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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 79

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November got discharged some minutes ago and immediately they arrived, Newton took her to their room in his arms.

As predicted, the hotel is almost empty, almost all the students are gone.

“Silver I love you” November said when they got to their room.

“This will be the twentieth time you’ll be saying that today” he said and she smiled.

“I just want to make up for all the times I didn’t say it” she smiled.

“I love you more baby girl” he replied and she smiled again.

“I’ll tell the chefs to make you something” he said, dropping her on the bed but she held his shirt.


“Don’t go anywhere, I’m not hungry”

“Are you kidding me?, You’ve not eaten anything since morning”

“But I want you beside me” she replied, still holding the shirt.

“Ok I’ll make a call then” he replied and got his phone.

“What should I order?” He asked her.

“Spaghetti” she replied and he nodded.

“One plate of spaghetti squash please, and… meatballs, right?” He faced her.

She replied with a nod.

“Then strawberries” he added before hanging up.

“I should wash you up before the orders will arrive” he said, carrying her again.

“The soap will make my bruises sting” she said.

“The doctor gave me a special soap, it won’t sting, I promise” he replied and she nodded once as he entered the bathroom.

He washed her hair first, then he tied it up.

He stripped her and carried her naked body to the tub, rubbing the soap on the soft sponge.

He started making her clean till he washed every area of her body.

He carried her out and rubbed the ointment from the hospital on her body, then he dressed her up, wearing one of his blue shirts for her, it reached her thighs so he wore just pants on her lower body.

Her phone rang and he handed it to her.

“Mum!” She smiled.

“You went out to have fun and forgot your phone?, You got us worried you stubborn @zz!” Adelia scolded.

“I’m so sorry mum, it wasn’t intentional, where’s my man?” She replied.

“Bestie!!!” Matteo’s voice said and she smiled.

“I miss you so much my man, can’t wait to see you again” November said.

“So I’m meaningless, you don’t miss me?” Adelia said jealously.

“I miss you mum, trust me I miss you both, we’ll see each other when I land”

“When are you landing?” Matteo asked.


“I can’t wait!, You’d have grown more flesh, and your hips will be bigger already, your bum will be wider too” Adelia said.

“Mum!!” November laughed.

“You inherited it all from me, my wide hips and big bum was the main reason why your dad fell helplessly for me back then”

“Says who?, I love you cos of who you are, your shapes are just bonuses” Matteo replied and November laughed.

“I need to go now babies”

“Take care darling” Adelia said.

“Take care bestie” Matteo added.

“I love you both!” November kissed the phone and hung up

“I envy you” Newton said and she faced him.


“You have a great relationship with your parents, I wish I’m like that too, I’m only close to dad” he said sadly.

November pulled him closer and kissed his brows.

“Believe me everything will eventually be fine” she said.

“I do” he replied and kissed her lightly.

The doorbell rang, and that made him rush to the door.

He got the tray of her food and came back.

He settled it in front of her and opened the dish.

“Let me eat it by myself” she said.

“Didn’t you hear when the doctor said I shouldn’t allow you to do anything throughout today?, Stay still, I’m feeding you” he replied and she smiled.

He started feeding her and she took each fork happily.

“I want to be with you forever” she suddenly said.

“Me too, I swear it I’ll take poison again if we ever separate” he said seriously.

“Stop talking that way” she replied.

“Don’t leave me if you don’t want that to come to pass, ok?” He said and she nodded.

He leaned in and kissed the top of her head gently.

“Let’s be fast and go to the lobby” he said and she nodded, eating another fork from him again.




Everything is already set, thanks to Esmeralda and Kennedy who employed maids to decorate the place.

The chandeliers were multiplied and the word lights helped the illumination too.








Kennedy made sure the words got stuck perfectly into the lights and as students came in, they read them.

Guards are really everywhere, searching everyone before entry.

No phones.

“LOVE ME” by Justin Bieber is playing slowly on the speakers.

“I’m so tired!” Esmeralda yawned.

Kennedy came closer and pecked her.

“Go away” she rolled eyes and he smiled.

“Thanks for helping”

“It’s nothing” she replied, facing him.

He leaned in and kissed her lips lightly.

She stepped back.

“Stop…it” she said awkwardly, though her cheeks are f_cking red right now.

“You’re blushing” he said and she quickly rushed away from him.

“Hot Pink” Kennedy smiled.

“How’s Ricardo doing?” Ixora asked as she bumped into Monique.

“Dahlia took him to his room, he’s probably fine” Monique replied.

“Ixora!” Denver came over.

“Hey” she faced him and he held her hand immediately.

“See you guys around!” Monique left and Denver kissed their interlocked hands before leaving with her, into the party.



Dahlia came out of the elevator and sighed.

She’s not very happy cos of Ricardo, but she’s trying to pretend.

She took him to his room and he slept off after crying so much, she left him reluctantly, just to attend this back together party.

She was searching for her friends in the small crowd of students when she bumped into someone.

“f_ck!” She cursed as wine poured on her from the person.

“I’m so sorry!, d@mn me!” The male voice said and she looked up to see the handsome dude, looking all guilty.

“I’m sorry” he said.

“It’s ok, I’ll just go change in my room” she replied and rushed into the elevator.

She rode it to her room and changed into something else but immediately she came out of the room, she saw him standing in front of it.

“I’m sorry I followed you, I just wanted to make sure you’re fine” he said.

“I’m ok, trust me” she replied and he smiled charmingly.

“Are you in my major?” She asked as they entered the elevator together.

“Of course, and I know you, you’re Dahlia right?” He asked

“Whoa!, Yes”

“I’m Ronaldo” he smiled.

“Oh….nice to meet you Ronaldo” she replied.

“I’ve always wanted to be your friend but I mostly get shy around girls, I don’t know how to start an healthy conversation” he said and she smiled.

“So… friends?” He extended an hand.

“Oh…yeah” she took the hand.

The elevator opened and they both stepped out

“Enjoy the party” he waved

“You too” she waved back as he left.

And at that moment, November and Newton came out of the second elevator.

Newton was carrying her in his arms.


? Cuties!!!

?I envy you guys!!

? I wanna fall in love!!!

? Bun-Fin for me!!

? I love you guys!

“Go role model!, Go Mr President!” Ixora shouted.

“I support this relationship with a pack of condoms!” Kennedy shouted over the microphone.

“You’re mad” Newton muttered and he laughed.

“Psychopath” Esmeralda smiled, looking at him affectionately.

November kept looking at Newton as he walked to the middle where he dropped her.

Kennedy put on a spotlight on their spot immediately.

“Climb my feet” Newton said and November placed her foot on Newton’s.

He held her waist and she held his shoulders.

He started guiding them round on that spot.

Kennedy changed the song to “All Of Me” by John Legend and everywhere went silent as the song played softly.

“I might not be your first love Gracie, but I wanna be the last” Newton said.


“I want you to be in the wedding hall on my wedding day, not just as a guest, but right beside me, as my bride” he said again.

? Whoa!!!

“I really won’t be able to handle losing you Gracie, so I’m saying this again, don’t leave me ok?, Don’t try it” he said.

November smiled as they continued moving slowly

“And I’m sorry about the scars you got when I wasn’t around, but you know what?, I love your scars too, they’re beautiful to me” he said .


“You’re beautiful, too beautiful… Gracie….you won’t know how much your beauty drives me crazy, and your shapes…. gawd!” He said and she laughed excitedly.

“Crazy guy” Kennedy smiled.

“I lose my senses whenever I see the shape of your backside Gracie, I always want to listen to you, I always want to be with you, touch you and kiss you, I always want my hands on you, you took over my sanity and I….I…

November cut him off by placing her lips on his own.


Newton smiled and held her face gently, rubbing her earlobe as he hardened the kiss

The lips they missed so much, they got to taste it again and right now, time stopped and they’re the only two in the world.

They kept swimming in the pool of emotions, not minding to drown as their lips filled their mouths beautifully.

Kennedy increased the volume of the song.

Cos all of me….

Loves, all of you…


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