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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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KISS ME IN SECRET – Episode 10

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[ # 3in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022

Settings : ?? ITALIAN

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogance ,Hot , billionaire , Age gap , Doctor , forbidden.

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]






” Good morning Miss Suarez, how was your night ? ” I asked walking in with a tray which had coffee and some biscuits .

” Good morning …I don’t drink coffee ” She said and i stared at the coffee .

” No problem , I’m actually about to live for work. ..” I said and straightened my suit .

” Why did you sleep outside last night ? She asked and I Smiled Bella knew exactly what she was doing and I let her so what she wants because arguing with her is just baseless .

” I had a visitor in my place , sleeping outside was the best decision ‘ I said and she shrugged .

” Miss Suarez. …I know I shouldn’t have brought you here last night and I’m sorry about the life thr_@tening event you passed through last night but I’d really appreciate it if you put all that in the back of your head like it never happened and we move on like total strangers ” I said and she Smirked .

” I saw you $h00t at those men Kris ,you had a gun with you , what are you a Criminal ?

” So mr perfect ain’t all that perfect after all ? She asked smirking and I rubbed my face .

” Bella ….” I said and she laughed .

” My name sounds so different coming from your mouth it’s segzy ” she said and I stared at her like she’s lost it .

” I’m being serious here ” I snapped frustratedly .

” I’m serious too Kris …you can’t tell me what to do , if you want to forget the fact that I saw you with a gun …and $h00ting at those men then go on ,why do you have to force your Decisions on me ? She asked in equal anger .

” Bella please ….” I Begged and she stared at me .

” Stop begging me Kristov ” she said and walked out of the room as she picked her heels .

” Where are you going ? I asked frustratedly .

” Out of your life and Penthouse, you keep sounding like I’m Making your life a living hell ….it’s not my fault that I like you
If I can stop feeling like this I’d be happy….” She said and began to tie the strings of her heels .

” Bella calm down …you can’t walk out of my apartment without a facemask I don’t want you living my apartment on the media …” I said and she chuckled bitterly .

” You h@ťě me that much ? Scared your perfect image would be ruin if they see you standing next this player ? She asked pointing at herself .

” Stop twisting my words ” I said camly .

” You think I’m twisting your words ? Kristov ….f-__-k you !

” f-__-k you for being so calm …when you hurt me with your words ! She said pointing at me .

” Cursing so much is so unlady like …..” I said and she just stormed out without letting me say anything .

I ran my fingers in my hair and went after her .

” Please let me drop you off ” I said and she rolled her eyes .

I took a deep breath when she finally let me drive her .

I put my suit jacket around her shoulders and she frowned as she stared at me blankly .

” What are you doing ? She snapped confused .

” You aren’t wearing anything under this dress shirt … Bella …I don’t think it’s right that you walk around like this …”

” I’m Quiet comfortable with what I’m wearing ..” she said and I forced the Jacket back on her body .

” I’m serious ” I said and she let it slide .

” I look like a Broom stick inside a sack ….Kris ” she groaned frustratedly .

” You should at least learn to wear dresses that look decent once In a while ….” I said and her jaws dropped .

” I wear decent clothes kristov ”

” Let me the judge of that , you’re mostly on … clothes that reveal too much … especially your cleavage and your dresses are way too sinful “I said camly .

” Sinful ? It’s not my fault you have segzual thoughts when you look at me ….” She smirked.

” I don’t have segzual thoughts …” I trailed but she caught me short .

” Oh please , your eyes …are already .
digging deep in me … kristov keep denying it ” She said and got into my car .

I got into the car and she got in and slammed my car door .

” Where’s your House located ? I asked camly .

” Just drive ” she said and I looked at her like she’d lost it .

” Are you for real right now ? I should just drive ? Where exactly am I driving to ? I asked and rubbed my forehead tiredly.

I don’t like raising my voice but with Bella Suarez around it feels like that’s not possible because she keeps making it Impossible by the minute .

She told me the Address and I drove into her penthouse .

She opened the car door without talking to me and threw my suit jacket at my face .

I stared at her in amusement as she stormed upstairs frustratedly .

” Bella ” I called but she didn’t stop to even answer me .

Another Dark skinned girl looked suprised to see me and finally she smiled in relief to see Bella who only stormed Upstairs .

This is really crazy .

My phone rang and it was Massimo .

” Don ” I said immediately I picked up .

” Get your A*s to the De Luca Mansion mansion after work today ” he said and I rubbed my face .

” Now what happened again ? What have I done again ? I wondered as he cut the call .

Yes that’s Massimo for you , he doesn’t take no for a answer and he just gives his orders which we all follow strictly .

” Good morning Doctor …De Luca …” My colleague greeted me immediately I walked in .

” Good morning Miss ” I greeted and looked away immediately .

Wondering 101 reasons why Massimo would wanna see me .


?️ BELLA ?️

I Stormed into my penthouse immediately kristov dropped off and Cora ran in after me .

” Where were you last night babe. ..I called you and looked for you everywhere in club last night and you show up this morning in Mr De Luca’s car ? You really something else girl ” she snapped frustratedly ..

” It’s not what you think ” I said tiredly .

” Oh really ? And you expect me to believe you ? You slept over at Kristov’s and nothing happened ? The guy didn’t try to you know ? She asked giving me knowing looks .

” He slept outside his room ” i said and her jaws dropped .

” f-__-k. …it that guy is definitely Gay …or maybe he’s a stick …come on. ….you can’t tell me he’s Allergic to Beautiful women ” she asked and I laughed .

” He sets walls and Boundaries so strong I don’t ….want to force it anymore …can you believe he thinks I can’t live without him ? ….” I asked frustratedly .

” you know what at least you’d let the guy continue living his boring life …c’mon we need to prepare you for the $h00ts ” she said and I groaned softly .

I picked my phone and I had a call from Dad …I didn’t bother calling him because I knew wh@ťěver it was …it was definitely to scold me .

Maybe he saw another scandal from the club last night .

” Am I on the news ? I asked Cora and she Rubbed her face .

” Ya. ..the picture if you grinding against a random guy …it’s everywhere but the agency is trying to bring it down don’t worry ” she said and I just bit my lower lip sadly .

I’m f-__-ked up , I just wanted to get over the fact that I was regected and ended up doing something more crazy .

My phone rang again and this time it was my older brother Franco.

” Hello Bro ” I said immediately I picked up .

” What’s wrong with you Bella do you always have to make the news for the wrong reasons ? Father wants to see you this evening and please make sure you’re there ” he said and I answered without Arguing .

After all I knew I messed up again and times like this I preferred staying Quiet instead of running my sharp and mannerless tongue .

After all I’m the Wayward heiress of the Suarez family.

” I have to be at the family mansion tonight ,father wants to see me ” I said and Cora looked at me sadly .

She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug .

” Can I just cancel everything and stay home tonight ? Please ” I said and she gave a nod .

” I gat your back girl ” she said and I went upstairs to get some sleep I was already stressed and the hangover from last night was starting to get a toll on me .

My phone rang and when I looked at the Caller ID it was Kelvin.

What does he want from me Again …it rang three good times in a row and I blocked his number .

When it got to the evening I decided to dress up for the Dinner .

I wore a simple Nude coloured dress and Heels … pulled my hair in a pony and picked my bag .

” you sure you don’t want me to come along ? You look so stressed ” Cora said worriedly.

” I’m fine …I just need to see what Dad has to say to me ” I said and she kissed my forehead as she bade me goodbye .

I got into my car and my driver drove towards my father’s mansion .

I strolled into the mansion and right there on the Sitting room was Dione Kelvin and my father .

Kelvin ?

What’s he doing in my father’s Mansion !

” Baba ” I said and kissed both sides of my father’s cheeks .

” Sweetheart we’ve been waiting for some time now ” Dad said and I stared at Kelvin with disgust then forced a smile .

” You know Kelvin ? I asked going straight to the point .

” Oh this is Kelvin …Dionne’s Cousin ” Dad said and I looked at Dionne in amusement .

” Cousin ? Dionne what are you up to ? When did you suddenly become cousins with my ex what stupid games are you playing again ! I snapped immediately and father looked confused .

” What’s going on ? He asked confused .

” It’s nothing honey …Bella is just being unreasonable as always ” Dione said camly and I looked at her with disgust .

” Bella please be nice before the guest I’m already mad at you for the scandal. ..don’t be disrespectful ” Dad said and I chuckled bitterly ..

” You know this is exactly my problem with you father ! How can you let Dionne control you like this ! It’s so disgusting I can’t even believe it ” I said and Dad looked at me angrily .

” She’s your stepmom ” he snapped.

” She’s not …! She can never be my mother when all she does is make you see the Bad in me ”

” Don’t put your shortcomings on Dionne …! You dissapointed me the very moment you dropped out of med School Bella. ..! You failed your father …. …as if that’s not Enough you go around naked for the world to see …..! Father snapped angrily and I looked at him as I controlled the urge to burst out crying ..

” I knew we’d always come to this …..where you rub on my face that I’ve been nothing but a disapointment ! I snapped angrily and matched out of the mansion as my blood boiled .

Tears continued flowing out of my eyes .

I got to the garden Area and sat down on the designed chair as I cried bitterly .

It hurts …it f-__-king hurts so much that all I do is never Enough at the end. ..I’m still his Drop out daughter who failed to become the Doctor he wanted me to become .


What’s Dione up to ? Is he really Dione’s cousin !

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