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Friday, October 18, 2024
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(The prohecy ?)

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 25





“Dumb supernatural?” Genova asked

“Yes you’re, are you surprised?” She asked back

“How can you call me dumb?” He asked

“You should be able to know by now that you ain’t a human being now, you have gotten your powers, start thinking like a supernatural, this is the more reason you need to go to the academy to master your powers, there are many things you are yet to understand about your powers” She replied

“But isn’t that dumb word too harsh to use on me, you are my guardian, shouldn’t you be respecting me” He said and she rolled eyes

“Spirits too roll eyes?” He asked

Soha scoffed and look away

” Are you going to scold me forever or do what you came here for?” She asked

Genova smiled and face the empty land

He fully concentrated his mind like she told him earlier and soon a giant and mighty mansion started coming out from the ground

Soha mouth went agape as she saw the mansion he created

Genova opened his eyes and was surprised to see what he created

” Wow!! this is beautiful” He said

The house is made of pure glasses, surrounded by beautiful flowers and tiled floor but it is invincible to humans only a person with supernatural abilities can see the house, ordinary you will see only the empty land

“Let’s go in” Soha said

He went inside with her and their eyes widened the more, thinking the exterior was beautiful but what they are seeing now is heavenly

Everything was made of pure gold, the wall painted with gold color, the tables, spoons, plates

“I can’t believe you created this, well what should I expect from your powers” Soha said

Genova kept looking around the house still wondering how he is able to create something like this

” We should check the upstairs” He said and they walked upstairs

” Are we going to stay in the same room?” Soha asked

He smirked at her question time to payback

“Dumb guardian angel” He said and she frowned

“What’s that?” She asked

“You’re asking if we are staying in the same room, you are more dumb than me despite how older you are, there are many rooms here, it’s payback time for calling me dumb earlier” He said

” I h@ťě you” She shouted

” I never like you too”

” Huh”

” I will take this room dummy” Genova said and open the door but it bounced back and hit him on the face

He landed on his butts and turned to see Soha smiling

” You did…”

” Hope it doesn’t hurt much?” She asked mockingly and entered the next room

He sighed, putting his hands on his knees

” Is she really a guardian angel to me?”

He stood up from the floor and entered his room, he glanced at the room and smiled excitedly

He looked at the big bed in the room and sat on it

“So soft” He said

The room is painted violet and the bulbs are flashing little lights

“Been a supernatural is good, you don’t have to stress out yourself

He stood up from the bed and walked to the wardrobe, he opened it and saw different set of clothes lined up in it

” Wow!”

He checked the clothes before heading to the bathroom, he open it and entered

” So exotic, I can’t believe I made something like this ” He said

He came out after checking the bathroom to his satisfaction

Meanwhile in Soha’s room she stood there admiring the room, this will be the first time she will be using a bed, all of her life she hasn’t make use of a bed

All she does is to guard Genova but now her mission is completed

“I can’t wait for him to free me, I want to live my life freely and normally like every other supernatural, I have accomplished my mission” She said

“Who is going to free you?” She heard Genova asked behind her, she turned and saw him standing at the door

” Genova” She called

” Who’s going to save you and are you not living freely like any other supernatural?” He asked coming inside

” You’re the one to free me and no I am not living freely like any other supernatural, there are things I can’t do unless the duty is lifted off from my head by my guardian” She replied

” How am I going to do that?” He asked

” I can’t tell you, you will have to figure it out by yourself” She replied

” You’re confusing me the more, is there more to my powers?” He asked

” Yes, that’s why you will have to go to the academy to master your powers fully” She replied

” Will you follow me to the academy if I free you?” He asked

” No I don’t have any business there, my mission is completed already”

” Which is?”

” To protect you until your powers will resurface and that has happened already, you have gotten your powers” She replied

” But I want you to come with me there, or there’s any punishment for that?” He questioned

” No, but still I don’t want, free me first before I will know about that”

” Okay, the room is nice, I am hungry, I will check the kitchen out”

” You can cook?” She asked

” Yes I can, what about you?”

” I can’t do that, I haven’t even try it” She said

Genova moved closer to her and wrapped his hand around her shoulder

” You should be doing that to your mate, not me don’t bring a heavenly curse on me” She said and took down his hand away from her shoulder

” My mate!, who is she?” He asked

” You will know her when the right time comes” She replied and he sighed

” What if I make you my mate?”

” You can’t, you can’t change fate” She replied laughing

” Okay, but you’re beautiful” He said

” Stop flirting with me, you shouldn’t be doing that”

” You’re so boring”

” Lazy @zz” He said and disappeared

” Lazy @zz” She muttered to herself


Genova entered the kitchen and marvelled at the way everything was perfectly arranged

“What should I prepare?” He asked himself

“I don’t want to order any made food, I want to make it myself, noodles, yeah that is what I will cook” He said and immediately a cartoon of noodles appeared in the kitchen

He smiled and took it, he switched on the has cooker and put a pot on it, he tore the noodles and poured it inside the pot, he mixed everything up and closed the pot using the cover slide

He folded his hands as he watched the noodles boil

“It’s so sad I won’t be spending much time here, I wonder what the academy will look like but first I will have to see Kathrine, my dad and Scarlett, I missed her so much” He said

He remembered the kiss he had with her and he smiled deeply

It was his first kiss

“Why are you smiling all alone?” Soha asked at the door

” It’s none of your business” He replied

She scoffed and walked in

” What are you cooking?” She asked

“Noodles” He replied

“What a disgusting food, it’s no different from an earthworm” She said

” To you it’s disgusting, bad mind you I won’t be cooking anything else for you, you will have to figure out your own way by yourself”

” Don’t think too high of yourself, I have been surviving without you brat” She replied

The noodles got done after sometime, he switched off the gas cooker and brought the pot down, he dished it out in a plate and walked out of the kitchen heading to the sitting room, she followed him

They got to the sitting room, he dropped it on the table and settled down

She sat down facing him

“You’re missing” He said and began eating

” Why did you insist of spending time here?”

” I got three important persons I want to see before leaving” He replied

” But you don’t have enough time cos the evil is taking a step ahead and only you can stop it on time” She said

” I won’t waste time but I really need to see them before leaving”

” You will see one of them in the academy” She said and he quickly looked up

” What do you mean by that?” He asked curiously

” With time everything will be open to you, I am just giving you a hint, you will discover everything about you by yourself ” She said

He gaze at her for long before facing his food

She watches as he eat but soon she started salivating, the aroma was so appetizing and tempting that she started wishing to have a taste of it but her ego was stopping her from saying out her mind

The way he was eating even made it worse, it got a point she couldn’t take it anymore

” You’re wicked” She said

” Huh!” He gasped looking up

” You’re eating without caring about me” She said

He chuckled and dropped the spoon

” You clearly told me you won’t eat this disgusting food, wait you want me to cook for you?” He asked she nodded like a child

” In your dreams”

” Okay let me eat it with you”

” It doesn’t look like earthworm again?” He asked

” Genova!!!” She hissed

” Okay you can join me” He giggled mockingly

She collected his spoon and started devouring the noodles

” Hey my spoon, give it back” He said

” Get another one champ, this is so delicious, I was missing really” She said eating it so fast like her life depends on it

” Hey slow down you don’t wanna finish it all do you?”

” I don’t mind” She replied increased the pace

Genova seeing he stands no chance against her eating speed took the plate away and stood up

” Hey bring that back” She said

” No way, go and make your own noodles” He said and began running upstairs

” Hey, Genova” She shouted running upstairs


Kathrine walked to the class with a heavy heart, today being Monday she will have to see Eddy disgusting face

She made up her mind last night to tell her parents about what is happening but the look on Eddy face shows he is not joking about what he said

She got to class and her heart started beating so loud immediately she spotted him looking at her

He winked and she looked away before walking to her seat

She sat down and not long, a teacher walked in the class

Genova got to the class making himself invincible to everyone in the school

Soha insisted coming but he refused, since he can protect himself by now

He smiled immediately he saw Kathrine, he remembered the times she stood up for him against Eddy bullying

He looked at Eddy who was looking at her and instantly he noticed something was wrong

“What is going in his mind?”

He saw the fear on Kathrine face and got worried, he knew something was off between her and Eddy

Only if he can read minds

Throughout the class he kept observing Eddy and Kathrine

After the class Eddy stood up and walked to her seat

“Let’s talk” He said and she stood up and followed him immediately

Genova followed them to an empty class

Eddy got in and locked the door and faced her

“When will you give me what I want?” He asked

“What he want?” Genova asked

“I don’t want to force myself on you but you’re pushing me Kate” He almost yelled

“Please Eddy, there are other girls out there who can love you and will give you their bodies, I can’t do that please, I don’t love you, I love Genova and not you, you tried to rape me but I keep silent, can’t you let me to be” She said

A hot slap landed on her face and she hummed softly

He was moved to interfere but stop himself

“I told you, you can’t deny me access to your P@ŋtîēṣ, I will f_ck you whether you like it or not, telling me you love Genova you even make it worse, if you love your family, consider what I told you or else, tomorrow is the last day for you” He said and left the class

Kathrine squatted down and started crying burying her face into her knees

Genova made himself visible and walked to her

” Kathrine” He called

Immediately she heard that voice her body vibrated

Only one person has that voice, that sweetest voice

Slowly she raised her head up and saw the face she didn’t expect to see staring at her


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