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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 14

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?Hound’s Duty?
❄️By Crownway Amef❄️
??Episode 14??
?Not every hellhound belongs to hell?

Floral opened the door and helped Erik then Ken followed then they left the school surrounding.

Home ? ⏳
Erik is all healed up already and he’s worried about unconscious Ken because of the poison that was released into his system by Lady in black.
“Thank God you came earlier” Jeff said and sighed exhausted.

“It was Susan that saved you all before your call came through” Linnaeus explained.

“But what’s all the ki||ings about?” Kira questioned.

“It will be answered by her” Floral said coming into the sitting room and she switch on the TV.

? The president offered his condolences to the deceased family and also his apologies for slacking off till the terrorist gain entrance into the city.
“I promise to double the security and track them down if they are still hiding anywhere”

“That was the president’s speech and now I’m going to show you the after attack clip of the school.” The reporter said.

Everywhere is a mess and some students could be seen being taken into the ambulance while some are receiving treatment and Freddy could be seen on screen too.

Floral switched it off and face them.
“Thank God he’s alive” Erik said.

“Your friend?”


“That vicious lady took advantage of the incident to attack you and that’s just her warning you that next time is not going to be easy” Linnaues said.

“I know it won’t be easy dealing with her next time but that shows she won’t attack us in school right?” Haliah said.

“I can’t guarantee that yet because that lady is very dangerous, she keeps coming back to life and this time she’s more vicious”

“I’m going to make sure she doesn’t come back if I end up ki||ing her myself” Erik said.

“Now let’s talk about you going weird back there” Jeff said.

“Yeah right what was that? You changed immediately you grabbed that sword and Falcon wasn’t in you also…”

“I was surprised too…

” I have the answer to that Erik” Ken said approaching them weakly”

“You should stay in bed else the poison will spread faster”

“I know Erik but who’s going to help me with it? At least I should tell you before I die”

“No you won’t… I’m going to find an exorcist”

“The sword belongs to your grandma and I was able to use it because she gave her permission for it so I can look for you and protect you but seeing you merge with the sword, i wasn’t surprised too”

Erik removed his clothes and showed his back to Ken revealing the magical writings on the sword inscribed right on his back.

” You know who Granny Sarah was in her youthful days and her blood must surely be gifted but i guess it was passed to you and not your Mother, that explains you are naturally gifted Erik” Ken explained.

“So with or without Falcon, you are still a supernatural being… A hellhound and a gifted” Kira said.

“Wow” Jeff exclaimed.

“I’m not sure if I still have the ability but let me try to help you with the exorcism” Linnaeus said.

“How will you do that? You don’t even have any special power”

“Well I was an angel and that ability should be there at least even if I’m being punished right now”

“What?” They all chorused.

“Then you must be…” Erik paused on realising who Linnaeus really is.

Everyone now know that Linnaeus is Paroh, the angel that owns the demon baby but Haliah is the only one that doesn’t know anything.

Erik helped Ken to Linnaues room and he closed the door.

“Why would you be sent to ki|| your own daughter? So you are Haliah’s father” Erik muttered silently and sadly.

“Yes Erik but keep calm..

” How am I going to tell her? Finding out that someone is been sent to ki|| her will make her go nut not to talk of being her biological father” Erik cuts in.

Linnaues set some surgical tools on his table and he cut open the dark area where the poison is acting on.

“Indeed it’s saddening Erik but now I’ve realised the true demon I’m after. This might be my test Erik… to recognise the real demon and fulfil my mission.
My daughter is not a demon, Violet is the real demon so this is not only your fight anymore”

Erik was touched by his intelligence and he smiled faintly.
“Thank you so much Mr. Linnaeus”

Linnaeus smiled and then resumed his work with Ken.

Dusk ?
Susan returned back home and was really happy to see them all in good health.
They are all sitting around the table for dinner and Erik asked about his grandma again.

“I’m going to take you to her once you’re ready Erik” Ken said.
But then he stood up and left the dining.

He twisted the door knob to his room and Falcon slipped into the room out of Erik’s body.

“I know you must be feeling down right mate” Erik said.

Falcon snapped and cowered to a corner with his tail tucked away between his legs.
“I can’t stop you from using your powers Erik… It won’t be nice hosting many abilities in one body”

“Indeed I’m happy about my new powers but I cant escape my responsibilities as well, granny allowed her grandson to host you because she promised her team and I won’t let her down Falcon.
I’m going to travel to the underworld to save your will, I promise” Erik said and moved closer to Falcon.
Falcon squealed and nod his head while Erik run his fingers through his fur.

Few days later??
Ken is healthy and ready to leave but Erik….
“I still have some things to do here uncle Ken, it’s my responsibilities and I can’t leave my friends when they need me”

“Uh…okay Erik but I’m sorry I’ll have to go because I can’t leave Granny Sarah alone for too long”

“My regards to grandma and tell her I miss her so much” Erik said teary eyed.

Ken nodded and he left the Mansion with one of Linnaeus’s cars.

Erik hold back his tears and Haliah hold his hands trying to console him. They exchanged glances and smiled at each other.

“I feel like going for a long drive” Erik said.

“Well can I be your driver?” Linnaeus offered.

“What? You sir?” Haliah questioned.

“Yea” he replied and went to the parking lot.

Erik’s POV
Seems Mr.Linnaues is ready to tell her the truth, I hope it ends well.

Jeff, kira and Floral promised to take care of the house while Linnaeus went on the drive with Erik and Haliah.

After driving for 25 minutes with no conversation or anything, Linnaeus decided to tell the story of an angel named Paroh who fell in love with a human during his mission on earth.
Erik knew the story already but played along knowing fully well that it’s directed to Haliah.

“The story is indeed saddening but I think the baby is not at fault,it’s not the baby’s fault to prevail between the union. ” Haliah said.

The reply got Linnaeus and he felt bad for trying to ki|| her at first without having that kind of rethink.

He sniffed in and tried hard to hold back his tears.
“What’s wrong with you sir, you’re crying”

Linnaeus stopped the car and Erik opened the door to leave them alone.
“Where are you going? Something is wrong with Mr.Linnaues” Haliah said.

“You should stay with him Haliah, he needs you”

“What? …do you mean by that?”

Erik closed the door and Haliah watched him walk away from the car.

Location: Black Orbit.
“He is ready ma’am” Ciara reported.

“Good one Ciara, open the gate for him and prepare an aladdin jet for me”

“Okay ma’am but aladdin jet for what? If I may ask…”

“We are going to earth with the gifted, we are moving to my Mansion we can’t stay here any longer that man will definitely try to hack us again”

Ciara looks so happy to be going down earth since all these years.

An hour later the door came opened and Haliah stepped out with swollen eyes and pale face.

Erik saw her and went to receive her.

Haliah didnt say a word and keep staring at him but Erik wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry Haliah…for keeping this from you” he said.

“It’s okay Erik,it’s all for my sake”

“So what’s going to happen now?” he asked.

“We discussed lots of things Erik,don’t you worry I won’t let you down… For having faith in my humanity and supporting me till now.
It’s not going to be easy adjusting to a new found father but I’ll try”

“Really? Well done Haliah I’m proud of you” Erik said and pull her in for a hug.

Few minutes later, they returned back home.

On getting home, everyone knew something was off but didn’t question her and they understood with Erik’s expression.

The next morning ???
Floral drove them to school today and they joked about silly things before parting ways.

Freddy welcomed them and Erik clenched his fists hitting it with that of Freds, well like some sort of friendship sign I guess.
Haliah rolled her eyes and head to her locker with Kira.

Suddenly everywhere became tensed again and they all felt it that lady in black is around again.
She walked segzily as always and ignored them totally on her way to class then the electric bell rang and that snapped them out of their trance.

The first class is Biology, fortunately it’s only Kira and Haliah attending her class.
She’s just too good to be a teacher in fact no one would ever think of her to be extra ordinary.

Their period ended smoothly and they left the class.

Lady in black called a student and compelled her to do her biddings.

Haliah was about to open her locker when a girl closed it back on her face.
“What the… Who are you?” Haliah questioned.

“I? I have no name, what to do?” The girl said.

“Get the hell out of my face then” Haliah warned.

“I don’t want to” the girl said and fling Haliah’s bag away from her shoulder.

Kira saw this and approached them.

“You are looking for trouble and I’ll surely entertain you with it”
Haliah slapped her right across the face and the girl winced in pain just then lady in black arrived at the scene.

“What’s going on here?” She asked.

“Lady Miroone this girl slapped me and I don’t even know what I did wrong” the girl said crying cause the hypnosis has worn off.

“Why did you slap her Haliah Hanson?” Lady In Black asked with her hands akimbo.

“No she started it first…

” I saw you slapping her and you are going to be punished for it.
That is detention for you, you’re going home late today report to my class after closing hour” Lady in black said and left.

The girl was confused and she muttered to herself “What am I doing here in the first place?” Then she walked away.

Kira heard the girl and she knew something was off.

“This is definitely a trap Haliah and you’ve fallen into it” she explained.

“That Ɓîtçh is up to no good” Haliah cursed silently.

“I’ll inform the rest and see what can be done” Kira said.

Lunch period?????
Kira explained everything to Erik and he arrived at the same conclusion that she’s up to no good.
“We must protect Haliah from her by all means but how?” Erik said

“What if this is another trap? We must think well on this”

“I have an idea, why don’t we try to get detention together?” Kira suggested.

“That’s good but not all of us, we can’t be left alone with her it’s dangerous there won’t be anyone in school” Erik said.

“But we are safer together don’t you think?” Haliah said.

“Haliah is right,let’s try to do something really bad” Kira proposed.

“I do bad things and im so good at it” Jeff smirked.

Kira gave him a dirty stare and nods her head in pity.

Jeff stood up all of a sudden and smashed another students face with his plate of mashed potato.
He reported Jeff to another teacher and was given detention.

The rest keep trying to get detention throughout the school hours with any chances they get.

Kira ripped her classmate notes note and fortunately, she was reported to another teacher as well

Erik broke the principal’s glass and left markings on his car too.
He smiled and decided to turn himself in walking majestically to the principal’s office but funny enough he met another student in the principal’s office.
The boy lied that he broke the glass and wrote things on his car too, the principal yelled at the boy and gave him detention plus a letter for his parents.

Erik was left dumbfounded and he left the office confused.

It’s now last period to closing hour and they knew something bad is going to happen again.

Immediately the bell rang,lady in black showed up and called the kids to follow her to the detention office.
Erik couldn’t talk to them and he picked his phone to call Linnaeus when Ciara bumped into him and his phone fell.
She picked it up for him smiling.

“You?” he asked totally alarmed.

“Yes me… Longest time friend” Ciara said stretching her hand for a shake.

“What are you doing here?

” Well don’t I have the right to education like you guys? And lucky enough i’m here with a sponsor”

Ciara grinned and passed him by.

“If Ciara is here…that means Violet is around as well and here to see Haliah…. Oh no”

Haliah was put in a different class and she wondered why. She was getting worried since her friends got into trouble for her.

Erik tried Linnaeus number but realised his phone has been swapped.

“d@mn it! that sky fox”

He ran to the class where Haliah was held but saw Lady in black guarding the door with her hand fan.

“I must not act rashly… The school is still crowdy so I can’t fight her yet I have to get Linnaeus here by all means else Violet will take Haliah away.

Erik ran to Susan’s workplace to use her phone and he explained things to her.

Linnaeus explained from the other end of the call that he can’t leave right now but will send Floral.
Someone reported them to the authority that they are involved in an illegal business and a search is going on in the house.

Floral tried to leave but they insisted that no one is leaving until they are through.

Susan disconnected the call and changed her clothes.

He followed Erik and on their way, a motorcycle almost run them over.
The motorcycle came to a screeching halt and with body emitting flame.
The helmet too Is full of fire and he alighted from it.
Seems no one else is seeing this but them.

“A ghost rider?” Susan exclaimed.

Harbingers of death can only be seen by supernaturals or whom they are sent after.
Ghost rider is also a harbinger of death.
Enchanted hell fire chain, swords fixed at the back and a shot gun.
The abilities includes.
Invulnerability to fire, heat, lava and flames.
Pyrokinesis, penance stare, resurrection, regeneration, accelerated healing factor.
Ability to travel between interdimensional realms and along any surface.

A ghost rider is sure dangerous for a hell hound.

Anthony didn’t reveal his identity and he shot Susan.
Erik caught her from falling and her clothes is soaked with blood.
“Susan!” He called out.

Anthony drew a line around them and they arrived at another location where everywhere is dark.

Erik changed to his hell hound form since he doesnt know how to summon his grandma’s sword yet.

The ghost rider bring out his pistol and shot Erik too.
The ghost riders weapons such as the pistols are able to temporarily deactivate a hell hounds power by extinguishing it’s flames and forcing it back into a human form.

Erik went crashing on the floor and he returned back to his human form.

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