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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? The
immortal ?

{Cold as ice and dark hearted…}

written by Ibrahim Gift

chapter five


#Next day

Harley was feeling much better, her back was slowing healing and she didn’t feel much pain underneath unlike yesterday.

She tried to remember what happened after lord Cyrus realized that she was a virgin but she just couldn’t remember.

Everyone was outside doing their morning exercise.

lord Cyrus and Alex just stood in their front watching everyone.

Alex on the other side smiled at Emily but she looked away immediately.

she didn’t want to get into trouble with anyone.

Lord Cyrus’ cold landed on Harley and he clenched his fist angrily.

He h@ťěs her for making him form a bond between but he knew for sure that he was going to do everything he can to break the bond, he can’t afford to be weak all because of a lady.

Harley looked up, meeting Cyrus’ cold eyes and she quickly looked away.

She wasn’t sure of what she felt at that moment but being the man that took her virginity, she was shy to look at him.

“Cyrus, Alex didn’t allow me to see you yesterday. He kept insisting that you wanted to be alone.”, Emily said as she interlocked her arm into that of Cyrus.

“Yes I wanted to be alone.”, Cyrus said not sparing her a glance.

His eyes were still glued to Harley but he later took them away because staring at her alone, makes his blood boil.

“You know that I love you right and I will always be there for you.”, Emily said and Alex scoffed, making her to glare at him.

“I told you to ki|| that your stu*pid feelings, they are not important to me.”, He said looking deep into her eyes.

“You can consider me and give me a chance, I will never leave you and I will make sure I stay by me no matter what. I really love you so much Cyrus.”, She said sincerely.

“I only care about you as someone close to me, you shouldn’t develop any baseless emotions that will only make you so weak.”, He replied and Alex nodded happily.

it’s not that he doesn’t want cyrus to end up with anyone but he just doesn’t like Emily for him, she’s too proud and wicked.

“But Cyrus…!”

“Not a word from you Emily!”, He said sternly and Emily looked away so pained.

This wouldn’t be the second time that she would be rejected by Cyrus and everyone can testify how much she loves Cyrus.

“That’s enough! You can rest for a while and have breakfast, then come back for your training and everyone that is late will be severely punished.”, Cyrus said and everyone got dismissed.

“How about we ….!”

Emily turned to talk to Cyrus but he was already far away.

He didn’t even inform her that he was already going.


“I saw you staring at lord Cyrus throughout the exercise.”, Ruby pointed out to Harley.

“Maybe she likes him.”, Liam replied playfully and Harley nodded.

“I don’t know why, I am supposed to h@ťě him for what he did to me but I don’t h@ťě him and I feel different…like we have a connection — I don’t understand, the way he looks at me, I …. I just don’t understand what I am feeling.”, Harley said and Liam and Ruby just looked at him not believing their ears.

“Wait!!! let me try to understand you Harley, you like lord Cyrus?”, she asked and Harley shrugged.

“That’s what I want to figure out or maybe I just admire him.”, She replied.

“After everything, you still admire him? I really admire your kind of women.”, Liam said.

“I will advise you to stop wh@ťěver feelings you are having, it is lord Cyrus we are talking about, he is an heartless being. He doesn’t love and he doesn’t have a heart.”, Ruby said and Harley just sighed.

“I haven’t fallen for him yet, I am just …!”, she trailed off not knowing what to say.

“Don’t wh@ťěver you are feeling, please get rid of it. lord Cyrus is a very dangerous and heartless person and he can never reciprocate your feelings.”, Ruby said concerned.

“I won’t fall for him, I have a boyfriend that I can’t cheat on.”, Harley said.

“You can’t even have his heart with Emily being there, that lady is a witch.”, Liam said and Ruby nodded.

“let’s just go and eat, I am famished.”, Harley said trying to change the topic.


“Will keeping her alive, do me any good?”, he asked Alex.

“I suggest that we give it a chance, she might be useful to us.”, Alex suggested and Cyrus just sighed.

He has been feeling so restless ever since he left Harley alive, he just doesn’t want to keep her alive.

He clenched his fist angrily, his hatred for her is more than what he can control right now.


“I just thought of something Harley, are you curious to know what happened after lord Cyrus had thr_@tened to ki|| you?”, Ruby asked a d she nodded.

“I can help you with that.”, she offered.

“I can read memory.”, she added and Harley gasped.

“Wow you have a cool power, I wish I could read memories too.”, Harley said.

“Same here.”, Liam agreed.

“it’s really nothing special, not everyone needs their memory to be read if they can remember it.”, She replied.

“Well it is special to me.”, Harley said.

“So can I read your memory?”

“Let’s do it but I hope that it doesn’t hurt.”, She asked and Ruby assured that it doesn’t.

Harley closed her eyes and so also did ruby too who was standing behind her.

Ruby placed her hands on her head and the memory started flashing back.

Ruby quickly stopped reading when she got to the part that he found that she was a virgin, she didn’t want to see the terrible thing lord Cyrus did to Harley.

Harley opened her eyes and looked at ruby totally speechless.

“Do you remember now?”, Liam looked at the both curious already and Harley nodded.

Harley had so many questions.

“Why was he In pain?”

“Why did he want her to forget seeing him that way?”

“How did he get the mark?”

“Does he h@ťě virgins because of that pain he felt?”

Everything about him was just making her more curious about him.

She can’t even get him off her mind, nothing was helping.

Seeing him in pain at that moment, broke her heart. He looked like an innocent kid who needs protection as well.

“I must find out everything him on my own.”, She vowed.

“Maybe I will get some information in his room.”, She thought.



After their breakfast, the training resumed.

Ember saw that as an opportunity to deal with Harley, although it was not that cyrus likes her but she was annoyed about the fact that Cyrus had slept with her.

She made sure she overworked her, she gave her work that even a strong person might have problem doing.

“Lord Cyrus i don’t think the new lady is being trained, I think Ember is just venting her anger on her.”, Alex said to Cyrus who was also staring at them.

“For you to be strong, you need to be given a harder training. If she can’t handle any of it, then it’s better we just ki|| her.”, He said icily and Alex just sighed.

Alex turned to stare at Emily and he met her staring at him but she quickly looked away.


After the training for the day, everyone retired back to their room.

Harley was too tired to achieve the mission of sneaking into lord Cyrus’ room but she was determined.

She sneaked out of the room and tiptoed out of the girls dormitory.

She avoided the front because of the guards there.

She managed to sneak to the window and she climbed the window inside, well she was an expert in climbing fences especially in school.

Whenever she was late, she would sneak into the school without getting caught.

When she entered the room, she started to have a second thought.

Lord Cyrus was dangerous but what if he catches her.

She was about going back, when she heard some noise.

She quickly went to hide inside his cupboard. Now she was really scared, she didn’t know what she was thinking when she wanted to find out about him.

Why can’t she just mind her business?

Apart from the fact that Cyrus had a sensitive smell, the bond he has created with Harley makes him know her scent.

He recognized her scent and he clenched his fist.

“Come out!”, He ordered but they was no any movement.

“If I should repeat myself, you wouldn’t live till tomorrow.”, He thr_@tened and he meant it.

Harley came out slowly with her face bowed, she really admit that she was just so foolish by wanting to find out about him.

“How dare you come into my room?”, He said angrily and Harley felt a hand grip her neck but she knew that it was Cyrus using his power.

“Do you even want to live? What are you doing here?”, He asked but she only groaned in pain, at that point she was only choking and her eyes were watery and red.

“Is he going to ki|| me now?”, she thought.

“Tell me what you are doing here? In the middle of the night?”, He said icily as he finally released her.

“I — I just …. I was just walking around then I wanted to just see your room again.”, She lied and he scoffed softly.

Her eyes looked around his room and she found a plate of food and an apron beside it.

“Was he cooking by himself?”, she wondered.

“Take off your clothes.”, He ordered and her eyes dimmed.

“Was he going to hurt me like before?”

“Lord Cyrus I …”

“You know that I h@ťě repeating myself.”, He said with a lazy gaze.

“Please I won’t ever come here again.”, She said fearfully.

Seeing that Cyrus wasn’t going to listen to her pleas, she slowly pull down her dress shivering.

Now she knows that she really was so foolish to come in the first place.

“You can stop there.”, He said when it remained only the pant and bra.

“Thank you lo…”

“Go and kneel outside the door till tomorrow morning.”, He said and Harley looked at him shocked.

Not only was the weather extremely cold but she was going to be half naked, kneeling till tomorrow morning.

Harley was still creating the picture in her mind when he interupted her harshly.

“I swear you won’t last a second if you delay.”

Harley reluntanly went out of the door and she knelt down.

She just hoped that he would change his mind but he never did.


It was morning already but it was still very early.

Harley was already shivering in, there was no doubt that she already caught cold. Her lips were pale and her teeth couldn’t stop hitting each other.

Cyrus opened the door and stared at her less concerned.

“Make sure you avoid me anywhere, I don’t want to see your face again and if you ever come into my room without my permission, I will make sure you regret living.”, He said as he threw her clothes on her.

“Get lost!”, He said and Harley managed to wear her clothes and she left immediately.

“Why did I even keep her alive?”, Cyrus thought as he looked away.


“Where did you go? We were worried.”, Ruby said when Harley entered.

“I wasn’t worried, don’t generalize.”, Emily said with a rolled eyes.

“Why are you shivering this much? You are cold, did you sleep outside.”, Ruby bombarded her with so many questions but Harley wasn’t in the mood to answer.

She couldn’t even stand properly because of her knees thar were hurting, she knelt down throughout.

Ruby immediately covered her with a duvet.

#Training ground

Ember notice that Harley wasn’t feeling too well, it looked at she has cold.

“Hey new girl, practice the fighting tactics I thought you guys with Ryan.”, Ember ordered and everyone looked preplexed.

Everyone wondered why Ember would ask a new person to fight with on of the expert. Harley hasn’t even practiced it before, she only watch.

“I’m sorry but I don’t feel too well.”, Harley said as she sneezed and Ember slapped her very hard that the mark appeared on Harley’s face.

“I don’t care even if you are in coma, you have to practice the swordfighting because you will be joining us for the mission today.”, Ember fired.

“But …”

“Don’t you dare question me!”, She fired again adding another slap.

Harley collected the sword and went to the rim, Ryan was already more than prepared for her.

It was time to take his revenge after the slap she gave him when he was asked to segz train her.

Ryan charged at her and she successfully dodged it with all her strength as she uses to sword to block his.

She attacked him but he used his sword to push hers far away from her.

Ryan suddenly threw his sword away and clenched his fist with one leg forward, ready to fight.

Everyone just looked at Harley in pity.

He kicked her forcefully sending her into the air and she landed in on the ground in great pain, her head was turning.

She wasn’t even seeing clearly, Ryan lifted her up and started to punch until a strong breeze just threw him on the floor and everyone just looked at Cyrus because they knew he was the one.

“Is this what you call training?”, He said as he looked at Ember.

“I just wanted to make her …”

“I don’t think you are fit to become anyone’s trainer, I don’t know wh@ťěver personal issue you have with her but this isn’t a place for revenge.”, He said.

“Cyrus I am sorry, I will …”

“Alex will be her trainer from today.”, He cut in and ember clenched her fist angrily.

“Why will she teach the girl a lesson now?”

“If anyone complains of how hard you are on them Ember, I won’t hesitate to punish you because I didn’t train you like this.”, He said and left.

Everyone looked at Ember mockingly and it annoyed her more.

“You are slowly loosing his trust and very soon, a woman will take your position and even succeed in winning his trust.”, Alex said with a smirk as he walked towards her.

“What are you talking about?”, She asked and Alex just laughed.

“He has created a bond with a woman.”, He said happily and ember just scoffed.

“This isn’t the first time, he will eventually ki|| her, it is not even something new.”, She said less concerned.

“She isn’t dead yet and I will make sure that he doesn’t ki|| her.”, He said with a smile.

“Who is it?”

“Do you think I will actually tell you? I’m not stupid, find out yourself.”, He said and walked towards Harley who was just lying on the floor.

“No that can never happen and I will make sure it never happens.”, She vowed.


Harley got what she wanted, didn’t she?

Imagine what ember will do if she finds out that it is Harley.

Harley has suffered in this world ?

At least she now has a reasonable trainer ?

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