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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 31

BOUND – Episode 31

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022



✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

Tags ☠️: Mafia ,arrogant , billionaire , EXLovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




? ARIA ?

Frederico Was really Acting like a Demon last night , I can’t imagine the number of times he had me .

We went from the wall to the floor to the bed , the bathroom … It was like he was possesed by something because I honestly don’t know where he got that stamina from this is crazy .

We ended up sleeping at the late hours of the morning … I blushed red at the thought of it … Although it was crazy , I really enjoyed every part of it .

The way he made me feel …

” You’re smiling ” Fred said as I ran my fingers in his hair lovingly .

” I’m not smiling ” I said with a chuckle and he kissed my cheeks.

” You’re smiling ….” He said as he got down from the bed and my eyes widened .

” Come on let’s go ahead and take a shower ” he said gesturing for me to come down and I smiled.

” I don’t want to ” I said arms folded.

” Just admit that I ruined your legs honey ” he smirked naughtily and my jaws dropped.

” You need a filter on that preety little mouth of yours ” I said and he swept me off my feets .

” Let’s take a shower ” he said as we both went to the bathroom .

I couldn’t walk , my legs felt heavy and I could feel a slight discomfort down there .

I should have thought of that before mo*ning harder … Faster … Deeper …

I regret it right now , had it been I was not high on his Ďïčk last night .

” What are you thinking about ? He asked camly as he mixed the water in the bathtub.

” Nothing ” I said and he stared at my face .

” Does it hurt much ? He asked with concern.

” Thought you asked me to receive it in good faith ? I asked teasingly and he blushed red .

” f-__-k are you blushing ? I asked jaws literally dropping.

” Blushing ? Eeew I’m not blushing … It’s definitely your eyes playing tricks on you ” he said .

” Ooooooh ” I said teasingly.

” Get your mind out of the gutters it’s not funny ” he said and I burst into laughter.

” You obviously just blush …. Teddy bear …” I said and he carried me into the bathub.

” Keep Quiet or I won’t help you get ready ” he said and I chuckled.

” We didn’t use protection last night ” I said and he grinned.

” Knocking you up again Is the aim …” He said and I Smirked.

” Too bad I’m on protection Frederico” I said and his jaws dropped .

” Wickedness” he said softly and I laughed .

He helped me get ready and as we helped each other get dressed he licked his lips nervously.

” Love when is Red’s birthday? He asked and I looked at him .

” f-__-k it’s next week … Omg I literally forgot all about it Red would’ve ki||ed me ” I said and he ran his fingers in his hair ..

” What’s wrong ? I asked with concern.

” I’m thinking of throwing him a suprise party … ” He said and I laughed.

” Is that why you’re so nervous ? Red is a good boy , he’d Definitely love it he isn’t hard to please ” I said and he rubbed his forehead.

” I’m so nervous you know ? I don’t know what he likes or what he wants … I’m planning on having more father and son With him ” I said and she smiled .

” You’re serious ? Aren’t you like always busy …” I teased.

” I’m being serious here , they’re a lot of $h|t going on in my life but I still wanna create time for my son ” he said and I kissed his lips sorry .

” Awwwwwwwwn that sounds so sweet I’m beginning to feel guilty again for seperating the both of you ” I said softly.

” It’s all in the past now sweetie” he said and I smiled as he kissed my forehead tiredly.

” Are you gonna go out ? I asked.

” Yup with our son ” he said and got down from the bed .

” Have fun ” I said and he smiled as he left me in the room .

I smiled at his retreating figure and tried to get down from the bed and mo*ned .

This is what happens when you let that thing get in your head .

I wore my room slippers and walked downstairs just to see Grace and our father in-law playing Cards .

There was a bottle of Alcoholic wine on the table and two used glasses .

Another unused glass was on the table .

Ever since Rico and I got married I haven’t really bonded with Santiago ,the man is always out…I’m suprised he’s the type that even laughs.

” Join us Aria ” he said and beckoned on me to join them .

I tried to walk close and immediately my eyes and Grace’s met she grinned Evily .

” You’re screwed …she said softly and I fake glared at her as she laughed .

“My son’s really need to ….calm down with this before they turn the both of you into cripples ” our father in-law said and Grace cleared her throat as she coughed slightly whilst I chuckled .

” You know how to play ” he asked and I Smirked .

I used to bit my Dad in this game a lot .

I sat down as we went for a round of the game together .



After leaving Aria in our room ,I walked over to Red’s room nervously .

I don’t even know the first step at being a Dad , I walked over to his room and rubbed my neck nervously I turned and bump into Massimo who had Aldo in his arms .

” You scared me ” I said whilst trying to wrap my head around the fact that he had Aldo in his Arms then I heard another cry .

” Massimo come and carry your son I’m so not doing this ” Sergio said standing behind Massimo with a crying Axel .

” Have you seen Grace ? He asked me .

” Nope … I’m actually looking for Red” I said and Sergio frowned .

” Mas I can’t bear the stench of this poop anymore I feel like I’d f-__-king faint soon ” Sergio said dramatically .

” Can’t you say that with respect you’re definitely hurting my son’s feelings ! Massimo said and we both looked at him .

” Seriously ? I asked with a chuckle.

” We need to change this babies diapers …” Mas said.

” Then call up Grace ” I said and he licked his lower lip .

” I’ve told him that countless times ” Sergio whinned .

” We have a bet okay ,I told my wife that I can do everything she does as a mother …that I’m not just the Don but also their Dad ” he said and both Sergio and I looked at him like he’d lost it .

” Wow ” we said in unison.

” You should have thought of the consequences Bro ,now we have to persive your children’s deadly atomic bombs …” Sergio said reffering to the the poop .

” It’s not that bad just imagine them as perfume …” He said and Sergio made a crying face .

” Frederico you have a son you should have an idea on how to change baby diapers ‘ he said expectantly

” A son that I had no idea until he’s Five years old ” I reminded him .

” Somebody call Kristov he needs to save my dignity because I can’t do this ! Massimo said dramatically .

” Hey guys what’s going on ? Why do you all look like your wives just asked for a divorce ? Emelio asked.

” Hmmmnn jeez what’s this horrible smell …? Emelio asked .

” Don’t even ask …I feel like my babies are rotten eggs …” Massimo said and Sergio and I chuckled.

” And Axel wouldn’t even keep Quiet for a second …” Sergio complained.

” He’s uncomfortable with the poop. …c’mon let’s go look for a solution where’s mom ? Emelio asked .

” She’s out Yvonne took her out for shopping ” I said immediately .

” They really planned this well Massimo , how could you even make such a bet now we are stuck with two arrogant babies ..” Sergio said frowning.

” Sergio calm down you have to change the poop remember you’re the youngest brother here …” Massimo said .

” Hehehehe that doesn’t sound Funny” he said and I glared at him.

” Y’all need to calm down I mean don’t you have Machines for taking off diapers ? I asked .

” I’ve never heard of such machines before ” Massimo complained.

” Wait are the both of you serious right now ? I can’t believe you’re father’s ” Emelio said dramatically .

” How do you change a diapers then ? I asked frowning.

” I’d just check the internet ” Emelio said and we all rolled out eyes.

Throughout the entire time Axel kept crying and soon Aldo joined him .

” Oh …God what have I done to Deserve this ! Massimo screamed dramatically .

” Would you stop screaming with your son’s already it’s crazy ” I said and he stared at me .

” What am I supposed to do , they won’t stop crying even their poop is enough punishment ” he said and Emelio started singing for the kids .

They fell silent and started staring at him whilst Sergio searched YouTube for a tutorial video.

” I think I found one ” he said and Massimo and I ran over to check .

” Eeeeeeeeeeeereeeeew” I said and Massimo ran to the bathroom to throw up .

” Massimo you are gonna change the diapers yourself ….come and be a good father Sergio said dramatically and he walked back to the room and ran back to the toilet .

I couldn’t help but burst out laughing immediately.

” Mas are you serious right now ? I asked and he took a deep breath .

” Get me a nose mask , handgloves too ” he said and I rushed out and returned with them .

Emelio continued entertaining the kids whilst We watched the video ..
I Quickly brought out all the necessary things we needed and Sergio looked at the babies whilst putting on his own facemask .

Emelio stopped singing and they screamed

” Emelio f-__-king sing until you have no voice left ” Massimo scolded .

He went over to the babies and Sergio and I gave him our support by patting his back .

Changing the diapers was really war but by the time we finished the mission mas was covered in their mess and the diapers dropped .

” I give up ” he said immediately.

” I support you ” I said .

” What’s going on ? Kris asked coming in after his shift .

” Oh the savior is here ” we all said dramatically.

” What’s wrong ? He asked and his eyes met with the babies .

” Wait don’t tell me you all can’t change diapers? He asked suprised.

” Do we look like nannies ? Massimo Asked .

” But I thought y’all want your wife to give you 10 kids ? Is this how you’d behave when the kids poop ? He chuckled.

” Why do babies even poop ? Emelio frowned .

” Why do you poop ? I asked and we all laughed.

Kris went ahead and did the job and massimo joined us after taking a shower .

” What exactly are you not good at I mean you’re definitely the Mr perfect amongst us ” I said and he chuckled.

” Nah I’m not ” he said softly

” You are ,you’re good-looking you’re smart you’re mature …you’re successful a good son brother and friend …and a good husband material …” Sergio completed .

” Husband material ….I don’t think so ” he said as he helped the babies to their crib as they slept .

” Why ? Is it because of you’re commitment phobia ? Emelio asked and we looked at him.

” You’re scared of commitments ? Mas Asked.

” I’m not ” he said whilst glaring at Emelio.

” He is bro ,he believes in love but once things gets serious he freaks out ” Emelio said.

” I need to use the bathroom” he said and escaped from us immediately.

” Kristov is really something else” mas said and I couldn’t agree more .



I’m expecting long mouthwatering Comments because I need someone to inspire me tonight.

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