’s strange because Ivory is also his friend and she almost fell off a cliff at the forest yet he was more concerned about Swayer.

Even now that they almost got drowned by the wave, he’s been thinking only about Swayer. It seems he’s been lying to himself all these while, calling Swayer his friend.
It’s obvious he cares deeply about her and everytime she’s hurt, he feels hurt as well.

“Swayer.” He called after she had calmed down. She still refused to look up but nodded her head against his chest to show that she’s hearing him.

“I’ll protect you from now on. Is that clear?” He asked and she finally looked up. Traces of tears were still on her eyes and cheeks.

Sebastian brought his hand to her face and wiped them off, smiling slightly at her.

“Stick with me from now on, okay?” He asked again and she nodded cutely, smiling a bit.

“We should get back.” Swayer muttered, trying to get up but Sebastian held her to himself.

“Not yet.” He said, stroking her hair. Swayer chuckled softly, adjusting her head on his chest so she could be more comfortable. Her mind suddenly drifted to the bet and a scowl plastered on her face.




Shaun watched Fabiola as she cuddled herself under the duvet. He didn’t know what to say to her to make her feel better. She’s been shaking since they were brought to shore and it’s definitely not because of cold but fear.

“Fabiola, I’m sorry.” He muttered but she still stayed in her position.
Shaun sighed, ruffling his hair before moving closer to the bed. He lifted the duvet a bit for him to get in, covering himself as well before cradling her in his arms.
She didn’t resist so he just cradled her up like a priceless treasure and they remained like that until her eyelids closed.




“You okay?” Anna asked Fiona who refused to go back to her room. She didn’t see Swayer so she came to Anna’s room.

“Not really. I’m really pissed at Mr Griffin. Swayer got hurt twice now because of his silly games. How on earth were we supposed to know that there were diffuser In the water? And what about the wave? is that also part of his test?!” Fiona rolled her eyes.

Anna sighed, sitting on the bed beside her.

“I’m pissed too but it has happened. Try and get some rest.” Anna smiled patting Fiona’s head.

“You’re leaving me?” Fiona pouted her lips.

“No silly, I’m just going to get something to drink.” Anna smiled and was about standing up but Fiona grabbed her hand.

“Not now, stay with me for a while.” She said and Anna gladly got on the bed with her.

“You know, for someone who almost got carried away by the sea, you seem pretty fine to me.” Fiona chuckled.

“Well someone has to be the strong one amongst us right?” Anna smiled, hugging Fiona from behind.

“I missed you.” Fiona muttered.

“And I missed alot. What happened here exactly? I sensed a little tension between Swayer and Ivory.” Anna frowned upon remembering.

Fiona was hesitant to talk, she thought I’d be best if Swayer tells Anna but knowing Anna, there’s no way she’ll let her go now without getting her answer. She’s now in a one chance scenario.

“I honestly think it’s best you hear it from Swayer-”

“Start talking.” Anna cut her off. Fiona sighed. She’s gonna find out sooner or later anyways.

“Ivory and Maeve had confessed to liking Sebastian after he kissed Swayer.” Fiona rushed her words.

Anna immediately let go of Fiona, rasing herself up a bit from the bed

“What! Swayer and Sebastian kissed?” Anna asked with widened eyes.

“It’s not like that. It’s a dare kiss. Chrystal had somehow planed a game and Sebastian was dared to make out with Swayer.” Fiona explained.

“Holly molly! It’s still a kiss you dumb @zz!” Anna exclaimed. It seems she had forgotten the part where Ivory and Maeve had confessed to liking Sebastian and was more focused on the kiss part.

“Did you hear what I just said? Ivory and Maeve said they like Sebastian.” Fiona furrowed her brows.

“Well of course, we all do. Sebastian’s a nice guy-”

“Not that kind of like you idiot.” Fiona cut her off rolling her eyes.

Anna paused, a scowl plastered on her face.

“What do you mean? They obviously Swayer is into Sebastian right?” She asked just to be sure.

“Yup. Ivory even went as far as placing a bet on him.” Fiona added and Anna glared at her.

“Are you being honest with me?”

“Will I lie to you? What is annoying me the most is that Swayer accepted the bet.” Fiona sighed. If only she knew what she had done by telling Anna about the bet.

“She what!!!” Anna yelled.

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