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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME IN SECRET – Episode 14

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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





?️ BELLA ?️

” So are you gonna be my plus one to the wedding or ….? Kris asked from the other end and I chuckled softly .

” I’d think about …it , get out of my phone I need to change I’m so wet ” I said purposely and heard him suck under his breath.

” You shouldn’t say such things to a man Bella ” he said voice sounding so husky and i chuckled .

” It’s not my fault that You’re having Wild thoughts about me …..” I said smirking

” Devil’s Daughter” he said and I laughed .

” Sweet dreams Seniorita” he said and cut the call .

I chuckled as I dropped the phone on my bed stand and put on my Nightwear .

When I got to the bed my phone rang and it was Kelvin .

I frowned and immediately switched of my phone .

I got to my bed and layed down to sleep …

” Hmmmnn ‘ I Mõ@ɲed as he trailed kisses on my neck softly from behind while trailing his fingers on my naked laps .

” Kris ….” I Whimpered in pleasure .

” Shhhhhhhh just feel it ” he said and I cried out at his painful th-ru_sts .

” Kristov …” I Mõ@ɲed and my eyes fell open .

” f-__-k ” I cursed under breath as I sat up .

I can’t believe I got a wet dream about Kristov. .I chuckled at the thought as I rubbed my face .

I noticed the unusual wetness between my legs and bit my lower lip .

This guy is really messing with my brain , Seriosely ? I wondered .

The dream had really taking a toll on me because I was sweating Quiet badly …my Ɲīpplës so hard .

I got up from the bed and walked around the room to calm my nerves .

I hardly had time for college and I decided instead going to and fro I’d just change my classes and start having them online .

I figured it was best not only because of Kris but my personal happiness too .

Cora was gonna scold me , but hey I’d tell her when I know she won’t freak out .

Or maybe I should try convincing her again to let me school online ,beca use I can’t tell her my life is in danger or that Kristov belongs to a mafia family ,she’d rather die that let me see kristov …

I knew he was associated with the Italian mafia immediately I saw his Tatoo that day at his place .

This sweatpants was Dangerously low so I saw it on his waist .

I knew the Tatoo Because …,I had a friend during highschool who’s Dad was part of the mafia ….

I lost her though ….their family was murdered ….” I thought sadly .

I didn’t want to end up dieing like that my friend .

I can’t believe I dreamt f-__-king Kris ….do I really want to sleep with that dangerous man ? Wouldn’t that further complicate things ?

Kristov was too goodlooking and he knew it … Because his dress sense is too notch ….

I h@ťě the fact that he loves to cover me up but aside from that he’s a gentleman and an intelligent guy .

I forced myself to sleep and immediately I got to the sitting room Fora served me green tea .

” Cora ” I Mõ@ɲed frustratedly .

‘” Sh …..hhhh and drink that up . How did it go with your Mr hottie ? She asked sweetly .

” We didn’t f-__-k if that’s what your talking about …
‘ I said and she laughed .

” Crazy girl …c’mon You have to go to New York remember? She asked .

” Well about that , I was thinking of taking my classes online ….” I said and she stared at me .

” Bella ” she scolded .

” C’mon Cora I’ve been skipping class too much it’s getting worse just let me do online ” I pleaded .

” You’re such a spoilt brat ” she scolded as the maids walked passed us Bowing their heads .

” Please Momma” I said pouting .

” Fine I’d start the process ” she said as I had breakfast my phone rang again and it was Xavier .

” Hello Bro ” i said smiling .

” Hello kiddo …how about we meet for lunch later ? He asked interestedly .

” You serious ? I asked smiling .

Xavier is the dotting brother between him and Franco .

Franco is very strict and blows up the slightest problem

” Finally got a girlfriend to introduce to me ? I asked whilst smirking at Cora who rolled her eyes .

” No ….” He said and I chuckled .

” Don’t tell me it’s another trick to hit on Cora ” I said and Cora’s cheeks burned in a blush .

” Okay fine ….I’d be there ” I said and he said something else which made me gasp .

” You want me to come to the Hospital ? Why ” I asked frowning .

Going there means seeing Sugar and not just sugar but that disgusting Dione and I was already feeling sick about it all .

I can’t believe she’s cousins with Kelvin ,they’re both just planning something Dirty and I’m never gonna fall victim to it .

Not now not ever .

” I’d be going to the hospital today ” I said and Cora didn’t argue .

Xavier and Cora have a thing for each other ….and even hooked up during my birthday but it didn’t end well because she found he was only using her to hurt his girlfriend .

She doesn’t wanna have anything to do with him even after Xavier and that his girlfriend broke up .

I stayed over at home and after sometime I got ready to leave for the hospital .

I put on a Designer suit …it had a Palazzo and just a suit jacket .

I didn’t bother to out on Bra niether did I wear an halvecut .

I pulled my hair into a pony and picked my channel Bag .

Wore my pure glass heels and Costly earrings .

I didn’t button my Suit but it covered just my Ɲīpplës , since I had very firm and pointed B-__-bs the outfit looked segzy and Classy .

I put my phone Credit cards in my bag as I walked out with my car keys .

“Open the gates I’m going out ” I said to my security team .

Immediately I drove out I noticed some of them keeping an eye on me .

I walked into Dad’s hospital and felt all eyes on me as usual .

I could even feel some social media freaks taking photos .

” Good morning ma’am fair” I greeted one the matron ….

I knew her because she and Kristov are really close she treats him like her own son .

” look who Decided to Visit her father’s Business today or you’re here for some other stuff? Dione asked whilst dropping some files over to fair .

” Has anyone told you , the spells you’ve cast over my father do not work on everyone ?I asked sacarstically.

” Oh honey …it’s not my fault your father …loves me more than your pathetic mother” she mocked and I slapped her .

It echoed loud enough that everyone at that hall froze .

People began to murmur that the Boss’s wayward daughter was around and causing a scene with her stepmom .

” I can tolerate Wh@ťěver madness you have to say to me but not a word about my mother ! I spat angrily and tried to attack her again but Xavier stopped me .

” Calm down kiddo …. please” he said as I glared at Dionne.

” Oh my God you’ve always been a disrespectful girl ,I would make sure your father hears this ” she said crying Dramatically.

” I shouldn’t have come “I cursed under my breath

” Oh please don’t let Dionne’s nonsense get to you , C’mon it’s been long we had some Siblings time baby ” he said and took me with him .

We had lots of fun ….as he took me sight seeing and We had ice cream too .

Deep down I felt like I was being followed but let it slide .

” You wanted to tell me something ? Or … just wanted us to have siblings time like old times ” I asked and he smiled .

It was already getting late in the evening.

” No ….it’s just I was curious about your relationship with Kelvin … because Franco told me that Dad told him …… Dionne thinks you guys would make an Amazing couple ” he said and I froze .

” Wait what ? Like an arranged marriage ! ” I asked shocked .

” Exactly he said something about Kelvin being Dionne’s Cousin ….that woman really has father tied around her little finger ” he said dissapointedly.

” Kelvin is my Ex for God sake Dad should’ve seek my opinion not go about thinking he can marry me off to that Greedy bastard and Cheating monster” I screamed frustratedly.

” Belle calm down” he said softly

” Bro I need to go ” I said and stood up .

” Where are you going ? He asked confused .

” I’d be fine ” I said and stormed out of the House .


That Bast*rd he probably has some games he’s planning Because he definitely has eyes for my family’s wealth .

I can’t believe he stopped so low to join forces with Dionne …of all people. .

That wh-_-re

I knew he might not be in his apartment by this and decided to check his favorite Club .

I packed my car and put on my face mask and shades .

Close my door and catwalked towards the entrance .

When I got in there was loud music playing and as usual people grinding against each other .

My mind went back to the last time I came to club and I felt a rotten feeling at the pit of my stomach .

I turned to leave when I couldn’t find Kelvin and Bumped into a tall older man .

He stared at me with his eyes filled with lost .

” Bella Suarez Si ? He asked smiling .

” I got to go ” I said and tried to walk passed me but he pulled me back and my back met with his front .

My eyes widened immediately in pannick …I immediately regretted my choice of coming here and especially my outfit .

” Let me go ” I said gritting my teeth .

” C’mon ….madmosel ….you’re a princess and deserves to me treated as such ….calm down ” he said and I turned.

” I’m not interested ” I said immediately our eyes met .

” The name is Salvador .

Bermundo” he said kissing my ear… and I glared daggers at him.

” I didn’t ask Mr …just escuse me …” I said and when he wouldn’t let me go I sank my teeth into his arms and he groaned in frustration then left me immediately .

I took to my heels whilst running for my life ….. running outside was the worse idea because I recognized some guys smoking at the entrance and I didn’t need to be told before knowing they where his men .

Who’s this Salvador guy ? How does he know me … okay I know I’m preety popular with my status and all but ….that man was Dangerous …

Does it have something to do with Kristov …. being part of the mafia …

My blood ran Cold at the thought .

” I want you to f-__-king get her and bring her to me ! I heard Salvador’s voice and froze .

I ran into a room and bumped into a stripper given her customer a b|__wj_b .

” I’m sorry ” I said as I turned around .

My eyes met with a knife and an empty plate …when my eyes met the used orange peels ,I picked the knife up and left the room .

I’d f-__-king …ki|| that Salvador guy if he thinks he can ..

” Aaaah……..mmmmm” I screamed as someone covered my mouth from behind .

” Mmmmmmm” I tried to scream in pannick.

” Shhhhhhhh …. shhhhhhhh” he said as his fingers pulled me into him .


Hehehehe ….

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