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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Arabella sat in her booth crying. She couldn’t do it, she couldn’t pretend that all is well between her and Gerald.

She was still crying when she felt someone walk in. Quickly wiping her face,she turned to see Nina there.

“What’s wrong?”Nina asked as she moved towards her

“Nothing”Arabella replied.

“You rarely cry Ara and when you do, something must have hurt you a lot. I know you and I can tell right now that something is wrong with you. So just tell me or I will be forced to get the truth out of you”Nina told her .

“Your right in saying that it hurts” Arabella began gently. “It hurts being In love with someone who doesn’t return it”She said wiping the tears again.

“Is it Gerald?”Nina asked and she nodded.

“I love him Nina and just when I thought that everything will be fine between us. I found out that he is engaged to be married and that this fiancee of his is in the hospital, In a coma to be precise”.

“So”Nina urged her to continue.

“He found out the whole truth about me last night and I…..”

“He did what?”Nina asked as she stared at her.

“He found out by mistake and when I went to his room to give an explanation, we ended up making love and then I woke up the next day to find out that he is engaged to a girl who was in an accident with his elder sister. Apparently he still loves her and am just someone who is there to fill his segzual urge”She told him.

“And who told you that? Did he?”Nina asked.

“Well he said something like that. We had a huge row a while ago and he told me that I was fired as Fiona nanny. How can I live without seeing my daughter and also being by his side. Just thinking about that makes me feel so sad and……”

“If you don’t mind, I would like to talk to Arabella”A voice said suddenly and they both turned to see Gerald.

“I don’t mind at all. Talk with him for a while”Nina whispered this at her before leaving the room..

Arabella sat still wondering if he heard what she said. He couldn’t have heard it and besides she didn’t say anything much.

“I thought you said you were a professional?”He began suddenly and she turned to look at him

“Of course I am”She replied sheepishly.

“You aren’t, if you are you wouldn’t let our personal problem get in the way of the Advert”

“Am sorry I will try to….”

“Do not try. You need to do it. You’ve been payed already. All we need is the best from you. This project needs to be perfect, if there is a mistake in the advert it will ruin everything and once that happen. You will have to suffer the consequence”He told her harshly and she nodded in reply.

“Am sorry for being unprofessional. I will do my best to make it work”She replied.

“You better”He warned and she nodded in reply again.

“Nina needs to help me fix my make up. I will go and get……”She stopped when he suddenly took hold of her hand, stopping her from going further.

“I can’t do this anymore”He muttered before pulling her into his arms to kiss her.

Arabella was stunned at first and her first reaction had been to push him away but she found herself moving close to him. Kissing him back at the same pace that he was kissing her.

“What was that for?”She asked softly when he finally let go of her.

“I heard what you said to Nina a while ago”He told her.

“You heard? Just how much did you hear?” She asked feeling embarrassed at being caught.

“Enough to make me know that you love me”He replied and she looked away feeling shy.

“I …it’s not….I……”

“Let me make something clear to you”He said as he pulled her to a chair to seat on it.

“Its true that Christina is my fiancee but everything ended between us a long time ago”Gerald began.

“The day they both got into an accident. I just found out that Christina has been cheating on me with a married man. I told her to leave and ended everything. My sister who didn’t know what was going on took Christina side and when Christina had stormed out, she had went after her, getting into Christina car”

“If I had known that that would be the last day I will see her. I would have stopped her and tell her the truth but I was so very angry. Am just taking care of Christina because she has no one to do it for her. I blame myself for my sister death and that’s why i distance myself from Fiona”He confessed.

“But learning that you are her mother brought me a bit of relief. I always blamed myself for making her an orphan at a very young age, I thought she won’t have any adult by her side but she do now and am glad about that”he told her.

“Your not to be blamed for your sister death. Just like you said you were angry that day to correct her and even if you had corrected her. What if she still choose to go after Christina. So it’s not your fault, stop blaming yourself”Arabella said reassuringly.

“You really are the one”He muttered a while later.


“Your the one for me. There is something else that I want to tell you” Gerald said taking hold of her hand.

“I love you Arabella and what we shared yesterday isn’t because I want to punish you. Its because I love and want you in my life. Not as the nanny or as a model but as my wife “He said to her.

Arabella felt like it’s a dream and for a while she was quiet, not knowing what to say.

“What’s wrong? Dont you feel the same way? Did I get your conversation with Nina wrong?” He asked.

“You didn’t get it wrong. I do love you Gerald but I don’t know…..this is all going fast and we…..we……”She didn’t get to finish her words because he kissed her.

“We are now a couple. Don’t think about anything else. Just think about us”Gerald finished for her and she gave him a big smile.

“I really like that”She said softly as she kissed him again on the lips.

“We should go back for the $h00t now”Gerald said and she nodded excitedly.


Arabella got to the garden where she knew John would be.

“I got your message. Why did you ask to see me and it better be worth it because I left something very important to come here”She said to him.

“And would that something important be Gerald?”John asked.

“How did you know?”Arabella asked a bit surprised by him knowing about her relationship with Gerald.

“That isn’t important. The reason why I called you here is to tell you something”He informed her.

“Which is?”

“I am Fiona’s father”

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Turns out John is Fiona father ???

Real trouble will begin soon???

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