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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? A pregnancy

Bargain ??

?❣️Love wasn’t a part of it?❣️

Written by: Marie G

?Do not copy or repost ?. Like before reading

Chapter 4 & 5

In no time, he drove home only to see his door slightly opened.

Apart from Collins and I, who knows the password to this house?” He thought still standing outside

“Mom!!!” He gasp and rush into the the house. He halted his steps when he came face to face with the lioness who had a dreadful look on her face

he let out a tight smile. “Good evening mom” He greeted and proceeded to his room

“Hey ! Dean come back here” she said sternly and he stopped on his tracks

He turned to her. “Mom, what do you really want from me this time?” He asked and she flash him a perfect and deceitful smile which he found suspicious

“I know where you are heading to Mom. So please don’t start” he said and wanted to walk away when she tweaked his ears

“When will you be serious with your life and give me grandchildren huh?” Brittany yelled still not letting go of his ears

“Ouch, mom… that hurts.. He wince but she still didn’t let go

The door burst open and Collins rushed in

“Dean” Collins screamed his name. “Why did yo… Bloody hell” he exclaimed after seeing Brittany

“Good evening mom” he greeted quickly and Brittany let go of Dean’s ears and faced him

“Wow my second son is here” She said walking towards Collins who just stood still

“Run…. Dean signal with his eyes but dumb Collins didn’t understand

“What? What’s wrong with your eyes?” He asked and Dean facepalm himself

“Dumbass” he muttered and before Collins could fathom what was going on, Brittany’s hands already found their ways to his both ears

“You two won’t ki|| me” Brittany said still tweaking Collins ears

Dean chuckled loudly before walking to his room

“Ah, mom it hurts,,, my ears are gonna fall off” Collins wince and Brittany let go of his ears which were now very red

Dean walked back downstairs and burst into laughter after seeing Collins’s red ears

“You got ketchup on your ears?” He laughed loudly

“Piss off” Collins snapped and left for the kitchen

“You two still think of food instead of giving me grandchildren?” Brittany yelled and Collins stopped on his tracks

He tilted his head to her direction. “Mom, don’t worry, I promise to give you grandchildren”

“When will that be?” Brittany snapped

Collins was like a son to her. She’d treat Collins thesame way she treats Dean. Since her husband died those two friends has been her source of Joy

“More than soon” Collins said and Brittany nodded before turning to Dean

“I know it’s my turn.. but I need to assist Collins in the kitchen” Dean rushed his words and dashed into the kitchen before Brittany could say any other words

“So when are you getting married?” Dean spoke up as he helped Collins in the kitchen

” Do you want to marry me?” He asked back and Dean smacked his head

” Ďïčkhead” Dean said and left the kitchen

His gaze suddenly met with that of Brittany, he bend his head and pretended to be busy with his phone so he wouldn’t get another earful

“Dean don’t you.. she couldn’t complete her statement when his phone rang

“Sorry mom I have to pick this call” He said even though he h@ťěd picking calls from unknown numbers

“Alright son” Brittany replied with a smile and Dean could tell it wasn’t real. He stared at his phone and back at Brittany

“Go on” She insisted. “Don’t forget to put in on speaker” She added and he stared at her suspiciously

? Hey Dean.. a girl said from the other end

? And you are?
He asked still looking at Brittany who was just smiling

? I’m Chelsea. Your date..
She replied and he inhaled

? Oh Chelsea,,, How..
He didn’t finish his words when she spoke

? I will be waiting for you at the Sunny’s restaurant by 8pm..

? Huh? Me? Why?.. He asked at once

?. Our first date as a couple. Didn’t ma’am Brittany tell you?”
She asked and he looked at Brittany who had a satisfied look on

? I will meet you there..
He replied and ended the call

“Mom!!!! How could you set me up on a date with someone like her? Don’t tell me you wanna start making choices for me” he asked

“I can’t have people saying my son is gay” she said and started crying

And that was it, she was using her tears against him since she knew he h@ťěd seeing her cry. It only brought back memories of his dead dad

” Fine fine!!! I will go on a date with Chelsea.. he said and immediately she stopped crying

“You’re unbelievable mom” he scoffed

“I need to go now” She said and proceeded towards the door

“Collins honey.. Make sure you take care of your friend okay?” She said aloud

“Alright Mom.. I will” Collins replied from the kitchen and Dean ruffled his heair

“Why is mom doing this to me? Its 6 already. I barely have time to prepare myself for the date” he grumbled

” And I can’t even f_ck the Ɓîtçh because her mom and mine are friends,,,Any silly mistake will glue me to her and I don’t want that”

“f_ck what should I do? I’ll just wait until we meet…

Hey buddy.. what’s wrong? What’s with the look on your face” Collins asked as they settled for dinner

He’s actually not happy about the fact he’d be going on a date with someone his mom set up for him

“Dean?” Collins called but he ignored him

“What in hell do you and Brittany want from me?” Dean snapped and left for his room

” Dean! Dean!” Collins called after him but he didn’t even spare a glance

“I can’t believe I wasn’t able to get him to eat this” Collins sigh and brought a spoonful close to his mouth

“Gosh, I can even perceive the scent of the pepper” he said and dropped the spoon

He had actually added more pepper into Dean’s food so he could get back at him but Dean didn’t even touch his meal

“Plan failed” he muttered and ran after Dean

“Dean ” he called walking into his room

“Get lost Collins. I don’t wanna see that ugly face of yours”

“I was expecting that but I won’t get lost.. Collins said

“Suits yourself.. I h@ťě you”

“I love you more bro. Wait, are you going somewhere? Are you going for a date? Collins asked

That’s none of your business… Dean sigh and walked into the bathroom

Anyway. I will see you tomorrow then..I need to go satisfy myself out there.. he heard Collins say and her scoff loudly

“Don’t get it mixed up.. I’m not like you. I don’t f_ck around. I’m just going out for some drinks” He added

“Suits yourself and get your @zz outta my room”

Kaylan was done with her last order for the day and decided to walk the remaining distance to her house since it wasn’t far

She passed by an amusement park and smiled sadly as her memories of the past came rushing through her mind

“I miss you” she said as tears trickle down her cheeks. She squatted and buried her Head between her knees as she wept

“I can’t take it anymore, it’s too much” she wailed loudly

She was a college dropout and was working part-time so she could pay her sister’s fee. Her mom was diagnosed with a heart disease and she needed a heart donor but they were so poor they couldn’t even afford three square meal a day

“Dad” she muttered and wept bitterly

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