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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? The



{Cold as ice and dark hearted…}

Written by Ibrahim Gift

Chapter 1


“Harley stand up and prepare, you will be transferring to the academy today.”, Her granny said and she only groaned.

“I don’t want to go grandma, I don’t want to leave you all my yourself.”, She replied standing up from the bed to wash up.

“Harley I will be fine on my own and besides Mr and Mrs Robert are always there for me. Don’t think of how lonely I will be, think of what good going to the academy is.”, She said and Harley only sighed.

She h@ťěd the fact that she will have to stop her school just to go to some st*pid academy, even though she was always bullied in school, it didn’t discourage her from attending the school.

Mist importantly, she doesn’t want to leave her friends and her boyfriend.

She reluntanly prepared and pack her things and Mr and Mrs Robert together with her granny saw her off.

The thought of the possibility of never seeing her grandma again brought tears to her years and she blinked it away.

From the information, she gathered about shang chi supernatural academy, it was said that there is only 50-50 survival there.

It is either you live or you die and that thought only scares her, wasn’t it an academy? Why are they involving death?

Mr and Mrs Robert parked their car at the parking lot.

Mrs Robert stayed with granny in the car while Mr Robert followed Harley to where they would register.

After some time, they were done with the registration.

Harley was given a booklet containing their routine, rules and so much more, she was given a room number and she was registered under someone that would train her and she was given her training uniform.

“Take care of this dear, it would remind you of your family and protect you from all evil.”, Granny said as she handed a necklace to her.

She said goodbye to her granny and the couples that accompanied her.

Tears rolled down as she watched them leave, she was all alone now.

She wiped her tears because she didn’t want to look weak in front of everyone.

Though no one even noticed her, they all just passed without a word.

She looked around and saw some playing around, some were talking while some were alone just staring into space.

Just as she was still lost staring at them, she bumped into someone and she fell with her luggage.

“Watch it fool!”, The lady said as she hissed and walked away.

“Rude.”, Harley muttered as she hissed back.

“Hey! Do you need any help? You look lost.”, A guy with said to her and she nodded.

“He’s cute.”, She thought.

“I am Liam.”, He said as he stretched his hand to her.

“Harley.”, She replied as she shook his hand.

“Not now Sara.”, He said and Harley looked for the person he was talking to but she found no one.

“I’m sorry Harley about that, I see and communicate with ghosts.”, He said and Harley was amazed.

“You talk to ghosts? Is there anyone around now?”, She asked looking around and Liam smiled as he nodded.

“Say hi to them.”, She said and he looked at her surprised.

“Aren’t you scared?”, He asked as they walked.

“Scared of what? Ghosts?”

“Scared of me, everyone doesn’t want to associate with me because I talk to ghosts.”, He replied.

“Why would I be scared of you? I have always wished for a superpower like talking to ghosts or teleporting but it’s so sad that I don’t have that.”, She replied.

“You are the first person I have encountered that wishes to have my power, everyone considers my power as one of the useless one and I actually do think I’m totally useless.”, He admitted and she raised her brow.

“How is that useless? How can they be so mean to treat you like you are not one of them? Don’t worry I am your friend and I consider you to be very useful and important, it might not be useful now but it surely will be.”, She said and Liam smiled.

“What is your power anyway?”, He asked.

“I can see the future and death and I can also read minds.”, She replied and his jaw dropped.

“You are a banshee!”, He said as he covered his mouth in shock.

“Bans…hee? What’s that?”, She asked confused.

“You really have a special power, you are so lucky.”, He said and she just looked at him like he was mad.

“How is that special?”, she wondered but chose not to say anything.

“Boys are not allowed in the female dormitory.”, He said and she nodded when they got to the girls dormitory.

“I will see you later.”, She said and he nodded.

“See you later Sara.”, She said looking around.

“She says bye too.”, He said and Hailey smiled as she headed towards the dormitory.

She checked the room number twice to be sure that she goes to the right room.

She released a deep breath as she entered the room.

“Good morning.”, She greeted the lady she met in the room but the lady just ignored her and continued the book she was reading.

“Is this cold person going to be my roommate?”, she wondered.

“Where should I stay?”, Harley asked and she didn’t even spare Harley a glance.

“Arrogant.”, Harley thought and rolled her eyes.

She saw an empty bed on a bulk and she climbed it.

“Everyone is just so … So cold to me except from Liam.”, She muttered as she placed her head on the bed.

“Mom — dad — granny I miss you guys so much.”, She said as she kissed the necklace and not long after, she fell asleep.

“She is beautiful, I can’t believe we have a beautiful roommate.”, Harley hears someone say and immediately she opened her eyes.

Seeing the owner of the person face so close to her made her scream.

“I am sorry.”, She apologized to the first person who was just glaring at her.

“I am sorry for scaring you, I am Ruby, your second roommate.”, She said with a smile.

“I am Harley.”, Harley slowly replied.

“You are so beautiful, are you single?”, Ruby asked and Harley eyes widened.

“Thank you but I am straight.”, She replied and ruby laughed.

“Come-on I was just joking, I am straight too but I am not sure about Emily.”, Ruby said as she looked at the lady Harley met earlier.

“So she is Emily?”, Harley thought.

“Sorry ma’am.”, Ruby said when Emily glared at her.

“Welcome to shang chi supernatural academy, it’s so nice to meet you.”, Ruby said and Harley smiled.

“At least there is another nice person here.”, She thought.

“Are you a virgin?”, Ruby asked and Harley found the question offensive but she decided to answer anyway.


“You will have no problem with Lord Cyrus.”, She said and only confused Harley more.

“Don’t cause any trouble with Lord Cyrus or any one with higher authority, just do wh@ťěver you are asked to do without any complain.”, She advised.

“What do you mean?”

“You will soon understand.”, Ruby said making Harley to over think.

Why is being a virgin keeping her from trouble? Who is lord Cyrus? What can they possibly do to her if she doesn’t do wh@ťěver they ask her?


How’s chapter one?

How do you think Harley will survive?

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