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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 87

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Kennedy pushed Newton out of the way, Esmeralda pushed November.

Kennedy carried Esmeralda immediately, their lips returned to each other and he went in, shutting the door hard.

Newton looked at November.

“Are my eyes defective?” He said.

“No we saw right” she replied and they both laughed as they walked down the hallway.

Keaton’s picture boards are now standing in every angle too.

Newton’s fans were just faster, that’s why it was only his pictures around earlier.

Now their picture boards are competing.

Anywhere you see Newton’s, you’ll see Keaton’s.

“Happy birthday to the cutest twins in the world”

“Flatworm!” Keaton’s voice came behind them and they both stopped.

She rushed over with Francisco.

“I love you both so much!, Thanks for making me proud!” She said like a mother and they both laughed as she hugged them at once.

“Wait!, We didn’t watch your presentation, I’m so daft!” November said painfully.

“She did excellently well, this crazy girl was reading even on her sickbed, so I wasn’t expecting less” Francisco smiled.

“I love you Keaton” Newton hugged her and she smiled.

“I love you more, Newton” she replied and her body shook on his own.

She held him tight as she felt pains in her head

“Are you ok?” Newton asked.

“I’m fine roundworm” she replied and smiled to cover up as they broke the hug.

“Guys!” Monique came over.

“Șëx¥ Monique, I’m proud of you” Keaton hugged her.

“Where’s KK?” Francisco asked.

“He’s probably f_cking Esmeralda in the computer lab right now” November replied.

“What the f_ck!” Monique and Keaton chorused.

“Liers are liable to die young” Kennedy replied behind them.

“Clown” Keaton said and he laughed.

“Why am I just getting to know about this relationship today?” Francisco said.

“It just happened that way” Esmeralda replied and Kennedy went to November.

“Heroine, I know I’m always horny but I can never f_ck my girl in that lab” he pouted.

“Copied, sowwy!, So what did you both do in there?” November smiled.

“Kiss and caress, nothing more” Esmeralda replied .

“Where’s Ricardo?” Francisco asked.

“That insane guy has been acting weird since daybreak” Kennedy replied.

“It’s not weird, that’s how he was” Newton replied.

“He’s just torturing himself” Monique said.

“Where’s Dahlia?” November asked.

“Oh!, She’s going on a date with Ronaldo!, So she’s preparing in the hostel” Monique replied.

“Ronaldo George?” Everyone chorused.

“Yes, that loner, I was surprised when he started talking to her” Monique replied.

“Cool, why don’t we all hang out, group dinner” Keaton suggested.

“f_cking cool, I know of a very nice private restaurant” Francisco replied.

“You all should go on, I need to go somewhere with my muffin” Newton said, leaving with November.

“Cuties, but why is no one talking about the back together party in Florida?, The students have been mute about it, it’s unusual” Esmeralda said.

“That’s because I made everyone sign an oath before leaving the lobby, you guys were drunk so you wouldn’t know” Kennedy smiled.

“Oath?” Esmeralda and Monique chorused.

“Yes, say anything about it and die” Kennedy replied.

“Why must you always be crazy” Francisco laughed.

“I just wanted everyone to know about it during the birthday party” Kennedy replied.

“To the restaurant!” Keaton shouted.

“Yes!!!” They all shouted and left for the park.




Denver and Ixora came down from the rollercoaster after an exciting ride.

They’ve been there since they finished their classes for today.

“Whoa!, Thanks for bringing me here tonight, I’d have been bored to death in the hostel alone” she smiled.

“Wait, you share the mansion with Eve and Binta, why would you be bored?” He asked.

“Binta is hiding with Bora and her minions…she hasn’t stepped foot on the mansion since I returned from Florida” she replied.

“Oh I forgot” he said.

She licked from her chocolate candy before talking again.

“Eve, she has been avoiding coming to the mansion anytime I’m around, so I’m always alone” she replied and a raindrop touched her arm.

“Huh!, Rain in early summer?, How come?” She looked up.

The raindrops doubled.

Denver grabbed her hand and they both ran to the car.

Once they’re in, she inhaled.

It started raining, though it’s not very heavy.

“Can’t believe it’s actually raining” she said.

“I can come keep you company in your mansion if you want” he said and she smiled.


“Your belt” he smiled and leaned over to her side

He helped her fasten it.

“Hey handsome” she called, and he looked up at her.

She kissed his lips immediately, though it was light.

Denver stayed still

“Can we kiss deeply?” She asked and he remained quiet.

“I just….I….

He cut her off by holding her face.

“I love you Ixora”

“I love you too Denver” she replied without wasting time and he impatiently crashed his soft lips on hers.

They kissed passionately as the rain poured outside.




Ricardo payed for the ice cream plates he got and the attendant kept trying to get his attention.

She pulled off the first two buttons of her shirt, showing off her B-__-bs but he’s not interested.

“My card” he said glaringly and she quickly covered up, handing it to him with the packaged ice cream bowls.

Licking ice cream on p@zzy has made him an addict, he can’t even stop.

He was walking out of the shop when he saw Dahlia and Ronaldo.

They’re just coming in, smiling at each other as they walked.

Ricardo stopped on his tracks and remembered her words earlier.

“You really need to learn politeness”

He looked at her again and their eyes met.

He moved from his spot but Dahlia didn’t move.

She kept looking at him.

Ronaldo traced her eyes and found them on Ricardo, he sighed.

Ricardo walked past them and Dahlia folded her fists.

“Are you ok?” Ronaldo asked.

“Of course, let’s go” she replied and he held her hand as they went in together.

Ricardo got to the car and rested his head on the steering.

“My head is pounding” he muttered hurtfully.

His phone beeped and when he checked, he saw it’s an online gist about his dad


He threw his phone to the backseat and tears came out of his eyes as he returned his head to the steering.

“f_ck” he whispered.




November and Newton got down from his car in front of the house.

There’s no umbrella to cover up since the rain is still pouring, so they had to rush to the door.

November was about to open the door when Adelia did.

She’s by the door with Matteo.

“Mum, my man” November hugged them.

Their eyes remained on Newton.

“Young master?” Matteo said surprisingly.

“The governor’s son?” Adelia said shockingly.

“Wait…the boyfriend you wanted us to meet” Matteo said.

“Yes…mum, my man…meet my boyfriend” November replied.

“Impossible” Matteo replied.

“Is this a joke?” Adelia said fearfully.

“No mum, why would I come all the way from school to joke?” November replied.

“Then break up, right now!” Adelia yelled and November gasped.


“I’m not joking!, You can’t have anything to do with the son of that witch!” Adelia said hotly.

“Bestie, I’ll be against you for the first time in history, you can’t date him” Matteo said.


“I know what I’m talking about, you can’t” Matteo repeated.

“I’m not in this relationship for joke, I love her madly, and i have plans to marry Gracie very soon” Newton spoke.

“What!” Adelia and Matteo turned to him.

He stepped back into the rain and the rain started drenching him as he knelt down inside it.

“Silver…” November muttered.

“Please, give me your daughter, i want to marry Gracie” Newton said.

“What!” Adelia and Matteo shouted shockingly again.


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