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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Pardon?”Isobel asked as she waited for Oliver to tell her what he meant.

“I love you. That’s what it is saying”Oliver replied as he stared at the heart shaped out of flowers, making Isobel realise that he wasn’t talking about her.

“Really? For a while you made me…..”She stopped when she realised that she was about spilling her thoughts out.

“Do you perhaps think that I was referring that to you?”Oliver asked wanting to tease her.

“Of course not. I didn’t think so and besides I wouldn’t believe you anyway”She said as she turned to him.

“Why won’t you believe me?”He asked.

“We just met and you wouldn’t have fallen for me or anything”Isobel said as she turned to gaze down at the heart not noticing the sad look on Oliver face.

She’s wrong in assuming that. He thought as he kept starring at her.

“I wonder who did that? It’s really romantic”Isobel said as she turned to him again.

“Owen”He stated.


“The person who worked for several days just to show that to the person he likes is Owen”Oliver replied.

“If there is a story behind it. I want to know it”Isobel said eagerly.

“It’s not worth talking about and besides it happened twenty years ago” Oliver replied.

“Tell me Oliver. I want to know”Isobel persisted as she moved towards him.

“Fine then! If you insist” Oliver replied as he walked her to large stone to sit on it.

“I heard this from the islanders who lived here during that time. Owen bought this island and made it what it is but he had no one. Not even a family he could boast of and then suddenly this lady appeared in his life”

“She filled the empty void in him and offered to be a family to him. Owen didn’t know anything about her except for her name” Oliver added.

“What’s her name?”She asked

“Loveth” Oliver replied.

“If she’s called loveth. Am I right in saying that Owen named this island after her?” Isobel asked and he nodded.

“Owen and Loveth lived together on the island and slowly Owen fell for her but he never got to tell her of his feelings”

“Why? What went wrong?”Isobel asked.

“Loveth was much more older than Owen and he was scared that if he does confess his feelings. She will leave his side and so he stayed quiet and when he did have the courage to say it. Loveth died.”

“Really? That’s so sad. How did she die?”Isobel asked.

“A car accident. Her car went off a cliff and she died without getting to say goodbye to Owen”He answered.

“It must have been hard for Owen”Isobel said.

“It was but he kept strived on for a while and did this to keep on remembering her”Oliver said starring at the heart shape flower.

“That’s so sweet of him. Loveth would have been happy to know that something like this was made in remembrance of her”Isobel said sadly.

“But he should have told how he felt. Who knows. Loveth might have felt the same way and they could have had cute little babies together”Isobel added.

“You are always positive about things. Others would have cried their eyes out due to the sad love story between them but here you are thinking about the kids the two didn’t have. Your really something”Oliver said.

“I am. I like the fact that Owen made this In honour of her. Whenever I see this I will always remember the two and by the way. How did Owen die?”She asked.

“ill health. When Loveth died. He could hardly live a day without remembering. He didn’t take much care of himself. He simply lost his zest for life and when death came he welcomed it” Oliver said.

“Do you think those two are together now?”Isobel asked after being quiet for a while.

“Probably”Oliver replied and Isobel stood up to walk towards the edge of the hill to stare down at the heart shaped flowers.

“I hope you two get to be together!!!”She yelled up to the sky while Oliver sat watching her when a thought popped into his head.

“By the way, Isobel. How old are you?”he asked.

“Twenty five. Is there a reason why you ask?”Isobel said.

“Just wanted to know. I think it’s time we leave”He said getting up too.

“But I want to stay here for a while more”Isobel protested.

“Fine then. We can stay and miss out having chicken and beer for dinner”He said.

“Chicken and beer!!! Let’s go home”Isobel said as she quickly ran past him. Oliver smiled softly before following her.

“My legs are hurting so much. How far will we keep on going?”Isobel complained as they walked down the hill.

“A while more”Oliver replied not affected at all.

“Can’t we stop for a while”Isobel suggested.

“Then we get to miss the chicken and beer”Oliver replied.

“Fine let’s keep on going. You are so mean . You know I can’t say no to food and here you are…..what are you doing?”She asked as he suddenly crouched in front of her.

“Giving you a ride. It’s either this or you can keep on going with your legs”Oliver stated and immediately Isobel got on his back. Feeling happy about it.

“This feels much better”She said as she snuggled close to Oliver.

“Stay still or else I will drop you”Oliver said and that’s only because of the way his heart was going crazy just because she is close.

“Alright captain”Isobel replied.

“Quit being cheesy too”He warned.

“I can certainly stay still if you ask me to but telling me to stop being cheesy will never be done. Cause being cheesy is me itself”She said earning a smile from Oliver.

“I didn’t know people brag about things like that”He said.

“It’s not me bragging. It’s me telling you what I am. You fool!”She replied jokingly.

“Fool? Seems like you want to use your legs right?”He asked as he stopped.

“Am sorry”Isobel apologised quickly and he kept on walking.

“Olive”She called a while later.


“Thank you”She said.

“For what?”He asked.

“For everything. You’ve been there for me and I just realised now that I never thank you. Thank you Olive. I mean it”She said.

“There’s no need in thanking me and bes……”He stopped when she suddenly kissed him on the cheek.

Feeling his heart doing a thousand flip flop. He dropped her suddenly.

“What’s wrong?”Isobel asked as Oliver turned towards her.

“Why did you kiss me?”He asked

“To thank you. It’s my way of saying thank you and a lot of people do it too”Isobel said.

“You shouldn’t have done it!”Oliver said yelling at her.

“You don’t like it?”She asked surprised by his reaction.

“Its not that…I just don’t like being caught unaware”He replied.

“You should have told me then. I would have told you before doing it. Mr don’t touch”She added getting angry herself.

“Mr don’t touch!. First a fool and now this. No more piggy back ride”He said as he turned to leave.

“No Olive! My legs still hurt. Am sorry. I wont insult you again”Isobel said as she went after him and when he didn’t listen. She jumped on his back. Insisting that he stick to his promise.

“That was great! Your the best Olive”Isobel said as they both walk into the bed sit .

“That’s only because I bought you a whole chicken “Oliver replied as he sat on the chair while she went to the bed.

“Your right! No one has ever bought a whole chicken for me. Your the best Olive”She said again while making a heart shape with her finger.

“Stop doing that” Oliver said.

“Fine then. I will stop”She replied as she layed on the bed.

“What about your family Oliver?”She asked suddenly.

“Why do you ask?”

“You know a lot about me and my family but I don’t know anything about you. Won’t you tell me?”She asked.

“I have no one”He answered after taking a while to do so.

“Am sorry Olive”She said as she sat up to stare at him.

“It’s okay. Am used to being alone and besides I like it”He replied and she would have said something if he hadn’t got a call.

Excusing himself. Oliver went outside to pick up his call and when he went back in. It was for Isobel to insist on him getting into bed.

“What are you planning to do?”He asked.

“Nothing. I just want you to get some rest”She replied as she sat beside him on the bed while he layed on it.

“Are you perhaps doing this so you can run off without paying me back?”He asked.

“I told you that I will pay you and I will surely pay you. Just take a rest. I will be here when you wake up”She replied giving him a smile.

“Since you insist”He replied. Enjoying the fact that she was sitting close to him and also feeling rest assured that she will be there when he wake up.

“It must have been hard being all alone by yourself.”She muttered softly as she pushed back a lock of his hair.

He caught hold of her hand and when she would have pulled away. He held onto it tightly.

“Am no longer alone and that is thanks to you”He replied.

“Can I keep on holding onto your hand till I sleep?”He asked and she nodded. Smiling down at him.

Her smile was the last thing he saw before falling asleep.

Isobel woke up the next day to find Oliver all ready for work.

“You should have woke me up”She said as she got out of bed only to be pushed back into it.

“Get more rest and come to the store when you are ready. Am just going there a little early because James wants me to take cover for him till arrives. So get more rest and come when you are ready”He said as he put some change into her hand before turning towards the door.

“Make sure you come”He insisted.

“I will. I won’t miss out on you buying me chicken and beer”She replied sending a smile his way.

Feeling assured by her words. He left the bed sit. He got to the store and worked until James arrival.

It was late in the afternoon that he began getting worried. Isobel hadn’t arrived yet. She had no phone and there was no way to contact her. She knew the way here or could she be lost.

“Still worried about Isobel?”James asked beside him

“She’s meant to be here already”He replied.

“Do you think she got lost?” Oliver asked

“Even if she did. She just has to ask for direction and she will be here”James replied.

“I better go and check on her”He said as he turned to leave.

“That’s the best thing”James replied as he watched Oliver rush off.

Oliver got back to the bed sit but there was no sign of her anywhere. He called James and asked if she had shown up but she hasn’t gotten there yet.

Knowing that the hotel might be the last place she could have gone to. He went there insearch of her.

He saw the receptionist and went to her. Knowing how much of a blabber mouth she is. He began questioning her.

“Ever since she made a scene during the wedding. Her father and everyone have been looking for her. We were surprised when she came by herself today”The girl said.

“By herself?”Oliver asked.

“Yes. She walked right into the hotel by herself”She replied.

“Where is she now?” Oliver asked.

“You arrived a little too late. She left with her father three hours ago” She informed and Oliver felt his heart sink.

So she did leave. He thought sadly.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Isobel left the Island ???

Why do you guys think she left ???

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