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HomeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wifeATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 27

ATTRACTED TO HER: She’s Another Man wife – Episode 27

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?She’s ?

? Man wife ?‍❤️‍?‍??‍❤️‍?‍?

By: worthy stories



What is Athena doing right now?

She hasn’t called or texted and I can only seem to think about her right now.

She consumes my thoughts and I can’t get any work done if I’m thinking about her every second of the day. “Boss?”

My assistant called as she opened the door.

“How many times do I have to tell you to knock, Lauren.” I sighed annoyed with her entire presence.

“My apologies.” She walked further in, making sure to lock the door behind her. “I’ve just noticed how stressed you look.”

“I’m not stressed. I’m annoyed. What is it you need?” She walked closer until she was behind my desk, unbuttoning her shirt.

“To help you relax.” She turned my chair to face her, leaning in, but I pushed her away. She looked at me confused.

“I have a f-__-king wife. I haven’t f-__-king touched you in a year.”

“A wife? Since when?” She started to quickly button her shirt back up.

“Don’t worry about it. Get the hell out of my office.” I stood up, grabbing my things and getting ready to leave.

“I bet she doesn’t even make you feel good. Not like I did anyway. She’s probably a wh-_-re.” I grabbed her arm, gripping it tightly.

“Don’t ever call her a wh-_-re. And no she doesn’t make me feel like you did because she isn’t a slut. Plus, her pu”***sy isn’t loose like yours is.”

Tears had fallen from her eyes but I could careless.

“Your fired. Get the f-__-k out.” I dragged her by her arm out of my office, her crying filling the halls of the top floor.

I had only f-__-ked her a couple of times but after Athena, no other woman had their mouth on my Ç0çƙ again. Athena ruined any other woman for me so even seeing one flirt with me was disgusting.

I grabbed my things and walked out of my office, seeing that it was getting dark out. I’d have to hire a new assistant but I’d worry about it later.

The only person on my mind was Athena and I couldn’t wait to see her.

I was smiling like a kid in a store full of candy at the thought of seeing her in our home. She must’ve been really busy or sleeping as usual because she still hadn’t called or texted.

I raced down to the house, surprisingly not getting pulled over by any cops, and quickly got up to my front door.

I pulled my eyebrows together at the sound of laughter and music coming from behind my door.

Walking in, I saw everyone playing around like children while my parents just stood there making food.

Of course, today would be the day they decide to do a surprise visit.

Athena was standing on the couch barefoot, shaking her @zz along with Rosa while Jasper and Kano threw money at them.

She spotted me, instantly jumping off the couch and into my arms. “Hi, honey!” She exclaimed, pressing a hard kiss to my lips.

“Hey baby.” I held her up by her @zz, kissing her lips again. I set her down, my hands still on her @zz and her arms wrapped around my neck. “Are you drunk?”

“Psh, no.” She giggled then hiccuped. “Tipsy.”

Ah.” She removed herself from my arms just as Kano and Jasper walked over.

“Your girl has a nice @zz.” I smacked him upside the head and Jasper busted out laughing. “I’ll tell Athena if you hit me again.”

I hit him again, going to walk upstairs, and he started to fake cry.

“What’s wrong?” Athena asked as he went to hug her much shorter body. He squatted, setting his head on her chest and letting the fake tears fall.

“Alessandro keeps hitting me.” She cooed at him, wiping away his fake tears before walking up to me. She held his hand with another on her hip.

“Say sorry.” I wanted to laugh. She had her finger pointed at, glaring at me and acting as if she was ten feet taller than I was.

Even standing on her tiptoes she could barely reach me but she managed to get a grip on my ear and bring me down to her height. “Ahora.”

Her grip tightened and I winced slightly. f-__-k she was a strong little person. “Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Did you hear?” She asked Kano with her hand still on my ear.

“No.” She turned back around and he looked up at me with a victory smile.


I sighed. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She brought my face down even closer and kissed my ear as if that would make it better.

“Now act like your mother raised you right because I know she did.” She walked off, going back to dancing with Rosa and Jasper.

“I think Athena loves me more than she loves you.”
I rolled my eyes, “No one could ever love a muck like you.”

“Your mother made this muck. And Athena said I looked pretty so I won’t let your words have any affect on me. You are just jealous that my Ďïčk is bigger than yours.”

I laughed sarcastically, “You may want to ask Athena how big my Ďïčk is.”

“Last time I checked I was bigger.”

“We were in college and you were a centimeter bigger!” He laughed, throwing his head back. “You’ll never get over that.

Do we need to compare again?” Just before he could say anything, mom came out with a few plates of food.”Dinners ready.”

Athena went to help and grab some plates, even after my mother said that she could do it herself.

After the table was set, we all took a seat, Athena sitting beside with a huge smile.

I set my arm on the back of her chair as everyone started digging into the food. Mom and dad shut down any goofy energy so we could have a nice, normal family dinner.

I poured Athena and myself a glass of wine, making sure to give her just a bit since she had some before I got here.
“Mrs. Sinclair-”

“Please, call me mom.” She smiled.

“Are you sure? Last time-”

“I’m sure. I’m sorry about the way I reacted last time we saw each other. I don’t support affairs but your husband was an @zz so this is one exception.”

Athena nodded with a small smile. “Mrs- Mom, this food is delicious.”

“Thank God. Michael here was distracting me the entire time.” She laughed and my father went to kiss her on the forehead.

“I saw. You guys are a lovely couple.” She thanked her before directing her attention to me.

“So, when can I call her my daughter in law?” I nearly choked on my drink, causing Athena to look at me with furrowed eyebrows.

“Don’t make me ki|| you.” Rosa thr_@tened because of my reaction but all I could see was the hurt in Athena’s eyes.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it, immediately apologizing. “I’m sorry, butterfly. I love you.” I kissed her hand repeatedly.

“I didn’t mean to seem like I wasn’t ever going to ask her. I am, but once she’s out of her marriage with Oliver.”

Athena let a breath, seemingly having forgotten about the fact that she was still married. “Right, of course.” My mom nodded.

I leaned over to whisper in Athena’s ear, still seeing a bit of doubt in her features.

“Do I need to show you how much I love you?” I put my hand on her thigh, gradually letting it move up until it was covering her ps***sy.

“I love you, Athena. I love you so f-__-king much.”
“You okay over there, Athena?” Jasper asked with a knowing tone.

“What? Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She tried shutting her thighs but I lifted one of her legs into my lap and kept them open. No one had noticed since they were all in their own conversations.

I slipped a finger in and she gasped, putting her glass to her lips. I pushed my fingers in and out, using my thumb to circle her ćƖĩť.

“Alessandro, I was informed you fired Lauren.”

“L-” She cleared her throat. “Lauren?” She wasn’t trying to stop me anymore, silently telling me to go faster.

I did, shoving them deeper into her hole. She had to use her glass to stop from making any sounds.

“My assistant. She was being inappropriate. I don’t know why they keep reporting to you.” I rolled my eyes, becoming quite annoyed and moving my thumb faster.

She tried to hide her face, her mouth falling open but no sounds escaping as she tried todiscreetly move her hips with my fingers. “Well, I was the nicer boss.”

Mom laughed, “That is a lie!”

“How?” My dad said with a knowing smile.

Athena tightened around my fingers, I could feel her 0rg@zm coming so I slowly pulled my fingers out.

No one noticed her wetness covering my fingers since their attention was on mom and dad.

I licked my fingers clean as she stared at me heatedly with fast breathing.

“Do you remember how you fired someone for talking to me?” Athena sat up, fixing her P@ŋtîēṣ and looking at my parents.

He scoffed, “They were flirting with you.”
“Like father, like son.” Athena said with a smile.

“He fired one of his men for simply looking in my direction.” Everyone at the table laughed, Athena taking a bite of her food.

“Well, we have very beautiful women.”

“Your both just very possessive.” My mom and Athena said at the same time.

Rosa agreed with a raise of her glass, everyone including Kano and Jasper clinked their glasses with hers.

The rest of dinner went smooth with Athena and my mom talking about how possessive we can be to talking about how Rosa and Athena would be a hot couple.

The conversation would take weird turns but I felt this indescribable happiness being with the people I loved most.

Angel 2 Me played lowly in the background as Athena helped with dishes. I sat on the counter with a piece of cake in my hands that he had for dessert.

Athena was humming and swaying her hips to the song.

Everyone had left already, excluding my mom and dad who were dancing together in the kitchen as if this was their home.

I pulled my phone out, wanting to to take a picture of this relaxed state Athena was in.

Music did something to her mind, making every bad thought disappear and having her just live in the moment.

She finished the dishes, turning to me and starting to sing. She stood between my legs, “From the way you touch me and kiss me. To the sparkle in your eyes.

Oh, how I love you.” She put her hands on my face, pressing her lips against mine as the song came to an end.

Another song came up and Athena pulled me down from the counter. “We’re going to head out. Dinner was great.

” My father said, kissing Athena on the cheek and giving me a pat on the back.

“Alessandro, call me more often.”
“I’ll make sure he does.”

They hugged before my parents left. It was just us, in the kitchen with music low in the background.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she set her hands on mine, swaying us side to side.

With her back against my chest, my head buried in her neck and her hands on mine, we danced to the beat of the music.

It started to rain outside which made the moment more out of this world.

Athena had become many of my firsts. The first woman that I was obsessed with. The first woman that I’d imagine a future with marriage and kids.

The first woman that meant more to me than anyone on this planet did.

The first woman that I can see myself loving for a lifetime no matter what happens between us. The first woman that I was willing to sacrifice my life for.

The first woman that could give me f-__-king butterflies without even trying. The first woman that didn’t see a rich man but just a normal guy with a big Ďïčk.

The first woman I have ever loved.She had also become many of my lasts.

The love I felt for this woman, this goddess, cannot elaborate in one word.

She is everything I need in my life, as a best friend, a lover, a protector, a safe place. She’s my entire world.

My love for her is real, compassionate, and more stronger than anything. She makes me want to be a better person not only for her but myself.

She can make everything disappear whenever I’m around her.

We could be in a room full of models and strippers but those gorgeous brown eyes will forever have me captured. She’s the only woman I need and will ever need.

She turned around, looking up at me with glowing eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you.” I repeated, leaning down to press my lips gently against hers. Her soft lips on mine made everything fade out.

In this moment it was just the two of us in this world. Nothing else but her mattered to me in this moment.

I picked her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and never breaking the kiss as I walked us upstairs.

My love. My butterfly. The mood was set for sweet love making but I knew that wouldn’t push her to the hard 0rg@zms I wanted tonight.

I laid her down on the bed, unbuttoning my shirt. “Alessandro…” She breathed out.

“Shh, Amor.” I threw my shirt to the ground, crawling on top of her and kissing on her neck.
“I have plans for us tonight.”


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