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Friday, October 18, 2024
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INFIDELITY – Episode 36

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? ? INFIDELITY :- Naughty adventures of Annabelle ? ?

Episode 36

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity (Capri Leo)



5 months had passed since I gave birth to junior and life has been pretty tough. Raising a child was definitely not easy cause I had to put up with constant crying, vomiting and pooping. Just like his late father, Junior was very energetic and very lively. He would crawl around all day yelling and shouting excitedly like a siren and when he wasn’t doing that, he would stick him close to my bre-sts sucking them hungrily. Handling this child of mine was a full time job and I could barely get enough sleep or have time for myself. There were times where I had regrets but despite all of that, there was nothing that I loved more than my son.
Despite experiencing this tough life, there was something that bothered me the most and that was the return of Odili. The year was now 2020 and having said that he was going to return after a year, Odili’s return date had already passed by with a month to add on top of it. I had already taken necessary steps to protect my son in case Odili showed up unexpectedly, however something rather unexpectedly happened that uncovered a very devastating secret.

One tuesday afternoon as I was in the mall shopping for baby diapers, I noticed 4 men staring at me awkwardly. At first I thought they were just checking me out but then I realize the stare was just too weird. The men’s stare wasn’t direct, they tried to avoid my whenever I turned around and they would pretend to be shopping as well. At that very moment, I was on alert and I wasted no time in informing the mall securities about what was going on but before they could make a move, the men were nowhere to be found.
Perhaps I jumped to early conclusions but one had to be careful and observant with their surroundings. After the momentarily fiasco, I headed to the parking lot as fast as I could so as to leave the place but before I could get to my car, I bumped hard into Simon. Simon was the hot married guy I met at the beach and ever since we parted ways, I haven’t seen him until now.

Simon ➡ My God! Annabelle. Long time no see.

Annabelle ➡ Yes indeed. Simon right?

Simon ➡ Of course. I’m surprised that you still remember my name after all this time.

Annabelle ➡ Well, it’s hard to forget a charming face let alone their names.

Simon ➡ It’s really good to see you Annabelle. How’s Odili?

Annabelle ➡ Honestly, I really don’t know. It’s been a year since I last saw him.

Simon ➡ God! What kind of man lives a stunning wife like you all alone at home. Would you mind sharing a bottle of coke?

Annabelle ➡ Sure, let me drop my stuff in the backseat.

Simon ➡ Here let me help you.

Annabelle ➡ Thank you.

After putting my groceries in the backseat, Simon and I went to mall’s cafe where we shared a bottle of coke. We chatted on so many topics for almost an hour and to be honest, I felt somewhat thrilled to be talking socially with a man. Despite having an interesting conversation, the outcome wasn’t what I expected.

Annabelle ➡ Oh Simon. I had a great time but I’ll have to get going.

Simon ➡ Before you go, there’s something I’d like to ask you.

Annabelle ➡ Sure, what is it?

Simon ➡ Do you know where you husband keeps his personal stuff?

Annabelle ➡ Why are you asking me this?

Simon’s jovial face quickly changed into a serious one and his gaze was a little bit intimidating. He stared at me for a while and then continued to speak.

Simon ➡ I’m sorry about this Annabelle. I really do but you’re not leaving this place until I hear what I want to know.

Annabelle ➡ Okay, this is some kind of a joke? What is going on?

In that very moment, the people in the cafe began to exit the place one by one and within a matter of minutes, only 6 people remained in the cafe and that included me, Simon and the 4 men that were staring at me moments ago. It was obvious that something fishy was going on so I decided to cooperate and see what this is all about.

Annabelle ➡ Can you please tell me why this is all happening cause wh@ťěver this is, I’m not involved.

Simon ➡ I’m afraid you are. Tell me Annabelle, how much do you really know about your husband?

Annabelle ➡ Not that much. In fact, he’s like a total stranger to me. Did Odili do something wrong?

Simon ➡ Annabelle, your husband’s hands are so dirty and he’s rotten to the core.

Annabelle ➡ Did he embezzle some government funds?

Simon ➡ It’s worse than you can imagine. Your husband is what you call a ghost mafia. He deals with weapon smuggling, girl trafficking, kidnaping, and cocaine production. He’s also a cult member and a ritualist.

Annabelle ➡ Jesus Christ!

Simon ➡ Please don’t panic.

Annabelle ➡ I shouldn’t PANIC?? why the hell should I not panic? God! I’m such a fool. I blindly married the devil’s advocate without knowing it.

Simon ➡ Relax. All I want from you is your cooperation.

Annabelle ➡ I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Simon ➡ I’m sorry but you have no choice but help us or you’ll be arrested as an accomplice plus you’ll sentenced to death once you’ve been convicted.

Annabelle ➡ Why? I had nothing to do with this.

Simon ➡ Annabelle listen to me. Your husband has pissed off a lot of people and I mean very powerful people who have swore that they’ll stop at nothing to destroy him. A week ago, we busted up your husband’s operations putting him on the run, even his so called cult gang were obliterated. All we want now is your husband. We believe that he’ll be coming home in some days time but before he comes home, There’s something that we want you to help us with.

Annabelle ➡ And what’s in it for me if I help you out?

Simon ➡ Your freedom and your life. Help us out and you’ll never hear from me ever again.

Annabelle ➡ Okay, what is it that you want?

Simon ➡ According to our Intel, your husband is in a possession of a document that carries all his information inside.

Annabelle ➡ And what’s in the file?

Simon ➡ Bank accounts, business contacts and places of operation. If I can get hold of this file, your husband is finished. Everything that he has accomplished will be destroyed and he’ll be left with nothing but himself. You on the other hand won’t be dragged into this.

Annabelle ➡ Jesus! I can’t believe this is happening.

Simon ➡ Help me find that file and everything will be alright.

Annabelle ➡ What about my safety? If Odili finds out that his file is missing, I’m good as dead.

Simon ➡ No you won’t be. Here this cell phone and press the call button and dial the first number you see. Just act cool and everything will be okay.

Annabelle ➡ I can’t believe you did this to me. So all this time, your approach was just a lie. You played me so as to get close to me. Is your name even Simon?

Simon ➡ I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings but I’d like you to understand that your husband is a very bad man and he must be brought down. By doing this, you’ll be saving a lot of lives. Remember do your part well and all of this will be over. Good night.


2 days had passed since that unfortunate meeting with Simon and since then my mind hasn’t been at peace. To think that all these years, I’ve been married to a man whose conduct goes against everything a peaceful society stands for. As I began to connect the dots, I soon realized why Odili wasn’t sleeping with me. Perhaps he was planning to use me for some kind of ritual. All this years, he has been feeding me blood money and I was too stupid and ignorant to ask where the money came from.
I wanted to tell my parents about this but I was afraid to. Before I was planning on getting a divorce from Odili but now that was impossible cause he might end up ki||ing me if I brought that up and what’s even worse, I had a baby behind his back.
Despite believing what Simon had said about my safety, I still couldn’t find the d@mn file that he was talking about. I had hours in the last 2 days searching for the d@mn thing but there was nothing.
So presently, here I was in my bedroom standing with hands akimbo wondering on how to get away from the likes of Odili and Simon. My first intention was to use the money in my account and escape with my son to a very far place but then I decided against it especially not when my parents could get caught up in this.
After a while, I began to tidy up the room putting everything back to their places and while I was busy tidying the wardrobe, my hands mistakenly hit something shallow inside the wardrobe. It was as if something was been kept there. Taking my time carefully, I found an opening and uncovered the shallow spot and found a file inside.
My heart jumped as I saw the file inside and without hesitation, I grabbed the d@mn thing and began to read and see what was inside it. Just as Simon, every thing that involves Odili’s shady business was inside this file. After browsing through the file, I soon placed it in it’s hiding place and grabbed the cell that Simon gave me. After pressing the call button, I dialed the number that first appeared and called it. Within a short whole, Simon’s voice appeared on the speaker excitedly like a child waiting to hear some good news.

Simon ➡ Tell me something good Annabelle? Have you found it?

Annabelle ➡ Yes.

Simon ➡ Is it with you?

Before I could answer Simon’s question, a barrage of fists knocks rained on my entrance door. Before I could react, I heard Odili’s voice shout out my name and in that moment, I trembled with fear. Simon who was still on the call called out to me and asked what was happening and I didn’t hesitate to give him an answer.

Simon ➡ Annabelle! Are you there? Is something wrong?

Annabelle ➡ Odili’s back.

Simon ➡ He’s back?

Annabelle ➡ Yes, what am I going to do?

Simon ➡ Calm yourself and do wh@ťěver you have to do to stall him. I’ll be on my way. Wh@ťěver happens don’t let him leave that house.

After that statement, Simon ended the call and I was felt alone in this jam. I was scared to open the door for Odili but I had to keep him here until Simon gets here. Once I had summoned up enough courage, I left my room and went to open the door for Odili.
Opening the door for Odili was like letting it a tidal wave cause the moment I swung the door open, Odili walked in and slapped me hard across the face. The slap was so deep and intense that I had to fall on the ground and hold the cheek in pain. Odili stood over me and glared at me angrily like a bull. His appearance was so filthy and unkempt, his clothes was squeezed and his hair was messy. His eyes looked like he hasn’t slept in weeks. To sum it all up, he was a total bum.

Odili ➡ Didn’t you hear that I was knocking?

Annabelle ➡ I was in the toilet you heartless goat. My parents will hear about this.

Odili ➡ Your parents can’t do $h|t! Pack your things, we’re leaving Lagos this night.

Annabelle ➡ Leave? Where are we going?

Odili ➡ Quit asking me stupid questions and do as I say. Don’t make me lose my temper.

Annabelle ➡ I’m afraid I can’t. I running a business here.

Odili ➡ F-CK THE BUSINESS! you’re coming with me whether you like it or not. Where is the file that I asked you to hide for me?

Annabelle ➡ It’s in the guestroom’s wardrobe.

Odili ➡ In the guestroom?? Why is it there?

Annabelle ➡ I wanted to paint our bedroom so I had to move everything there.

Instantly, Odili rushed to the guestroom in order to get the file and unfortunately for the fool, he had no idea that it was all a plan to get him into that room so as to lock him up so without hesitation, I followed Odili as well. As soon as he arrived at the guest room, Odili went straight to the wardrobe and flung it open but to his surprise the d@mn thing was empty.

Odili ➡ Is this some kind of joke? You said the file was here.

Annabelle ➡ I did but it was a lie. Game over for you b-stard. I know all about your shady business and you’re going down.


Just as I was about to close the door, Odili rushed towards me and held the door before I could close it completely. He places his arm and foot between the wedges preventing the door from closing. In that moment, I knew I was doomed if Odili were to escape this room so I gathered all my strength not to let that door open. Using thr_@ts and fear to intimidate me, Odili tried to make me lose my head but focused my mind and played the same tactics on him.

Odili ➡ Open this door or I swear I’ll ki|| your parents and family. Do you know who I am? I have lots of powerful friends.

Annabelle ➡ Say wh@ťěver you want. I’ll never let this door open.


Annabelle ➡ Never and for your information. There are police heading this way as we speak. They’re coming for you.


Annoyed by my last statement, Odili tried all he could to open the door putting his strength into it. As I noticed that he was over powering me, I decided to be brutal. Using my right hand as my weapon, I punched Odili’s arm like crazy. He yelled painfully and soon withdrew his arm but his foot was still there, so as quickly as I could, I opened the door slightly and jammed it hard with all my might. The crunching soun I heard convinced me that Odili’s foot was broken and the idiot had no choice but to withdraw his foot.
After closing the door, I moved away from it trying to catch my breath and just when I thought all was over, Odili jammed the door open and escaped the room. Before I could rum away, he hurled himself at me and grabbed me trying to strangle my neck. We wrestled for a while slamming each other on the wall but I was no match for Odili’s strength especially now that he was angry so I decided to play dirty.
Seeing that he was limping on his broken foot, I matched it hard making him let go of me instantly but before I could get away from him, he yanked my hair and pulled me down with him. Odili soon mounted on top of me and began to hit me, I used my hands to block but my efforts were futile so I decided to hit back. Using my long nails, I scratched his face and neck biting his arm that held my neck. Once his grip had loosened, I used my knee to crush his balls. That act gave me the time I needed to put Odili down once and for all. So as soon as I was back on my feet, I used everything around myself and slammed it hard on top of Odili’s back and head. I used wh@ťěver I could find, even the door was that broken down by him. After piling up a number of things on top of him, Odili was barely moving at all but in order to avoid any mistakes, I jumped hard upon his back dropping my knees hard upon his spine. The goat yelled painfully for a while before passing out from my assault.
Once the drama was over, I moved away from Odili and went to the fridge to pour myself a drink. Fighting a man wasn’t easy but at least it was better than getting ki||ed. After the drink, I went to the living room to rest but before that could happen, I heard a loud police siren and a loud screech of tires in front of the door. I smiled gently at last knowing that everything was now over and within a matter of seconds, Simon and his men made their way into the house. They all stared at me suspiciously as they saw how messed up I was.

Simon➡ Are you alright?

Annabelle ➡ Yes.

Simon ➡ Is your husband here?

Annabelle ➡ He’s upstairs.

Simon ➡ And the file?

Annabelle ➡ In my bedroom’s wardrobe.

Simon ➡ You can relax now. We’ll handle it from here.


Next episode ➡ SAPA!

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