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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(The prophecy ?)

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 1





A woman is seen watering the flowers with a huge smile plastered on her beautiful face

She heard footsteps behind her and turned to behold her husband and her five year old son

“My baby” She said putting down the watering can she walked to her husband placing a sweet kiss on his cheek and lips before facing her son

“My cute little thing” She said and bent to his level

“Momma” The boy smiled, Pecking her

She carried him in her arms and kissed his forehead tenderly looking at him

The boy smiled and turned to his father



“Momma loves me more than you do” He said

“What!! ” He bawled

“You see my son just say the truth” She said

She put the boy down and his father carried him

He started giggling childishly

“You see father loves you too”

“I love you both” He replied and kissed his father forehead

“I want to go and play” He said

His father put him down and he ran inside the small house

The man walked to the woman and held her hands staring passionately at her

“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, thanks for giving me your love and a beautiful son” He said, transferring his love to her with his eyes

“You’re the best husband in the world, I love you” She said and hugged him

“I love you too” He replied


“Momma, papa good night” The boy said with a sweet smile

“Good night son” They said in unison and kissed him on different cheek before retiring to their room

Not long after, outside the small house, a man dressed in a long black rope suddenly appeared,, immediately the skies became dark and thundering sounds could be heard

He walked majestically to the door and using only the tip of his finger he pushed the door opened and walked inside the house

The man suddenly woke up and started having a bad feeling, his wife too also woke up

“Are you alright?” She asked

“I am having this feeling that something bad will soon happen”

“You should…” She couldn’t finished her statement when the door to their room open and they saw the man walked in

They spranged up on the bed immediately seeing the strange man with red eyes

“Where is the boy?” He asked with a thunderous voice

“Which boy? who exactly are you and how did you get inside?”

“I remember locking the door” She said

“Where is your son?” He asked in a deep demonic voice

“Who… are.. you?” The man asked in deep fear cos the man eyes were becoming more redder

“What do you want with him?”

He looked at the man and using his hand he started lifting him up

“If you don’t want to die, where is your son?” He asked again in a deep voice

The boy heard the noise in his parents room and came out heading to their room, he stopped as he saw his father floating in the air, he tried shouting but his voice was seized

The woman saw him and started crying slowly

“Die now” He said and bringing down his hand the man landed on the ground and died instantly

“Father!!!!” The boy shouted and started running in

The man quickly turned and seeing the boy he smiled and threw a dagger( the most poisonous one in the world) at him but his mother rushed and covered him, the dagger hit her instead and she fell on her knees

“Run away… my son” She said as blood came out from her mouth and nose


“Run… my so….” She fell down dead

He looked at the man face and started running away in the dark not knowing where he was heading exactly

“Get him” The man said to his subjects

His subjects started chasing after him but suddenly a violet light flashed capturing the boy inside and he vanished immediately from their faces

“No!!!!!!!!!!” The man screamed, shaking the whole area


The students sat round the long table as it was time for breakfast,

In the other table the junior students are occupying it since it’s the tradition in the academy to respect seniors

Jessica walked in and all attention fell on her, the academy Ɓîtçh, one of the senior students and a very powerful supernatural in the academy you don’t wanna mess around with, her powers are so dangerous, she is feared amongst the students, she walked to her seat and sat down, she exchange glances with Elizabeth and both glared at each other, they are sworn enemies

“Where is Dreams?” Gold asked

“Ion know” Blue replied

“Looking for me” Dreams appeared

“Brat” Gold hissed

“Where are the rest?” He asked

“Maybe they are not hungry”

Gold, Dreams and Blue are best friends and they’re among the most powerful and handsome students in the academy though Gold is the most powerful supernatural aside the masters in the whole academy followed by Terri who is an introvert, he doesn’t associate with anyone in the school, he is always on his own, but his powers are something you wouldn’t wanna mess with

Another group is the group of girls, three friends, Mirabel, Sasha and Jisoo they’re also among the most powerful in the school

The girls walked in and sat down beside each other

“Terri is here” Someone suddenly said

And everyone turned to look at him


?He is always handsome

?I want to faint

? His lips alone gat me wet

As usual Terri glanced at no one and he sat down

“Hey” Blue said but he ignored him

“Bastard” Dreams said

Terri glared at him before focusing on his food

“Aren’t we expecting another drama today?” Jisoo asked

It’s normal for them to pick up a fight while eating

“Ion know”

Jessica made to took a plate of pork when Elizabeth too went for the same plate, both of them holding it, they turned and glared at each other

“Let go of it Ɓîtçh” Jessica said

“And why should I do that flat @zz” Elizabeth said

” What flat @zz?” Blue laughed

“Wow!! what I was waiting for” Jisoo clapped, everyone just watched on waiting for what to happen

“I first went for it”

“I first touch it”

Jessica forcefully took the plate from her and drew it to her side, she made to dipped a spoon in it but Elizabeth used telekinesis on her, with her mind she made the plate of pork to spill on her


Jessica quickly stood up and turned to Elizabeth who was smirking

“You Ɓîtçh”

“A fight is about to start”

A force suddenly pushed Elizabeth away from her seat and she hit her back on the wall, hurting her arm

Elizabeth stood up straight and threw some white balls at her but Jessica quickly dodge and float in the air

Elizabeth angrily summoned her sword and advanced at her

She made to slashed her with the sword but Jessica was fast enough to activate her phantom ability, the sword pass through her without hurting her, she instead used that opportunity to delivered a hard kick on Elizabeth sending her to the ground

She quickly grabbed her neck and started choking her

“Stop!! ” A voice sounded

They turned to see their master

“Master Ashley” They said

“Jessica, I hope I warned you two about fighting when eating right?”

“Master she started it”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion, now both of you follow me for your punishment” He said and walked out

Jessica released Elizabeth and both of them glared hard at each other before following master Ashley


“That was cool!!” Sasha screamed

“Can you reduce your voice please” Terri said

“Terri just talk!” Sasha gasped

Terri looked at her blankly, he stood up and walked out, Sasha bit her lips staring at him as he walked away

“Stop staring” Mirabel said

Sasha took her eyes away and smile at her


Genova sat beside the river throwing stones inside it, he came here anytime he is sad and even today is not exceptional

He is an orphan who got adopted by a family but what he is passing through in their hands is so horrible

He was found mysteriously at the frontage of the most popular orphanage home in Seoul, South Korea with no identity on him

He is extraordinary brilliant (a genius), his handsomeness will make any girl to stare at him for more than three times, he is the perfect definition of cuteness

His handsomeness is indescribable, irresistible, charming, enchanting, intoxicating and intimidating

Every single thing about him is perfect, his lips, his eyes, his face, lashes and physique, his bare chest can make your knees wobbled

He is a student of Bliss high school, every girl in the school is crushing on him, the most handsome guy in the school and for this reason he is h@ťěd by many guys in school including his foster brother

He is 19years of age

He kept looking at the water as it flowed freely

He remembered a certain event and tears slip from his eyes

“Who are my parents?, are they dead or did they decided to abandoned me” He said sadly

He folded his shirt and looked at the tattoo on his arm, he got it from birth

“I wish to be loved too” He said

“Help!!!, help!!!” He suddenly heard someone shouting for help

He stood up and saw a girl drowning, without thinking he run towards her and jumped into the water, he swimmed towards her and caught hold of her and took her out

He laid her on the ground and she started coughing out water from her mouth

She became steady after a while

“Are you alright?” Genova asked

Scarlett look up and the moment she saw his face, she lost her senses, in her life she hasn’t seen a guy with such intimidating handsomeness

Is he human?

She kept looking at his face making Genova arched his brows in confusion

“Are you alright?” Genova asked bringing her back to reality

“Ye…yes” She stammered

“Thank you for saving me”

“Next time be careful okay” He said and started walking away

“I am Scarlett”


“How about I call you Nova?”

“Your choice” He replied

“Why are you following me?” Genova asked and stopped, facing her

She quickly looked away embarrassingly

“Cos you’re….” She paused

“I am what?” He asked

“You’re so handsome” She replied shly

“Huh!! you’re….”

“Bye cutie!” She said and ran away immediately

Genova looked at her retreating figure and before he could know it he was smiling

“She is crazy ” He said and looked at the direction she took before heading home


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