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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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HOUND’S DUTY – Episode 11

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?Hound’s Duty?
❄️By Crownway Amef❄️
??Episode 11??
?Not every hellhound belongs to hell?

You knew she is your daughter right from Grey Orbit and that’s why you saved that boy right? Because he helped saved your daughter”

“She is a demon not a daughter and I promise if she end up going to Grey Orbit I’ll ki|| her like I was sent to” Linnaues said.

“What about the bug you fixed on her? Should I deactivate it…since you don’t need to monitor her anymore” Floral asked

“No” Lin said.

Location: City?️
Erik was hurt by Haliah’s unthoughtful decision and he remained crouching in a corner.
“Hey dude I think we should return back home” Jeff said.

“Home? None of us have no home to return to… It’s my fault, I should have tried more to convince her”

“How is it your fault uh? You showed her the good in her, assured her she’s not a demon that she is… Helped her out of her mother’s prison what else are you expected to do?” Kira said angrily.

“Although this is still new to me because you guys didn’t tell me what she is either but I think you’ve tried enough,let’s go back” Susan added.

“You don’t know her,she’s not like that,she’s not that stupid to let herself be controlled by any evil forces, we’ve been together for quite some time now although we weren’t friends but she was always looking out for me, and I hope to repay that by helping her in time of trouble. You guys can return to that hideout… I’ll wait for her I’m sure she will have a rethink”

Susan, Jeff and Kira left the main city for the Woods but Erik stayed.

Floral sight incoming presence from the screen and she opened up for them.
“Where is Erik?”

They couldn’t talk because none of them is feeling too great with the incident.
Kira nodded her head and Linnaeus understood immediately that he’s probably looking for Haliah.

Linnaeus glance over at Floral and asked her to deactivate the bug.

Location: Black Orbit.
Hades disappeared from the summoning tower and Violet grinned like silly.

“Beginning of new dawn” She said.

“I’m always at your service my lady”

“Get Anthony to the bleak Tomb! Banshee, ghost rider, hellhound, all are harbinger of death…. Death is hades, and hades owns the underworld hmmm this is going to be so much fun don’t you think?” Violet said.

“Yes my Lady” Ciara replied.

Night ???????
Erik’s heart sank to the far bottom when Haliah failed to show up. He stood up and turned the other way to leave.
He decided to take a final look when he noticed a far shadow closing on the ground and now it’s getting closer and he didn’t know what it is or where it was coming from.

He looked back but saw no one then he heard a loud scream of warning from above, he look heaven ward only to see an incoming body and it fell on him.

That is Haliah who was trying to travel to Grey Orbit without an Aladdin jet and she ended up falling from her flight state.

Erik groaned in pain and held his shoulder which seems to have dislocated.
Haliah too got hurt and she realised the trouble she’s caused.
“Oh my goodness,I’m so sorry Erik,I warned you that I was falling”

“Oh so now I understand your scream? You only keep screaming you never told me you’re falling or I should step back” Erik said.

“Are you hurt?” She tried touching his arm

“Aww f-__-k, it hurts… ”

“Here? What about here?” Haliah keep punching him everywhere teasingly.

Erik grabbed her and put her in a sitting position before he stood up too.
He could not help but stare at her in awe.

“Come on you’re going to drill holes on me” Haliah said.

“I knew you would come back” Erik said.

“No I forgot to take the Aladdin jet,that’s why”

“Haliah I know you, you are not a villainess nor toxic to your loved ones, you had a rethink right?”

Haliah turned her face to the other side to wipe her tears but Erik turned her face back to him.
“You look beautiful even in your crying state”

“Are you trying to flirt?” Haliah laughed amidst tears.

“No Haliah I mean it, your heart and principle everything is pure and beautiful,it’s not your fault that your destiny was written that way”

She stared at Erik with her eyes brimming with tears.
“Can you really help me? I don’t want to turn evil”

“Have you heard of the tales of the Evil World?”

“What is that??” Haliah questioned.

“There are three sure being in the world, Cassy once explained to her loved ones when loosing hope because they were trapped In the Silent Hill” (From one of my stories titled Hades Adventure)

“That? I read that book too… Heard it’s a true history”

“Yeah a legendary heroine that brought the world to order” Erik said.
Cassy once explained that in this world, we have the fighters, the Riders and the victims.
The riders are those evil forces hoping to build their army or put the world into chaos, the fighters are the pure souls, the good heroes trying to protect the world from those evil forces while the Victims are those you are fighting for.
So tell me Haliah, what do you wanna be? The rider, fighter or a victim?

Haliah smiled at the peaceful speech given to her and she hold Erik’s hand.
“I want to be a fighter,I don’t wanna be victimised or be a demon”

“Then that’s it Haliah, Violet and hades are riders, we are the fighters and this city we are protecting shouldn’t fall victim likewise in our everyday life decision, we should always watch out for our loved ones,our neighbours and even strangers. Protect and help them by all means and no one will be victimized.”

Haliah hug Erik so tight that he was forced to push her away because of his shoulder.
“Okay okay, I’m glad you understood my point.”

Haliah placed her hands on his shoulder and closed her eyes, at first a black force came out but then It changed to blue and eased Erik’s pain.

“Wow how did you do that?”

“It worked? I only prayed deep down for you to be okay” Haliah said.

“Cool… All you need is training on how to control yourself. It’s getting late we should return back home”

“Yeah sure”

On their way, they saw a young boy of their age coming out of a supermarket with creepy attires and stuffs. Erik recognised him to be Freddy and he was so happy to see him again. “Freddy” he called out.

Freddy is his childhood friend.

Fred turned to where the familiar voice came out from and he dropped everything he was holding to embrace his long lost friend.
“Where the hell have you been uh? Looked for you everywhere, even got my parents to search for you and your parents but there was no clue about where you went. I got scared when I visited your house and saw it in that condition I thought…. ” then he burst out crying.

“Hey dude, you’re a man stop being so emotional” Erik said.

He cleaned his face and that was when he saw Haliah too.
“Uh uh… Wait is this not… Haliah Hanson? The top beauty of our.. Oh my God, you too it’s been a while I’ve seen you in school. Don’t tell me you both traveled together without telling me anything”

“No Freddy that’s not it… I’ll explain everything later,it’s quite late what are you doing out here?”

“Oh Halloween is in two days time? ? ? and I’m here to get my costumes.”

“Woah… ” Haliah exclaimed.

“So when did you get back to the city?”

“Uhm Yesterday”

“Yesterday? But the airport was closed yesterday because of the recent happenings and it happened early this morning as well, it was crazy”

“I saw it on the news too”

“Anyway you should come back to school,I’ll help you with your studies okay?”

“Yeah sure buddy thanks” Erik said.

“And you too Haliah,I’ll love to help you study” Fred said smiling so broadly at Haliah.

“Geez he’s so childish, making it obvious he’s crushing on her” Erik muttered silently.

Freddy went his way likewise Erik and Haliah too.

Location: Woods.
Jeff decided to go look for Erik since it was getting very late already.
He was about to press the elevator button when the button went red that someone is inside already.

Floral saw them coming and she unlocked the elevator access for them.
The elevator bell dings and it opened showing Erik and Haliah.

“Oh heavens… You came back” Jeff said happily.

“Wow Haliah” Kira shouted and hug her tight.

“Dude you’re really stubborn” Susan winked at Erik.

Haliah looks happy to be welcomed back in her team and with the love being shown to her.

“I’m very sorry guys,I was being self centred and selfish I totally forgot I have team ready to fight with me and for me… I have friends that cares for me I promise I’ll try my best to remain good”

“It’s okay girlie, we got you” Susan said.

Floral came inside with Linnaeus and they stopped their team care.

“I’m sorry for being rude earlier” Haliah said to Linnaues.

“Girl… Good decision” Floral said and pat her back.

Linnaeus didn’t say a word and he went to his private workshop to work on his new robots.
Erik followed him and Floral too.

“Uhm… Sir there’s something I want to tell you and because I can’t hide it for long…

” That your friend is the demon I’m looking for?” Linnaeus cut him off.

“What?” Erik asked surprised.
“How did you know?”

“Seems you’ve underestimate my intelligence and ability, do you think I won’t possibly know my target and go on a mission? I knew right from the building in the sky” Lin said.

“But why didn’t you do anything? Why did you help us out of there? Erik asked more questions.

” I helped you out because you already have the girl with you. Floral hacked into their software and hardware applications including all their CCTVs but we lost the access back after some minutes.”

“So what do you plan to do with her? ”

“That’s my decision,I don’t report to you”

“Please Mr. Linnaeus, she came back on her own accord to live right, and I hope to help her by all means I still have hope on her. No matter what please don’t let her know there’s someone sent to ki|| her else she’s going to lose her humanity”

“Uh” Linnaeus sighed and dropped his screwdriver.
“Kid! I hope you succeed but if you fail,I’ll be forced”

“Thanks a lot” Erik said and exit the workshop.

Floral approached Linnaeus and staring intently at him then she smiled.

“f-__-k, seeing you smile is scary, did I programme a smile in you?” it sure scared him.

“Yeah you did because you were bored” Floral replied

“Thank God I didn’t program a laugh else you did be laughing at my funny face right now”

“Hmm I can as well try it…

” No don’t…

Floral started checking her memories trying to locate different type of laughter she once heard.

” Scanning complete…
“Ha ha ha, he he he… Kikiki”
She started imitating different laughter both of humans and hyena, sounding like a Witch and a parrot at the same time.

“No Floral… You’re ruining your card”

Floral keep laughing till a spark came out of her left eye and it got burnt.

“d@mn it,I warned you… Trying to add what I didn’t program might destroy you”

A hand came out of the ground then followed by the rest of the body with a sickle in her hand.
“Hunnnn feels so good to be reincarnated”
The lady said and she brush her hair to the back,her sickle shifted to a hand fan and she left the graveyard.

??????Two weeks later.
Everyone is up but doing nothing in the house.
“Guys I saw an old friend yesterday and I think we should return back to school” Erik said.

“Yeah I’m sure we are all in our final year too, we shouldn’t miss this so we can all go to college” Haliah said.

“How I wish but… My parents…” Kira said.

“That’s right Erik, we have no parents to sponsor us” Jeff said.

“I will send all of you back to school” Linnaeus said coming into the main hall.

They all stood up surprised at what they heard.
“Since you are all with me,I should be responsible for you guys” Linnaeus said.

“As it is, Violet seems silent these days there was no attack since two weeks now” Floral said.

“Take note that if you wanna go outside to the city to study, then you should be prepared to fight anytime soon” Linnaeus said.

” I’m not scared to protect myself and this city”

“You guys have helped a lot during the last 14 days and I can finally control myself” Haliah said.

“We are ready” they chorused.

Linnaeus dressed his robots in fresh artificial skin and they look like humans.
The robots dressed as guards and came back with cars, bullet proof cars designed specifically by Linnaeus himself.
The kids couldn’t help but marvel at such intelligence and wealth the strange man possess.
They left the woods and relocated to a very big mansion.

???Citadom City school???????.
They returned back to school and Linnaeus was about to leave when Erik stopped him.
“Thanks” he said.

“A car will come for you guys later at noon, take care” Linnaeus said.

Erik stepped back and Floral stepped on the accelerator.
His car moved out of the school gate and another car came in but Linnaeus saw the lady driving inside and she looked familiar.
They exchanged glances and their cars passed in slow movement.

“I keep getting a feeling about their first day back in school” he said.

“I saw strange holograms on that car” Floral said and deactivate her special sight.

“You sensed it technically but I see a spiritual force” Linnaues said and put on his glass.

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