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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.



Come on Mia, Blue is waiting, Daphane called out to Mia who was busy trying to fix up her make up box.

Almost done, she yelled back as she picked up the hair cream she ordered online.

Grabbing the items, she hurried out of her room.

Take a deep breath, you will be alright, Daphane encouraged Blue who was looking tensed as she stared at her reflection on the dressing mirror.

Daphane already fished out the two wigs she had in her bag and handed them to Mia who was excited to keep them.

Blue was left with her bare head.

Alright let’s begin! Mia announced handing opening the make up box for Daphane who drew closer to start the make up session.

Here, I got you this for your hair, it works like magic, Mia said dropping the hair cream on the table.

Thanks Mia.

You are welcome, Mia replied kissing her cheek.

Please make it simple okay, Blue requested.

Ofcourse, big sis knows what you like, Daphane replied picking up the make up brush.

Blue nodded, without uttering another word, Daphane began her magic, making sure to carry her belly well.

Mia rushed to Blue’s box as she ransacked the innocent girls box looking for segzy wears.

Being a very fashionable person, it wasn’t difficult to find a suitable dress in Blue’s box.

She moved to Jewelries.

She already succeeded in convincing Ricardo to agree to her idea of faking a relationship for the pictures.

Ricardo being Ricardo accepted even before she could give him her planned puppy eyes, he desperately wanted to be close to Blue

He wanted her… badly.

But she keeps her distance so well like he’s a plague.

Mia wanted Blue’s first date with Ricardo to be perfect.

In as much as she really wants Ricardo for her sister, she would try not to force things.

She believes they would definitely get closer within these two weeks of them meeting once in a while to take enough pictures for Kathy.

After she was done picking out the jewelries, she carefully placed them beside the cream coloured lace knee length gown.

The sleeve and neck was covered with her skin colour net.

The net went down to her lower back and cleavage, reaveling her two little balls slightly.

There you go, Daphane announced as she gave the make up her final touch.

Wow! This is beautiful, Blue exclaimed happily.

My God, Blue, you look so beautiful, Mia said staring at her sister through the mirror.

I know right,Blue replied as she hugged Daphane.

Thanks Daphy, this is exactly what I want, she said in appreciation.

Its nothing, come get dressed, I’m sure Ricardo should be on his way now, Daphane replied pulling her up.

This early? I don’t think so, Blue disagreed.

Speak of the devil,Mia said as her phone rang displaying Ricardo’s name.

? Hi! Mia cooed in excitement.

She was happier than the actual person going for the date.

? Sure! She’s almost done anyway.

? Alright bye! She said and the called dropped.

Guys,he is on his way, hurry! Mia said rushing to the bed to get the gown
I told you, Daphane said with a wink but Blue smiled nervously.

She’s been nervous since she left her parents house.

She’s been more nervous since Ricardo agreed to the plan which she finds dumb but she made a decision to fight her fears and explore.

She planned having all the fun but hearing he’s on his way now got her jittery.

Is she chickening out already?

She slipped into the gown absent mindedly then Mia moved to the back to fix her zip, While Daphane helped with the jewelries.

They were givimg her princess treatment just because she accepted to give the date thing a trial.

They seemed eager to go on the date like it was theirs.

They were only going to be there to watch and pictures from a far.

Drop… Dead… Gorgeous, Mia said with wide eyes.

You look amazing, God! those eyes, Daphane added blushing like the eyes were hers.

Blue blushed from their comments as she took at look at herself in the mirror.

Mia bent to help with her shoes while Daphane applied little hair cream on her hair then brushed the little curly hairs on her head.

The jewelries were fit for her head, they brought out her beauty.

Even Blue could see it.

And she loved it.

The door bell rang making Mia jerk up.

He’s here,she whispered blushing really hard.

Do you think he would scream when he sees my hair? Insecure Blue asked.

Of course not,you look gorgeous Blue, and if he doesn’t like it then f-__-k him! Mia replied assuring her.

Thanks Mia.

You are welcome sis, I have to go let him in,she said then hurried away.

Daphane applied few touches of make up on her own face while waiting for Mia.

Few minutes later, Mia came in.

Lets go,she said , pulling Blue with her.

How does he look?

Is he dressed cutely as usual?

Jeez Daphy,you are married, Mia replied amid laughter.

So what? I can still admire cute guys, Daphane answered jokingly.

I’m telling Pascal, you cheat, Blue accused playfully as they walked out of the room.

Ricardo got up immediately he heard their voices.

Immediately his eyes landed on Blue, he froze.

He stared at her analyzing her from head to toe as they walked.

It was like she was the only one coming out of the room, every other person seemed invisible to him.

There you are, Mia said as they got to him.

But he was still staring.

Daphane and Mia shared eye contact as Daphane blushed.

Mia cleared her throat loudly, only then did Ricardo realize himself.

Blue stared at the ground, embarrassed.

He probably thinks she looks hideous, was all she could make out of his stares.

Oh Hi, Ricardo said with a smile which was directed to Blue.

Hi, she replied shyly.

You… you look amazing, he complimented taking her right hand.

He lifted it and kissed it.

Daphane’s cheek was already hurting from smiling like a fool.

Mia quickly pulled Daphane backwards, leaving her sister with Ricardo.

You don’t look bad yourself, Blue complimented checking him out.

He was putting on a wine coloured suit, with a silver brooch.

He wasn’t tall but he wasn’t short either, but he had quite a good look.

His smile made him even cuter.

You both should go ahead, we will be behind you, Mia said dragging Daphane who wasn’t done watching, into her room.

Shall we?

Sure, Blue replied trying to muster courage.

He gave his hand and she took it, then he led her outside, to his car.

Maybe he isn’t that bad.

Maybe she needs to loosen up and let love find her.

Its time for her to set aside her fears and open up her heart to love.

Ricardo seems to be a good guy, Blue thought smiling as she walked into the car which Ricardo already opened for her.


King Wright sprang up from his seat looking furious.

Guards! he growled.

The two guards at his door came rushing in.

Get me The Seer,he instructed the second guard who ran off immediately.

Then he faced the second guard, announce to all the villages.

One representative of all the creatures.

Every single one of them, none missing!

I need them in the palace right now!

Yes Your Majesty, the second guard replied running off too.

Growling,he paced his chamber with his two hands at his back.

Your Majesty, the Seer called bowing.

King Wright ignored him as he kept pacing and growling.

Evenius watched in confusion as he paced.

He knew he was pissed at something, but he dared not say another word.

Summon the witch head, King Wright said and the Seer shut his eyes, muttered few words then he faced the king.

I have done that Your Majesty, he said with a bow.


Silence engulfed them again, as the king kept pacing.

It was Written all over him that he was very angry.

But angry at what exactly?

Get the book! King Wright ordered.

Your Majesty? The Seer called hoping its not what he’s thinking.


Yes Your Majesty, he replied running off.

How dare you! he growled

How dare you! he kept repeating even after Evenius walked back in.

Is something the matter, Your Majesty?

King Wright growled again as he took the book from The Seer.

I felt her heartbeat, he announced.

Our Luna? Her heart is beating again? Evenius asked in excitement.

But King Wright ignored him and kept pacing and growling.

This is good news your Majesty, we should go….

Good news?!

I feel her heart beat after twenty five years and it beats for another man? He asked, his deep voice thundered.

Another man?

But how? The Seer asked no one in particular.

Everyone is here,you should go take care of the meeting, King Wright said moving to the window.

What meeting Your Majesty? What would we be discussing? The Seer asked confused.

When you get there, you would know what to say to them.

But your Majesty….. he words hung in his throat when he received a glare

I am going down there today, figure out what to say to them while I work, the king said dismissively.

Yes Your majesty, the Seet replied then walked away after bowing.

The got to the huge conference hall and was shocked to see the people there.

They weren’t the elders or chiefs who usually come for meetings.

He was faced with different creatures, ranging from the head Witch, the werewolf, mermaid, elf, banshee, even the hideous ones were all there.

Each supernatural creature, one representative.

He walked onto the hall and they all rose to greet him.

Since the day the king almost choked him to death.

Not only did the palace become his permanent home afterwards, but his status was elevated too.

He could now command respect from the people.

He was seen as the Kings right hand man and he was duely respected, atleast right in his face.

Clearing his throat, he walked to his usual seat.

He didn’t know which topic to discuss with then but he was wise.

He just opened his mouth to talk with nothing exactly in his mind and the words flowed even if he wasn’t fully concentrated.

His mind was on the king.

What he was up to.

He was hoping his intuition isn’t right.

If his mate is getting a heart beat for another man, he too would take a rash decision without thinking.

He hoped turning himself to a book won’t be one of the decisions his beloved king would be taking right in his chamber.

He tried to see the kings chamber through his palm but he failed as usual.

He can only see the king when the king wants him to.

He used a very powerful spell which no one has ever been able to break.

The people nodded as they listened to him speak things that were not in his head.

He let his mouth do the talking while his brain did the thinking.
The King took the book and walked out of his chamber as he walked right to the last door.

He entered the dark room and made his way to the middle of the room even without light.

Sitting, he placed one leg on top of the other then dropped the book on the ground.

His eyes shut, his hands in the air, he muttered few chants in his head.

Slowly, shiny blue lights, like smoke revolved around the room them it disappeared.

Right there in the conference hall, the invisible blue smoke hovered around their heads.

Each of them.

Different colours of smoke came out of their heads too, mixing with the blue smoke.

Then slowly, they made their way out same way the blue smoke came in.

None of them saw it except the Seer.

The head witch (Maya) could only feel a strong force but she saw nothing.

The meeting went on like nothing happened but the seer wasn’t calm.

He knew it.

His Majesty is about turning himself into a book.

But what he didn’t understand was why he called for this meeting to secretly extract their different scents including his.

What method is the overall supernatural king trying to implement.

The smoke which was having a rainbow colour was seen entering the room King Wright was.

Then they went straight to the book.

Within few seconds, a cute little cat with blue eyes was on the floor.

Its eyes shone so bright illuminating the room, followed by a loud meow.

The door was thrown open as the seer rushed in without knocking.

He had emded the meeting because he needed to stop the king.

But it seemed like he was late.

Your Majesty!!! he screamed staring at the cat which looked like a little god.


King Wright ?
What have you done???????

What do you think about the date with Ricardo?

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