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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 37

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? ♠️ BLACK ACE ♠️ ?

♠️ Chapter 37 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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Here inside Dave and Elizabeth’s home, Vivian sits alone on the couch lamenting and complaining bitterly to her friend on the phone about Dave’s relationship with Elizabeth. Despite being promised by Dave’s mom that her son would be hers, Vivian felt sour about the fact that her hopes were crushed by Elizabeth who had already beaten her in the pursuit of Dave’s heart.

Vivian ➡ That incorrigible b-tch! I h@ťě HER! I h@ťě HER! I’ve never h@ťěd anyone in my life like the way I h@ťě this b-tch. You show see how angry I am, Tina.

Tina ➡ Ah Vivi, relax o. What has this Elizabeth done to you?

Vivian ➡ It’s not about what she did, it’s about her personality. She drives me mad. Everything about her just makes me boil.

Tina ➡ Ah, is she ugly?

Vivian ➡ I wish. Her beauty itself is evil. I’ve never seen anyone like her.

Tina ➡ Tell me more about her.

Vivian ➡ Where do I even begin? She behaves anyhow, no self control. She does wh@ťěver she pleases and says wh@ťěver she wants.

Tina ➡ Is that why you h@ťě her?

Vivian ➡ Do you remember that old lady friend of mine that promised her son to me?

Tina ➡ Yes, what happened?

Vivian ➡ Guess who her son is in love with?

Tina ➡ EWO! Sorry vivi. What did the lady do?

Vivian ➡ Nothing! Her son doesn’t seem interested in me and even if she tries to force him, he doubt if he would give me the love and attention I want. This is so disappointing.

Tina ➡ Giving up already? Fight fire with fire now. Seduce him in ways he can’t even imagine.

Vivian ➡ My sister, it won’t work. If you see the way that crazy b-tch dresses Ehn. She’s too much for me to handle. She knows how to use her beauty and assets properly. She no dey joke o.

Tina ➡ What are you going to do now?

Vivian ➡ I don’t know honestly.

Tina ➡ Look, why don’t you try Babalawo? I’m sure that will be your solution.

Vivian ➡ You mean Juju? I don’t know but I’ll think about it.

Unfortunately for Vivian, she was so distracted by her call that she had no idea that Elizabeth was behind her listening to all she had said. Speaking of Elizabeth, she stood behind Vivian with a hammer trying to hit her with it but she hesitated thinking about what Dave might think and the drama that will follow behind Vivian’s disappearance. Finally after Vivian was done with her call, Elizabeth startles her by tapping on her shoulder. After making her presence known, Elizabeth takes her seat on the couch next to Vivian smiling wickedly.

Elizabeth ➡ Are you done gossiping about me?

(Vivian hisses)

Elizabeth ➡ Oh, that’s rude. No wonder you’re still single, men don’t tolerate rude women. Continue this habit of yours and you’ll end up dying alone and single. Boohoo.


Elizabeth ➡ What!? I just said the truth.

Vivian ➡ I despise you. I don’t know what Dave sees in you.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh he’s seen a lot of me in the bedroom. Unfortunately, yours are close to their expiry date.

Vivian ➡ Cheap prostitute!! That’s what you’re good for. You don’t deserve Dave. What he deserves is a woman of integrity and respect. A well bred woman.

Elizabeth ➡ Yeah, keep talking. At least Dave is mine not yours and for your information, men don’t like boring women.

Vivian ➡ You think you’re exciting?

Elizabeth ➡ Sure. Dave can’t just get enough of me.

Vivian ➡ One of these days, your luck will run out.

Elizabeth ➡ Look, I really don’t like you either but for the sake of peace, let’s call it a truce and cease this hostility. I promised Dave that I’d be on my best behavior. So before you leave, let’s be friends huh?

Vivian ➡ Over my dead body. I will never be friends with someone as crazy as you.

Hearing the word “crazy” Elizabeth smiley face changes into a mean one, her gaze was fierce making her look like a predator going for a hunt. Thinking that she had silenced her rival, Vivian tries to leave but she was quickly stopped by Elizabeth who grabbed her hair forcefully and began to smash her face hard on the center table.
The loud banging sound of Vivian’s face hitting the wooden table echoed the sitting room continuously as if a hammer was being pounded into something. After breaking Vivian’s nose, Elizabeth throws her aside and begins to laugh. She walked over to the half conscious Vivian and stomped her chest hard making the latter to cough violently.

Elizabeth ➡ Some people just like to get on my nerves. I tried to be nice but you spat on that being rude and full of insults. You’re in my house and since you’re my guest, i’m going to treat you the way you deserve.

Vivian ➡ I’m….going to….call….the police.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh really? Please do. It’s been a while since I went on rampage. But before that I’m going to teach you something that you don’t have and that’s respect. Since my darling Dave and his mother aren’t around, I’ll use this time to really f–k you up. Let’s go.

Grabbing hold of Vivian’s hair, Elizabeth pulls her on the floor like a rag taking her further into the house. Feeling the enormous pain on her head, Vivian tries to break free but her strength wasn’t enough to break her loose from Elizabeth’s grasp. Finally as the 2 reach upstairs, Vivian began to kick and pinch Elizabeth’s desperately trying to get away from her but her resistance was soon came to a full stop thanks to the quick heavy blow from Elizabeth which knocks her out. After Vivian passes out, Elizabeth drags her into the toilet and turns on the shower filling the bath tub with hot water.



God, just who the hell is this crazy b-tch?

I always knew she was crazy but I never knew she was beyond that, It seems that I must have stepped on a tiger’s tail without knowing it. I wish I knew what happened cause everything happened so fast, all I could remember was my head hitting the wooden table continuously and the heavy blow that knocked me out.
For a while, I was in a dark silent place and I thought that I was dead but eventually, I was awoken and brought back to reality by a steam of extreme heat. After opening my eyes, I saw myself upside down hanging over a bathtub ? filled with hot water. I tried to break myself free but then I noticed that I was being tied tightly by a thick rope. Before I could even try to think about how to get out of this mess, I heard a sinister laugh from the corner on of toilet and as soon as I saw who the person was, I was terrified.

Elizabeth ➡ So you’ve awoken huh?

Vivian ➡ What is it? Let me go!

Elizabeth ➡ Do you really think you’re in any positions to give orders?

In that instant, Elizabeth grabbed my hair and pushed it very close to the water hot. I yelled painfully trying my best to hang on and despite not touching the hot water, the steam enough was as hot as hell.

Vivian ➡ ARRRGGGHHHH!! Please stop! Please, please, please.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh, so now you can beg? I think I’m going to dip you now.


Elizabeth ➡ Oh, you’re so funny when you scream. (releases Vivian)

God, what have I gotten myself into? It’s obvious that Elizabeth is a ki||er and I wonder how many people she’s ki||ed. I was hoping that my last desperate cry appease the devil’s mind but it seems like I was wrong. Taking her seat on the water closet, Elizabeth brought out a teaser and began to play with it. I was extremely terrified getting worried about what she might do with it.

Vivian ➡ Why are you doing this?

Elizabeth ➡ I’m doing this to teach you some manners and also, I love to hurt people. Oh yeah (laughs).

Vivian ➡ You can’t do this, please.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh I can. Let me show you a demonstration.

In that brief moment, Elizabeth approached me and teased my b-tt cheeks with the electric teaser. The electric currents surged through out my entire body making me yelling painfully. The crazy b-tch laughed of course enjoying every moment of my suffering, the wild look in her eyes made me realize the thrill she was getting from this. Before I could recover from the first shock, I was teased once again and this time around it was on my bre-sts. The intense pain made me tremble like a worm, I even had to pee on myself.


Elizabeth ➡ My goodness, did you urinate? Bad manners.

Vivian ➡ Please, I’m begging you to stop.

Elizabeth ➡ Me stop? (Laughs) B-tch, I’m just getting started. I’m going to tease you until you bleed.

Vivian ➡ Please I beg you in the name of God. Spare my life. Please.

Elizabeth ➡ Look at you, hanging like a pig. You think you’re tough huh? You come into my house and think you can snatch the love of my life. You even had the balls to call me crazy. I should slit your throat right now and chop you to pieces. Don’t think your body will be found cause once I bury you, I’ll cement the place and that way nobody will suspect a thing, they won’t even perceive your flesh as it rots away. You’ll die like Ç0çƙroach. Dave and his mom will ask questions but there’s nothing a good lie can’t do.


Never in my life have I been scared and terrified like the way I am right now. My life was in the hands of a psychopathic serial ki||er, the worst thing that could happen to any human. As I hung on the rope, I prayed silently to God to spare me against this lunatic cause it’s obvious that she meant every word she said and she wouldn’t hesitate to do it.

Elizabeth ➡ Hmm, let’s see. You said anything right? You’d do anything to make me spare your life.

Vivian ➡ Yes, anything.

Elizabeth ➡ Good. The first thing I want you to do is leave this house, never come back. Also I want you to forget about Dave, he’s mine and mine alone. Don’t even think about telling anyone what just happened here cause if you do, I’ll find you wherever you are and I’m going to give you a slow cruel death. Understand?

Vivian ➡ Yes, yes.

Elizabeth ➡ Good.

In that moment, Elizabeth unplugged the bathtub hole allowing the hot water to be sucked away and as soon as the tub was empty. The b-tch tied me and left the toilet laughing. After her departure, I left the toilet hurriedly and went to my room to pack my things, there’s no way in hell I’m staying in this house with that demon. Enough is enough.


{ DAVE }

Hours had passed since I left home with my mom. We’ve been busy all day attending to her business schedules and clients. Since I have no part in this my job was to drive her around. I was thinking that this would be boring but it wasn’t as bad as I expected. At around 6:00pm, after my mom was finally done with her business stuff, we drove back home discussing on the way.

Agnes ➡ You should join me in my business enterprise. There’s more money than that boring job of yours.

Dave ➡ Thanks mom but no. I’ll let you know when I’m interested.

Agnes ➡ Suite yourself. Anyways, what future plans have you made with Elizabeth?

Dave ➡ Why do you ask?

Agnes ➡ It’s been days now since I came here and I see the way she acts towards you. You’re lucky to have lovely lady like her obsessed about you.

Dave ➡ Well, I was thinking about marriage.

Agnes ➡ You want to marry her?

Dave ➡ Of course but I’m afraid.

Agnes ➡ Of what?

Dave ➡ Her answer.

Actually, I was worrier about the organization. It’s not like they’re going to give me their blessing to carry off their Billion naira asset and have a life with her. Besides if they ever find out that I’m dating Elizabeth, they will be the death of me.

Agnes ➡ Nonsense, of course she’ll agree. Just ask her.

Dave ➡ I will mom. I will but not yet.

Agnes ➡ Don’t blow this Dave. I don’t want you to end up alone. I’m not getting any younger and my time in this world is at it’s end. The least you could do for me is to allow me to see my grandkids before I die.

Dave ➡ Stop saying that mom. You’re not even up to 60 yet. You will surely live long to see my kids. In Jesus name.

Agnes ➡ Amen my son. Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll be traveling to Lagos tomorrow. I’d like you to have Vivian as your guest until she’s done with her affairs here.

Dave ➡ Sure thing. I hope she copes well with Elizabeth.

Agnes ➡ Poor Vivian. Such a good woman. It’s really unfortunate that things didn’t turn out the way I planned. If Elizabeth hadn’t been in your life, she would have made a fine wife for you.

Dave ➡ Perhaps. I hope she finds someone better in her life.

Agnes ➡ Hmmm. well, looks like we’re home.

Finally, my mom and I had arrived home. As soon as I parked my car outside the gate. We both went into the house to relax. After entering the sitting room, my mom and I noticed Elizabeth sitting on the couch sharpening some knives. She was wearing crazy jean bum short and loose singlet with no bra underneath. Her long dyed purple/black hair was loose behind her back. I was terrified that my mom would react but she didn’t. Instead, she looked at me awkwardly and then stared back at Elizabeth who was yet to notice our presence. It was until after I coughed out loud that she noticed us.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh, you guys are back. I’m so sorry, I was busy. Evening ma.

Agnes ➡ Hello Elizabeth.

Elizabeth ➡ Hi babe, let me kiss those manly lips of yours. Pucker up.

Without regarding about my mom’s presence, Elizabeth wrapped herself around me and gave me a soft French kiss. She even went on ahead and rubbed her knee between my legs. The display was too much for my mom that she left us and went upstairs to her room. After my mom was gone, I gently pushed Elizabeth away from me and scolded her.

Dave ➡ What is wrong with you?

Elizabeth ➡ What did I do?

Dave ➡ See how you’re dressed. It’s improper and what are you doing with those knives? Do you want to give my mom a heart attack? And I told you not to go overboard in front of my mom.

Elizabeth ➡ Well, I don’t care. I warned you that I will not hesitate to go dutch with you no matter who’s around. You’ve been away all day and this cat wants to play. I’ve been making myself hot for you all afternoon, now I want you to do your job and f–k my brains out.

Dave ➡ Hold on. I’m tired and exhausted. I need a bath and relax. So try to hold on after my mom goes to sleep. Have you cooked anything?

Elizabeth ➡ Not but I brought some food from the restaurant. It’s in the fridge.

In that moment, My mom appeared on the stairs looking confused. I was thinking that she had lost something so I asked her what was wrong and the answer she gave me made my spine tingle.

Dave ➡ Mom, what’s wrong?

Agnes ➡ Vivian’s bed space is empty and her stuff is gone. Elizabeth what happened?

I instantly turned my attention on Elizabeth and saw the devilish smile on her face but she quickly put on an innocent face the moment my mom asked her where Vivian was.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh yes, I forgot. Vivian said that she had to leave. She said it was urgent.

Agnes ➡ Strange! Why didn’t she call?

Elizabeth ➡ She did but your number was unreachable due to network.

Dave ➡ Really?

Agnes ➡ Well then, I’ll give her a call. (leaves)

Dave ➡ (quietly) Elizabeth where the hell is Vivian?

Elizabeth jammed her fists together indicating that she had dealt with her. I felt dizzy and weak in the legs in that moment that I was forced to sit down. Seeing how disturbed I was, Elizabeth sat on my laps and began to unbutton my shirt. I wanted to yell at her but then I realized it was of no use, the damage had been done.

Elizabeth ➡ Feeling tired, baby?

Dave ➡ Why Elizabeth? Why?

Elizabeth ➡ She called me crazy. Can you imagine? I was trying to be nice but she crossed the line. She’s lucky that I didn’t ki|| her.

Dave ➡ Wait! She’s not dead?

Elizabeth ➡ No, you made me promise not to ki|| , remember?

Dave ➡ Ah Jesus, thank God.

Elizabeth ➡ You thought I ki||ed her?

Dave ➡ Yes but..

Elizabeth ➡ Oh I tortured her. I gave her a beating then torture. Double wahala.

Dave ➡ You’re crazy.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh I’m going to ki|| you but not here, in bed.

Dave ➡ I’d like to see you try. Get off me. I need a bath.

Elizabeth ➡ Can I join you?

Dave ➡ No.


Next episode ➡ Tables turned 2

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