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Friday, October 18, 2024
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100 DAYS GIRLFRIEND – Episode 23

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“That’s the way I want it. 100 days. No more. No less..Period and nothing is breaking this fake relationship till that day” Whitney stated, carefully.

“Alright, My 100 days girlfriend” He smiled, keeping his palm on his jaw, and the elbow on the table.

“Don’t call me that” She frowned.

“Geez. Alright. I don’t like the statement either. Just wanted to say it…to feel how it runs through my tongue, yeah” He said, and teasingly brought his very long tongue out.

The burger which she was holding and about eating fell off her hand.
written by sommy pearl f.

She gasped loudly.
“f_ck. Is that your tongue?” She asked.

“Yeah” He laughed.
“Or do you think is fake?”He raised a brow.

“Was that what I kissed that day” She thought, and sucked her tongue in.

She shook her head.
“Its just I’m…I’m very surprised. Wow. Your tongue is…hewww…very long”

“Are you complementing me or saying it irrationally?” Jayden asked.

“Both” She rolled her eyes.
“Now, sign” She added.

Jayfen nodded and tapped his side pockets.

“I got no pen. You?”

“Left mine at home” She answered.

“Hold on. I’m gonna lend a pen” He said and went to the counter.

“Done” Whitney belched softly and shifted her empty tray away.

“Hi” Jayden told the attendant.

“Hi” She blushed, waving.

“Can I lend a pen?”

“Sure” She handed him one.

“Thanks. Maybe next time, I’ll lend you mind. The only difference is that my pen has an *IS*, hmm…hmm” He nodded.

The attendant got what he meant and gulped hard.

He smirked and left, leaving her to fantazied in her wildest dreams.

“Flirting already, huh?” Whitney waked as he sat down.

Jayden took the contract closer and signed it. written by sommy pearl f.

“Here” He handed to her.

“Jayden? Look” She called.

He looked at her.

“Whenever we are in school, hostel or its premises, please…don’t flirt, I’m serious. Nobody should think our relationship is fake or bad, or else we’ll be forced to end it”

“I understand” He nodded.

“Just so you know, I’m also doing this for your own help. You said it yourself that day,,, that I saved you”

“Yeah, Sure. Hold on. I’ll be back” He said and stood up. He went back to the counter and gave the attendant back her pen.

“No…You can have it” She smiled at him.

“Nope. You don’t have to worry. I’m cool” He dropped it on the counter.

“Wait” She quickly held him.

Jayden looked at the hem of his shirt which she was holding.

“Sorry” She muttered.
“I was wondering if we would exchange numbers”

He scoffed.
“I’m sorry. I can’t”

“Huh? Why not?”

“You see that girl. Yes…That girl over there” He pointed with his index finger.


“She’s actually my girlfriend”


“Pretty right? Have a great day” He winked and left.

The attendant frowned and grumped.

“Let’s go” Jayden said and stretched his hand towards her.

Whitney scoffed.
“No touching. No holding of hands. How many times do I have to repeat myself” She squeezed her brows.

“You did mention that and you added the word, unnecessarily. Right now, Its necessary”

“How?” She looked around.

“She’s watching…” Jayden whispered.

Whitney looked at the attendant.
“What did you tell her?”

“Let go already” He said, and quickly held her hand.


Jayden pulled her up from the couch and they started walking away.

“Wait. Wait! I’m serious. Gosh. Let me go” She said.

“I will…when we get out of here. Goodness, The attendant is coming this way. I guess my face has made her obsessed” He rubbed his forehead, his ego rising.

“Indeed. Just…let me-

“Excuse me” The attendant’s voice stopped them.

Jayden turned and sighed.
“What’s it now?” He asked.
“Didn’t I say I have a girlfriend?” He asked.

“Excuse me, madam. But you haven’t paid your bills. You can’t just leave like that” The attendant ignored Jayden totally.

She was facing Whitney.

“I was telling you right! I told you to leave me. Now, let go of my hand!” She screamed and he quickly left her.

“Please, swipe my card” Whitney handed her the card.

“Mister?. Aren’t you here gentle boyfriend? Won’t you pay the bills instead?”

“Huh?” Jayden said.
“Oh…Yeah. Okay” He nodded.

“Please, don’t bother. Just swipe my card. Thanks” Whitney said.

The attendant nodded and left.

“You’re very narcissistic” She scowled, shaking her head.

Jayden chuckled nervously and scratched his head. written by sommy pearl f.


“Where are you off to?” Jade asked, looking at Whitney who was checking out dresses to wear, in front of the huge mirror.

“First, This or This?” Whitney asked showing her two different dresses.

“The red one, I guess. The two are pretty though. Don’t tell me you’ve a date with Jayden?” Jade smirked.

“Date?” Whitney scoffed.
“Oh no. I just wanna introduce him to my mum”

“Introduce him to your mum?” Jade eyes grew wide.
“Don’t you think you both are heading too fast? Its not like you both are getting married anyway” Jade sat upright.

“You won’t understand” Whitney sighed.

“I will. Just fire away. I’ll listen even if it sh!t” She said.

“Uh…My mum just wanna see him. That’s all”

“You told her you’re dating?”

“Not really. She found out. Many of y’all took pictures of us that night. It was all over the school blog and social media. My mother saw it and that was that”

Jade sighed.
“Alright then. I wish you the best”

“Thanks” Whitney smiled.

“But Whitney?”

“Yes?” She turned to her.

“What if he was actually playing you? Would you break up?” Jade asked.

“I…don’t know yet” Whitney stuttered.
“Gotta dress” She forced a smile.

She was about to change when she heard a beep sound from her phone. She checked it and saw it was a message from Shannon.

*Can you hurry with your boy-fy? Im gonna be late for my dental appointment*

“Darn” Whitney muttered.


“Finally” Shannon smiled, looking at the two couples.

Whitney was smiling and her arm was linked against Jayden’s arm.

“He’s handsome, right?” Whitney asked.

“Very. Just like me, You’ve good eyes” Shannon winked.

“So, You…Why do you like my daughter?” Shannon asked.

Jayden looked at Whitney who blinked cutely at him. His eyes traced to her chest and he smiled.

He looked back at Shannon who was about sipping her own coffee from its cup.

“Her B-__-bs” He answered.

Shannon quickly took her eyes and mouth away from the cup.

“Pardon?” She asked in a mutter.

“He said! He said…he…he likes B-__-by” Whitney chuckled, nervously.

“B-__-by? Who’s that?” Shannon asked.

“B-__-by is my teddy bear. I recently gave it that name. Cute huh? I’m taking bobby to my hostel today. I told him a lot about bobby and that what’s grew our attachment and made his affection stronger” Whitney rushed her words.

“No. That not what I mea- Jayden was interrupted by Whitney’s lips which slammed on his.

Jayden widened his eyes in utter shock. He couldn’t say a word anymore.

“Oh wow” Shannon giggled, softly.

Whitney left his lips and looked at her mother.
“Mum? I really love him with all my heart and he loves me too”

“I’m beginning to like him” Shannon smiled.
“So, What’s your name?”

“My name is Jayden” He replied.

“Nice name. Its nice to meet you. I’m Mrs Shannon Kennerson, Whitney’s single mother” She said proudly and Jayden smiled.

“I also have a little son. He’s sleeping upstairs in his room now. You’ll meet him some other time when you come over again” She added, taking the cup of coffee slowly to her lips again.

“Mum. His full name is Jayden Jovel and he’s the son of Ricardo Jovel, the newest elected political minister” Whitney suddenly blurted out and the coffee cup Shannon was holding against her mouth suddenly fell from her hand, which shattered into hundred pieces.


Noooo! Shannon’s money heart??

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