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Friday, October 18, 2024
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HER SASSY BOSS – Episode 13

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?Her Sassy Boss ??
? His Crazy secretary ??

Episode 13 ?❤️?
#Skylar_Fernanzed ?
What are you doing here, Mr Sky?
“How did you…” She ended her words with a pause, then frown.

Macron pulled her closer, making his chest meet with hers.

I tightened my fist as i saw this and before i know it, he kissed her lips right there; she also made sure to reciprocat the kiss.

“I groaned in rage and walked as fast as i can” aiming to give Macron a punch on his horrible face.
For no reason i felt very angry, a part in me was boiling without explanation.

“What are you doing Miss London?”
I questioned in a groan.

They disengage from the kiss and turned to stare back at me.
What do you want Mr Sky? Am not a kid you know, so keep off from me,” she yelled.

I don’t have time to talk, let’s get out of here miss London. I ordered ignoring her awful question.

Hello Skylar, Fernandez! Comment Ca va
(How do you do) “Macron greeted throwing a strange look that way only i understand.”

f_ck you! I replied dragging Miss London from his grip.
Let go of me you jerk! She fired with anger in her eyes,” she looked as if she was holding back tears in her eyes.

I ignored her and tighten my grip on her and walk straight to my car.

Miss London kept sending soft punches to my arms, to be honest i never felt anything, all i wanted was to take her away from Macron.

“Stop right there Sky. Of what right do you have to take her away from me?”

She doesn’t want anything to do with you, do let her be. Macron fired already standing in front of us, in defense to stop me. I smiled in anger.

Look here Macron, i don’t know what your plan is but you are not going to do that with this woman standing right next to me. I won’t let you lay a finger on her, you get me? So please give way, we need to leave your awful presences.

What nonsense are you saying Sky?
You are the evil on here, Macron here have been nothing but an angel, so let go of my hand this instance or else I’ll hurt you. “Miss London thr_@tened in anger.”

I quickly grabbed her by surprise and drop her on my shoulders, then pushed Macron out of the way and trekked towards my car.

Miss London kept screaming and hitting me as hard as she could, but i wasn’t ready to let her be.
We reached the car and i dropped her then drove back to the hotel without uttering a word to her.

I was chanced to hear all the insults she was throwing at me, but that won’t stop me from doing what’s right, Macron is a mad guy, he is not who he appears.
#Audrey_London ?❤️❣️
I stared angrily at Mr Sky, what is his deal, what does he want with me?
One time he act nice, the next time he hurts me. “Am so fed up with him.”

We reached the hotel and i head for my room,” i really want to avoid having any sort of discussion with him because i know i would end up crying.

I see you are now a prostitute Miss London! He barked surprising me with his choice of pitch.

You now run after different men
You don’t even know your worth one bit.

At least i am a prostitute, unlike you that is so frustrated and hopeless.
You know what Mr Sky you should just ki|| yourself because nobody wants or love you in this world you live, an you want to know why?
“Is because you are a selfish and lonely being who thinks only of himself.”

I moved back in surprise as her words hits me in shocking manner, i suddenly felt a pain in my heart and it hurts bad.

I Mõ@ɲed in pain an held unto my chest releasing a loud cry.

Mr Skylar! Mr Sky are you okay? She asked running towards me almost in tears.

Mr Fernandez! Mr Sky!! I called out, my whole body quivered in fear, tears kept trickling down my chin.

“Are you okay? Please talk to me, please talk to me…” I pleaded in tears.
I helped him rest on the couch as i ran to get him water to drink.

I rushed back with the water and asked him to have a drink but he refused and just lye back his head and kept groaning in pain.

What should i do sir? Should i call someone so he can help us so we can go to the hospital? Am really confused here.

London! He called in his baritone voice
Am okay thanks for your help. He forced a smile, before getting up to take his leave, probably to his room.

He made his way a little bit far from me, but fell back due to the pains he was feeling.
I just stared back at him in amazement
Why does he has to show pride in everything he does? “It’s obvious that he is in pains, but he’s trying to act okay in front of me.”

I got up walked to his fallen position and helped him to his room, i lay him down to his bed and ran to my room to get him a pain ki||er, but he refused taking them.

He just looked straight into my eyes and turned his face over to another direction,” it’s obvious that the pain must have subsided a little.
Cause he’s being really ungrateful here.

“Mr Sky! I called and took in a deep breath.” I am sorry for saying such a word to you.

Is quite okay, you are right after all
He cuts me shut, i looked towards his direction to see the expression written on his face, but his eyes were left closed.

Mr Skylar Fernandez, i didn’t mean what i said, to be honest you are a very beautiful man, permit me to use that word.

You are_ so handsome and attractive, although you are always annoying, but yet! You are still handsome, attractive, and a fine you man.

Don’t get me wrong am not saying this to get on your good side or anything, neither am i saying this to cover up or seduce you: but am saying this because it’s what i feel, an my inner police won’t let me be

“So Am Sorry! For always being a big mess in your small butt.”

He burst out in laughter. Am glad you know that you are a mess, and a smelling one at that, don’t mean to be offensive.

Didn’t see it as one. I blurt out also in laughter. So do you forgive me?
I asked chuckling nervously.

If only you forgive me for… He paused a little.
If only you forgive me for acting like a jerk
You are obviously a grown woman, but my problem is that you don’t see and know what i know.

Mr Sky, thank you for searching for me
Although i still wonder why you would do so, but all the same am grateful.
I replied playing nervously with my fingers

“I have never had such a discussion with him and he had never apologise to me”
This moment felt like it was worth cherishing, because i don’t know if he’ll ever be this nice to me again.

Are you still going to see Macron?
He spoke out avoiding any physical contact with my eyes.

Do you want me not to? I replied with a question. Honestly i was hoping he would say that he wants me to stay with him.

No! You are a big girl, do what pleases you but trust me Macron is not as gentle as he appears, he has a serious mental health issue called getting back at Skylar

I released an unexpected laughter and stared at him.

Look who’s talking, you also have a mental health issue called dealing with Miss London till she cries. “I fired back jokingly, while he chuckled.”

Although i was a little disappointed that he never gave any reasonable response to me concerning Macron.

“You are not a total jerk Mr Sky”

“And you are also not a total fool Miss London” you are just a little bit mental
but you are not crazy like you said.

To be honest i wanted taking you to the medical health center for mad people, i actually planned on leaving you there
but! It turns out you are properly okay
I did some research on you and found out that you are just being you!

I kept quiet with my mouth wide open
Did he just said that he wanted taking me to live with mentally ill people?

Mr Sky!!!! I half yelled and hit him playfully on his arm.
Argh! You are still a jerk you know,” i laughed out.

In fact am angry at you, yes i am
Good night sleep well, and if you need anything call my name and let me know
I barked and got up to take the door.

“Someone who is angry normally don’t say good night,” he replied laughingly.

I blinked my eyes severly as i realize that he has a point.

Well then sleep well! I yelled and closed the door. I came back again the moment i realize that an angry person always jam the door hard whenever they are leaving
So I jammed the door so hard and left his room.

“So cute! He murmured in laughter.”

Wise Wisdom ✍️?

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