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TARASHA – Episode 33

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© Oyinloye Oluwatosin Emmanuel

April 28, 2031


EFX Studios, Asokoro Extension.
Reminiscing on the recent happenings in my life

I’m drifting wrong to right

Eliminating my strife

Is soul which I hold to

I’m told to let it go but it’s harder than they know through

I tried to make corrections by my own

But by natural selection my times got blown

I’ve grown wiser

A better analyzer

There ain’t a man that can pry my price…
‘Alright stop!’ the music producer ordered as he tapped the space bar on the keyboard. His head fell back tiredly and he let out a breath. He turned his swivel towards the recording boot. ‘Vivy, why don’t you allow us reduce the tempo of this beat a little?’ he asked, staring at her with a finger pressing against his lips.

She took off the listening headset and stepped away from the microphone. ‘Do you really think it’ll be better that way?’ her voice sounded low.

‘Yes, I’m very sure.’ the music producer answered confidently.

‘Okay, reduce it and play for me to listen.’

The door to the studio opened just as the music producer turned and held the mouse. He focused his gaze on the computer screen and refused to be distracted. Only after he finished reducing the tempo and tapped play he looked towards the door and noticed that the person who entered was a total stranger. The stranger was putting on a pull over which covered his head and still had a face cap under, he wore a jean trouser and hiphop shoes to compliment his dressing. A backpack was also strapped to his back.

He paused the music and squinted at the visitor who was looking around and proceeding towards him slowly. ‘Hello, please, didn’t anyone attend to you at the reception?’

The stranger just flashed a look at him and kept on moving closer, his eyes still searching everywhere in the studio. The stranger’s eyes finally located the transparent section of the boot and he saw the person he was looking for. She had a headset in her hands and her gaze was fixed on the music producer until she noticed his presence. Their eyes locked and the stranger let out a wry smile. Vivy’s gaze moved back to the producer, wondering why the beat was stopped.

‘Bros, na wetin you want?’ the music producer resorted to Nigerian pidgin English, thinking the stranger was one of those struggling but arrogant upcoming hip-hop artistes.

The stranger looked at him and smiled, he felt like taking out a gun and $h00ting the music producer for his loudness but he wasn’t permitted to ki|| anymore except it was indeed necessary. ‘I came to see her,’ he said to the music producer and then faced Vivy who stared at him with a confused look.

‘What’s happening Veniyx?’ Vivy asked, looking at the producer for an explanation.

The stranger located the entrance to the recording boot and began to proceed there.

‘Hey! Where the hell are you going to?’ Veniyx shouted at him and jumped out of his seat. He dashed towards him and tried to stop him from entering the boot.

The stranger twisted Veniyx’s hand and grabbed his neck as him tried to pull him by the shoulder. He opened the door to the boot and dragged the music producer into it with him. He pushed the producer to one side of the boot at the entrance after almost choking him to death, then he proceeded towards Vivy, slowly.

‘Who the hell are you and what do you think you’re doing?’

Cole stopped at her front and let out a smile. ‘Sorry you had to meet me this way Vivy, I’m a big fan of yours,’ Cole said and stretched his palm to her for an handshake.

She stared at his hand for a second and eyed him arrogantly, not making any move to accept his handshake.

‘Oh!’ Cole chuckled. He withdrew his hand and took off the backpack strapped to his back. He opened the zip and took out an office file. He strapped the backpack back to his back and then stretched the file to her. The music producer at the back continued to cough as he struggled to get on his feet.

She only took a glance at the file and stepped back. She stared him in the face and shook her head gently. Then she hung the headset of the microphone stand and attempted to walk away.

‘Get back here b****,’ Cole dragged her back and took out a gun from his back pocket. ‘Get back in,’ he pointed it at the music producer who was already trying to get out of the boot. He motioned for the producer to step back before turning back to terrified Vivy. He pointed the gun to her head. ‘Now, move this way.’ he said, pointing her to the side where he could see her and the music producer together.

She obeyed fearfully, raising her hands halfway up.

‘Now, have this.’ Cole stretched the file to her again and she received it from him this time. He took out a pen from the outer pocket of his backpack and gave it to her. ‘Now sign the first paper in the file,’ he barked at her and flashed the gun at the music producer who was now staring at the file, warning him to mind his business.

Vivy tried to read what document she was about to sign but couldn’t read much as the stranger barked at her to quickly sign it. All she knew was that she signed a confirmation of receipt, but couldn’t tell the receipt of what she was signing for.

‘Now, your thumb.’ Cole said as he brought out an inked pad and placed it open on his palm. She pressed her thumb gently on the pad and printed it on the space made for it on the paper she also signed.

Cole returned the pad and pen into his bag first and then took the paper she signed on from the file, there were still some other documents left there. He passed the paper to the music producer and asked him to fold it into four, still holding the gun to Vivy’s head.

‘The remaining documents there are for your Dad, you can deliver them to him if you like. But if you do not, I have proof that you received them already. Tell him it’s from Samantha Osman when you give it to him.’

Cole collected the folded paper from Veniyx and put it into his back pocket. He stepped back carefully until he got to the door. ‘I won’t hesitate to blow off your heads if you try to make any sound,’ he said before opening the door. He stepped out of the boot and locked the door from behind.

He proceeded back to the reception where he had tranquilized two receptionist and a visitor. He took out the tranquilizing pins from the victims’ bodies one after the other and stepped out of the place quickly before they recovered.

Back in the studio

After a minute, Veniyx began to struggle to get the door opened while Vivy began to check the documents in the file. There were about sixteen A4 papers stapled together in the file. The first one had a letter head of NOTD Pharmaceutical Limited and the letter was dated May 2, 2011. It was sent to a pharmaceutical company in Europe and it was a request for a specific quantity of drugs. She skipped the other parts of the letter and was about to flip to another page, but something in the complimentary close caught her attention. She saw father’s name and signature at the close. She scrolled up again to see the name of the pharmaceutical company. She was confused. She never knew her father to work in or own such a company. It was that same period her father served as the Deputy Governor of their state of residence. She opened to the next page and there was a letter from the World Health Agency to the Nigerian Drugs Agency, informing them about the ban of the drug that was requested in the first letter. She closed the file for a moment and stared in confusion.

‘Do…do you have your phone with you?’ Veniyx who was still struggling with the door asked. Vivy stood frozen to a spot, she was totally absent minded. ‘Vivy!’ Veniyx shouted.

She flashed a quick look at him, her face still dim in confusion.

‘I left my phone outside, can you make a call with your phone to your driver outside to come help us with this door?’ Veniyx asked.

Vivy turned back to search for her phone which she was reading her lyrics from before the stranger entered. She picked it from where it was hung and handed to to Veniyx to make the call.

‘I don’t know your driver’s number,’ Veniyx complained.

‘Search for Toba,’ she said with a quick glance at him and then stared blankly at the wall again. She opened the file again and checked the date on the first letter for a second time, she compared the date on the second letter.



Aguda House, Aso Rock.


The Vice President stepped out of the house, flanged by the minister of housing and the minister of works. His Security officials followed behind at a slower pace as the government officials all turned towards the car park.

‘If they are not responding as they should, why don’t we assign the project to indigenous engineers?’ the Vice President asked the Minister of works who was at his left side as they continued on their way to the car park.

‘Sir, we won’t get as much as we want if we award the contract to indigenous guys, they could be easily monitored by the law enforcement agencies in charge.’ the Minister replied.

‘Uhmn… Even though we should consider that,’ the Vice President stopped to think but couldn’t find words to continue. The phone in his pocket began to ring, he balanced a hand on his walking stick and took out the phone with the other. His injured leg was getting better and the walking stick was becoming more for fashion.

‘Good morning, my campaign manager.’ The Vice President answered the call and hailed his caller in a cheerful tone.

‘Good morning sir,’ the caller replied in the same cheerful tone. ‘The first set of slides for the campaign and are up already, I ensured that they were raised at the same time across the thirty six States.’

‘Good work, I…’

‘Dad!’ A very loud voice interrupted the Vice President’s phone call. The three men standing close to the flowers and the Vice President’s assistants at the back all turned to the speaker. ‘Dad, you have to explain this right away.’ Vivy charged angrily towards them. She stopped in front of the front of the Vice President and stretched the office file to him. She dragged her long braided hair which was falling to the front backwards and then placed the hand on her waist, chewing the gum in her mouth so fast and noisily.

‘Please, let me call back later.’ Chief Elvis said before ending the call. He looked at her in silence from head to toe. She was dressed in an armless top which was almost showing everything on her chest and a tight shorts which stopped middle of her thighs, not too different from a bumshort. She also had a long necklace hanging from her neck.

‘Vivy, is anything the matter?’ the Vice President asked her, surprised at her attitude and disrespect shown to his guests.

‘Dad, take this and explain!’ she said still pushing the file to him and chewing the gum.

The Vice President took a look at the office file and then glanced briefly at his guests. He took in a breath and folded his lips in.

‘Vivian, you are disrespecting me in front of my guests.’ he scolded her without taking the file.

For a second, Vivy glanced at the faces of the men beside her father like she was just seeing them. Then she placed her gaze back on her father’s face. ‘Dad, I need an explanation for this.’ she insisted.

‘I’m sorry gentlemen,’ the Vice President stepped forward and apologized to his guests. ‘I’ll be back in a moment,’ he said and pulled Vivy by the arm with him.

‘Vivian, what is wrong with you?’ the Vice President asked after they got up to the balcony of the house, out of earshot of the guests. ‘Why did you chose to embarrass me in the presence of my guests that way? What has come over you?’ the man shouted angrily.

‘You Dad! You are the problem,’ Vivy shouted back. ‘I never knew you were involved in shipping and Importing of illegal and fake drugs into the country.’

The man was taken aback. His mouth was left agape at her accusation, a confused look appeared on his face.

‘I’ve been going everywhere representing NGOs and acting as an ambassador for organizations that discourage the use of fake drugs not knowing that my father is one of those who import these bad products into the country in large quantities.’

‘Shut up Vivian! Shut up!’ the man shouted at her. ‘What are you talking about and who’s feeding you with these stupid lies.’

‘Dad, stop lying to me, you know these aren’t lies.’

‘I said shut up young lady! How can you come here and make such demeaning accusations against your father?’

‘Here Dad, have it,’ she said, stretching forth the file to him again. ‘Please explain what this document means.’

The man collected the file from her reluctantly and opened it. He wanted to rush through the first page but couldn’t as something there looked familiar. The expression on his face deepened as he read down.

‘Vivy, we have to talk about this inside.’ he said after seeing the contents of the first page. He looked around briefly to see if anyone was close and listening to them before he tried to hold her hand.

‘No, leave me Dad. I want the explanation right here and now,’ she refused.

‘Come in with me Vivian, these things you brought are sensitive issues but they are all false.’ The Vice President tried to convince her.

‘Dad, you’ve only read the first page and you say everything is false. How did you know what is contained in the other fifteen pages?’ Vivy asked and folded her arms across her chest.

‘Look here Vivian, I know that this is fake. It’s the plot of my enemies and I know how desperate they can go to pull me down.’ the man replied. ‘Come, let’s go in.’ He tried to pull her in again.

‘No Dad, you’re going to make wh@ťěver explanations you have to make here.’ Vivy remained adamant.

‘Vivian, what the hell is wrong with you? Why have you made yourself so gullible? And you chose to believe another person’s report against mine,’ the man shouted in an angry tone. ‘The elections are drawing near and since I declared my interest to contest, my enemies have been out to do everything to make sure I fail. How can you allow yourself to be deceived by the tricks and tactics?’

Vivy remained silent, staring blankly away from his face but still unconvinced of her father’s innocence.

‘Let’s go in,’ he pulled her by the hand again and she didn’t resist this time.

She followed him to the living room where the man sat and took some minutes to go through the file.

‘These are all lies and fake, someone is trying to frame me up. Their purpose is to give me a bad name before the election,’ he said after closing the file. Vivy who remained standing in front of him only took a glance at his face and looked away again, still unconvinced. ‘Where did you find this?’

Vivy glanced at his face again and they looked away. ‘Someone brought it to me while I was recording in the studio this morning,’ she answered.

‘Who is the person who brought it to you?’

‘A guy, he said he was from Samantha Osman.’

Fear surged through the man’s veins at the mention of Samantha’s name. His, teeth vibrated in his mouth and his whole body trembled for some seconds.

‘No,’ he said and got up to his feet, trying to put himself under control. ‘It is evident that the opposition is at work,’ he said facing the wall behind as he rested his weight on the walking stick. ‘I always knew that Samantha Osman wasn’t just an assassin, she was sent by enemies of the state, a group of people who do not want the best for this country.’ the man said, still facing the wall. He stood well and hit his walking stick on the floor three times before he turned to his daughter. ‘Vivian, doesn’t it all make sense to you now? The attempt on my life by Samantha Osman was orchestrated by my enemies and when they found it impossible to ki|| me, they’ve decided to levy false accusations against me.’

Vivy stood still with her gaze on her father’s face, now she was getting confused by her father’s defence.

‘Dad, how can you explain your signatures, passports and even finger prints on some of these documents?’ she asked.

‘Look Vivy, all those things are false. They forged everything, you know who your father is, it’s easy to get my picture or passport anywhere. I was the commissioner of Police for four years in Lagos and the Deputy Governor for eight years. How can I now be involved in something I was brutally fighting against?’

Vivy became more confused and her body weak. She closed her eyes and took in a breath. Here was her father denying the allegation and giving sensible reasons why he couldn’t have been a part of the illegal business while the file spoke opposite about him. The file seemed to contain every proof that the man was definitely involved. Even the writing tone of some of the letters there was that of her father’s.

‘But Vivian, I must say that I’m very disappointed in you. How could you have ever considered this to be true? I expected that you should have stood up for me wherever this kind of allegation comes up and not join the enemies point accusing fingers.’

Now, Vivy was feeling guilty for not hearing her father out before believing the whole thing. She had put her own ambitions first. If her Dad was ever found to be guilty of the allegations, then her endorsement deal with the World Health Agency would be totally terminated and it cause a big blow to her music career.

‘I’m sorry sir, but this looks too real. This signature is yours, the writing tone is like yours and your passport photographs are even there. Even the names of your close friends, most of them who are late now are also included.’ Vivy apologized.

‘Look here Vivian, there’s nothing the enemy cannot do to harm me right and that is why they’ve decided to come through you first. They know that once they can cause distrust between my family, then they can successfully convince the world of these things I didn’t do.’ the man said and opened the file again. ‘You’ll have to do me a favour,’ he said, looking up at her face again. ‘Don’t mention a word to anyone about this yet and you also have to be careful henceforth, I suggest that you finish up with wh@ťěver you’re doing here as soon as possible and return to the States.’

‘Okay Dad, but what are we going to do about this? They may give out these false document to the public,’ Vivy said, now concerned for her father.

‘I’ll keep this with me,’ he said, closing the file. ‘I’ll get it to the Inspector General once I return from my outing with the ministers outside. You be careful’

Song Lyrics extracted from Anny Ft BOUQUI – Your Love



‘How do you plan to go?’ Lizzy asked.

She was in the dressing room with Dave where both of them were discussing in low tones. Dave sat on a high stool while Lizzy sat in front of him on a lower chair with comfortable backrest.

‘The Chairman has got more eyes on me than I thought, I just kept meeting with different agents as I went out today.’ Dave replied.

‘Did they see you?’

‘Some did but acted like it was a coincidence.’

‘So, it means you’re not traveling to Lagos anymore?’

‘I can’t say for now, Dan isn’t helping matters too.’

‘You can’t blame him, his job is at risk and he also can face imprisonment for defying orders.’

There was silence for some seconds. ‘What about the picture I sent you yesterday, have you done anything about them?’

‘Yes, but I couldn’t do much. Yesterday was Sunday, I had to take a rest and visit the hospital after the meeting with the Chairman.’

‘So the Chairman fixed a meeting for you guys on a Sunday?’

‘Yes, it was quite urgent, so it is understandable.’

‘It’s odd though… So your work on that picture I sent to you; the list of drugs, have you gotten anything reasonable from it yet?’

‘No, not at all reasonable.’ Dave said and laughed briefly. Lizzy squinted at his face, wondering what the cause of his amusement was. ‘All those drugs in the that list, they were drugs which have been banned by the World Health Agency, I don’t really know what Samantha could be doing with it.’

‘Hmm… Strange.’

‘Really strange and funny!’

The phone in Dave’s pocket began to ring and he stepped down from the stool to a take out the phone from his trouser pocket. He glanced at the phone’s screen as he positioned his bum back on the stool, the caller’s number was an unsaved one.

‘Hello,’ he said into the phone as he answered.

‘Hi Agent David James,’ a female’s voice sounded through the phone.

Dave was taken aback at the sound of his full name and Agent title. He took the phone away from his ears to check the screen again if his Truecaller app had identified the caller but it still had not.

‘Who’s this?’ he asked as he put the phone back close to his ear.

He didn’t hear anything else except for a giggle and the call ended.

He stared at the phone’s screen for some seconds after the call ended, hoping the caller would call again or that the application would reveal the identity of the caller but none of that happened.

‘Is there any problem?’ Lizzy asked.

‘No problem,’ Dave replied as he dialed back the number. The network service replied that the number was unreachable.

‘Are you sure there’s no problem?’ Lizzy asked again on seeing the troubled look on his face.

‘The person who called me right now referred to me as Agent David James,’ he said to Lizzy.

‘Uhmn… And how is that supposed to be a problem?’ Lizzy asked with a shrug.

‘I’m supposed to be a secret agent, no one should know I’m an agent.’

Lizzy chuckled, ‘Couldn’t it be one of our colleagues that called you?’

‘No, it isn’t. I’ve never given anybody in the Agency this number, it’s a temporary number I use for work.’

‘Are you sure you didn’t forget giving it to another agent?’

‘No, I can never make that mistake, it’s my temporary work line.’

‘So, how is it possible that someone knows you as an agent with it?’

Dave stared blankly at the wall. That was the question he also needed an answer to.



Control room.

‘The location is untraceable, tightly secured.’ Henry said to Tarasha who sat beside him. Tarasha and Henry had switched seats, she was sitting on the one he used to seat and watch from when she was working and he was seating on hers.

‘Is it the location that’s untraceable or the device?’ Tarasha asked without looking up, still busy with the phone she had just used to make the phone call.

‘It’s the location right now, we can’t tell if the device itself is also secured.’ Henry replied.

‘I’ll be surprised if the device isn’t secured, it would mean it isn’t his main line.’

‘Exactly, but why didn’t you wait for him in Lagos? You don’t know if he would have showed up to see the girl.’

‘He’s a very efficient and trained agent, he would have been suspicious and I wouldn’t have gotten him easily if I waited there for him, so many people would have had to die again. The only way it would have been easy was only if he had come in when I was in the nurse’s apartment. Besides, I don’t really think we should give him much attention anymore, I’ll just ki|| him straightaway if I do.’

‘But what if he comes our way again?’

‘He cannot get any special information like he got from that nurse again, if he’s ever going to come our way again, it would be like every other security Agent who would, and he’d die like the rest of them. What made him come so close to me was my mistake of not cleaning of every trace I had with that nurse and I won’t let that happen again’ she said, staring at the computer system while Henry stared at her face. ‘I need take some rest now.’

She got up to her feet and proceeded towards the door, almost bumping into Cole at the door.

‘Good day boss,’ Cole greeted and moved away for her to pass.

‘Why did it take you so long to come in? We saw you when you got to the gate,’ Tarasha said to him.

‘I’ve gotten into the house for sometime now, but Tomi delayed me in the Living room.’

Tarasha stared at his face for a while with her lips pouted. ‘How was your assignment?’

‘The first went well, I delivered the file to her and I believed she must have given it to her father. I followed her on all the way to the Presidential Villa.’

‘What about the second assignment?’

‘The Inspector General, Agent Tim and another man I don’t know are in a secret meeting with the Vice President in his second quarters at this moment.’ Cole answered.



‘She’s getting more dangerous, she sent someone to my daughter this morning.’ the Vice President said to the hearing of his guests – the Inspector General, Police Agent Tim and the NIS chairman.

‘What? And where is Vivian now?’ Chief Rikau was the first to react.

‘I told her to finish off wh@ťěver she was in the country for quickly and return to the States as soon as possible.’ Chief Elvis answered.

‘She wasn’t hurt?’

‘No, she wasn’t and that’s why I’ve asked her to rush up wh@ťěver she’s doing here. I’ll make sure she leaves the country before Wednesday.’

‘Sir, I think we need to ask her some questions before she leaves, it’ll do us a lot of good.’ Agent Tim suggested.

‘No, you’ll spare her all the questions, you can ask me what you want to know. I don’t want to get the girl involved in this.’

‘Okay, so I believe you’re going to tell us her experience as she relayed it to you sir.’

‘Yes, they only asked her to tell me to stop hiding and told her that they had some documents to release to the public soon that’ll dent my image.’

‘That’s serious and strange!’ one of them exclaimed. The Vice President’s words left all of them greatly surprised.

‘But sir, what kind of documents are they planning to release?’ the NIS Chairman asked.

‘That, I don’t know. They didn’t tell her,’ Chief Elvis lied. ‘But I strongly believe now that those who are sponsoring Samantha Osman are those who don’t want me to be the President come 2032.’


His guests all stared at each other thoughtfully, his assertions were making sense.

‘So, you think those who are behind her are those in the opposition party?’ Chief Rikau tried to confirm.

‘Not only those in the opposition, it could also be those in my party. There are enemies everywhere.’

‘That’s true… But who are those you suspect?’ Inspector General Rikau asked.

‘I can’t really point to anybody but I’m sure there’s somebody somewhere and that’s why I called this meeting, I want you all to also give attention to this in your investigations. Let’s watch carefully everyone that declares his interest to contest for President whether directly or indirectly.’

‘Yes, I think we really need to focus on that.’ The IG supported. ‘Right now, the only campaign poster that has gone up in the streets are yours but other aspirants are campaigning online already too.’

‘It doesn’t matter whether online or not, every aspirant right now is a suspect.’ The Vice President stated.

20 minutes later.

Agent Tim and the NIS chairman had left. Inspector General Rikau was alone in the Vice President’s sitting room in his wheelchairs, his host had briefly left him there to get something upstairs.

‘Chief Rikau,’ the Vice President called as he trotted down the stairs.

Chief Rikau turned his wheelchair towards the direction of the stairs, ‘You called me sir?’

‘Yes, I did.’ The Vice President said, walking back to the Living room with a file in his hand. ‘I had to let the others go first, there’s something I want to show you.’

‘Okay sir,’ Chief Rikau said and turned again towards the middle of the living room where the Vice President was now. He stared inquisitively at the man and the file in his hands.

Chief Elvis dragged the footstool near the centre table to chair beside the Chief Rikau. He sat on the chair and placed the file on the footstool. ‘Here, Samantha’s messenger did not only thr_@ten Vivian, he gave her these documents to give to me.’

Chief Rikau moved closer to the footstool and picked the opened file. He began to go through the contents of the documents.

‘In there are our request letters for some of the drugs we distributed years ago and evidences of their ban by the World Health Agency,’ Chief Elvis explained as he watched his friend go through.

‘But how did she get all these?’ Chief Rikau asked in a troubled tone.

‘I can’t tell for sure but the evidences of ban are even the most surprising. The documents are supposed to be properties of the drug agencies alone and never meant to get to outsiders.’

‘How then in the world did these documents get to Samantha?’

‘She must be working with someone who has them or who has the key to the places they’re kept.’

‘And who could that person be?’

‘I only have one person in mind and I think that is why Samantha Osman went to Anambra state,’ the Vice President said thoughtfully, taking in a deep breath.




James took off his seatbelt after turning off the car engine. He picked his phone from the passenger’s side and unlocked it to check the time, it was past nine already. He stretched his hand to the backseat and picked the white nylon bag containing the food he got from a restaurant as he drove home. He opened the car and stepped out, he took a look around the compound before closing the door.

The cold wind blew on his body as he proceeded into his apartment. He could also feel droplets of cold water touching his skin. He could tell for sure that it was going to rain that night.

As usual, most of his neighbours were in doors watching TV with their families that night. Except on days when he comes home after ten pm which was the time the gate was locked for the day and he had to bang loudly on the gate, he rarely sees more than one neighbour when he comes back at night and most of those he sees were usually men, the only way he knew that there were women in the building was their voices he heard from their individual apartments and of course on Sundays when he would see them dress and leave for church early in the morning.

He got to the second floor where his apartment was and took out his keys from his pocket. He put in the keys and turned it, he noticed it opened without the normal hard clicking. He closed it again and removed the key. He put the key back in and turned it again, it still opened the same way. He hissed and pushed the door open, wondering how the original lock he had bought just within few months of his stay in Abuja got faulty already.

He closed the door and reached for the bulb switch. To his surprise, the lights revealed a lady seated in his living room with her legs crossed comfortably, she had a pistol in her hands which she rolled with a finger playfully. She didn’t look towards his direction nor did she act like she was aware of his presence even as he stared at her.

James tried to play first, his hand quickly found it’s way too his belt side where his gun was hung but she had Ç0çƙed her gun and pointed it at him before he could even detach his pistol. He took his hand off from the pistol slowly and raised the two hands up in surrender, his food nylon still hanging on the left hand fingers. She got up from the seat and walked towards him slowly with her gun still pointed at him.

She stopped beside the centre table of the living room and stared straight at his face. ‘Get in,’ she said, motioning him in with her gun. ‘Take off your gun and put it down,’ she ordered.

He obeyed and moved away from the entrance, he stopped at the front of his television when she signaled to him. He placed his gun and the nylon bag of food on the floor and put back his hands in the air.

‘Push your gun here,’ she ordered.

James obeyed at once, he kicked it with his toes gently to her and she stopped it with her foot. ‘I’m here on a peaceful mission, not to fight you. I hope you cooperate with me.’ she unÇ0çƙed her gun and lowered the hand holding her gun.

Both of them stared at each other’s faces for a while. James tried to see if he had ever seen her before but he hadn’t, her face was completely new to him. His eyes scanned her body from head to toe. He took note of everything she was putting on, her clothes, her wristwatch, jacket and even the hair she plaited.

‘Who are you and what do you want from me?’ James finally spoke, after putting his hands down.

She stared at face in silence for a while, then she put on a smirk. ‘I’ll tell you who I am if it’s necessary when I tell you my message to you,’ she replied. ‘There’s a file on the compact disk jacket behind, it’s for you. I want you to deliver it to your father after going through it carefully.’

He stared at her face for a while, trying to look back carefully, not sure if she had an ulterior plan for him. He finally located the file and picked it. He opened and scanned through them.

Tarasha waited patiently for him to go through the documents and watched the reaction on his face from time to time.

‘Now, you’d have to sign receipt of these document, you’ll find where to sign on first paper there. There’s a pen and an ink pad for fingerprinting in that CD jacket too.’

James opened back to first page and scanned through the paper he was supposed to sign. He closed the file and looked up, staring at her face.

‘You have to sign it,’ she insisted in a strong tone.

He narrowed his look at her face for a while before opening the file again, he turned to take the pen and ink pad behind, he then signed and printed his thumb on the spaces made available.

‘Good,’ she smirked and stretched her palm out. ‘Bring it here slowly.’

James obeyed and walked forward. She raised her palm to signal stop to him when he was moving too close. He stopped and stretched the paper to her. She gave a wry smile as she collected it. He stepped back to his previous position while she briefly scanned through to see if he signed properly.

‘James Elvis, I believe that you are a police officer with a difference and you’d not give room for deadly criminals to roam the streets freely. Those documents contains the reasons Vice President Elvis Richards should be in jail. Those are the first sets of documents to start his prosecution, he’s also a spearhead of many other crimes whose evidences you’d get when you start doing a positive work with this.’

She stopped talking and gave him sometime to assimilate all that she had said. He just stared at her in silence, she couldn’t tell what was running through his mind.

‘So when will the prosecution begin?’ she asked in a kind of mocking tone.

‘You should head it since you have the proofs that he’s a criminal, just take him to court’ James said to her.

‘I thought you would like to make some more investigation as a police officer before taking him to court and that’s why I’m here to give it to you,’ she replied.

‘If you really sure of this,’ he said, raising up the file. ‘Why are you bringing it here instead of the police station or headquarters?’

‘I wouldn’t trust any Nigerian officer with this case, you are the only one I can trust and that’s why I brought it here to you.’ She put on a smile again.

There was a brief silence.

‘What do you really want?’ James asked, his eyebrows gathered together. ‘And who are you?’

‘I want Chief Elvis Richards prosecuted for his crimes, I want him to answer for the blood of the many innocent ones he used in making money and building his business empire.’ she replied him. ‘And my name is Samantha Osman.’

James heartbeat began to move faster than it was before even though he wasn’t sure whether to believe her or not. The face he was seeing didn’t look like that of the Samantha Osman he had seen before.

She took in a breath as she hung the gun by the side of her trouser. ‘I’ll like to take my leave now Inspector if you won’t mind,’ she said and began to walk towards the door.

The Inspector stood still in readiness for her and began to plan an attack as she drew nearer. She stopped when she got to the point he was waiting for her to get to before attacking. She turned her face to him and gave a mocking smile, as if she knew his plan. ‘Well, don’t complicate matters. You only have twenty four hours to start work on it,’ she said before proceeding forward.

James remained frozen to the same spot, not knowing whether to go after her or just seat and study the file she brought to him. He didn’t for a second doubt the evidences she brought against his father. He had always suspected his father’s hands were not clean but he didn’t just know the crime his father was involved in, even long ago before Samantha Osman came into the picture. But what she was telling him to do was impossible. Investigating the crime further wasn’t a problem to him even though it scared him that he’ll find out that his father was indeed a criminal, the problem he had was ensuring his father goes to jail, that’ll be the most difficult challenge that he would ever come across in his career.



‘I’m on my way now to Olusegun Obasanjo way, don’t keep me waiting.’ Tarasha spoke into the earphone receiver with the two eartips in her ears. Her hands were on the steering wheels and eyes straight on the road as she drove. There was a counter reaction expected from the Vice President and they were about to cater for it that night.

April 29, 2017

Different thoughts ran through James’ mind as he walked from the garage where his car was parked into the Vice President’s house. He held the file Samantha had given him the last night in his hand and was going in to demand an explanation from his father. Not that he was ready to accept his father’s denial of the allegation and denial of evidences against him but he wanted his father to be aware of his possession of the documents and warn him to begin to thread more carefully. Though he and his father were most times not on the same sides, he didn’t think he would like to see his father labelled as a criminal or sent to prison. He also knew that his father would try to buy justice with money but he didn’t want it to get to that level. If it were several years ago when the level of corruption was higher in their nation, the Vice President would certainly go scot-free after several court hearings but with the low level of corruption in the country presently, it would only take luck for the man to be able to scale through except of course he went through another means of involving in more deadly crimes to absolve himself.

‘Good morning sir,’ one of the Vice President’s security officers greeted him as he stepped into the living room.

‘Good morning, can I see my Dad?’

‘I’ve not seen him this morning, he hasn’t stepped out of his room yet,’ the security man replied.

‘Can you help me check him or preferably get Benson,’ James requested before locating a sofa where he sat comfortably. Benson was one of his father’s closest assistants and James was sure Benson was the right person to get his father to attend to him quickly.

Benson soon arrived. ‘Agent James, good morning.’

‘Good morning Benson,’ James replied, offering him a handshake.

‘I heard you want to see your father,’ Benson enquired.

‘Yes, I want to have a word with him.’

‘Does he know you’re coming?’

‘No, it’s kind of an emergency. I just have to see him this morning,’ James said, displaying the file in his hands.

‘Okay, I’ll try to get him for you. He slept very late last night and I’m not sure he would like to be up this early but I’ll still try.’

‘Thank you Benson,’ James said and returned to his seating position.

It wasn’t until after twenty minutes that Benson left that the Vice President came out to see his son. The man was still dressed in his night gown and held his walking stick as usual, beating the ground playfully with it as he walked.

‘James, it’s a surprise seeing you here this morning. The last time I saw you this early was immediately after your graduation from the university,’ the man said as he walked to him from behind.

‘Good morning sir,’ James rose and greeted with an unsmiling face.

‘Good morning, what brings you here? I can see it’s not something pleasant,’ the man replied, noticing his son’s serious face. He sat on the adjacent sofa close to James.

‘Here,’ James picked the file from the chair arm which he placed it on top and stretched it forth to his father.

Chief Elvis knew what it was at once. It was the same type of file with the one that was given to Vivy and also had the same title on it.

‘What’s this?’ he asked as he collected, feigning ignorance. He didn’t want to give James an impression that he had seen it before.

‘Open it Dad, the message is for you.’

The Vice President opened the file slowly, his heart was beating fast even though he already knew what was there, he pretended to be going through it again.

‘I don’t understand this?’ he spoke after two minutes of total silence.

‘Dad, come on. You’ve just seen the first page out of sixteen, open it and you’ll see that it’s more than just one.’

The man opened the document just like his son had suggested. It was exactly the same with what Vivy brought home.

‘But James, where did you find all these? Who in the world manufactured these kind of false documents and why are they doing it?’ the man asked, feigning an angry tone.

James closed his eyes and took in a deep breath in an attempt to control himself, he didn’t want to find himself in a heated argument with his father.

‘Dad please, I’m not a kid and I know when something is manufactured and when it is real.’

‘So, what are you insinuating? That I did all these things truly?’ the man asked angrily.

‘Sir, I’ve not come to argue with you. The documents are explanatory enough for everyone to see. Your signature is on every letter and deals signed in your name and the photocopy of your fingerprint is on one of the letters.’

‘Everything there can be forged and you know it. In today’s world, people’s signatures are being forged everyday and you can’t tell that the fingerprint there is mine.’

‘Of course, it can be forged but I hope you know that the person who has access to these kind of documents will definitely have access to the or copies where your thumb print can be verified from?’

‘d@mn it James! You’re a cursed son,’ the man flared up and rose to his feet. ‘What makes you think I’m scared of them? I’m innocent of all these rubbish, so my mind is at rest.’

‘Dad, I’m not here to point fingers or quarrel with you. I’m here to deliver the file as I was asked by Samantha Osman,’ James said and got up to his feet, ready to leave.

‘Oh! Samantha Osman,’ he turned slowly to face his son. ‘So, you now run errands for her?’ he asked in a more or less of a mocking tone.

‘She brought this to my house yesterday night and asked me to investigate it and also ensure that you get punished if you’re found guilty,’ James replied in a cold tone, giving his father a thin stare as his jaw moved slightly from side to side.

There was silence for some seconds.

‘I advise that you do everything possible to ensure that this doesn’t get to the public, you may have a hard time proving your innocence.’

‘What are you going to do boy? You plan on taking this false document to the public or taking me to court?’ the man asked.

‘No father, I don’t plan to use them for anything nor do I plan to carry out any investigation on them because I’m terribly scared that I may find you truly guilty. But I’m also scared that Samantha Osman would not stop at this, she might release it to the public soon and that’s why I’m advising that you do everything possible not to allow it go public.’

‘And what am I supposed to do not to make it go public?’

‘Father, she’s coming with a blackmail soon, I’m sure of that, that’s why she must have sent this document ahead.’

‘How the hell can she blackmail me with something I’m innocent of? How can she blackmail me with something I know nothing about?’

James took in a deep breath, he could see that his father was still trying to feign innocence. ‘Good day father, I have to get to the office in few minutes.’ James bowed and proceeded to the door.

‘Shi*t!’ Elvis Richards slammed the file on the floor after his son stepped out. He needed to act fast, he needed to stop Samantha from wh@ťěver her plan was. He wasn’t ready to stop her from blackmailing him or to give in to her conditions if she eventually did, he had never been at the mercy of anyone and wasn’t going to put himself at hers. He needed to plan a showdown and total disgrace for her. It was an opportunity to show her that he was the boss of the system and she couldn’t intimidate him by bringing up his past, not in his country!



‘You’d be live in ten seconds, are you ready?’ Tarasha asked with her fingers on the mouse. She was standing by the side of the table where the laptop was while Dr Martin Ekwueme was sitting some distance in front of the table. The man nodded in response to her question and she tapped the mouse with her fingers and moved away. A video chat began.

‘Martin,’ The doctor said as a video of his ex-wife’s house in Anambra showed, the expensive ceiling decoration was the only thing that could be seen on the screen, making it obvious that the device that was connected to was placed on a flat surface with it’s camera facing upwards. ‘Martin,’ the man called again, hoping that his son was close to the device and would be able to speak with him before his time elapsed.

A female face showed some seconds later, she looked into the camera and seemed to be wondering what was going on the device screen.

‘Uncle Martin,’ the doctor could hear the girl call. He recognized her, she was his ex-wife’s niece. ‘Were you playing music on your phone?’ Dr Martin heard her ask.

He heard nothing else until after ten seconds. ‘No of course, I’ve not touched the phone for close to an hour now.’ he heard his son Martin speak but it took sometime for Martin to show in the video

‘Martin!’ Dr Ekwueme called as his son picked the phone and stared at the screen.

The son turned to someone at the side, he could tell it was his niece who looked into the phone’s camera earlier. ‘Are you playing a video with my phone?’ Martin junior asked the person in the living room with him.

‘Look here son, I’m talking to you live.’ Dr Ekwueme said before Martin could get a response. The niece still answered with a loud voice but the doctor didn’t hear what she said.

‘Dad, you?’ Martin asked, with a surprised tone with his gaze now fixed on the device screen.

‘Yes, Martin. How are you?’

‘Dad, where are you?’ Martin ignored his question and asked his, with his voice full of concern.

‘I told you before that I only decided to take a break,’ Dr Ekwueme replied.

‘Take a break? By putting everyone in panic?’

‘No son, I didn’t mean it to be like that…’

‘Call mum…’ Martin said as he took a quick glance to the side.

‘Son, no need to involve your mum in this. I wouldn’t like for her to even make me feel worse than I feel now.’

‘She needs to hear about this Dad, everyone has been worried about you.’

‘Look son, I have very limited time to talk to you. I just want you to assure everyone that I’m fine and I’ll return home at the due time.’

‘Dad, where exactly are you?’ Martin asked.

‘Sorry boy, I have to go now. My five minutes is up. Tell your siblings and everyone not to worry about me, I love you all.’

The laptop’s screen went blank just after he finished speaking. Tarasha stepped forward to the laptop and tapped the escape key on the keyboard. She looked at the doctor, he was wiping off tears from his eyes.

‘Don’t worry Doc, very soon you’ll be with your family again.’ she said as she proceeded towards him. She dragged a chair closer to him and sat on it facing him directly. ‘So, were you able to do your assignment while I was away?’

The man wiped his eyes with the back of his palm and sniffed in gently. ‘I made my research and studied those documents,’ he said and paused to look at Tarasha’s face. ‘There’s a sealed document which contains the original copies, both hard and soft where Elvis Richards’ signature and thumb were printed.’

‘Ermm…’ Tarasha put on a frown. ‘How do we get these sealed document? And what do you really mean by “sealed”?’

‘I don’t know what being sealed means, that’s the term I found in the documents you gave me.’

Tarasha stopped to think for a moment. The man was talking about the documents she had gotten from Chief Gab which she gave him to go through and draw out meanings from. She had read through it herself and couldn’t make any meanings from it as she couldn’t relate to the terms used and history behind the documents. Even the man who had given her claimed he knew so little about them because he wasn’t involved in the deals as most of them were done secretly by Elvis Richards.

‘But these sealed documents, is there anyway we can unseal them? And how and where can we get the documents from?’

‘I don’t have an answer to any of those questions but there’s one man I know who can have the answers,’ he said and took in a deep breath. He turned his face to the wall.

‘Who’s the man?’

‘Eze Okafor, he was the Minister of health during those days and he’s also the elder brother of the late Nnamdi Okafor.’

‘Where can I find him?’

‘He stays in Anambra State.’

‘Oh shi*t!’ Tarasha clenched her fists gently. She thought of discarding the need for the sealed document. She hadn’t planned for it before as she had no idea that there was a sealed document anywhere. It was after her return to Abuja the doctor had told her that there was something they could get that would make the Vice President not to be able to defend himself at all.

‘I think acquiring the sealed document will help us in nailing Chief Elvis Richards quicker, he won’t be able to prove himself not guilty.’ the doctor said.

Tarasha stared the ground in silence for some more seconds before she turned and focused her eyes on his face. ‘Who else knows about this sealed document?’

‘I don’t know if so many people know about it but it’s obvious the Vice President knows, he signed them.’

‘Then, I have to get there before he does.’ Tarasha said and sprung up to her feet. She returned the chair she was sitting on the the previous position. ‘You may now go back to your room,’ she said to the doctor.

5 minutes later


‘Boss, the only flight from Abuja to Anambra for today took place by 8am this morning.’ Cole reported to Tarasha.

‘When is the next?’ Tarasha asked, taking her busy hands from the computer keyboard for a short while.

‘Tomorrow by 7am,’ Cole replied.

She took a quick glance at him. ‘That’s quite far from now. How many hours drive to Anambra is it from here?’

Cole quickly typed the query and clicked the enter key. He got his answer in less than thirty seconds. ‘It’s approximately seven hours and ten minutes drive to Nnewi from Asokoro.’

‘Okay,’ Tarasha said and turned back to her computer. ‘Book a car to take me there and after that I want you to find out every detail about Eze Okafor from the Doctor and his recent activities online, I would visit the man tomorrow morning.’




‘Rex is here already sir,’ the Inspector General said to the Vice President as he wheeled himself towards the center of the living room.

The Vice President looked up and looked around the living room for Rex, then he turned to the IG to demand where Rex was.

‘He just drove in, he would join us in some minutes.’ Chief Rikau explained.

‘Okay, are we meeting here or in that room that you allow him?’ the Vice President asked.

‘Here, since the meeting would not last for long.’ the IG answered.

There was silence for a while. The two of them drifted into the realm of thoughts while waiting for Rex. They had analyzed the situation and concluded that the only person Samantha could have gotten the documents she had from was the retired government official, Eze Okafor. The man had been forced to retire from politics when he never had the chance to run for the presidential election which had always been his dream. Chief Elvis Richards and his team including the man’s younger brother Nnamdi had made it their role to frustrate his plans with a secret of his that they knew and he never got bold enough at any point to declare his intentions. It was during his tenure as the Minister of Health most of the fake drugs importations were carried out and he was forced through the influence of their Godfather to sign the papers.

Rex finally walked into the living room noiselessly. He was welcomed by the expectant gazes of the two men. He screened both of them with his eyes as he moved further. He noticed they were both corporately dressed, on black suits. It was a working day and during working hours, so he knew they must have sneaked away from their works to call for a meeting with him.

‘Rex, you have something to do for us between today and tomorrow.’ Chief Elvis Richards began immediately even before Rex could speak.

Rex got to the centre of the living room and stopped in front of them. ‘Can you tell me what it is right away?’ he asked in a calm tone.

‘The first one is to visit the drug agency Headquarters and help us get every archived file between 2008 to 2016 deleted from their database.’

‘Where’s the headquarters and how do I locate their database store there?’ Rex asked.

‘It’s easy to locate, I was in the agency earlier this month and I saw the section their databases are kept. You should be able to locate them through the labels on the walls.’

‘When do you want this to happen?’

‘Tonight, you have another assignment for tomorrow. I’ve made arrangements for your flight to Anambra State tomorrow morning.’

Rex stayed silent for a while and stared blankly. Then he looked at the Vice President’s face again, ‘How am I supposed to delete files within a certain period of time from an unknown database this night? Do you have their system passwords and lock codes?’

‘No… I don’t, ‘ the Vice President replied and squinted at him trying to figure out the reason for his question. ‘If you can’t delete the files of the years I requested for, can you wipe off everything?’

‘No, I still need the passwords and lock codes and it’ll take us more than a day to extract them.’

‘We can’t delay this for that long, Samantha Osman has already extracted some documents from the database.’ the Vice President said.

‘How do you know that?’

‘She thr_@tened me with them.’


‘We can destroy the database totally and make it useless forever,’ Rex said.


‘Are you sure Rex?’ the Inspector General cut in. ‘Their database is hosted on a very strong platform.’

‘Do you know what platform they use?’ Rex asked.

‘No, but I’m sure they host it on a strong platform just like the Police’s database.’

Rex stopped for a while to think, ‘If we start early enough this night, we would attack from their server and change the host to another, the database will still be inaccessible but we’d just destroy it immediately since you want it done tonight.’

‘Is there a way we can leave the database to be accessible to us only after you changed their host?’ the Vice President asked.

‘No, if we want to access their database, we can’t start by changing their host, they’ll be notified the next morning and would work towards retrieving immediately. We can only do that by attacking from their database, but it’ll take a longer time.’

‘Just destroy it totally Rex,’ the Vice President said, getting tired of all the explanations. Rex nodded in agreement. The Vice President took in a deep breath before he continued, ‘You’d visit Eze Okafor tomorrow, what we need is the NOTD sealed deal document, only he can tell where it is.’


Dave couldn’t get the voice of the lady off his head for the whole day. He struggled with himself to figure out the owner of the voice. He was sure he had heard the voice before, there was no way anyone he didn’t know could get to him through the number.
He took out his phone and car keys from his pocket as he entered into his room. He proceeded towards the bed and dropped the items there. Then he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before falling face flat in the bed. The bullet wound at his back wasn’t completely healed yet so he was always careful how he laid on his back. The phone on the bed began to ring. He quickly sat up and picked the phone. He checked the screen, it was the call he had been waiting for.

‘Good evening sir,’ he said into the phone.

‘Good evening Mr David,’ the caller replied. ‘I just finished what you asked me to do.’

‘Oh! I’ve been waiting for your response, hope it’s positive.’ Dave readjusted his seating position, hoping to get good news from the caller as all of his day has been uneventful and with no goal achieved. The caller was a staff in the ministry of health. Dave had called him earlier that day and sent the names of the drugs in the picture Lizzy had sent to him, asking the man to find out the peculiarity of those drugs and also the correlation between them.

‘Yes, I believe what I have for you is positive. Those drugs you sent were banned years ago by the World Health Agency.’

‘Okay…’ Dave already knew that, he needed something he didn’t know before.

‘They were not the only drugs banned within those years but those sixteen were smuggled into Nigeria and caused a lot of deaths. Some pharmaceutical industries and distributors were shut down because of it and some people prosecuted but they never really sorted anything out or found anyone guilty.’

‘Hmm… Interesting sir, thank you for the good work.’ Dave paused to clear his throat. ‘Sir, can you send these details and maybe more to my email? I’d love for the name of the pharmaceutical companies and individuals well documented there and every other detail too.’

‘Okay, that’s not a problem. But if I may ask, what do you really want to do with this information? Are you planning to release a news article on them?’

‘Kind of, even though not right now. We just need to clear some dark things that happened in those years.’

‘Okay, Ermm…I do not want my name to be mentioned anywhere please.’

‘Yes, it won’t be. I already promised you that,’ Dave reassured him.

‘Okay then, I should be able to send you the details you need tonight.’

‘Thank you sir.’

Dave drew in a deep breath after the call ended. He began to think about what he could do with the new information. Many ideas ran through his mind and he considered them one after the other. He would have to go deeper and fetch more information about the prosecution of the pharmaceutical companies and individuals.

He remembered someone as he was about to sleep off, Jumoke. He picked his phone again and dialed the number of the neighbour who had been reporting her health status to him.

‘Good evening sir,’ he greeted immediately the call was answered.

‘Bros, Good evening, your girlfriend is still at the hospital and you haven’t showed up yet.’

Dave sighed. ‘I’ve not been permitted to come from work but I’ll try my best to come as soon as I can. I called to find out how she’s doing now.’

‘Well… She’s still unconscious, the doctor says they need seven hundred thousand urgently and I’m not sure her parents even know where to get it from.’

‘Wow!’ Dave eyes shone as he let out a gasp. ‘What exactly happened to her?’

‘I’m not certain yet but we broke into her apartment that morning when a church member of hers kept on knocking the door and she didn’t answer. From the look of things that morning, it’s like she fell the night before and hit her head against the television. Some other neighbours heard the sound that night but they said she told them everything was alright when they knocked at her door. So we can’t really tell the exact time she passed out and how long she was unconscious before she was discovered.’

‘Seven hundred thousand! Hmmm,’ Dave exclaimed again and let out a sigh. ‘Well, I’ll see what I can do and call you back.’

Dave buried his face in the pillow, thinking about what he could do to help Jumoke. He wondered what could have made her fall and hit her head in a way that she’d be unconscious. But the neighbours said she still spoke after they heard the noise, could it mean something else happened after the fall? Or was it due to the lack of quick first aid treatment? Maybe Jumoke had tried to treat herself instead of calling for external help, he thought to himself. Anyhow it was, he had to find a way of helping. Even though he felt no special thing for her, she had been good to him and deserved his help. Maybe it was the only thing he could give his in place of his love which she required of him.

He would have to empty his bank accounts to raise the money for her.


April 30, 2031


Chief Rikau murmured under his breath as he searched for his ringing phone. He checked the screen to see the caller, it was Rex. He hissed before answering the call. He had waited up till 1:30am expecting calls from Rex in case he had questions to ask and had gotten none.

‘Inspector, the database I can find here is dated from 2020.’ Rex voice came through.

‘Have you been able to access the database?’

‘No, I checked from the server and there are no records for the years before 2020.’

‘That’s impossible, are you sure you’re doing the right thing?’ the IG asked.

‘I’m checking directly from the server, the years before 2020 are not present. However, there’s a space here created a day ago, it could mean that it was only removed yesterday.’

‘Can you check the duration of years that space caters for?’

‘You know I can’t check that but it’s logical to say that the removed ones are the ones for 2005 to 2019 because the datas are group in fifteen years..’

‘But how is it possible that someone removed it?’

‘It’s just twenty five hours after the creation of the space, I’m quite sure it was done by Samantha or the spy who is a staff here that has been supplying her data.’

‘If it happened twenty five hours ago, how was it possible for her to get it easily?’

‘We can’t tell how long she has been working on this. She outsmarted you guys here already and it’s better you don’t let it happen again. Stop giving me information late.’




Tarasha sat in her car silently, still keeping watch over the house and expecting the man to come out of the house soon. The time for the conference to begin was 8am and she was surprised that the guest speaker was still at home when the venue of the event was nothing less than forty minutes drive from the man’s residence. She had been up waiting for close to two hours.

The man had built his house in an area off the main road even though not too far from it. The place was quiet and peaceful even though it had so many houses in it.

Tarasha could have gone into the house since the last night she arrived into the state but she discovered from her survey of the place that the compound was being protected by four huge dogs and decided to wait for the man to come out before reaching him.

At exactly 7:42am, the gate opened and a car drove out of the compound. Tarasha could see from where she watched that only three people were in the car; two at the front seats and one behind. Even though she couldn’t see their faces properly, she knew that the man at the back was none other than Eze Okafor. She started her car engine immediately after the gate was closed and followed the car, she had to get to them before they entered into the main road.

‘What’s the matter with that person?’ Eze Okafor asked his boys after taking a glance back from where he was seated comfortably at the back seat. He had seen the car driving towards them at an unusual speed.

‘Some people just get drunk at any time of the day, I’m sure the person is drunk and he thinks he’s on the expressway.’ the man seated at the Passengers’ side in front answered.

‘You guys should just stay on this lane and allow him drive off with his craziness,’ Eze Okafor said, looking back again through the back glass.

The crazy driver got to them and instead of driving past like they expected, swerved to their front almost causing an clash between the cars.

‘Who is this crazy person?’ the driver shouted in exasperation after successfully avoiding the accident by stepping hard on the brakes.

‘I just hope it’s not what I’m thinking,’ Eze Okafor at the back said breathlessly. His fear could be heard in his voice as he struggled for breath.

‘It’s a stupid girl,’ the man at the passengers’ side shouted as he opened the door and stepped out.

Tarasha also stepped out at the same time with her gun and shot directly at the man who stepped out first before $h00ting the one of the driver’s side. She walked forward and opened the door to the backseat, ordering the man out. He stepped out raising his hands in the air and staring intently at her face.

‘Get into my car,’ she said to him and he moved towards the direction immediately.

She opened the passenger’s side at the front for him to enter and he did. Then she took out a pin from her front jacket and inserted into his neck before she closed the door. Then she turned to the driver’s side and picked another gun, she shot twice in the air to scare away onlookers before entering the car.

Twenty minutes later, she drove to an uncompleted building and dragged his body inside. She took off the pin from his neck and flung it away, then she took out a syringe and an ampoule which contained the liquid that would neutralize the effect of the tranquilizer she just removed from his neck.




Rex glanced at the wristwatch for the fifth time in twenty minutes. He stared around again before he focused his gaze on the gate of the conference hall. Everything was still going normally and nothing seemed to be amiss. He took his tablet device and unlocked it, he stared at the picture of his target, Eze Okafor for some seconds again. He already had the man’s image formed in his mind and there was no way he could miss him when they see.

His gaze moved to the gate again where he saw three men in black suits rushing out to enter a car and then a police car following. He observed from his car until the cars were driven away, they drove like they were going to attend to an emergency.

Rex was tired of waiting in his car, he stepped out with his camera and proceeded to the events centre, he needed to find out why the event had not continued yet, for it had kicked off only for them to pause activities after five minutes. More importantly he needed to find out if the Chief guest speaker had arrived.

He met a couple of security officers and police men at the entrance as expected, he only glanced at them briefly and proceeded to the access control area. He displayed his press ID card and the conference invite to the access control team and was allowed to go in. He stopped for a moment and looked around. The hall was more than half full but no activity was up on the stage, only a mid rock inspirational song was being played through the speakers.

‘What’s happening? Hasn’t the meeting started yet?’ Rex located another camera man and asked.

The camera man stared at him and noticed the camera hung around his neck and badge on him. From his accent he could tell that this man stayed outside the country for a long time.

‘Who employed your recording services?’ the camera man asked, he was aware of all the cameramen employed by the organizers of the events themselves.

‘The Chief Guest speaker himself,’ Rex replied boldly.

‘Ehen…’the man stared at his face for a while. He looked at the badge again, Rex was also displaying his ID card now. ‘We started already but the delay is due to the news we got some minutes ago that Dr Eze Okafor was attacked on his way here. However, the meeting would soon continue with or without him,’ the man said and ended by glancing at his wristwatch.

‘Who attacked him?’ Rex squinted at the man’s face.

‘Some unknown bandits, I heard they ki||ed his men and went away with him.’

‘Meaning he was kidnapped?’

‘I can’t say for certain,’ the cameraman replied. He looked towards the left side where someone was beckoning on him. ‘Please excuse me, I have to go,’ he said to Rex.

‘Thank you,’ Rex replied and turned back towards the door immediately. He proceeded out of the place and got back into his car, he closed the door and wind up the glasses. He fixed the eartips of his earphone into his ears and plugged it into his Android phone, then he dialed the Inspector General’s number.

‘Inspector, I think someone has gotten here before us. The target has been attacked on his way to the conference.’ he said as the man answered.

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘The man was attacked, I believe it should be Samantha.’

‘How do you know?’

‘I got the information from someone in the hall, the conference has been delayed for the man’s sake.’

‘Ermm…’ the man sounded hesitant for a while. ‘Ermm… I’ll call you back, let me get out of this place.’ he said before ending the call.

Rex picked up his tablet device and unlocked it, he maximized the NSCC software to see if his login had been successful. A dashboard showing several footages of his current location displayed immediately, it meant the login was successful. He minimized and opened the note application, there he copied the address of the man’s house which he had typed and saved. He maximized back the NSCC software and pasted the copied location into a dialog box he opened, the processing began.

He pulled on his seatbelt and pushed the start button, the engine roared to life. He took another look at the device on his laps before he turned on the trafficator.



‘That’s the car!’

The police hilux screeched to a halt just behind the entry empty Rover in front of the uncompleted building. The officers behind jumped down from the van and began to surround the building. Two officers checked the rover and discovered that it was empty. The one who seemed to be the leader of the group of nine signalled to the officers and directed those who were to go to the left and those to the right of the building. He signalled for the remaining two to follow him into the place.

They walked into the building tactfully and carefully with the leader directing them. They did not have to go too far before they found the man. He was laid on a plank in the passage just after the place meant to be the living room. He was deeply asleep and unconscious of his environment. His black suit jacket which had been taken off his body was on floor by his side and covered with dust. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his tie loose, only his belt and trousers were firm.

‘He’s still breathing,’ the leader said to the other two after placing two fingers on the man’s neck to observe. ‘Go into the other rooms and see if she’s still around.’

The men returned to the same spot a minute later without finding anything. Their leader had gone to get other officers to move the unconscious man.

‘What do you mean you found nothing around? She couldn’t have gone far,’ the man said as he Ç0çƙed his gun and moved further into the uncompleted building in the direction the other men had just returned from. He got to the exit of the building leading to the backyard and looked out from there. The place was full of bushes but there was a path at the left side leading away from the place. Two of the men he had directed to go the left were returning from there.

‘What did you find?’ he barked at the men.

‘Sir, it leads to the village.’ one of them replied him.

‘She couldn’t have gone far, I’m sure she left when she heard us coming. Her car is still at the front,’ the man said, vibrating on a spot. He turned back swiftly and proceeded to the spot where Eze Okafor was laying previously. The man had been carried away before they got there but two officers were still standing there. ‘Let them take him to the hospital right now for quick treatment,’ he said, facing one of the two men. ‘You should reach the office and get another vehicle ready for the rest of us. We have to comb the bushes and the village too.’



Rex halted his car just beside the bush. He could see the wide roadway created in between the bushes, tarred although with so many potholes already. He clicked on his tablet’s screen again, the backlight came on. He scrolled through the selection of footages on the dashboard, he selected the last one he had watched. Samantha’s car had entered through that roadway and that had been the end of the video coverage. The path and the village it led to had no security cameras installed.

Rex thought for a moment on the next step to take, whether to go in through the path and start trying to locate the car since he knew Samantha drove in a rover or for him to just turn back since she was already ahead of him.

He took in a deep breath and took off his seatbelt. He opened the car and stepped out, he stopped to stare around the area before he closed the door. Every other motorist and passers-by were minding their businesses, so he journeyed into the roadway on foot.

He placed his gaze on the floor as he walked and tried to observe on the tarred road the signs of the vehicle tyres that passed recently, the road didn’t appear like one that was being plied by vehicles frequently.

Just as he took few steps in, he noticed a vehicle coming towards him, it was a police vehicle. He continued walking in and this time faced up as he knew turning back at that moment would call for suspicions from the policemen. He never knew that the police had gotten to the place before him, he had met some at the scene of the kidnap and thought that it was the only place they were. He also had not been viewing the live stream from the NSCC cameras, instead he had focused his streaming on the past minutes which recorded Samantha’s movement and drive to the place.

The police vehicle passed by his side and Rex made sure he took a very good look. He saw the man he had come for lying unconscious at the back seat. He had recognized him by the trouser and the dirty suit jacket hung in the van behind, he had seen the man putting on the clothes in the footages. He knew it could only mean two things; either Samantha was done with the man or the police had stopped her.

He made sure the police hilux was gone before he turned back. He took out his phone, the Inspector General was already calling.

‘I thought the both of you implied that she was working with this doctor,’ Rex said into his phone as he entered back into the car.

‘Yes, that’s what it should be because from what the Vice President said, Eze Okafor is the only one who has access to the information she’s thr_@tening him with and he’s also the only one who knows where the sealed documents are.’ the Inspector General replied.

‘If they are working together, why should she kidnap and leave him in an unconscious state like I just saw the man?’ Rex asked, changing the phone from his left to the right hand, he pulled the seatbelt on with his left hand.

‘I don’t know, maybe something went wrong between them.’

‘Nothing went wrong, she met him on the road and took him forcefully from his car and she also came for him this morning.’

‘But if she doesn’t work with him, how then has she been getting the information she’s getting against the Vice President?’

‘That’s your question to answer,’ Rex replied.

‘Rex, but did you see her face? Are you sure it was her?’

‘I’m sure it was her and if it wasn’t her herself, it has to be someone from her team.’

‘So you didn’t see her face?’

‘I saw the face, it wasn’t Samantha Osman’s face I know, it was the face of the lady that battled Agent David James in that hotel.’

‘That is Samantha, she was disguised then.’

‘I know the visible face is a disguise, but we can’t be sure of who’s wearing it. From a closer look today, I observed that the disguise may not be that done by makeups, it might be a skin mask.’

‘Skin mask? I never heard of that, are you sure of what you’re saying?’

‘No one can’t be a hundred percent sure until the face is touched. I only considered it being a skin mask because it changed a bit the shape of her head, but that could also means it’s been worn by a different person.’

‘What do we do now Rex?’

‘Well…Let’s see what I can do.’




Tarasha stared at her wristwatch again. The time was running slow and she wanted to be out of there as soon as possible. She had finished her task so quick and was lucky to get a flight to Kwara State where the holder of the sealed document was. She knew nowhere in the state but was sure that moving around would not be difficult for her because of the several mobile and internet tools available for her use.

Her phone began to ring. She uncrossed her legs and took out the phone from her jacket. She took a brief look at the rest of the people in the airport waiting room with her before she answered.

‘Hi Cole, what’s up?’

‘Boss, I just saw your text message. What are going to do in Kwara State?’

‘The document we need is there,’ she replied.

‘Okay, what would you have me do for you?’

‘Just the usual things, get into their NSCC connections and get ready to monitor while I’m working.’

‘When would the actual work begin?’

‘It can’t start today, I still have to make a survey. Let’s say we’d work from the early hours of tomorrow morning.’

‘Okay boss, I’ll be ready for you. I’ve also got some news for you.’

‘What’s that?’

‘I dug out some good facts about the Inspector General already, we’re ready for him, I’ve sent all you need to know to your email address.’

‘Cool… I’ll download now and read while on my flight,’ she replied.

‘I’ll update and send as I get more, I’m still working on it right now.’

‘Okay, but I won’t be able to respond to the other emails until after the flight and when I settle down. This particular airline does not allow for the use of cellular data during a flight.’

‘You can check it at your time boss.’

‘Okay, stay in charge Cole.’

The call ended. She took another glance at the wristwatch, it was now five minutes left to board. She unlocked her phone and refreshed the email application. Cole’s message appeared on top and another one under it. The second one was sent from the email address





‘Come in sir,’ Chief Rikau said into the door bell mic as he watched the Vice President at his office door from his computer system.

The door opened and the Vice President stepped in leaving his escorts at the reception.

‘Sir, you should have called me to meet you outside.’ Chief Rikau said, looking up at the man’s face.

‘I’ve got little time to spend here IG, I just had to stop by because of the several missed calls I got from you. I hope there’s no problem,’ the Vice President replied as he sat in the visitor’s seat. The Inspector General was seated behind the table on his office swivel with the empty wheelchair by his side.

‘Rex claimed that Samantha Osman got to Eze Okafor before he did. Eze Okafor is unconscious now and in the custody of the police.’

‘I don’t understand, ‘ the Vice President shook his head. ‘I explained before that Samantha must be working with Eze.’

‘No sir, it appears like she got the knowledge of those documents from someone else, and this morning was just her first encounter with Eze.’

‘But…’ the Vice President appeared to be short of words. He tightened his fist on the handle of his walking stick and took in a deep breath. ‘Then, what did she do with Eze?’

‘We can’t tell yet, Rex has just located the hospital he was taken to but hasn’t been able to find out his state.’

‘This is quite unbelievable, I just hope she doesn’t have access to the sealed document before us.’

‘I do hope so too.’

There was a brief silence.

‘IG, what about the other candidate I asked you to start investigation on?’

‘Uhmn…’ Chief Rikau’s eyes moved to and fro for a second. Then he struggled to get on his feet and walked to the cabinet by the left side of his office, wincing his in pain as he did. He drew out a file and then returned to his seat.

‘Your leg isn’t that strong yet, I think you shouldn’t put pressure on it yet.’ The Vice President advised out of sincere concern.

Chief Rikau sighed. ‘I’m tired of using the wheelchair, I have to exercise my legs sometimes just like the Doctor advised,’ he replied as he opened the file.

‘But just let it get more stronger first,’ the Vice President advised.

‘Here, this is the list of everyone who has declared their interest for the office of the president,’ Chief Rikau said, turning the file to the Vice President.

On the first A4 sized paper in the file were passports of different men arranged orderly and their full names written below each passports. There was a total of nine passports.

‘These nine are vying for the position of the President?’ Elvis Richards exclaimed as he scanned through the paper.

‘Yes, but of course not all of them would make it through the primaries. We decided to narrow down our investigation on just three of them first,’ Chief Rikau said.

‘Garuba Ahmed must be on the list in focus, he’s a very good friend of Eze Okafor and he’s a serving senator.’

‘Yes, he’s the first on the list, followed by the Benue State Governor and Nonso.’

‘Nonso…’ Elvis Richards muttered under his breath and stared blankly for a moment.

‘Isn’t that Onwuli’s brother?’

‘Yes, but I don’t think they were blood brothers. I heard Onwuli helped him to stand when he had nothing.’

‘I heard so too. And he was also the one who welcome Gabriel from prison.’

‘Yes, Gabriel was Onwuli’s friend and I believe he only did it for Onwuli’s sake. Ever since then he has refused to associate himself with the ex convict and doesn’t even know his whereabouts.’

‘Yea… It’s a pity that the only help he could render to Gab was to smuggle him into one underdeveloped country.’

The Vice President chuckled, ‘No one wants to help a failure.’

There was a pause and a brief moment of meditation. A serious look formed on Chief Elvis’ face. ‘Sometimes, I just do have this feeling about Gabriel coming back to the country.’

‘I don’t think he would, the people have not forgiven him for the crimes he was convicted of yet.’ Chief Rikau said. He stared at Elvis Richards face for a while, he could see that the man was in deep thoughts and probably worrying about the possibility. ‘Sir, but do you think Gabriel could pose a thr_@t to you?’

‘I think he woulf love to but I dispossessed him of everything he could ever use against me.’ Chief Elvis replied.

‘And you think he can not have these documents Samantha has too.’

‘Nobody had the documents in possession, she got it from the drug Agency database.’

‘What I mean is, isn’t it possible that he’s the one supplying her with information or even sponsoring her?’

‘I don’t think he has the capacity to sponsor Samantha Osman but I can’t still say for a certain. You know we’ve considered this before and from our findings, Gabriel is still hiding in a far country. And even if he was around, he could have given her these deep secrets, he wasn’t too informed of most of the deals.’

‘Did he come out of prison to meet any of his resources?’

‘No, of course not, that’s an open secret. He had nothing to hold on to when he was released,’ Chief Elvis said and let out a sigh. He felt a bit of guilt for Gabriel’s plight. He remembered that he and Gabriel were one of the closest amongst the seven of them at some point. They had been so close that they saw each other almost every time, of course until their interests began to clash.

‘But what about this Nonso?’

‘You need to investigate him too, in fact you need to investigate all of the nine aspirants. I don’t suspect Nonso, he doesn’t have enough money to tackle me. I’m even surprised that he wants to run for the office of the President but you still need to investigate him and do it deeply.’

‘And what do you think Torwua Adasu and Garuba Ahmed?’

‘The two of them are prime suspects. Torwua was a friend of Onwuli and Gabriel too, I don’t trust him. Garuba as you know was the Inspector in charge when we were being accused of fake drugs importations. He told me after being vindicated by the court that day that I would not go scotfree as long as he was alive.’




‘What are you doing bro?’ Dan asked Dave as he walked into the office. He had a pack of fruit juice in the nylon he held.

Dave was engrossed with something on his phone. He looked up after Dan’s question and adjusted his seating position. ‘I’m still on break, so I’m taking out time to read some interesting stuffs.’

‘Interesting stuffs like?’ Dan asked as he settled in his own seat.

‘Action stories on Youngicee website,’ Dave replied him and continued with what he was reading.

‘What’s the website?’

‘Bro, just type in Youngicee stories into Google search.’ Dave snapped and gave Dan a warning look.

‘Hahaha, am I disturbing you?’ Dan laughed as he stared at Dave who continued reading on his phone with a serious expression on his face. ‘Well, I’ve got your favorite juice here.’ Dan said as he opened the fruit juice pack. He took out a cup from his locker and poured some of the juice into the cup. ‘This is so cold,’ he said and raised his cup temptingly for Dave to see. He gulped down the content of the cup halfway and released a deep breath to show his satisfaction. He looked at Dave and Dave was still engrossed with his phone, his attempt to distract him with the juice hadn’t worked. He dropped the cup of juice and took out his phone quickly, he needed to make that Google search and see what was keeping Dave so glued to his phone.

Dave was still reading when Inspector Dakolo called his phone. He hesitated for a while before answering.

‘Hello Dave.’

‘Good afternoon Inspector.’

‘Do you have any of your colleagues who got the news of Eze Okafor’s kidnap this morning?’

‘Eze Okafor?’ Dave squinted, trying to recall if he had ever heard of the person or the name.

‘Yes, the late minster of health’s elder brother. I just got the news from Inspector James that he was attacked by Samantha Osman on his way out of his house in Nnewi this morning.’

‘I’ve been quite busy and I haven’t heard of it yet. I’ll find out and get back to you.’

‘Please do.’

‘Shi*t!’ Dave cursed and squeezed the phone in his hand. He bit his lower lip as he closed his eyes and shook his head gently from side to side. ‘Dan,’ he called.

Now Dan was already being engrossed with the same thing which had taken Dave’s attention earlier.

‘Dan,’ Dave called again. He got no response. Dave sprung up to his feet and proceeded towards Dan table. ‘Dan, Samantha Osman is still in Anambra.’

It took sometime for Dan to assimilate the words spoken to him. He took his eyes off the phone for a second and stared at Dave.

‘How do you know?’

‘I just got information that she attacked someone this morning.’


‘Eze Okafor. I don’t really know him but I heard he is the brother of her first victim, Nnamdi Okafor.’

‘So what do we do?’

Dave stared in silence for a while. Then he returned to his seat and dialed a number on his phone.

‘Good afternoon Agent Godwin,’ he greeted first.

‘Good afternoon, I was just about to call you.’ Agent Godwin said. He paused for a second and released a breath. ‘Samantha Osman was spotted at Nnewi this morning.’

‘Yes, I just heard about it and that’s why I’m calling. Who did she attack?’

‘Dr Eze Okafor, he was on his way to a conference. She took him forcefully right on his street.’

‘Ermm… I don’t still understand how it happened.’

Agent Godwin explained to him how the man drove out with two other people and how she attacked them as captured by the Security cameras.

‘So she ki||ed the two men and dropped Eze Okafor in an uncompleted building?’

‘She did not ki|| the men, she shot sedatives into their bodies. And we cannot really tell what she did to Eze Okafor. Except for some little bruises, the man is fine. He woke up some minutes ago but couldn’t remember anything and the substance benryl was detected in his blood which further proves that Samantha Osman was the attacker.’

‘Wow! So what have you been able to do about it?’

‘Very little, she planned it well and had a good escape plan. She rented two vehicles for use from different rental services and escaped through a village which had no coverage of the Security cameras, she left the vehicle used to take the man in front of the building where she dropped him and left the second one in the village without driving into any popular route which had cameras.’

‘So she’s untraceable now?’

‘We’re still tracing her by asking questions from the villagers. From what we’ve gotten so far, I believe she changed her clothes and the disguise before leaving the village.’

‘Did the cameras capture her face?’

‘Yes, her face was captured, the same disguise she wore at Crescent Moon Hotel.’

Dave sighed, ‘That’s untraceable.’

‘Yeah but I believe that we would still be able to deduce some important things from interrogating Eze Okafor after he’s fit enough, even though he does not remember his encounter with her. You should also provide us with anything you think would help us.’

‘Sure, I’ll get back to you if I find any information that’ll be useful.’

‘So what’s the plan?’ Dan asked after Dave ended the call.

‘I’m still thinking,’ Dave replied. He closed his eyes briefly and took in a deep breath.

‘I think we need to go, there are a lots of questions to find answers to.’ Dan suggested.

Dave also knew they had to go to Anambra but his main challenge was going there with this partner of his, he knew there was no way his activities wouldn’t be monitored by the chairman.

‘Okay, you should inform the chairman and let’s take the next available flight.’ Dave replied and picked his phone again. Something popped into his mind just as he unlocked it, he now remembered where he saw the name ‘Eze Okafor’. He minimized the dialer and navigated to the main menu, he located the email application and clicked on it, he searched for the email he received from the drug agency staff less than twenty four hours ago. He located it and opened the attached document, there he typed in to the search box the name ‘Eze Okafor’. He saw it at last, Eze Okafor was the one of the Ministers of Health during the years of the fake drugs reign.

The drugs list Lizzy had sent to him which looked like nonsense was now making sense. He picked his phone up again and opened his chat application. He sent a message to Lizzy.




Control room

‘I just sent them to your mail, you can check it now.’ Cole said into his phone.

‘Okay, what about the hotel room I asked you to book?’ Tara’s voice sounded in reply.

‘I booked for rooms in two hotels, one close to the airport and the other in the GRA where Garuba Ahmed lives.’

‘Hmm, keep both reservations, I’ll use the one close to Garuba Ahmed for now.’

‘Okay boss, I’ll send you the address immediately.’

Cole ended the call. He opened the messaging app and typed in the address of the hotel copying from the computer screen. He clicked on send and dropped the phone on the table. He took out the other phone from his pocket and unlocked it. He scrolled down the notification bar, there was already a message from Patricia as expected. He clicked on it.

‘Can’t we just stay overnight there?’ the message read.

‘Not today dear, I have some work to do very early here tomorrow morning.’ he replied.

He dropped the phone on the table. She was offline, so he wasn’t expecting her reply immediately. She had sent the message which he just replied about an hour ago but he didn’t bother to check it because he did not want distraction from Tarasha’s task.

They had planned to meet at his apartment that evening. He was supposed to pick her after work. They had earlier discussed that they would spend the night there but Cole had sent a message to change the plans after Tarasha told him that she would begin the work proper in the early hours of the next morning.

His phone beeped. Her reply had come in earlier than he expected.

‘Can’t you leave very early tomorrow morning?’ Patricia had asked. She was now online.

‘No dear, you don’t understand.’ Cole typed in. A good lie popped up in his mind and he continued to type, ‘A foreign company fixed a meeting with me by 10pm EST and I still have to prepare before the time of the meeting.’

‘Oh! Okay then, why don’t we just reschedule?’ her reply entered.

‘No, we don’t need to, we can still meet briefly tonight.’

‘No, we won’t meet tonight anymore. You have to prepare for your meeting and represent us well,’ she sent with a grin smiley.

‘Okay babe, I’ll call you when you close from work.’



‘He says he has a meeting with some foreigners by 10pm EST tonight,’ she typed and sent to Dave.

‘Hmm…’ Dave sent in reply adding a smiley with a thinking expression.


‘It’s all over the news now,’ Dan said to Dave with a sigh. His right hand was on the mouse and the left elbow placed beside the keyboard at the other side. His eyes were focused on his desktop.

‘Yea, it’s been appearing on my browser’s notifications too.’

‘We really need to act fast,’ Dan said.

‘Yes, we do.’

Both of them remained in silence for a while. Dave began to ponder on the message Lizzy had sent him. If Victor had said he had a meeting by 10pm EST, could it mean that he really had something to do at that time? If he truly did, then Dave was sure that it wasn’t a meeting. The assasin team could probably be preparing for an operation that night. But as things were, he knew Victor was in Abuja and Samantha was in Anambra; there was no way they could go on an operation together. And maybe Victor truly had a meeting, it could be an online meeting with Samantha.

‘Dave, the Chairman just approved our trip.’ Dan said to Dave enthusiastically viewing a text message on his phone.

‘So, can we leave right away?’ Dave asked, unimpressed.

‘The next flight is for tomorrow morning.’

‘Can’t we just leave by road today?’

‘No, why should we rush when there’s a flight tomorrow? We won’t still be able to do anything until tomorrow.’

Dave sighed. He totally agreed with Dan. His impatience was getting a better hold of him and he needed to get himself together before running into an error.




Eze Okafor opened his eyes as he felt something touch his hands, he turned his head and looked around from his sleeping position, he couldn’t see anything. The height of the bed he was laying in made him realize he was still in the hospital and he remembered that he had asked the nurses to turn off the lights in the ward that night before they left him. He had h@ťěd the idea of having to wait till the next morning but the Doctor had advised that he stayed for closer observation and as a medical personnel himself he decided to respect the doctor’s advice.

Even though he couldn’t remember how he landed himself at the hospital nor what transpired between him and Samantha Osman, the testimony of others he had heard about it made the experience so real to him. The only thing he wondered was what Samantha Osman took from him and why she didn’t ki|| him. The police had claimed that it was due to their quick intervention that his life was saved but he did not believe them. He thought it was because there was no reason for Samantha Osman or her sponsors to want his life. He rather would believe that they were his friends as the popular saying goes ‘an enemy of your enemy is your friend’. Samantha Osman was an enemy of his arch enemy, Elvis Richards,

He felt the touch on his fingers again and then a noticeable movement. He tried to sit up immediately but a strong hand held him down. He could now see the figure of a man above him. He was confused for a moment and before he could take any other action, he could feel something round like the mouth of a gun on his neck.

A tiny and dim light originated from the person’s mask to his face. He closed his eyes for some seconds until they were able to accommodate the light. He couldn’t see the face of his attacker because of the mask but he knew it was a man and that the man was putting on black clothes.

‘I have very little time here,’ the attacker spoke in a voice he had never heard. ‘Tell me where Samantha Osman has gone to and what you gave to her?’

Eze tried to talk but he found it difficult as his attacker was still pushing his chest down. It seemed his difficulty was noticed because the hand was taken off his chest at that moment and a small knife pulled out from nowhere.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Eze finally replied, breathing heavily.

‘Come on, don’t play naughty.’ Rex replied in a strong warning tone. ‘You were with Samantha Osman yesterday morning, she couldn’t have left you without taking anything from you.’

‘I don’t remember anything, I don’t remember her face. I was only told she attacked me yesterday,’ Eze replied.

‘How is that possible?’ Rex asked, thr_@tening him as he moved the hand with the gun towards the man’s forehead.

‘I swear, I don’t remember anything, she used benryl.’ Eze Okafor said as he felt the cold weapon on his forehead. He tried to raise his legs and move away but to his surprise he discovered that his legs were already tied to the bed.

The attacker bent down swiftly to pick something, making sure his other hand still held the gun to Eze’s head for the moment. He took off the gun from the after rising up and quickly located the man’s two hands. He pulled them together and began to fasten a rope around it.

‘Who are…’ Eze tried to shout but a heavy blow that sent his eyes spinning round landed on his face.

His hands were tied to the headboard in no second and he realized that his attacker had really come for business. It occurred to him that the attacker must have been in the room for quite some time but wasn’t noticed because of the lights which he had insisted must be put off. He didn’t known when his legs were tied and he realized that his hands would have been tied too if he wasn’t awake at that time he felt the touch on his hands.

‘Now, talk to me. What did Samantha Osman go with?’ the man held him by the chin and stared into his face.

‘I don’t know, I can’t remember anything.’ Eze insisted. He could feel the saliva in his mouth already mixed with blood but couldn’t turn his neck to spit it out as the man held his chin firmly.

‘Who do you think sent her to you?’

‘I don’t know of anyone, I found it hard to believe when I was told that she came for me.’ Eze replied.

There was silence for about ten seconds. The attacker released his chin and then brought his gun to Eze’s neck again.

‘In 2011 and 2014,’ you signed a document for NOTD pharmaceutical company and placed on it the seal of the Ministry of Health. Where are those documents now?’

Eze stared blankly at the ceiling for some seconds, then his eyes turned to his attacker’s face. ‘The documents are not with me, they’ve never been with me,’ he said, still keeping the spittle in his mouth.

‘Where are they? Speak out you a***ole,’ Rex cursed.

‘I submitted all of them to the Inspector in charge of their case in the year they were tried,’ Eze answered with a trembling voice.

‘Who is this Inspector and where can I find him?’

‘His name is Garuba Ahmed and he’s serving as a senator of Kwara South now.’

‘Does he live in Kwara state?’

‘Yes, he does.’

‘Where I’m Kwara state?’

‘I don’t know exactly where but I’m sure he stays in the capital,’ Eze answered.

‘Are you sure of all these things you just told me?’

‘Yes, I’ve not told you any lie.’

Rex took away the gun from the man’s neck and took out something from his pocket. He turned the man’s face towards himself and covered his mouth with a tape. Then he took out his phone and walked towards the window, dialing a number.

He opened the window and inhaled the fresh air as he put the phone close to his ears.

‘Hello Rex,’ the Inspector General’s voice sounded from the other end.

‘IG, do you know who the serving senator of Kwara South is?’

There was silence for some seconds.

‘Garuba Ahmed?’ the Inspector General sounded somehow surprised. ‘What’s up with him?’

‘Eze Okafor just told me that the sealed documents are with him,’ Rex replied.

‘Yesss… That’s very possible. Garuba Ahmed was the police officer who investigated the case in 2014.’

‘So you are affirming that he told me the truth?’

‘Yes, it should be the truth.’

Rex turned back into the ward and stared at the man on the bed for a while. ‘Do get every information you think I’d need about Garuba Ahmed and send it to me as soon as possible,’ he said into the phone as he began to walk back towards the bed.

‘Okay Rex,’ the IG replied.

The call ended and Rex dipped the phone back into his pocket. He took out a neatly folded handkerchief in a transparent nylon and tore off the nylon. Then he covered the man’s nose with the handkerchief.


Kwara State

Klubbspartakuz, Tanke, Ilorin.


Latest Nigerian afro pop songs were being blasted through the speakers as the scantily dressed women and sweating men rubbed their bodies against each other. Most of them were drunk and their dance steps didn’t match with the beat but they danced anyway and enjoyed themselves.

Klubbspartakuz, a section of the Princewill Luxury Guesthouse was located at Plot 131, Pipeline Road in Tanke, Ilorin. The nightclub was a place of attraction for most young men and women who liked to club and party and it was also an avenue to find ‘heavy loaded’ girls who were always capable of making a man’s night ‘wonderful’.

The night was Segun’s birthday celebration and like most spoilt rich kids, the guy had spent so much money in organizing the party. There was so much to drink and assorted meats to go with them. In attendance of the party was Segun’s friend, Toheeb Ahmed, the last son and last born of senator Garuba Ahmed. As usual, Toheeb who was a party freak and a womanizer had his hands wrapped around a girl’s waist and was screaming for joy as she rubbed her behind against him like her whole life depended on it. You couldn’t blame the girl, she knew he was a ‘big fish’ and knew how much she could get off him if she succeeded in making him take her to his hotel room that night.

The girl suddenly stopped the action on Toheeb and took away his hands from her waist. She turned to him and put a palm on her forehead with her eyes closed, it seemed as if she had developed a headache.

‘I’ll be back,’ she said with a squeezed face before walking away from his front. Toheeb continued dancing and looking around for another girl who was free for him to rock. That’s how he lived in real life, he had no girlfriend he was committed to. He believed in jumping from one girl to another and enjoying what every of them had to offer. He had what they needed -money- and he lavished it on them as far as they were able to satisfy him in bed.

Soon, he began to see two girls coming towards him from different directions. One was dancing towards him with signs of sweat all over her body, meaning she had been dancing for a long time. The other who was on low cut was holding a glass of drink and looked like she had just joined the party. He wondered if the new girls would be as efficient as the one who had just left him. He had loved that one and wouldn’t have allowed her go if she wasn’t looking sick. He had noticed her dancing energy gradually reducing about two minutes before she eventually stopped, that was after another clubber had mistakenly collided with her while rushing through the dancing crowd. The person did not wait after the collision but moved faster and disappeared out of sight, but the two dancers were too lost in fun and didn’t pay much attention to it before they continued with their dance.

The sweating girl got to Toheeb first and was about to wrap her hands around his neck when the other one pushed her away gently with her palm, still holding the glass of beer in the other hand. The push seemed gentle but the affected girl had reacted by squeezing her face tightly and then holding her belly for some seconds. Then she turned and walked away weakly.

Toheeb was less concerned about what happened. It wasn’t the first time girls fought and injured themselves over him and he actually liked watching them do it. Besides, the girl on low cut seemed a lot more attractive than the other. The scent from her perfume alone which filled his nostrils made his knees quiver and sent some currents down his body, especially to his male organ. He fastened his eyes on her thighs which were revealed under the mini gown. He could swear he had never seen one as beautiful as that. His hands located her waist as she began to do a dance on his body. She paused a bit and placed the glass cup to her mouth. She let out a sigh of satisfaction and then placed it to his mouth and made him gulp down the remaining contents of the cup. Then she bent briefly and rolled the cup away somewhere close to the chairs. They continued the dance as she rolled her backside on his already awoken organ, he felt a feeling he had never felt before.

He opened his eyes widely and stared at her, the currents still racing through his body as his hormones rushed in excitement. His fingers found it’s way down he waist and was heading for her thighs. He located the tip of the gown and dipped his fingers in, moving them up slowly to locate her underpant. He couldn’t control himself again, all he wanted was to undress her and get to work.

She pushed his hands away quickly and faced him, she pressed her chest against his and placed a light kiss on his lips.

‘Let’s locate a room,’ she whispered in a segzy voice to his ears.

‘Alright baby,’ he said with a chuckle and squeezed her backside with his fingers. She giggled at the gesture and then pulled him by the wrist. She led him away from the dance floor.

She led him to the garage where his car was parked despite his protest for them to go into the hotel instead. He was drunk and had very little control over himself, he couldn’t resist much.

‘I booked a room in the hotel,’ he said in a drunken voice as she pushed his back against his car at the driver’s side.

She leaned against him and dipped her hand into his trouser. His eyes widened and his whole body vibrated in excitement as she gripped his organ.

‘Let’s go to your house?’ she whispered into his ear again.

‘But…’ he was about to protest but his body shook in excitement again when she fondled it with her fingers. ‘I..I can’t…this,’ he stammered.

‘I’ll drive, where are the keys?’ she asked. He pointed to his pocket and she dipped her other hand into it and took out the keys. Then she assisted him to the other side of the car and made him sit in the passenger’s side. She stared at him for a second. The drug she put in the drink was already working and he didn’t know what he was doing again. She had to get to the house quickly before he sleeps off totally.

She closed the door to where he was seated and quickly rushed to the other side of the car park. She opened another vehicle and took a bag from the passenger’s side before returning to Toheeb’s car. She threw the bag to the backseat and opened the car engine with the key, then she pushed the start button and the car came to life.

Unknown to Toheeb, he had been followed right from his father’s house at the GRA. Tarasha had followed him when he left the house that night by 10.30pm. She had seen his car been driven out of the compound while surveying the house that night. She didn’t know who it was in the car but she saw the person as an opportunity for her to get into the house. She had thought he was only going out briefly and was returning home that night but he drove all the way to the club. She followed him in and kept a reasonable distance for the first few minutes. She saw his face properly when he stepped out of the car and recognized him from the picture of Garuba Ahmed’s family which she had seen while making a research on the senator. She took a few minutes to map out the strategy to use in getting into the house with him and then had to rush back to the hotel room she had put her bags at the GRA to change her clothes and also get the necessary drugs and tools that would aid her work. Part of the drugs she brought with her were some poisonous pins which she kept glued to her wrist through the magnetic skin wristwatch. One of the pins had been used to pierce the body of the first girl who was dancing with Toheeb. Her weakness was slow and gradual because the pin didn’t penetrate into a place where the content could contact with her blood easily. The second girl had gotten weak instantly as the pin did not just pierce her arm but got stuck in the right place for some few seconds.

Abdulkaldir Road, GRA Ilorin.


Tarasha pushed the horn for the fifth time and all she could still hear were the dogs barking in response. Only after the seventh time did a man appear behind the gate. He peeped briefly and quickly recognized Toheeb’s car. He walked back in and opened the gate only after two minutes, Tarasha knew he must have taken time to cage the dogs having seen a stranger in the car with Toheeb. She drove into the compound and stopped halfway, trying to locate where the garage was. She finally did and parked behind a Lexus Jeep carrying the senator’s name as the plate number.

‘Bros Toheeb, shey Daddy don say make you no dey come house by this time of the night again?’ the gateman spoke to Toheeb in Nigerian pidgin English as he approached them. He was asking why Toheeb returned at that time of the day when the senator had instructed for it not to happen.

‘Shut up!’ Toheeb slammed at him drunkenly. He had already opened the door and had stepped out before Tarasha could come to him from the driver’s side.

‘He’s tired, can I take him inside?’ Tarasha asked, now supporting Toheeb by the arm.

The gateman faced her for a second and then shook his head in disregard. He felt irritated with the way she was dressed sluttishly but he tried his best to hide his it.

‘Just dey go your own Aunty, I wan open the dogs back now.’ the Security man replied. He had asked in pidgin for Tarasha to leave immediately so that he could uncage the dogs.

‘She’s following me into my room, I’m going to **** her tonight.’ Toheeb said and roared with laughter.

‘I’m spending the night with him,’ Tarasha said to the gateman in support of Toheeb.

The gateman stared at her for a second, wondering how she didn’t feel embarrassed the way Toheeb talked about sleeping with her. She was a slut! He concluded in his mind.

‘Okay, make una pass back o. Oga go hear if una pass front.’ he advised and stood to watch as Toheeb directed the way and she helped him walk without falling.

He wondered how the senator would feel seeing the girl in his house the next morning. It wasn’t Toheeb’s first time of bringing a random girl home but the ungodly hour at which this happened was what the senator would likely get mad about.

Garuba Ahmed peeped through the window from the top floor and he saw the security man opening the cage for the dogs. He had heard noises at the gate from his room and left his wife in the bed to check what was happening. He opened the window curtains wide and was about to call the security guard’s name and asked what happened when he saw his son’s car parked improperly behind his. Then he knew the reason for the noise at the gate. Toheeb had returned home late. It had been a long time it happened last and Garuba wondered what gave Toheeb the audacity to try it again. He felt like going to confront Toheeb that night but discarded the thought. He concluded that something important must have kept the boy late considering the fact that he had stopped coming home late for several months after being warned to stop. Rather he was grateful that the boy got home safely.

He heard some noise coming from the lower floor and knew it was Toheeb trying to open the backdoor. He decided to ignore and go back to sleep. He closed the window curtains and walked back to the room to meet his wife.


Garuba was already sleeping off again when he heard the sound of the room door closing. His eyes popped open and he turned to his left side, he saw his wife still asleep by his side. He quickly sat up and turned on the light using the switch above the headboard of the bed.

A lady on a very short gown stood right behind the door. She had on her face a mask which covered her forehead and her nose down to the jaw, leaving only the two eyes visible. She had a small bag hanging from her left shoulder to her waist at the right side. She raised her gun and pointed it straight at him as their eyes locked.

He shook in fear and his hands went up simultaneously. She placed a finger on her lips, a sign for him to remain in silence. She moved closer to him and stood directly opposite, she placed a feet on the bed in a way that the gown rolled up and short tight pant was visible.

She glanced briefly at the wife who was still asleep and unÇ0çƙed her gun. ‘Good morning Mr Garuba Lawal,’ she began in low tones. ‘I don’t plan to spend much time here and I don’t want to hurt you, so I’ll ask that you cooperate with me, so that I can leave you and your family quickly.’

The man kept a blank stare on her face with his hands still raised up. He looked at his sleeping wife briefly again and then his eyes hovered around the room for a moment.

‘Your son’s live is at stake,’ Tarasha said as she took out a phone. She unlocked it and handed it to him. ‘Toheeb is drunk and fast asleep, he didn’t know when I placed that explosive around his body.’

The man’s eyes widened in shock as he confirmed her words from the picture on the phone staring him in the face. His whole body began to tremble so hard that the mattress began to vibrate with it.

‘Shhh… Calm down,’ Tarasha said, placing a finger on her lips again. She then stretched her hand to take back the phone. The man returned the phone and tightened his lips together in a bid to control his panic.

‘I don’t want to ki|| him or you,’ Tarasha continued with a smile. ‘I just want you to give me something I need urgently, you’d be free if I do so.’

The man nodded slowly in agreement with his lips still sealed and his cheeks swollen with the air trapped in his mouth.

‘Ya Allah!’ Garuba’s wife exclaimed as she opened her eyes and saw what was happening.

‘Shhh,’ Tarasha gestured to her to keep quiet. She quickly sat in the same position with her husband and covered her mouth with her palms. Tarasha turned back to Garuba, ‘I want the NOTD sealed deal documents with you, all of them.’

The man’s eyes widened for a moment and he stared blankly like he didn’t know what she was talking about.

‘Don’t waste my time Dude, don’t try to lie. You should have heard that I visited Eze Okafor this morning, he already told me that the documents are with you, so tell me where they are right away.’

‘Ermm… They’re in my cupboard,’ the man said, pointing to the wardrobe with his hands still trembling. He had heard the news on the attack on Eze Okafor and he now realized that the person standing before him was Samantha Osman.

‘Get them for me, all of them,’ Tarasha ordered and put her leg down. She motioned the man with his gun. He stood up with his hands raised as he walked to the wardrobe.

It took the man almost twenty minutes to fetch out the documents as they were kept in a secure bag at the lowest end of the wardrobe. He handed the documents to Tarasha and returned to his previous position at her order. She took some few minutes to scan through the documents and confirmed that it was what she wanted, it matched the description that Eze Okafor had given her perfectly.

She kept them neatly in her bag and took out a device from her bag. She wore the device around her wrist like bangles.

‘Are you going to take the explosive away from Toheeb’s now?’ Garuba Ahmed summoned courage to ask.

‘No, I won’t.’ she replied, staring at him with the corner of her eyes. ‘You have your security men around and you would alert them once it is taken off. I don’t want to ki||, not you or any of them.’

They stared at each other silently for a while.

‘I’ve got some other questions for you,’ Tarasha said. She placed her feet on the edge of the bed again. ‘Why were you keeping these documents?’

The man remained silent for a while, thinking of whether to respond with the truth or tell her something else.

‘Speak up, I don’t want to waste time here.’ Tarasha said impatiently.

‘I was the Inspector in charge of the case, so I decided to keep it then so that it won’t get missing from my office.’ He replied.

‘And all these years, why are they still with you?’

Garuba Ahmed closed his eyes for a moment. It was difficult to decide whether to say the truth or not, he didn’t know who she was sent by and he didn’t want to say something that would make her change her mind and hurt him or any of his family members.

‘Don’t lie to me,’ Tarasha warned again, already sensing what was going through his mind.

He opened his eyes and stared at her, wondering how she knew he was already thinking of lying. He swallowed in saliva before he began to speak. ‘My main aim was to reopen the case if I become the President next year.’

Tarasha chuckled. ‘You think you would become the President? With Elvis Richards in government presently?’

The fear in the man’s heart increased. He began to think that she was sent by Elvis Richards.

‘Do you think you stand a chance of winning against him?’ she went further.

‘I don’t know. We never knew he was going to contest until he declared recently. He isn’t the President, so I believe he cannot influence the nation like he would like to. Our recent electoral process is becoming more free and fair, and I believe I stand a chance against him.’

‘Well, you have to forget about probing him when you get to office… If you get to office,’ she said, stressing the ‘if’ in the sentence. ‘I’m going to take care of Elvis Richards myself. Now tell me the other things you have that could work against him.’

The man stared at her eyes for a moment. He was a trained investigator and he could read intentions from the eyes of a culprit sometimes. Her request seemed more like a trap for him. She could be working for the Vice President and pretend to be working against him just to get what she needed at the moment. But the look in her eyes was different, it revealed a strange sincerity he had never seen in criminals. However he still had nothing additional to tell or give to her.

He shook his head and waved his fingers to say no. He glanced briefly again at his wife who was staring at them in fear and at sea as to what was going on.

Tarasha put her feet down and put the gun into her bag. She pulled a gown down a bit and straightened the other parts of the cloth.

‘What of my son?’ Garuba asked again.

She turned her wrist to him, showing him a timer on the device on her wrist. ‘You can take off the explosive in forty six minutes,’ she said to him. The timer on the device was also reading down from forty six minutes and twelve seconds. ‘Any attempts to take it off before then would cause something fatal,’ she continued with a crooked smile. ‘And this button,’ she turned her wrist for him to see the switch on the device. ‘I’ll push it once I notice the police or any security officer following after me. I’ll advice that you don’t involve the police at all, you should be wise since you know that the Inspector General is a friend to Elvis Richards. So,’ she paused for some seconds. ‘Are we in agreement?’

‘Yes,’ the man nodded. He let out a breath as he was still scared that the explosive may still go off.

‘Okay, you have to see me off, I’ll be borrowing your son’s car.’ Tarasha said to the man and motioned him to get down from the bed. ‘You stay here till he returns,’ she said to the wife.

She took out the keys from the keyhole at the door and locked it from behind after she got out. With Garuba following her, she was able to drive out with the car without interference from the dogs and also leaving the gate security man surprised as to how the slut who entered with the son came out with the father.


Toheeb’s Room.

Toheeb was still fast asleep in the bed with the explosive bag worn on his chest. He stirred and stretched when the door to his room was opened but still didn’t open his eyes, he continued his sleep and even began to make funny sounds.

‘Sir, why didn’t you call on us immediately?’ one of the men who entered the room with Garuba Ahmed asked. Another one walked past them to the bed to check what was on Toheeb’s body.

‘She warned us not to make any move until after forty five minutes and I didn’t want to take chances,’ Garuba replied.

‘Oh mehn! This is a real explosive,’ the man who was checking the bag in Toheeb’s chest announced to the others. The other man left Garuba and quickly joined his colleague. He climbed up the bed and knelt close to Toheeb.

‘Wow! We have to be careful.’

‘It’s switched off already,’ the other man who was already assessing the bag said. ‘But we have to take it off now, it could be switched on anytime again if the girl is not far away from here.’

It took them about 2 minutes to take the explosive off carefully without cutting the wrong wires, Toheeb continued to sleep all through. One of the men carefully disconnected the wires on the explosive and took it outside. They returned to meet Garuba Ahmed who had gone to sit in the living room sheet after they removed the bag.

‘Sir, we have to inform the police once it’s daybreak.’ one of the men suggested as he walked to the Garuba’s side.

Garuba remained silent and calm. He was still thinking on what to do, whether to follow the lady’s advice not to involve the police or do things his own way.

‘Sir…’ the man standing by his side called to get the man’s attention.

‘We won’t inform the police directly and none of you should talk to anyone about it, not even my wife. I’ll call Inspector Kehinde or probably go to his office this morning.’ the man replied. Inspector Kehinde was a police officer who he knew and could trust.

‘Sir, but don’t you think we should do something immediately before she goes too far?’ the second person suggested.

‘I do not have any problem with her since she did not hurt anyone but I will still have to get the Inspector informed in case anything else happens.’


Challenge Road, Ilorin.

Garuba Ahmed sat at the backseat alone. The two men who had helped him to take off the bomb were seated at the front, one of then driving and the other working on a mini laptop. Their Jeep stopped behind a public transport bus as the traffic warder at the front ordered vehicles coming from their direction to stop.

‘Are you outside already?’ Garuba said into his phone.

‘Yes, I just got outside the station.’ the receiver replied.

‘Okay, we’re close to the roundabout and driving towards A Division already. We’ll pick you in a minute.’

The vehicles began to move and they crossed the roundabout in few seconds. They located Inspector Kehinde standing with the other pedestrians waiting to get vehicles and they stopped for him to join them. He walked to the car quickly and joined Garuba at the backseat. They drove off.

‘Good morning Inspector Kehinde,’ Garuba Ahmed greeted first, offering the officer a handshake.

‘Good morning sir,’ Inspector Kehinde replied with a bow and took the handshake with two hands respectfully.

‘We have something very important to discuss, and we have to find somewhere perfect we can discuss it well.’ Garuba said.

‘Sir, you should have asked for me to come to your place. From the way your voice sounded when you called, I believe what you want to discuss with me is very urgent.’

‘Yes, it actually is. But I couldn’t call you to come to my place, my wife is around and she would want to listen to our conversation.’

‘Okay, why don’t we just start right away?’

Garuba chuckled and then stared for a second at the men sitting at the front. The Inspector understood with the gesture; the man wasn’t comfortable discussing the matter in the presence of his men.

Garuba suddenly glanced at his wristwatch and looked up. ‘It’s 12pm, can we listen to the news now?’ he said to his men.

The man at the passenger’s side in front turned on the car radio and tuned it to the station airing the news. The newscaster began to read out the headlines just as the guy increased the volume. The first headline read: ‘Eze Okafor confirmed dead this morning’.

The news threw Garuba off guard and he placed his palm on his chest as his eyes widened in shock. He closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply to suppress the shock as he waited for the details of the news to be read. The reading of the headlines ended and the details of the news began immediately after. The newscaster read in details how Eze Okafor was found lifeless in the hospital bed by seven thirty am while the doctor was going on the morning round. His death was however not announced immediately because it had to be confirmed first and the cause had not been ascertained. Signs of ropes were said to have been seen on the man’s legs and hands and a window of ward he was kept in was found damaged. The State commissioner of Police had reviews the incident himself and concluded that Samantha Osman came back at midnight to finish off the man.

‘But this isn’t true?’ Garuba Ahmed argued aloud with no one in particular.

‘I think it is sir,’ Inspector Kehinde opposed in a calm voice. ‘She tried to ki|| him yesterday but was intercepted by the police, I’m sure she really returned to the hospital to finish her mission.’

‘No, she didn’t ki|| him.’ Garuba insisted in a strong tone which made him sound suspicious. Everybody else in the car remained silent and stiff, waiting for him to say something else to back his argument but the man was quiet and moody. Written all over his face was confusion, he had his lips squeezed in like he had swallowed something bitter.

‘Sir, why do you say so?’ Inspector Kehinde asked.

‘I know,’ Garuba turned to the Inspector still carrying the confused look on his face. ‘Let’s get to Friendz, I’ll book one of their inner rooms where we can sit and talk.’

Fifteen minutes later

Friendz Eatery, Ajase Ipo Road, Ilorin.

Garuba and Inspector Kehinde sat opposite each other at a table, inside the management office. They discussed in the room with no one else present while the normal activities went on at the eating areas of the restaurant.

‘Kehinde… Samantha Osman was in my home last night, I mean around two am this morning.’ Garuba began. The Inspector drew back with a shocked expression on his face, he narrowed his gaze at Garuba’s face doubting if the man knew what he was talking about.

‘She entered into the house at midnight with my drunk son and came to talk to me in my room. My wife was there with me but didn’t who she was,’ Garuba explained.

‘She came to talk to you? I don’t understand,’ the Inspector questioned.

‘Yes, she came for a document and left after I gave it to her.’

‘Ah!’ the Inspector exclaimed with his mouth agape for a moment. ‘But why didn’t you inform the police about this sir?’

‘She advised me not to involve the police but that’s why I’m informing you because I’m sure it won’t go beyond you and I.’

‘Sir, I don’t still understand this whole thing. Can you make me understand better?’

‘She came peacefully without hurting anyone and she said she wasn’t willing to hurt anyone, all she wanted were the documents.’

‘What documents did she take with her?’

‘The documents are the main thing,’ Garuba said and paused to look around for a moment, to ensure that no one was listening or watching them. ‘These documents were signed more than ten years ago, they’re documents incriminating the Vice President. They’re proofs of the illegal deals his pharmaceutical company carried out when he was the deputy governor of Lagos State.’

‘But how come these documents are with you?’

‘I got them while I was in service, I was the Inspector in charge of the case. I had to keep them with me to avoid having them taken and destroyed. Our judiciary system was in a mess then, you only needed to have money and power then and you’d be free from any charges leveled against you, there’ll always be a way to render the proofs against you useless.’

‘But what did she need these documents for and how did she know they were with you?’

‘She needs them against Vice President Elvis Richards, it’s no secret that she’s been trying to take his life, but now, I’m beginning to believe she’s fighting him for a good cause.’

‘She’s ki||ed several people, you don’t fight a good cause illegally.’ Inspector Kehinde retorted, with so much hatred for Samantha Osman in his voice.

‘Sadly sometimes, sacrifices have to be made. Some people lives have to go for a revolution to occur, some times a lot more have to die, that’s the sad truth.’

‘I don’t get the connection of those she ki||ed with any good revolution, if any revolution is coming out of this, it’s a bad one.’ Inspector Kehinde argued.

‘Kenny, we have to be patient and watch but I believe something good may come out this at the end. I’m an investigator, I lived my life committed to the service, I had to resign when the criminal Rikau was made the Assistant Inspector General, I knew I would have to compromise if I stayed in the force. This morning, I saw those eyes; Samantha’s eyes.’ Garuba paused for a moment and the picture of Tarasha played in his memory again. He could see the colour of her eyes which wasn’t covered by the mask again. ‘I’m sure I would never suspect to be a ki||er if I met her on the street. I saw her expression when she went through the documents after I gave her. The person she’s really after is Elvis Richards and that is one man that we have to bring down if the country has to move forward, I believe that there are still more people hiding under him but starting with him will be a good one.’

‘In summary, you support Samantha Osman’s actions sir?’

‘No, I do not support her actions. I support what I perceive as the motive behind the action.’

‘Then can you explain her motive for ki||ing Eze Okafor?’

‘She didn’t ki|| him. Eze Okafor was ki||ed at midnight, Samantha Osman was with me at midnight. She got the information about the documents with me from Eze Okafor that morning when she attacked him, that was all she needed from him, there was no reason to ki|| him anymore. And besides, she couldn’t have been in Anambra and be in Kwara State at the same time.’

‘Hmm…’ Inspector Kehinde took in a deep breath and stared thoughtfully. He tried to draw out a meaning from all the man had told him but many more questions arose in his hearts. ‘Sir, you talked about the Vice President’s illegal deals…’

A loud crash sound interrupted their discussion and sounds of gunshots followed. The men quickly bent their heads below the table and the Inspector took out his gun. Something hit the entrance door of the room where they sat in, they could see it was a man’s back. And then a gunshot followed, the man’s blood splattered on the transparent glass at the upper part of the door. Another bullet hit the door and pierced through it. Someone moved close to the door and they could hear sounds of the dead body being dragged away. The door was kicked open.



Forensics Department, State Security Service Office.
In a large lab-like room, the different forensic officers went about their duties noiselessly. Agent Godwin of the SSS could be seen at a corner of the room discussing something with a man putting on a white lab coat. Dave and Dan sat quietly at the seating area where the office tables and chairs were. They had arrived into the State to meet the dead body of Eze Okafor instead of a living person to interrogate. The information that got to them earlier was that the man would be allowed to leave the hospital that morning and they had planned to visit him at his residence for the necessary interrogation. But it came as a big shock to them when the officer sent to get them from the airport hinted them about the man’s death.

‘There are still a lot of things we need to uncover,’ Dave began. He leaned forward in his seat and placed his elbows on his knees. ‘I’m still wondering why Samantha didn’t ki|| the man yesterday morning, why she had to return at midnight.’

‘But that shouldn’t be a question now,’ Dan flashed a look at him. ‘The Police officers said she ran away when they went after her.’

‘That’s a lie,’ Dave opposed in a confident tone. ‘Samantha Osman is more coordinated than that, she couldn’t have just taken the man without already making adequate plans to do everything she wanted to do with him. She wouldn’t have kidnapped and carried him to an uncompleted building where she would be easily located.’

‘I don’t understand you bro,’ Dan said with a frown.

‘You see; I’ve had closer experiences with Samantha Osman. She’s d@mn good and well coordinated, so I know she couldn’t have done a hurried job like the police suggests that she had to dump the man and flee. And even that number of police men that went after her couldn’t have stopped her from ki||ing the man if she wanted to at that moment. The time she used in injecting him the benryl substance was enough to strangle him to death or even inject him a death poison.’

‘Hmm… That’s true, you’re making sense.’

‘Someone else ki||ed the man. The real ki||er only used the opportunity.’


Both of them looked up as Agent Godwin approached them. They stared at the paper held in his right hand as he moved closer.

‘I think we’re good to go now,’ he said to them.

‘Is that the report?’ Dave asked, pointing to the paper in the agent’s hand.

‘Yes, the photocopy.’ Agent Godwin replied and handed it to Dave.

Dan joined Dave and they both looked into the report together.

‘So Eze Okafor wasn’t suffocated?’ Dave looked up at Agent Godwin’s face after a minute of scanning through the report.

‘Yea, as the report says. A different gas was forced through his nose.’ Agent Godwin replied.

‘Totally different,’ Dave mentioned in whispers.

‘Huh? What did you say?’ Dan questioned.

‘Nothing, I’m just surprised.’ Dave said and rose up to his feet. To him the way Eze Okafor was ki||ed was totally different to the past methods being employed by Samantha Osman. ‘Let’s go now, to the hospital first and then to Eze Okafor’s family.’



The flight back to Abuja was for two pm. Tarasha sat quietly in the bed in the hotel room with her legs folded like a monk who was meditating. She was pondering on the report she just gotten from the news blog update, she was being accused of Eze Okafor’s death. That was not even her problem, but who the real ki||er and why he was ki||ed was what bothered her. She wondered if the ki||ing was connected to her, that would mean the Vice President was on her trail through Rex or someone else. She considered Agent Dave too but quickly removed him from the options, the Agent wouldn’t have ki||ed an innocent soul if he was the one.

Her phone which laid beside her knee in the bed made a beep sound and vibrated at the same time. She stared at the screen but didn’t pick it immediately. She waited until the screen went off before picking the phone. She unlocked it and scanned through the browser page of the news article she read last which was still opened. She scrolled up and stopped at the picture used, it was the one of the pictures taken of her during the Crescent Moon Hotel gun battle. She closed the browser and then swiped down the notification bar. She was surprised as she saw another message from, it had the title ‘Treat This Urgently’. She clicked on it and waited few seconds for the message to load completely.

It was a short message with only two short paragraph. The first paragraph of the message was written in a Russian language and it contained the usual salutation and updates on the country’s activities. She scrolled to the remaining parts.

‘ki||er Queen, I got this as a secret information while carrying out your assignment and I thought I should let you know. The Lords and zonal leaders have met thrice in two months to talk about your mission in Africa. I didn’t really get the full details of their discussion but I think they’re on your case because you’ve not been remitting the weekly dues to the clan like you should do. I think you should try and correct that as soon as possible before they take a further step.’

Tarasha paused for a while after reading the message. The mission had turned so personal to her that she didn’t bother to check if her weekly dues were being paid. She had thought Chief Gab would continue paying it like he did faithfully for weeks after her arrival. Chief Gab had the responsibility of paying the dues until her contract with him expired or was terminated. But the clan never holds the client responsible for not paying, the assasin involved receives the penalty or punishment instead.

She thought of calling Chief Gab immediately but decided to leave it until later. She closed the email application and navigated to the menu, she clicked on the “All Banks” application to check her account balance.

A call came in before the application could finish loading. Cole was the caller.

‘Any information yet?’ Tarasha said into the phone as she answered the call.

‘None yet boss, the ki||er is a pro. I’m thinking it would be none other than Rex.’

‘I think so too, but let’s watch what happens next, it will make it clearer.’


Asokoro, Abuja.

Cole’s room.

‘Boss, Vivian Elvis is scheduled to leave the country tomorrow.’

‘Is that Elvis Richards daughter?’

‘Yes, she is.’

‘How did you find out?’

‘I placed a transmitter in her car on Monday which I had forgotten about but the battery of the device went low earlier today and the low battery notification I got on the receiver here reminded me about the transmitter. I decided to play what was recorded and incidentally moved it to the point where she received a call in her car and was arguing with her father about traveling back. I found out she was supposed to travel yesterday but missed the flight because her Dad had not fully convinced her then. But she’s taking today’s flight.’

‘Do you know the time for her flight?’

‘No, but I can check the flight schedules on the airlines portal and get back to you.’

‘Do a quick check. If she’s gone with the flight already, you don’t have to bother, but if the flight time is still later, I want you to stop her from leaving and also make sure she knows who’s stopping her.’

‘Okay boss. Ermm, hope there’s no restriction to how I go about it?’

‘Don’t hurt her physically and only ki|| anybody else if you really have to.’

‘Okay boss, I would work on it right away.’

Cole got up from the chair and walked to the work table immediately. He opened up his laptop before sitting. The laptop had been on hibernation and so didn’t waste time to boot, he only had to put in the password and was granted access immediately. He opened his browser and the youngicee website loaded as the homepage as usual. He cleared the navigation bar and began to type a URL into the box.

The phone he left on the pillow made a beep sound and he glanced back. A message had entered and it was either from Patricia or from the network operators. The thoughts of Patricia filled his heart again as he navigated through the newly opened website with the laptop mouse. He was hopeful that they would be able to spend the night together that day as Tarasha would return by noon and there would be no need for any monitoring or keeping tabs on the NSCC footages that night.

He had missed her so much already. She had made an impact in his life just with the few days they’ve been together. For the first time in his life, he was wishing he wasn’t an assassin but an ordinary guy so that he could live a perfect love life with her.



Ajase Ipo Road, Ilorin

Friendz Restaurant

Flashback ~~ An Hour ago

Garuba’s men were seated at a table in the eating area of the restaurant with other guests around. The atmosphere was cool and calm and the sound from the music video playing on the television was low as usual. It was the usual break hour for workers and the place was busy. Almost all the tables were occupied by people in groups, fifty percent male and female pairs and trios. Garuba’s men were one of the only two pairs who were male, most of the rest pairs were females and there was only one person seated at a table alone. His table was behind that of Garuba’s men, there was a bottle of soft drink on his table; he had arrived at almost the same time Garuba men arrived and ordered the same drink with them. His eyes could not be seen as he had dark goggles on, a black face cap was on his table. His demeanor was like that of someone waiting for another person.

‘Toheeb has always been a Ďïčkhead, very careless and useless boy, I knew he would one day bring trouble to his father.’ one of Garuba’s men said before gulping down the contents of the cup. He dropped it noisily and rested back in the chair. He was used to visiting beer parlours and taking alcohol instead and he didn’t like the way the atmosphere of the place they were in was calm. His eyes hovered around the place for a second and then settled on his partner who was also taking the same drink.

‘I was actually expecting him to cause something more than this, I was expecting him to bring disaster to the whole family.’ the other man joined in.

‘I think Mr Garuba accommodates his excesses too much,’ the first man added. ‘He’s the only child of the family who is not yet on his own.’

‘And he’s arrogant and careless with words, I don’t even think he observes the daily prayers like the rest of his family does.’

‘Observe what daily prayer? How can someone who is always partying and clubbing have time to pray?’

‘True, the boy is too lazy and annoying. I wish I had the opportunity of having a rich father like he does, I would be someone bigger than this today.’

‘It’s easier said than done bro, I think being the last born is one of the things that has affected Toheeb.’

‘Yea, true. But his recklessness is just incomprehensible.’

The men continued their women-like gossip without being aware that someone beside was listening to them. It was one of the days that they weren’t in public or somewhere with their boss and they had the opportunity to share a drink and discuss random things. Even at Garuba’s house, the men stayed at different quarters because of the strategic security positioning and only get to see each other when the man needs them.

Rex took a sip of his drink again and looked around for the imaginary person he was waiting for. He rested his back and crossed his legs. He took out his phone and began to scroll through to make himself appear busy. He had been listening to the men’s conversation since they got to the place, they had discussed several things which wasn’t of importance to him. He was getting more impatient. He had seen Garuba Ahmed enter into the eatery with his two men and a third one which they had picked at the A Division stop. But on entering the eatery, he only saw the two men that were seated at the front of the car. Garuba Ahmed and the third man was nowhere around.

He had been at the GRA in Ilorin since eight o’clock that morning. He stayed in his car parked beside the residence of the man. He patiently waited for more than three hours for the opportunity to get into the house. He was relieved when he saw Garuba Ahmed at the backseat of the car driving out of the house with the two men in front. He followed them from the GRA unable to act immediately because of the heavy presence of security officials in the area. The challenge road which led to the A Division was also a busy and tightly secured area and he didn’t bother to make an attempt to attack or capture the man there as it would be a very foolish move.

Something caught Rex’s attention as the men continued to discuss. He dropped his phone and placed his elbows on the table to pay closer attention.

‘Why do you think the senator is protecting the girl that attacked him at midnight?’ one of the men asked the other.

‘Well, I don’t think the senator’s hand is hundred percent clean too, I never trust politicians. I believe the documents she took from him is what he’s trying to protect. If he tells the police about the document, it’s possible he incriminates himself and that’s why he decided to single out this Inspector Kehinde for the information.’

‘The most baffling thing is that he didn’t call us. How can an ex security officer and a very trained one at that, give in to the thr_@ts of a girl?’

‘Hehe… I just know that there’s something fishy with that document she took away.’

Rex knew at once that Samantha was once again a step ahead of him. He tightened his fists and clenched his fists in anger as he thought about the whole situation. Wrong timing of the information given to him by his employers was making him walk like a fool and making her appear smarter.

He got up from his table and took three steps to theirs, he pulled out the third chair and sat on it surprising the two men with his intrusion.

‘What did your boss go to? I need to see him now,’ Rex said in a command tone.

The two men exchanged quick looks, wondering who the intruder was and surprised at his audacity.

‘Are you okay?’ one of the men asked. But he wasn’t lucky enough to get a vocal response. Rex landed him a blow on the face sending him to the ground heavily. The other man tried to attack but Rex grabbed his hand and sent him a blow in the chest.
Now, the attention of the other guests were all turned to them and the two security men at the door were alerted.

Rex stood up and took out his gun from his pocket at the right side, still holding the second man’s hand. He shot a bullet into the chest of the other man who was already trying to get up. The place was thrown into disorder at the sound of the gunshot, the other guests got up from their seats and scampered for safety.

‘Where did your boss go to?’ Rex asked again, still holding the man at the wrist and pointing a gun at his chest with the right hand.

The man tried to wriggle his hand free from Rex but to his surprise, Rex’s hand was far stronger than his.

‘He’s in one of the inner rooms, I can’t tell where exactly,’ he finally said in a shaky voice.

‘Who knows where they are?’ Rex barked.

The guy looked around for a while and then pointed towards the counter where the attendants were hiding.

Rex pushed him to the floor and began to walk towards the counter. He stopped halfway and turned back. The man had taken out his gun and was about to Ç0çƙ, Rex sent two quick shots to the man’s body and proceeded forward.

There was no reason to ask questions at the counter again as Rex saw for himself the entrance that led to the inner rooms. He dragged one of the men behind the counter and pushed him forward. ‘Take me to where Garuba Ahmed is.’

The short man led him shakily into passage leading to the inner rooms and the offices. ‘Its here,’ the man pointed at a door closeby.

A security man entered into the passage at that moment and tried to hit Rex with a rod from behind. Rex was quick to dodge the rod but the security man was also swift. He made more swipes at Rex, making him unable to use the gun.

He tried to strike Rex two more times before Rex was able to get a grip of him by the arm. Rex quickly pulled the other arm from behind and squeezed both of them at his back. He faced the man to the door of the room the attendant had pointed him to and slammed the man’s face against the door, then he stepped back and shot the man on the head. The security man fell lifelessly on the floor. Rex dragged his body away from the entrance and kicked the door open.


Inspector Kehinde raised his gun and fired a quick shot at the man who entered. Unluckily the shot went wide and the man quick pulled back and hid behind the wall outside.

The Inspector looked around to find a better hiding place for Senator Garuba but could not find any. Apart from the table at which they were seated, the other furniture in the room was a long sofa backing the wall which was opposite the television, and a small glass table at the center.

‘Just stay here sir,’ The Inspector rose and began to move towards the opened door, with his gun raised in readiness.

Rex could hear the sounds of slow footsteps approaching. He went down slowly and remained in a squatting position as he waited patiently. The footsteps sounded closer and Rex could estimate the distance of the person coming to the entrance. He took in a deep breath before turning into the room, still in his squatting position. He fired a quick shot at the man.

‘Arrggh…’ Inspector Kehinde screamed as the bullet hit his shoulder unexpectedly. The gun fell away from his hand.

Rex refocused his gun to the man’s chest and tried to $h00t again but nothing came out of the gun, the bullets had finished in it. His eyes met with that of the Inspector. The Inspector could see that his bullets had been exhausted and used the opportunity to rush to the place his own fell. Rex had an extra gun but didn’t try to take it out yet, he knew the Inspector was likely to get his first, he went after the Inspector’s gun instead.

The Inspector got to the gun before Rex and bent to pick it up, but before he could rise up, Rex had sent him a kick in the face with his knee. The Inspector crashed to the floor and the gun flung away from his hand again. Rex drew closer to him and landed him two more blows on the face he hit his head with the butt of his empty gun and the Inspector became unconscious.

Rex rose up to see Garuba Ahmed rushing to take the gun which had fallen from the Inspector’s hand. He took out his extra gun and pointed it at the man.

‘I’ll $h00t if you try to take it,’ he thr_@tened as Garuba was about to bend and pick the gun.

Garuba rose back slowly with his hands in the air, looking at Rex with the side eye.

‘What do you want?’ Garuba Ahmed managed to ask.

‘I want the duplicates of the documents you gave to Samantha Osman this morning,’ Rex replied.

‘Duplicates? There are no duplicates anywhere,’ Garuba replied. He knew Rex was sure about what he was saying and didn’t bother to deny that he gave Samantha any document.

Rex knew there was no duplicate, the Vice President had told him that there was only one original copy of the sealed documents. In the days when it was signed and with the facilities they used, it couldn’t be duplicated and still retain his full qualities. And even if it had duplicates, the main aim of getting the documents was to stop Samantha Osman from getting it first but which had already happened.

‘Who is she taking the documents to?’ Rex asked again, he began to move closer to the man slowly.

‘I don’t know,’ Garuba replied again, looking at Rex with the side eye again.

Rex stopped close to the man and pulled the gun on the floor to his front with his feet, he carefully bent to pick it and rose quickly again.

‘Where did she go after she left you?’

‘I don’t know, she didn’t tell me anything’ Garuba Ahmed replied again, without fear in his voice. He didn’t need anyone to tell him before he knew that this man was Eze Okafor’s ki||er or connected to the ki||er. Even if he knew Samantha’s movement and he told this man, he was sure he wasn’t going to be spared still. Death was here for him, he had said few minutes ago and it was coming to play in his life already.

Rex suddenly stepped closer to the man and landed him a blow on the nose, sending the man falling back to the long sofa. He moved closer again and hit him more.

He needed the man as an hostage to ensure he leaves the place undisturbed, that was if the police met him there. But he needed to make the man weak first to reduce the resistance he might try to put on.

Nnewi, Anambra State.

Late Eze Okafor’s Residence

Dave and Dan sat quietly in the car waiting patiently for the return of Agent Godwin. The car was parked at the garage in the compound of the late man’s residence where his bereaved family were and sympathisers had come to pay condolences. Agent Godwin had walked into the place with two junior SSS officers and investigators to sympathize with the family and also use the opportunity to ask some key questions to help their investigation. Dave and Dan couldn’t go with them for the interrogation, their jobs as secret agents did not permit them to make direct interrogations, they always had to get the report from a non secret agent.

Pretending as journalists, they had visited the hospital where Eze Okafor died in with Agent Godwin and took their time to properly scrutinize the crime scene. The ward had been locked by the police after the discovery of the murder and they tried their best to ensure there was no change in the position of things there. The ropes which had been tied to the late man’s hands and legs still had their pieces attached to the bed in the ward. The windows and curtains were also left open as they were when the murder was discovered. All these were what the agents scrutinized. Agent Godwin had also requested for the footages from the security cameras installed in and around the building of the hospital. They had watched the footages over and over again and couldn’t deduce anything from it. Agent Godwin had to copy some of the files into a device for more observation at another time.

They spotted Agent Godwin returning to the car after forty minutes of going into the house with the two other SSS officers who had come in another car. Dan who was seated at the driver’s side opened the backdoor ready for the Agent to enter the car but the Agent stopped at the front instead. He knocked beside the tinted glass softly for Dan to wind down, looking around to see if anyone was looking towards their direction. The tinted glasses had helped to hide Dan and Dave inside the car, even the other SSS men had thought agent Godwin was in the car with his driver only.

Dan rolled the glass down a bit and stared at the agent.

‘I’m done with those two security guys that went out with the man but I’m still thinking of interrogating the woman now.’ Agent Godwin said to them.

‘The deceased’s wife?’ Dan asked.

‘Yes, what do you think?’

Dan shook his head. ‘Please come into the car and let’s talk.’

Agent Godwin sighed, reluctant to enter. Dan rolled the window glass up and he had no choice than to enter.

‘Sir, do you think the woman would be emotional ready to answer your questions?’ Dave asked after the man had gotten in.

‘With the way I see her, I think she’d be able to answer one or two questions that’ll be useful to us.’ Agent Godwin replied.

‘Are you the one directly in charge of the interrogation or your men?’ Dave questioned.

‘I’m in charge of this for now, but my men would take it up from tomorrow. I don’t do interrogations except it’s totally necessary and I’m only here because of the peculiarity of the case and your status as secret Agents.’

Dave nodded. He understood the man perfectly well. The man was the head of the Security team in Anambra state and had more of a managerial and overseeing responsibility except if the case had to do with the Governor of the State directly.

‘What did you get from those men sir?’ Dan questioned after a brief moment of silence.

‘They don’t know anything, the only thing they remember is the man calling on them that morning to get ready for the conference. I think benryl has washed it from their memories but with the way it is now, the police would still have to invite those men for more questioning.’

‘I think he has to question the deceased’s wife,’ Dan turned to speak to Dave. ‘I believe we would get something important from her.’

‘Okay, if you say so.’ Dave answered with a shrug like he wasn’t too sure about the decision but he was, the thought of having Dan get the full information as himself was what bothered him. ‘But sir,’ Dave turned to the man at the backseat. ‘You have to get me those footages before you go, so I can go through them again.’

‘Oh! Sure.’

Agent Godwin brought out a tablet device and handed it to Dave before stepping out of the car again. Dave plugged his earphone into the device and began to go through the footages again while Dan rested his head and closed his eyes.

Dave went through each clips in the collection thoroughly, playing some repeatedly. He had seen something suspicious while watching with Dan and Godwin earlier but decided not to mention it to the other two. He located the suspicious part after twenty five minutes of viewing and replayed the clip again. In all the video clips, the ki||er had tried his best to stay in shadows and hide from the camera views but in the current clip which Dave had located, there was a visible shadow moving beside the walls. He paused the video and zoomed in , he noticed it was a man’s shadow which confirmed his notion that Samantha Osman wasn’t the one who carried out the murder. He took out his own device and quickly transferred the video clip to it, after which he deleted it from Agent Godwin’s device.

Agent Godwin returned after an hour. Dan had already fallen asleep and Dave was through with going through the footages. Dan opened his eyes when Dave tapped him to release the back door for Agent Godwin to enter.

‘Sorry for taking so much time guys,’ Agent Godwin apologized after slamming the door shut.

‘No problem sir, but do you have anything for us?’ Dan replied with a sleepy voice and yawned afterwards.

‘Nothing really from the interrogation, but something else is up already,’ Agent Godwin replied. The two in front turned their faces to him. ‘Mrs Okafor could not point to anyone she thinks can be responsible for her husband’s murder, she said he had no clash or argument with anyone recently.’

‘Okay, what else did you say has happened again?’

Agent Godwin stared at them quietly for a while, causing them to be more eager to hear him.

‘Samantha ki||ed another person in Kwara State this afternoon, the police Agent in charge called to confirm some information minutes ago,’ he said.


Airport Road, Kuje-Amuwo, Abuja


‘Is there any radio station reporting the news at three pm?’ Tarasha asked Cole as they drove down the road. Tarasha was seated at the back using her laptop while Cole drove.

‘Several stations would report only the headlines, details are usually done by six in the evening and nine pm. But I can tune it to the twenty four hours news station if you want to get current happenings.’ Cole offered.

‘No, we would miss some past headlines that way, just tune it to a channel airing by three pm.’

Cole tuned the car radio to a station and put the volume to a medium level. Tarasha checked her time again, it was just two minute to three. All she needed to hear in the news was an update on the death of Eze Okafor and if any of the top police officials had said anything about it. She refreshed the news blog page on her browser again while she waited for the news to begin. The page reloaded and she realized the blog had just been updated. The news on radio also began as she began to scroll down the page, the headlines of news at the top of the updates were of no interest to her. She finally got to the middle of the page and found a newly updated post with her work name in the title. Just then, the name was also mentioned by the newscaster on radio too. The headlines were the same.



Anambra State.

‘Senator Garuba Ahmed, that’s sad.’ Dave heaved a sigh as they drove down the road. Agent Godwin was still seated at the back and he was folding his arms and staring in a thoughtful manner, the same manner as Dave.

Dave’s heart was greatly grieved. Not because he had a personal relationship with the senator or because he had met the man before but he was tired of the ki||ings happening and his seeming inability to stop them. But one thing he was sure again in this newly reported murder was that the real story had been thoroughly distorted before being let out by the media.

‘You said it was a man who kidnapped Garuba Ahmed. Why then is it Samantha Osman being named as the ki||er?’

‘According to the report I got, the man’s dead body was found in a car. He was also tied on his hands and feet and had no signs of injury on his body just like Dr Eze Okafor was murdered, the only difference is the location of the murder.’

‘We are yet to confirm that Samantha Osman ki||ed Dr Eze Okafor,’ Dave said in his mind. He didn’t want to voice out his doubt of Samantha being Dr Eze’s murderer, so that Dan could at least believe that they were on the same page; that way, he would be able to keep more secrets from Dan.

‘Only the security men at the gate claimed that they saw Samantha Osman entering into the hospital yesterday and they never saw her coming out. The footages do not even prove their claims yet,’ Dave spoke out.

‘Well, do ou think they could be telling us something else?’ Agent Godwin asked.

‘No, why would they? Besides, it’s not the first time of Samantha Osman being invisible to the cameras.’ Dave answered.

‘That’s true, I suspect that she entered into the security room to delete the footages.’ Godwin hinted.

‘No, she has other ways, I don’t think she went into the security room.’ Dave disagreed. ‘But are you sure the Security men you spoke to were the ones on duty that night?’

‘Yes, of course. How could I have spoken to other ones?’

‘Don’t be offended sir, I only wanted to find out how the security guys there work. If they have three shifts, it’s possible that Samantha got in earlier before the guys on night shift arrived, so it could have been another lady they saw.’

‘No, they have only two shifts. Some work from morning to evening and the other sets evening to morning. The ones on the evening duty were the one who confirmed her entrance and they said she entered at night.’

The ringing sound of Godwin’s phone interrupted and he excused himself before answering the call. He spoke to his caller for almost two minutes, uttering no other words except ‘Yes’ and ‘No’.

‘That’s the SSS director in Kwara State,’ Godwin said after the call ended. ‘Apart from passersby witnesses that a woman parked the car which carried the senator’s dead body, he just told me of something else which proves that it was Samantha that ki||ed him the new victim.’

Dave still had doubts in his mind even though Agent Godwin was sounding very sure. He knew there would always be something amiss in the Police’s report.

‘There are several other proofs already,’ Dan inputted. ‘If it’s the same pattern Dr Eze Okafor and the senator was ki||ed, then it means it’s the same ki||er.’

‘But we have a more sure proof now,’ Agent Godwin said confidently, getting the full attention of the other two. ‘They found multiple identity cards and debit cards of Samantha Osman in the car, the ID cards with the same face that we all know.’

Dave chuckled after taking a moment to ponder on what the Agent said. ‘I think she’s been under so much pressure lately and that’s why her murders have been traceable.’

‘We can’t tell. In my opinion, I’ll say it’s because these recent murders happened in other states. She may ki|| without leaving traces in Abuja or Lagos, I believe she has most of her men there and would get the necessary support.’ Godwin said.

‘That’s another valid point we need to look into,’ Dan supported.

‘Where’s the nearest Catholic Church around?’ Dave suddenly changed the topic, the other points they were making were of no importance to him.

‘Catholic Church? You didn’t ask at the right time, we passed one of their big cathedrals already but there are other smaller ones we can find on the way.’

‘No, I’ll like the big one.’ Dave said.

‘Then you have to stop here, and take a cab to St Cletus Catholic Church.’

‘Okay, thank you. I have to do that immediately.’

‘What are you going to do in a Catholic Church?’ Dan questioned with a raised eyebrow, staring at Dave through the rearview mirror.

‘I need to see a priest,’ Dave replied.

‘Are you sure you are not gay, sleeping with em priests?’

‘You’re crazy bro, who told you the priests are gays?’ Dave replied with a brief laugh.

‘Boys say nonsense at times and I’m wondering if it’s true because you always visit Catholic churches most times to see the priest.’

‘Yea, I just want to see the priest and pour out my heart.’

‘You wanna confess your sins?’

‘Well, you can say that’s part of it.’

‘Don’t tell me you’ve been shagging girls without inviting me recently,’ Dan shot a look at him with mocking eyes.

‘You need to take your pills bro,’ Dave laughed. ‘Just find somewhere good to stop for me’

Dan and Agent Godwin drove away after dropping Dave by the roadside. Dave took out his phone from his pocket and confirmed the address of the hospital. He exited and then turned on his GPS and opened the map application. He crossed to the other side of the road and waited to get a cab.





Henry sat in front of the control room, scrolling and explaining some things to Cole and Tarasha who sat at either sides.

‘The Inspector General would be going for routine check up at the hospital on 3rd of May, that’s next tomorrow. He doesn’t go heavily guarded and no one gets to know he’s in the car because of the time. He only goes with two supporting officers at the front. Here’s the hospital, and he takes this route,’ Henry paused to show illustrate with the map on the system and made sure they understood before he proceeded. ‘We have two options now, it’s either we take kidnap the man and break him till he confesses or go with the other plan, submit his own file to him and take him to court like we’re doing to the Vice President.’

Henry stopped and turned to face Tarasha, waiting for her to talk.

She stared blankly at the wall for a while, pondering on which of the options would be the best. Henry had done a great job with his research and monitoring of the Inspector General, more than she had expected.

She liked the first option ; kidnapping the man, although she preferred to ki|| him immediately instead. The second option which was their first and only option would take a longer time.

‘What’s the exact time he goes to the hospital?’ she asked Henry.

‘5am, that’s why he doesn’t go heavily guarded.’ Henry replied.

‘Cole,’ she called and looked at him in the eye. ‘Which option do we take?’

‘The first is quicker,’ Cole replied. ‘But we have to set up structures to make sure the man doesn’t get away or isn’t rescued.’

‘We have enough structures to keep him already, what we only need to do is execute a good job in taking him. No one would trace him to us unless we are careless.’

‘Then we should go for the first option, it would produce faster results.’ Cole said.

Tarasha faced Henry to hear what he had to say too.

‘The first is cool for me too.’ Henry said.

‘Then we’d prepare everything necessary from tomorrow morning, I need to take a good rest now.’ She got up from her seat and shook her head in an exercising manner.

‘Boss, I have to go out now. Vivian Elvis’ flight is by 6pm,’ Cole reminded Tarasha.

Tarasha checked the time on her phone, it was past 4 o’clock. She felt tempted to ask Cole what his plan was but decided not to intrude. She believed he could handle the job and she wanted him to feel her confidence in him. ‘Do all you need to do but be back and ready by morning tomorrow.’

‘Okay, thank you.’ Cole replied. He understood perfectly well that she was giving permission for him to spend the night out too, he had hinted while driving her home from the airport that he would love to club that night.

Tarasha was the first to leave the control room, followed by Cole. He whistled under his breath with happiness in his heart as he walked towards his room, he was excited at the thought of having Patricia with him all night. It was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

He almost collided with Tomi as he got into the passage leading to his room. She shifted back and their eyes met. Her face was filled with anger like one who had just been hurt by someone else, her lips were trembling and hands vibrating.

‘Is anything the matter?’ Cole asked out of concern. He had never seen her that way and didn’t like to, even though they’ve not been on talking terms.

She stared at him coldly and eyed him, she then hissed and pushed him aside as she walked past. Cole stayed on the same spot and watched until she sank into one of the chairs in the living room. She looked like something was really bothering her. He turned to go and ask what the problem was but then stopped on remembering that he had a task at hand, he glanced at his wristwatch before hurrying off to his room.

Tomi took in a deep breath as she sank into the sofa, she closed her eyes and tears rolled down from the corner. She was coming from Cole’s room where she had been for the past fifty minutes, going through his phone. Cole who was busy with Tarasha and Henry in the control room had left one of his phones in his room, the phone which he reserved for communication with Patricia. It wasn’t secured with a lock anymore, so she had access to the contents. She had gone through his messages both on WhatsApp and the local messaging app and read through his conversation with Patricia. It was the cause for her brokenheartedness.

Cole unbuttoned his shirt as he walked into the room. His eyes hovered to and fro for a moment until he located his phone on the table. He flung his shirt to the bed and walked to the wardrobe to select another set of clothes. He noticed the position had changed but felt that he had left it there himself and forgotten.

He finished dressing up and walked out of the room in less than ten minutes with his two phones and his backpack which contained the necessary tools for his task. He stopped in the living room to check for Tomi but she was nowhere to be found. He proceeded out of the house and got into his car.

Tomi watched from the left side of the building as he drove out of the house. She released a breath and took out her phone from the pocket of her mini jean skirt. She opened the contacts app and clicked on the contact she stored as “Ɓîtçh”, that was Patricia’s number.



Dave scrolled back up hurriedly with the mouse after going through the list twice without finding anything tangible. He was on the Umueri International Airport portal and had gone through the lists of passengers that had left for Kwara State through the two airline options available. He checked the passport photographs and names of all the passengers and none seemed to be like Samantha Osman. The most striking thing in his discovery was that no lady was on the list of travellers from Anambra to Ilorin that morning and only three female names were on the flights that took place in the airport that morning. He had also checked the profiles of the three ladies on the citizen’s directory found out that none of them was impersonated, he confirmed each of them’s arrival at their destination states.

All his findings pointed only to one thing- Samantha Osman did not fly to Kwara State that morning, and without going through flight, there was no way she would have gotten there considering the time of her alleged murder of Eze Okafor and the time of Garuba Ahmed’s kidnap and death.

Dave believed that someone other than Samantha Osman was behind Eze Okafor’s death but what he couldn’t connect was Samantha’s involvement in it and the possible reason for the murder of the two victims.

‘Sir, we usually close for the day by 7pm. It’s already five minutes to,’ one of the cyber cafe attendants said to him.

‘Ermm… Just a minute to check one more thing,’ Dave replied without looking at the attendant.

He got out of the place five minutes later, now with doubts in his heart about Samantha Osman’s hand in the death of the recent late friends. He had checked the flight records and everything he saw proved that there was no one on the flight who was Samantha, even the possibility that she flew in a disguised form was ruled out after he confirmed the existence of all other females on the flight. But after having a rethink, especially after considering the fact that her identity cards were found in the car the latest victim’s body was found, he concluded it was possible for Samantha to have followed the flight and cleared her name from the records. Another thing that kept him uncertain was why Samantha Osman would do a neat job in covering traces of her flight to Kwara state and be careless to leave traces in form of the identity cards after ki||ing her victim.


Ilorin, Kwara State.

Rex sat meditatively on the chair in the hotel room, his elbow resting on the table and his fingers supporting his chin. A half empty cup of beer and a bottle was on the table. The drink had been left there for close to an hour without being touched.

He was still in ilorin because he needed a clear direction before moving, he didn’t want to leave the state without knowing where Samantha’s next destination was. He had tried to speak with the Vice President and Inspector General on phone but they weren’t answering their calls. He knew it was possibly because they were extremely busy.

Just about the time he thought of trying to reach them again, the Inspector General returned his call. He picked the phone which was on the same table he was resting on and answered the call.

‘Hi Mr Rikau,’ he said into the phone.

‘Rex, Good evening. Where are you and what’s happening?’

‘I’m in a city in Kwara State, still on your job. I need to get my next step from you.’

‘Next step from me?’ Chief Rikau sounded surprised. ‘Did Samantha Osman leave that state immediately after ki||ing Garuba Ahmed?’

‘I ki||ed Garuba Ahmed, you asked me to.’

‘Ermm… Does that mean you got there before her?’

‘I got there several hours after she left, she must have gotten to the place since last night.’

‘That means you met the man dead?’

‘Didn’t you hear me say I ki||ed him?’

‘Ermm… I don’t understand. The police has reports proving that Samantha ki||ed him and not you.’ Rex replied.

‘I did the ki||ing, I only made it look like she did. You told me you were going to have the world believe she ki||ed the men and I decided to help you by planting my own made Identity cards of her known face in the car I dumped the dead body.’

‘Wow! That’s brilliant! You almost got me believing that she ki||ed him too.’

‘There’s no need for a celebration yet, she has the document I came here for already.’ Rex said in an unimpressed tone.

‘I already started thinking about that when I was told about Garuba’s death earlier, I sent a message to the Vice President just before I called you and I’m still waiting for his reply to know the next step.’

‘She’s already ahead of us, we shouldn’t create more gap for her against ourselves. I need information from you guys as soon as possible.’

‘I understand you Rex, but what do you think we should do now that she’s ahead?’

‘We ought to know where she is now or where she’s going next, the Vice President should be able to deduce from the connection between the guy in Anambra and Garuba Ahmed who next she might want to get something else from.’

‘Okay Rex, I’ll get back to you on that. Just make sure you update me on every step you decide to take, so that I can talk to the police commissioners in any of the states you go.’

Also read – Tarasha 2 – Chapter 14 Part 6


Inspector General Rikau’s Residence.

Rikau took in a deep breath after the call ended. He took some minutes to think about the phone conversation. Samantha Osman had gotten the documents but he and Chief Elvis Richards were also making other plans against her. The Vice President was also working on making a lot of money available by demanding returns from several of the states Governors he had helped to put in power.

Chief Rikau unlocked his phone and opened his messaging app to see if his message to the Vice President had been delivered, it had, but wasn’t marked seen yet. He decided to call the man. He dialed the number and put the phone close to his ear.

‘Good eve…’ he tried to greet but his voice was drowned by Chief Elvis’ voice from the other end.

‘IG, I want you to call Inspector Dakolo right away and instruct him not to question my daughter.’ the Vice President said.

‘Sir? I don’t understand. Why is he questioning your daughter in the first place?’

‘My daughter is in the Police’s custody right now and I was told that Inspector Dakolo is the Inspector responsible.’

‘I don’t still understand sir, I thought she was supposed to be on her flight to the United States.’

‘Yes but I don’t understand what happened yet, I think there was a minor accident.’

‘Oh! But what is Dakolo’s concern with this?’

‘She is in the Police’s hospital, I understand that they helped her get out of trouble. What I don’t want is Dakolo or any officer asking her questions. They may get to ask why she was traveling to the United States when she had several music shows this weekend in Nigeria, I don’t want her to state Samantha Osman’s thr_@t as the reason she’s leaving.’

‘Okay, I will get someone to handle it right away.’

‘No, call right now and stop Dakolo or anyone else from questioning her. My personal assistant already called but Dakolo insisted that the Inspector General remains the only one who can give the orders.’

‘Okay sir, I’ll call him right away.’

‘Please do ‘

The Vice President ended the call without asking for the reason the Inspector General called initially. The Inspector General searched for a number on his phone and called. He started by instructing that the girl should not be asked questions before he asked about what she was doing in the police hospital. He learnt that she and the driver had been attacked on her way to the airport. The driver was injured and left unconscious while Vivian was tranquilized but left without no physical sign of injury.


Clinic, Police Headquarters, Abuja.

Dakolo sat quietly at the reception, waiting for the doctor to come out of the ward. The man had asked for some minutes alone with the patient and had only spent five minutes, but Dakolo was impatient. Dakolo knew he had little time before he would be asked to drop the case.

He was on a routine check with some members of his team in town when they drove through a street and noticed some people at the front of a gate gathered around a car and trying to force the doors open. The manner at which the people went about it suggested that something was wrong. Dakolo ordered for their vehicle to halt and he came out with another officer to see what was going on. They discovered on getting closer that two people were locked in the car, appearing totally unconscious. Only after they were successful in breaking the door did Dakolo notice that Vivian was the one in the car, and since then he took more interest. Dakolo waited to get reports from eye witnesses while the other officers took the victims to the hospital. The eyewitnesses only said that they saw a man dressed in a pull over and a hiphop cap coming out from the car.

Dakolo couldn’t wait to question the girl, his interest had increased when he got a call from a man claiming to be the Vice President’s personal assistant not to go ahead to question the girl, then he knew that the attack must be something serious and that it involved the father.

The doctor finally came into the reception with his white coat hung on his arm. Dakolo got up from his seat on seeing him and waited for the man to talk.

‘Inspector, the drugs have washed away the effect of the tranquilizer already, you can see her anytime you want and she’s also free to leave.’ the doctor said.

‘Thank you Doctor,’ Dakolo said she offered the doctor a handshake. ‘I’ll just go in right away.’

‘Inspector, you’re going no where!’ a familiar voice said from behind.

Dakolo halted and sighed, he turned back slowly to see Agent Tim.

Also read – Tarasha 2 – Chapter 22 Part 4A
‘You’ve become so rebellious lately, I don’t know what you think about yourself.’ Agent Tim continued as he approached them. The doctor stood watching the drama without understanding any part of it. ‘Why did you refuse the Vice President’s order?’

Dakolo sighed again. He wasn’t in the mood for questions and answers. He knew he had lost the opportunity to find out what really happened to Vivian but being forced to answer silly questions would make the day worse for him.

‘Sir, I only told him to go through the right order. I told him I couldn’t do what he wanted me to do if the order did not come from one of my superiors.’ Dakolo explained.

‘You lie Inspector, you lie!’ Agent Tim barked while Dakolo remained silent. ‘You told him you won’t obey except the Inspector General speaks with you directly.’

Dakolo remained quiet.

Agent Tim stopped right in front of Dakolo and stared at his face meanly for a moment. Dakolo looked blankly.

‘Just get away from here,’ agent Tim said and turned to the doctor. ‘Sir, lead us to the girl.’

Dakolo stood there for some more seconds after they walked away, he turned and stared towards the path they took before proceeding out of the hospital.


Chez Victor, Maitama Abuja


Victor walked into the restaurant majestically with Patricia’s hands in his. He was dressed in a simple cream coloured shirt tucked into a plain black trouser, he looked good and a bit official in the dress but he felt it wonderful to look different for the night. Patricia was dressed in a long gown extending to her feet and split from down to her knee at the left side.

They got to the table and he pulled out a chair for her to seat before taking his own seat.

‘This place is beautiful!’ Patricia exclaimed as she took a look around.

‘Yea, I know you would like it.’ Cole replied with a smile.

‘Yea, I like it but I would have still preferred us having dinner at your place.’ she said.

‘Don’t let’s go over that again, I know how good you can cook already and I can’t wait to be having your meals daily but I just didn’t want today’s own to be stressful.’

‘Hmm… Really?’ Patricia shone her eyes widely.

‘Yea, I’m serious.’

A waiter arrived with a tray of food and courtesied before she began to serve the food gently on the table. Patricia stared in surprise, wondering why they were being served when they had not made an order yet. Victor did not appear surprised but instead he helped the waiter to make the serving faster.

‘Do you remember I asked you two days ago what your favourite French food was?’ he asked with a smile as the waiter left the table to get something else.

‘Yes… I do,’ she replied, still looking surprised and wondering what he was driving at.

‘So, this is just a part of it, I actually asked them to reserve this table for us and make that special dish for us.’

Patricia’s mouth opened widely and her eyes shone in pleasant surprise. ‘Oh My God!’ she exclaimed, covering her mouth with her palm. ‘It must cost a fortune to make that kind of order here.’

‘Doesn’t cost much,’ Victor chuckled. The waiter returned and served the remaining dishes on the table. Patricia stared unbelievably as the dishes were being served, to her surprise it was exactly what she told him she ki||ed.

‘Oh! Thank you so much for this.’

The waiter left and they began to eat in silence, exchanging pleasant chuckles and gazes at each other.


Aguda House, Aso Rock.

Chief Elvis Richards rushed to the window immediately he saw an incoming call from Agent Tim, he knew it meant that they had arrived with his daughter. He pulled the curtains and stared out, a car was driving into the garage just like he expected. He closed the curtains and returned to his seat but was unable to sit for long, he picked up his walking stick and began to pace around as he waited for their entrance.

Soon, their entrance was announced by the sound of Vivian’s sobbing. Chief Elvis whose back was turned to the door before turned to see Vivian crying as she approached him.

‘My dear, hope you aren’t hurt?’ he said as he spread his hands widely to embrace her.

She rushed into his arms and continued to sob on his chest.

‘Good evening sir,’ Agent Tim greeted from behind.

‘Agent, thank you so much.’ the Vice President replied him.

‘You’re welcome sir, ‘ Agent Tim replied. ‘The doctor has confirmed that she’s perfectly fine, she only needs to take a lot of rest.’

‘Alright Agent, thank you.’ Chief Elvis replied, still patting his girl at the back.

‘You’re welcome sir, I’d like to take my leave immediately.’

‘Oh sure, you’re free. I’ll see you later.’ the Vice President stretched out his hand to the man.

‘Goodnight sir,’ Agent Tim bowed as he took the man’s handshake.

‘Come, Vivian, let’s sit.’ Chief Elvis said to his daughter as he pulled her to a sofa. ‘Tell me how it happened.’

She wiped her tears after sitting on the sofa, her Dad sat on the arm of the chair.

‘Talk to me, what happened?’ Chief Elvis asked again, placing his hands by her shoulders encouragingly.

‘It was the same man that brought the file,’ she said as she sniffed in.

‘The same man from Samantha Osman?’ he asked, shocked as he withdrew his hands from her body.

‘Yes, he was the one. He told me that I can’t leave the country until I make you do the right thing.’ she said and looked at her father’s face.

He picked his walking stick as he rose up slowly from the seat. His face was expressionless. He had booked her flight secretly, so he wondered how Samantha got to know about it.

‘Did you tell anyone else about your flight?’ he turned to her and asked.

‘No, I didn’t. Only the driver knew I was going to the airport and I only told him that evening.’

‘But what else did he say to you?’

‘He told me to tell you to act fast in reporting yourself or things would go in a way that you do not like.’

Chief Elvis took in a deep breath and turned away. He was already making other plans to tackle Samantha but he wasn’t expecting that she would keep tabs on his daughter. He needed to act fast like her messenger told his daughter, but not fast in reporting himself, fast in reporting her.

‘Vivian, you have to stay here henceforth. It’s dangerous for you to stay elsewhere for now, do you understand?’




‘It’s almost time for the network news, ‘ Tarasha announced as she walked into the living room.

Tomi was sitting in one of the sofas with her earphone plugged into her ears while Henry was sitting in front of the television playing video games. He stopped the game and disconnected the gadget after hearing Tarasha’s announcement.

All of them had television sets in their rooms and could watch the news from there but Tarasha had made it mandatory for everyone to watch the news at nine together in the living room.

Henry switched to the news station with the remote control and changed his seat. They all waited for the news to begin and listened attentively immediately it started.

The newscaster ran through the news headlines and Samantha Osman’s name was in one of the headlines as usual. They listened attentively until it got to the details of the news about Samantha Osman. The newscaster read;

‘Female assasin Samantha Osman and her gang appears to be getting bolder as the day goes by. Earlier today at midnight, she ki||ed former Health Minister Eze Okafor and by noon, she murdered serving senator in Kwara State, Garuba Ahmed. Garuba Ahmed was abducted forcefully by one of Samantha Osman’s men from Friendz restaurant at Ajase Ipo Road, Ilorin, leaving not less than five people dead and six injured. The man’s body was later found in a car abandoned along unity road. Passers-by and sellers at the area confirmed that a lady drove the car there and abandoned it. Several national indentity cards with different names but the same picture of Samantha Osman were also found in the car. It is believe that she must have forgotten the pack of identity cards while rushing to leave the place. Investigations are still on by the police and more details are to be revealed later.’

The part of the news about her ended with that and another news item was being casted in details. Thoughts filled Tarasha’s mind and the minds of all that she listened to the news with. Tomi didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t tell if it was true or not and she was even still in the moody state that the discovery of Patricia had put her in. Henry who had been following her activities closely knew that the news was false. He wondered why she was being framed up by the police and the media.

‘I know what to do,’ Tarasha suddenly said and got up to her feet. ‘I’m sure Rex has been following us, we need to get him off our back.’

Flashback ~~ An Hour Ago

‘Have you called Agent Dave?’ Agent Godwin asked Dan as he walked into a living room where Dan was seated and resting comfortably and watching TV.

‘No, why?’ Dan asked the man.

‘I was told he was at the office some minutes ago, he told my secretary that he forgot something there.’ Godwin replied.

‘What could he have forgotten?’ Dan questioned with a frown.

‘I don’t know, I’m just wondering why he didn’t call to let me know.’

‘Well, I’m sure he would be back soon. No need to worry, he would explain himself.’


Dave looked towards the hospital gate again from where he was seated, in the car he rented. He glanced at his wristwatch one more time, it was sixteen minutes to eight. It was either the men he was expecting had gone into the hospital before he arrived or they were going to resume late that night.

While he was still thinking, one of the men he recognized appeared at the other side of the road looking out for cars before he would cross the road. Dave started the car engine immediately and drove forward, he stopped beside the fence of the hospital just before the gate. The man was now standing at the median. The road was soon free for him and he crossed to the other side and headed towards the gate. Dave pushed the horn to call his attention.

The security man stopped and observed the car for a second, it was an expensive one. The owner must be a very wealthy person, he thought. He changed direction and walked to the car.

‘Good evening sir,’ Dave greeted with a kind smile.

‘Good evening,’ the security man greeted. The person in the car looked younger than he expected. He had thought he would find a man above fifty year old at the backseat of the car with a driver in front. Immediately in his mind, he concluded that the young man was an internet fraudster if he was the real owner of the car.

‘Sir, I need some help from you. I’d like to ask you some questions about your hospital, I hope you don’t mind joining me in the car so that we can talk.’

‘I’m on my way to work as you can see,’ the security man replied and stood up straight, now looking towards the gate.

‘Sir, this is for you if you’ll answer my questions.’ Dave said as he reached for a briefcase behind. He opened it to show the man but the man was still staring at the gate, a woman with a bandage on the head was coming out with a man.

‘What did you say?’ the security man turned back to him. He took a step backward and bent towards the car. His mouth opened wide in shock as he saw the content of the briefcase – one thousand naira notes well stacked and arranged.

Dave took out two bundles and closed the briefcase. ‘This will be for you after you answer my question.’

The security man whistled in low volume as he calculated the bundles in his mind, it would be nothing less than a hundred thousand naira. That was huge to him. Without thinking much, he turned to the other side and entered the car after making sure that no one was watching him from the hospital gate.

‘Can I start right away?’ Dave asked.

‘No,’ the man answered, still looking around to see if anyone was watching. ‘Let’s move away from here,’ he said. All he had in mind was to get to a place he could collect the money without anyone seeing him.

Dave could read his mind. He felt pity for him because the notes weren’t going to touch the man’s hand even though they were fake naira notes. He had taken the briefcase from Agent Godwin’s office. He learnt from their visit there in the morning that Agent Godwin was dealing with a case of fake money printed and the man talked about the briefcase while discussing with them. He had to return it to the SSS Office after use.

Dave drove the car a little bit forward and halted again.

‘I think this is a very good place to stay,’ the security man said, looking out through the back window. He turned back and faced Dave with an anxious look. ‘Please ask any questions you want.’

‘Please sir, I want you to be truthful with me. I could add more to the money if you provide me with the right information.’

‘Okay, ask,’ the man hurried him up, nodding affirmatively. He took a glance at the bundle of money between Dave’s lap again.

‘I learnt that Samantha Osman was in your hospital last night, is that true?’

‘Uhm…’ the man frowned a bit, it wasn’t the kind of question he was expecting. ‘Yes…ss.’

Also read – Tarasha 2 – Chapter 15 Part 5
‘I heard the security men saw her,’ Dave continued. ‘Were you one of them and do you know how long she stayed in the hospital?’

‘Ermm… No, and I can’t tell how long she stayed.’

‘Oh!’ Dave closed his eyes, he inhaled deeply and exhaled. ‘That means I have to find someone else who knows how long she was there, that’s the most important information I need, so that I can determine where she went after that.’

‘Ermm…’ the man cleared his throat as his blinked severally. ‘Do you promise to still release the money if I tell you the truth?’ the man asked, his gaze lingering on the bundles of money again.

‘Yes,’ Dave handed him one of the bundles. ‘I’ll add two more bundles if you tell me the whole truth.’

‘Ahem!’ he cleared his throat again and looked through the back window as if to confirm once more if anybody was watching. With his face full of smiles, he tried to force the first bundle into his pocket.

‘I have a bag for you,’ Dave offered. He stretched his hand to the backseat and picked a small leather bag, he gave it to the man and the man inserted the first bundle.

‘The truth is that Samantha Osman did not come to our hospital yesterday,’ the man said boldly. He knew that Dave may not like the truth he was about to say but he was confident because one of the bundles was already with him and if he was lucky, Dave would appreciate the truth by giving him more. ‘In fact, we saw nobody at all. We didn’t know how the ki||er of Eze Okafor got in or how the person got out, even our security cameras didn’t capture the movement.’

Dave faked a look of surprise, ‘But the police officers think that Samantha Osman was the one.’

‘That was the instruction given to us, I think our head security officer was bribed to accuse Samantha Osman and he also commanded the rest of us to also give the same information to police officers and

‘So Samantha Osman did not come to your hospital?’

‘I don’t know, non of my colleagues know but our head security officer claims she did but we don’t trust him, we believe he was asked to say that. We were the ones on duty and we didn’t see anyone.’

‘Who do you think bribed your head security officer?’

‘I can’t tell, I don’t have an idea.’

‘Okay,’ Dave bit his lips and stared in silence for a while. Then he turned to the backseat and moved the briefcase, he picked up a pistol the bag was covering. ‘Let me have the money back,’ he said, pointing the gun at the man.

The man stared silently at him, shocked beyond words. He tried to open the door stylishly but he couldn’t, Dave had placed all the doors on lock.


‘Dave, where the hell have you been?’ Dan stared at Dave with a bossy look as the latter walked into the living room.

Dave got to the sofa and sank in tiredly. He loosened his belt and laid his head on the headrest for some seconds before giving Dan attention.

‘I was everywhere bro, the cathedral, the SSS office and a bar.’ Dave said to Dan.

‘What did you forget at the SSS office?’

‘Our travel permit,’ Dave said. He managed to sit up and pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, something flew out from his pocket to the floor in the process.

‘What’s that?’ Dan asked, with his eyes widened in surprise.

Dave shifted and stared at the floor. ‘$h|t!’ he cursed under his breath. A nylon of condom had dropped. He got up quickly and picked it. ‘It was distributed freely to me on my way back,’ he said as he began to make his way towards the room.

‘Hmm, free distribution indeed.’ Dan laughed as he watched Dave leave.

Dave dropped the condom into the waste bin as he entered the room. His purpose with it had been achieved. It was to make Dan ask him less questions and assumed that he had spent the evening in a brothel.

He sank into the bed tiredly. The traffic back to the SSS Office was terrible, but he had to go through it to return the briefcase there.



Victor and Patricia were on the long sofa, Victor seated at the rear end and Patricia laying straight with her head on his laps. They seemed to be engrossed in their discussion.

‘So, do you really mean I’ll have to pay millions for your bride price?’ Victor said in a light mode, staring straight into her eyes. His left hand was close to her head with his fingers caressing her face and ear occasionally. The right hand was placed across her chest.

Also read – Tarasha 2 – Chapter 15 Part 10
‘No, I meant that was our tradition back then. Parents insist that their daughter must come home with a very rich man.’

Dave chuckled, ‘Anyway, I wouldn’t mind if I pay so much for you, you deserve more.’

Patricia smiled and located his hand with hers, she curled her fingers around his and tightened it. ‘I love you so much.’

‘I love you more.’

A phone began to ring. Cole gave a sigh as he flashed a look at the centre table where the phone was. He recognized the caller’s ringtone and wondered what Henry was calling him for at that time.

‘Excuse me please,’ he said to Patricia and gently moved her. He reached for the phone and answered the call.

‘What’s up man?’ Victor said and began to walk towards the dinning area.

Patricia watched him go, she got up from the seat and reached for her bag on the center table. She opened the outer pocket and brought a little transparent nylon with a white powdery substance in it. She took a brief glance at her wristwatch to confirm the time. She would put the substance in a drink for him in thirty minutes time and would be able to extract enough data from his devices before morning.



‘So, John Bisong is the best option?’ Tarasha asked to confirm as she typed the name into Google search box.

‘Yes, he’s the only man who worked with Garuba Ahmed but was on the Chief Elvis’ side.’ Dr Ekwueme replied.


Tarasha took her time to go through the search results. At the top of the page was John Bisong’s picture and summary of his profile on Wikipedia, he was the current commissioner of Police in Cross River state.

‘Do you know anything personal about him?’ she asked.

‘No, I only know he worked with Garuba Ahmed.’ Dr Ekwueme replied.

‘I’ll go through the profile and get back to you. By the way, I’ll like to go through the details of Chief Elvis Richards’ Child Trafficking again, tomorrow morning.’

‘I’m ready for it, you call me when you’re ready,’ Dr Ekwueme replied.

Tarasha nodded gently, ‘Thank you, you may return to your room now.’

‘Thank you,’ Dr Ekwueme said and got up from the seat.

Henry entered into the control room just as the man was about leaving. He bowed slightly to greet and allowed the man to walk out before closing the door.

‘I called Cole on phone some minutes ago, I heard he wouldn’t be coming back here tonight.’ Henry said to Tara as he walked closer.

‘Yes, I’m aware.’ Tarasha replied after taking a brief glance at him.

‘I think something needs to be done about him and Tomi,’ Henry said as he settled in the chair beside her.

‘What’s wrong with the both of them?’ she asked, turning her face to him.

‘Things are not going fine between them and I think it’s the reason for Tomi’s sullen mood,’ Henry answered.

‘I noticed the look on her face too but I don’t want to get involved, it’s unnecessary,’ she replied and faced the desktop again.

‘You have to be involved, we all have to be in good terms with each other if we want to work well.’

‘No, we don’t have to.’ Tara disagreed in a strong tone. She stared at him with her eyes widely shone, ‘This is an organization, it doesn’t matter who your colleague is, you don’t bring personal matters into work.’


‘No buts,’ she stopped him, shaking her head to show her reluctance in discussing the matter further. ‘From the start, I warned both of them not to let wh@ťěver they do with each other affects their jobs, anyone who doesn’t carry out his activities properly would be penalized.’

Henry sighed and closed his eyes, he knew there was no way he was going to convince Tarasha to interfere. He opened his eyes and met her still staring at him, she still had the bossy look on. Her conversation with him in recent times was that of a boss to her subordinate except for times when they were alone. It showed her professionality and further strengthened her reason for not wanting to get involved between Cole and Tomi.

30 minutes later.

Tarasha was alone in the control room again. The whole house was dead silent. Henry had left her to go to sleep as she was still very busy. Now, she just finished with a part of her work and was about to begin another.

She clicked on the Nefary email application icon on the desktop, it opened immediately and she typed in her login details. It took about fifteen seconds for it to finish loading the messages. She scrolled down her inbox and located the conversation with She clicked on it and read through her latest reply. She had paid off Chief Gab’s debt without letting him know about it yet. It was against their laws and it came with a strict penalty as punishment. She located her phone and dialed Chief Gab’s number. It took some time for the man to answer.

Also read – Tarasha 2 – Chapter 14 Part 8
‘Hello Tarasha,’ the man’s voice sounded sleepy.

‘Why are you owing the weekly dues Chief?’ Tarasha asked straightaway without wasting time on pleasantries.

Chief Gab was silent. He didn’t know Tarasha would find out. He had reasons he had not been able to pay yet but wasn’t bold enough to state them as excuses.

‘Talk to me Chief!’

‘Tarasha,’ Chief Gab called calmly and followed with a sigh. ‘I will pay as soon as I can.’

‘I’m not asking you to tell me when you would pay?’

‘I’m asking why you haven’t paid when you know it’s a requisite for me to remain here.’

‘I know that Tarasha, but I’ve been very low on cash recently, I promise to pay up once I have enough money.’

‘Try your best to do that but make sure you call me before before you pay anything,’ she said in conclusion and ended the call.

She dropped the phone on the table and continued with the email. She scrolled down to the previous message in reply to the assignment she gave the junior queen. She had scanned through it days ago when she received it but had no time to go through it thoroughly. It was a brief message but it contained all the important details she needed, with images and word documents attached.

‘From the descriptions you gave, it is clear that the man is an assasin from a neighboring clan. Apart from the Nefary clan, four other assasin clans exist in Northern Asia and Eastern Europe, their various signs are known but we aren’t so sure of their names except for the Villary our arch enemy clan whose attributes and signs we don’t know. There are eight images and four two-paged word documents attached in this message, two images peculiar to each clan and one document for each clan. If you can identify any two of the signs as the one on his mask, going through each document will help you identify the document the sign is peculiar to, and with the attributes detected, you can pick the best strategy to defeat this assasin.

I hope this helps you. ki|| well, Queen.’

She took a quick scan of the images to see if she would easily pick out the sign but she couldn’t. She began to go through each one carefully, taking about two minutes on each. She got to the last image still without finding the sign she wanted. She repeated the process for a second time and still couldn’t identify any that would make her remember the sign on Rex’s mask that day.

She rested her back and closed her eyes for a brief moment, replaying the fight with Rex in her mind. Like a scary nightmare it was as the torture and pain seemed real and present to her again. She opened her eyes with a gasp and her heartbeat increased. She still couldn’t remember what the sign looked like.

She sat up and scanned through the images again. She still didn’t recognize any one. She then rotated each of them 180° and began to go through each one for a minute each. The fifth picture looked strangely similar in its rotated view. Suddenly, with a sharp ache in her head she recalled the sign on Rex’s mask. It was the face of a tiger. The fifth picture was half of it. She saved the file on the desktop and continued with the remaining pictures, using more than a minute on each. She started again from the first picture to the last, omitting the fifth this time, she found nothing else. The email stated that there were two images for each clan and she still needed to locate a second image. She began to go through the pictures again after rotating them 90°. She found another picture, it was the second half of the tiger’s face. She saved the file also and proceeded to the word documents.

It took her about five minutes on each document. She got to the fourth one before locating the one she wanted. The second paragraph in the fourth document described the qualities of a tiger and the strengths. Then she remembered something, it wasn’t her first time of facing an assasin from the ‘tiger clan’. She had faced one once with her guide Queen.

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