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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Find My Luna

BY Genevieve E.




Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!! an old woman kept screaming as she ran into the palace.

The palace guards tried to hold her but she wasn’t giving up.

I have to see him, Your Majesty!!!

What’s going on here? Evenius, the Seer asked from the doorway.

Its my daughter!

Its my daughter! she screamed as tears poured out of her eyes.

Evenius signalled the guards to let go of her.

Immediately their grip on her loosened , she ran towards Evenius in tears.

My daughter!

Tell him to give me back my daughter!

Your Majesty!!!

Keep your voice down woman! Evenius scolded but she wasn’t listening.

She was pacing and screaming.

Calm down and tell me what the problem is,Evenius spoke calmly.

Its my daughter!

They said His Majesty took her away!

My daughter!

And who told you that? Evenius asked with a frown.

Give me back my daughter, please don’t ki|| her, please, the woman weeped.

Evenius stood motionelss, he didnt seem to understand what she was talking about.

His Majesty abducted your daughter? Thats not possible!

My daughter is missing! He took her from me!

Its okay, calm down, calm down, Evenius said patting her back as she tried to stop crying but the constant hiccups didn’t stop.

He led her into a part of the palace where he made her sit.

Look, you need to stop shouting and explain to me, tell me how it happened, He said calmly.

Its my…

Take a deep breath, yes, now calm down and talk alright? Evenius said watching her as she did as she was told while using her cloth to wipe her nose.

I sent my daughter on an errand, she was supposed come back in less then 6minutes but its been hours and I haven’t seen her.

Have you searched for her properly? Her friends?

My daughter is missing!

No one has seen her except the woman I met on the road,she told me she saw His Majesty abduct her, she raised her voice again.

Thats not possible, your daughter has to be somewhere, we have to search for her, Evenius said.

His Majesty…. the woman was saying when he cut her off.

His Majesty didn’t do this! he snapped standing up.

He paced around trying to focus and think but the woman’s sobs wasn’t lettmg him concentrate…

You said a woman told you that…

Yes My Lord, she said…

Describe her!

Every detail.

The womam took her time to describe her the little way she could as the Seer played with the diamond stone on his right hand.

She finished as she watched him, hoping he would have a positive result for her..

Have you seen her before? he asked without looking at her.

No, I haven’t.


He stood for a while then came to sit beside her.

We will find your daughter,I will make sure of that, He said and she nodded hopefully.

He tapped her shoulder then stood up to leave and she stood up too.

Stopping, he turned to face her, His Majesty didn’t do this, he said then walked away without looking at her reaction.

The woman stood for a momemt, then she too followed suit.


Easy, Blue half yelled grabbing pregnant Daphane by the waist..

She tripped and almost fell.

I’m good, Daphane said with a smile.

I’m still going to hold you, i can’t let you harm my baby, Blue teased touching her belly.

Your baby? Don’t tell me you plan stealing my baby, Daphane said stopping dramatically.

Let’s wait till you put to bed, Blue said with a wink as she went through the books.

She already went through the library website to search for the book.

She got the number, so she is currently searching for the number.

1126, 1127, 1128…. Blue counted from where she stood.

I think it should be at the other row, Daphane said walking ahead.

Blue followed her as they searched for 1142

1132? Daphane read the number before her

Look its 1139 here, Blue called and she came over.

This should be 114…. Daphane was saying as she traced her finger on the numbers when she noticed the book was missing.

It was replaced with another book which had no relationship or connection to it.

Where did it go? Daphane asked with wide eyes.

I’m confused myself, it cleaely states here that… look, Blue called out showing her phone to Daphane who looked and it too.

Its clearly stated on the site that the book is still available.

We should go ask him, Daphane whispered painting at the calm looking library keeper.

Yes, Blue replied carefully pulling Daphane with her.

They got to the man who had a smile on his face on seeing them.

We are searching for this, Daphane snatched the phone from Blue and showed it to him.

She heard so much about that book that She really wants to read it.

Oh this, I’m sorry ma’am, the book was taken few days ago, it hasn’t been returned, he said with a cheerful smile.

Oh no, I really want it,can’t we get another copy? Daphane asked worriedly.

I’m afraid not, that’s the only copy ma’am, he replied.

I’m so pissed! She said leaning on Blue who only stared at the man.

Let’s go Blue, we just wasted our time here,Daphane said sadly holding tightly to Blue’s hands as she pulled her away.

Blue was forced to tear here eyes away from the man as she was pulled away.

Getting to the door she took one last look at him before she got pulled out.
Wait, she whispered pulling her hand away from Daphane as she made her way back to the library.

Blue? Daphane called trailing behind her as she held her belly like it was going to fall.

Blue got to the door and stopped to contemplate it she was doing the right thing.

She closed her eye, taking a deep breath, then she opened it looking determined.


I’m so sure I saw something, I thought as I tiptoed to the entrance making sure to signal Daphane to keep shut.

Getting to the entrance, I tiptoed slowly making sure to use the shelves to cover my body.

Trying not to make a sound, I took a peep at the man we just spoke to.

I almost yelled in fear when i saw him transform to the body of a woman with white long hair.

She looked around the library and began laughing like a maniac.

Who Is She? I asked myself as I tried to hid properly.

I couldn’t see her face as the white long hair covered it but I could tell from her body structure when she stood up that she really is a woman.

She stopped laughing and began looking around the library like she noticed she wasn’t alone.

I shifted inside to hide my self.

Fear gripped me when I felt her coming towards me.

I felt her presence strongly.

Her aura screamed evil.

I tried to take another step when something dragged my wig pulling it off my head.

I’m so dead!

She already caught me!

What do I do?

Save me.
Save me.
Save me.
I kept whispering in my head as I used my right palm to cover my mouth then the left to cover my head which had tiny bits of hair.

She kept walking, i kept feeling that evil aura.


Just when I thought she was going to grip me, she turned with speed.

And that was it, she was gone.

No trace of her.

Who the hell is she?

A witch?

Witches don’t exist,do they?

No, that’s not possible! I thought running out of my hiding place when I collided into someone.

Ah!!!!! I yelled running out the moment I saw it was the librarian.

What’s going on? Daphane asked but I ignored her running into her car as she followed me struggling to walk fast.

Whats wrong? She asked when she got to the car.




I’m… I’m fi.. I’m fine,I stuttered.

She got into the back seat with me looking worried.

Drive, I instructed the driver who began driving us home.

You tiptoed in there telling me to shut up and now you run out looking like you saw a ghost,and you tell me its nothing?! she half yelled.

Because I saw a ghost!

A freaking white witch!


Come on Blue, you and I know the only person in there is that cool dude in there,she teased.

He is the freaking witch! I saw him change! I yelled loosing it.

Calm down baby girl, I thought you Said witches don’t exist? she mocked still not taking me serious…

I saw him change to a white haired woman right now and you are laughing?

I saw a freaking witch Daphane!

I’m d@mn serious!

Oh my God Blue, you really are serious, she asked looking at me.

Dead serious, I’m never going back there.

To hell with the book, I said seriously, hugging myself.

Daphane leaned in and hugged me, i didn’t protest,I really needed it.

I can’t believe i saw someone shape shift.
Those only happen in movies and books!

I’m done with supernatural books!

I’m done with the white horse wh@ťěver!

We got to the house and Daphane dropped me off at the gate.

I walked and met mom in the living room.

She looked like she just walked in right before me.

Hi mom, I cooed clearing my throat as my voice came out hoarse.

Hey, she replied smiling brightly hugging me.

What happened to your hair!! she screamed at me as she pulled away from the hug.

My hand went straight to my head, I came back bald.

I left my freaking wig at the library!

Mom its….

Your hair is grown, go into my room,I will meet you there now,she ordered.

But mom my hair is not…

Now! she snapped.

Grudgingly, I walked into her room and sat in front of her mirror waiting for her to come cut my hair as usual.

She walked in few minutes later and walked towards me.

I wiped the tears off my face, I just have to get used to being bald.

I should probably drop the wig and go totally bald.

I’m freaking tired of complaining, I just have to suck it all in.

Who is the woman with white hair?

Do you think she was just hallucinating?

Why did the white haired woman stop?

Do you think King Wright really abducted the girl?

Is the book taken for real?

What do you think about the missing book?

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