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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A. B. C 4:00 PM*

Adel was in her office when Margaret came in

“I have good news and bad News,” Margaret said and Adel looked at her

“Bad news first, “she said

“Steve was bailed from prison, your lawyer called and said they reopen the case and the new D.A ( district attorney) Grants him bail,” she said and Adel nodded

“And what did the laws say about that?” She asked

Like is the attorney crazy or something? Why will they grant criminal bail?

“She said there is nothing they can do unless you want the case to go to trial again which means you will have to testify against him and you will bring the red box along,” she replied and Adel was silent

How can I show the world my nude and porn videos that they made me act? how will I explain that? Am gonna die.

“Where is Steve now?” She asked

“I have no idea,” Margaret replied gently and she kept quiet

Jeremy on the other hand was arranging some files so he heard everything

“The good news?” Adel asked

“I get your test results and it says positive which means that you’re pregnant,” Margaret replied and the flower vase Jeremy was cleaning dropped from him and shattered

It was then that they remember he was there

“Sorry I will clean it,” he quickly said and left

“How can I be so stupid to love a married woman, am an idiot, what was I thinking?” He said not knowing when tears drop from his eyes

His heart was shattered and it was as if he lost all hope, shes pregnant and didn’t even have a chance but why can’t he stop loving her even if he doesn’t want to? Why does it have to be her?

Many thoughts run into his mind but there was no answer to them

Back in the office, Adel was staring into space with her mouth wide open until Margaret touched her

“Adel, did you hear what I said?” Margaret asked and she shook her head negatively

“I said you’re pregnant,” Margaret repeated and she looked at her with a confused expression

“Pregnant? Is that even a word?” She asked and Margaret nodded

“Yes, it is,” Margaret replied

“Are you sure? How come I didn’t come across it in high school or college? Are you sure that word exists?” She asked and Margaret frown

“Of course, it does exist,” Margaret replied

“But how come I have never seen it in the dictionary? What does it mean?” She added trying not to believe that it was the same word she knew

“It means that you’re having a baby,” Margaret replied and the phone she was holding fell from her and scattered

“Baby? But how?” She asked her hand on her head

“Calm down, is good news,” Margaret said

“There is nothing about it that is good …….I mean it is good news yes but what will I tell Anaconda? Whose child is it?” She said worriedly

“You mean you haven’t done it with Jordan since then?” Margaret asked and she shook her head

“Except for the one I did with Jeremy when I was on drugs, I need to see a doctor,” She said and stood up

“Don’t even think about that,” Margaret said and pushed her back to the chair

“What did I know about babies? I’m dead, what will I tell Anaconda? I need to do this, I don’t like babies,” she said and Margaret shook her head negatively

“I think you’re afraid you won’t be a good mother cos your mom left when you were five, but you have to understand that you’re not your mom, it’s your child and you’re not seeing a doctor cos if you do that I will resign and go back to Africa,” Margaret said seriously


“No but, we will do it together, you’re not your mom so you don’t always have to be afraid, we will just tell them what happened and If they can’t accept it then they should deal with it,” Margaret added

“Am scared, why is everything happening now?” She said and Margaret hugged her

“You don’t have to worry, you have me okay? I will godmother,” she said with a smile

“Who said you will be a godmother?” Adel asked and she frowned immediately

“I don’t need permission cos I am already a godmother, hey baby can you hear me,” she said touching her flat tummy and Adel hit her hand off

“Get your hands off me,” she said and Margaret laughed at her reaction

“Look who’s being a protective mom, when she wanted to see a doctor,” Margaret laughed so hard, and Adel frowned

“You’re not being nice,” She pouted

“I already bought a new house and hired some people to paint a nursery, one part pink, and the other part blue,” Margaret said giggling

“I love Blues,” Adel said

“I didn’t remember saying I painted a nursery for you, it’s for our baby, if it’s a girl then I Spain the whole room pink, and if it’s a boy then I will paint the whole room blue so it’s not your choice to make,” Margaret said like a mother talking to her Five years old kid

“You’re being rude right now and I think the baby needs macaroni,” Adel said with a frown

“Fine,” Margaret said hitting her head and walking off



“Take this one and put it in her husband’s food and this for Adel,” Steve said to the girl who was shaking

“But sir, she doesn’t always eat at home, what if she didn’t eat tonight?” The maid asked

“Prepare macaroni, no matter how big her stomach is she will never say no to macaroni and if you fail to do what I ask you to do, I will wipe your family from the surface of the earth,” He thr_@tened and the maid swallowed nothing

“And the husband? Hope the medicine won’t ki|| them?” The maid asked

“Don’t think am stupid, the medicine will only make them weak and I will come and do what I want, don’t forget to add in guard cards food also,” He said and she nodded

She made to walk away but he pulled her back and grabbed her neck

“Messing with me is dangerous so don’t dare me,” he sneered and released his hold on her as her breathing quickened

She coughed and nodded before going home

He went back into the car where Ashley and Amber were waiting

“Am paying them a visit tonight, let the game begin,” He said with a dangerous smirk


TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

Apart from me who else can’t wait for the next episode ⁉️

Unlocking vawulence ??

What did you think guys ⁉️

Voice out your opinion ⁉️

Did you think the maid will do as she’s been told⁉️

What did you think about Steve ⁉️

What did you think about Margaret and Bruce ⁉️

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