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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Scarlett body vibrated on the bed and suddenly her eyes flew open

She look around the room and saw blue lights filled the whole room

Since she came back from school she has been thinking who she’s really, how come she became so powerful like that

This is the same blue lights that erupted in school

“Am I a supernatural?” She asked

She has read some books about people with super abilities but she thought it was fairly tales, now with what happened, it’s no different from it

She removed the duvet and climbed down the bed

She looks at her reflection in the mirror and saw her eyes blue and suprisingly she is not scared or afraid rather she felt happy

“I don’t mind becoming one, that bastard would have R@P£D me, wait I call Nova name and immediately my eyes turned, I wonder how he is doing in America” She said


Scarlett woke up by the buzzing of her phone, she picked it and saw many notifications

She clicked on one and read, she smiled seeing the negative comments about Jason

The news is trending and she has gone more popular

She read the last comment and laughed

Her door suddenly opened and the angry face of her dad walk in with her mother

She looked at them wondering what happened


“Did you want to be the end of me?” He asked angrily

” I don’t understand Dad”

” Why did you report the governor son? now the governor is angry with me, do you know what that can cause to me, the governor is the reason why I am who am I today, why didn’t you tell us first you stupid girl?” He yelled

” So you’re more concern about your connection with the governor? what kind of father are you, he tried raping me and you expected me to keep quiet”

” You beat him up badly and that wasn’t enough for you, the news is trending now, if I lose my connection with the governor, I will ki|| you”

” So what if he succeeded in raping me, you will have being happy right, you guys don’t have time for me, you don’t care to know what happens around me, what kind of parents are you, f_ck the governor and his son” She yelled

” You’re not my daughter,you are just adopted” Mr Leo shouted

Rana gasped behind him, what has her husband done

Scarlett felt her world collapsing, what did he just said, she is adopted

“You’re joking right?” She asked

“It’s the truth, we are not your real parents, it’s high time you know, Jordan is our only child” He replied

” Mom is it true?” Scarlett asked

Rana looked down unable to look at her face

” Mom say something” She said in tears

“It’s… the.. truth, you are adopted” She replied

“Why? why?, why didn’t you tell me when I came of age, for good 18 years I thought you were my parents, I now know why you’re so unconcern about me, money has clouded your mind”

” Ahhhhhhh” She shouted angrily and her eyes turn blue… not just blue but deep angry blue

Mr Leo and Rana moved back in fright

“Who are my parents?” She asked in a different voice

“Please Scarlett, who are you, your eyes” Rana said almost peeing in her pants

“Where did you find me?”

“We adopted you in an orphanage home, your mother died while birthing you, we don’t know about about your father” Mr Leo said

” You deceived me for eighteen years, I never feel any parental love from both of you, you control my life, what if I decide to punish you both” She said and blue flames erupted from her hands

Mr Leo and his wife tried running out but the door closed against them

” Scarlett we are sorry, please stop, don’t repay our kindness with evil”

” Scarlett, I love you, please come back to your normal self ” Rana pleaded in tears

Scarlett open the door and dashed out

” Scarlett!!! ” Rana called

” Why did you say that to her? ” She yelled at her husband

” She was still going to find out, we can’t hide the truth forever”

“But we could have tell her in a better way”

“I wasn’t happy we adopted her, you forced me, glad if she leaves, her eyes turn blue that girl is a witch, she is not a human being ”

” You’re the witch here, devil” She said and runs out

” I hope you never comes back ” Mr Leo said


Scarlett runs out of the house into the street, right now she is back to her normal self, she is in tears right now and her head is pounding so bad

She lives with them for eighteen years thinking they are her parents, if she say it doesn’t hurt then she is a big liar


“Scarlett” She heard a croaky voice called and she paused

She turn to see an old woman with wrinkles full face staring at her

“Who are you?” She asked

“You just find out the bitter truth, your father was the king of the blue light realm in the pure magic kingdom, he fell in love with a human which was your mother, he had intercourse with her and she became pregnant, there’s a law that no blue light descendants will have anything to do with a human, so in order to save you he gave his life up for you, it was still so sad that your mother died in labour ” She explained

“How did you expect me to believe this? ” Scarlett asked

” You emit blue flames, haven’t your eyes turn blue ” She replied

” How did you know about that?”

” Cos I know about you, you are the blue light princess and the realm is with no leader since the day your father died, you will take over when you find your mate” She replied

” Where can I find him?”

” In the academy of immortals, you are a supernatural, you are a half human half supernatural”

” Are you saying the truth?” Scarlett asked

” I can’t lie to you, here is a portal to take you to the academy, there you will meet your mate” She said and stretch the portal out to her

Scarlett look at her hand for a while before collecting it

She stared at it and look back to see the old woman no more

Where did she went to?

” Academy of immortals” She mumbled looking at the portal


“Where are you rushing to?” Dreams asked Genova

“To the academy garden” He replied

“If you don’t know something ask idiot,, it’s not this way, what are you going there to do” He said

“Training with Terri” He replied

” Okay we will see later, I need to f_ck some p@zzy” He said and showed him the right path to the garden

“With that tiny Ďïčk of yours” He smirked

“f_ck you bro” Dreams said and he laughed

Genova got there and Terri is always waiting for him

“Why are you coming by now?” Terri asked

“At least endeavor to smile at least it won’t hurt master, good morning” He replied

“Keep your greetings”

“Pit @$$h0le jerk” Genova whisper

Terri moved his head and Genova slap himself

“Ouch!! how the f_ck,”,

“Learn some respect” Terri said

“You did that” He said

“Shut up and focus, I am not even happy training you”

” Let’s start” He said

” Mastering your powers is not hard if you concentrate, while using your powers, know the purpose you are using it for” Terri explained

” Okay”

” I didn’t ask you to talk”

” Sometimes you won’t know the kind of powers you posses until at some point then you will know, I want you to make this flowers to die using your mind” He said

Genova used his mind control and the flowers died and he resurrect them back with his mind

” Nice one, you learn fast, summon fire now” He said

He made to point a finger but he stop him

“Use your mind” He said

“I haven’t tried that”

“Do it” He said

He summoned fire with his mind

“Wow!, I did it” Genova said

“Quench it now with your mind” Terri said and he did it

” Can you walk through fire?” He asked

” I don’t know but the day I came here, a demon….”

” Shut up that’s different, now let’s try this” He said and summon a flame of fire

” Walk through it” He said

Genova walked towards the fire and entered into it, he came out the other side safely

” I did it again” He shouted

Terri look at him and he started seeing the same blur vision, his head ache immediately and he stop

“Why can’t I see it clearly”

“What again, I think I have master my powers” Genova said

“Fool, I want you to make me to move back”

Genova just move his head and instead of moving back, Terri was lifted from the ground, he landed on the flowers

” What did I do?”

Terri groaned angrily and stood up, his hair having some flowers in it

“I am sorry” Genova said

“Training over” Terri said angrily and left

“What is my crime?” He pouted cutely


A knock came on the door and Genova walked towards it and open seeing Elizabeth with a smile playing on her lips

” Handsome Genova” She said

” Hi” He replied

” Can I come in?” She asked

” Sure”

She walked in and smirk holding a cup in her hand

” Why are you here?” He asked

“I just came to say hi and to welcome you properly” She smiled

“Okay, thank you”

“I brought this for you” She said stretching the cup at him

Genova collected the cup and saw the content in it

“Drink up ” She said

He brought it to his lips and Elizabeth joy knew no bound

“Drink, drink, drink” She urge in her mind

He was about drinking it when he remembered the demon warning

“Drink with me” He said licking his lips

Elizabeth heart almost flew out, her eyes grew big and wide


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