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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 28

BOUND – Episode 28

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022



✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , EXLovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]





There stood Aria bleeding on her nose , she had cuts on her lips too .

” Did he …did he …” I trailed .

” No …he didn’t We got in right on time to save her from him ” Sergio said and I tried to walk passed them but Massimo pulled me back .

” Let me go I need to f-__-king ki|| that bas`tard …! ” I screamed angrily.

” Get a grip on yourself we need to leave this place ….we can’t k* ll him In his company Frederico …..use your head ” he scolded and at that moment I lost it .

” Get him out of here ” he ordered my Brothers and Luciano just stood by the door smirking at us .

I Ran over to him and punched him on the face .

” Frederico …! I heard their voice but I didn’t f-__-king listen .. I punched him over and over again and kicked it him severally before Massimo pulled me off him .

” I’d f-__-king ki|| you De Nero I promise you ” I said pointing at him as they pulled me out of the company .

Immediately we got out We all pulled our masks on …the media was outside taking pics crazily and the all place was crowded .

Aria was Quiet throughout the whole ride , it felt like she was dead ….all I could hear was her soft breathing and I pulled her into my arms .

Her eyes had no life in them and I was slowly loosing it seeing her in that condition .

I should’ve been careful , how did I loose my guard to this point .

He didn’t touch her but how would I ever get over this situation ?

What if Grace hadn’t acted fast ?

” Aria are you okay ? I asked immediately we got the our room and she didn’t say a word .

She refused to cry and I knew it was too Dangerous for her mental health .

She needs to cry out at least vent her frustration and anger .

“How is she ? Grace asked as she Looked at me worriedly .

” I don’t Grace , she wouldn’t talk to me , she wouldn’t cry out … I just can’t bear to see her in this condition ” I said voice breaking at the edge and Massimo looked at me without saying a word .

” You should have let me ki|| him …. I should have ki||ed Luciano . I should’ve ” I said over and over again as anger vibrated through me .

” And then what ? How would we have left that place Frederico ? Right now we have lots of $h|t going on in our lives ….You can’t just k*ll Luciano now we can always do it …. Anytime we want .

” You think I’m not angry ….I’m very angry but we can’t just take hasty decisions ,he didn’t succeed Frederico but we will end him ” he said and u sat down with a thud .

” Those De Nero’s have done more harm than good” I said frustratedly .

” You should have told your wife the reason why you didn’t want her working outside Frederico ….” Grace said angrily .

‘ it’s not his fault that his wife is stubborn to a fault …” Massimo said angry .

” Oh please you think it’s easy for her ? I lived a dirty life …before I knew you Frederico ,my life was never innocent from the starting ,mom has a brothel with girls where she ran an escort business ,I grew up in company if prost*t*te … I used to smoke and drink …. I’ve been used to a $h|tty life …even at that I couldn’t bear the fact that you where the Don ..
I didn’t want anything to do with the mafia life

” You think it’s easy ? She snapped as tears rolled outta her eyes .

” Don’t start with me Grace ..” Massimo snapped as he ran his fingers in his hair.

” Oh go on ,that’s exactly my problem with you De LUCA’s , Your yes is yes and your No is no and the women are supposed to give a nod to all your rules …. All I’m saying is Aria might have taken the wrong choice but I don’t think we should be blaming her here .

” She knew what was out there Grace , I’m mad at her but I’m more concerned about her health right now ” I said and she frowned.

” You didn’t tell her why she shouldn’t work outside Frederico you only told her it was Dangerous , why didn’t you tell her the De neros situation and the reasons we are not aloud to work outside the estate ?

You just told her you can’t work outside and expect a woman as stubborn as Aria to listen ?

” You don’t even know your wife then ” she said and Massimo pulled her into his laps.

” You need to calm down your bl**d is getting too hot ” he said and she smacked his chest while everyone chuckled at their cute banter .

” How’s Red ? I asked after my son.

” I asked Mom to keep him away from the situation , we don’t want him knowing he’s from a mafia family now do we ? Kristov asked and we all felt bad immediately .

” Can I talk to Aria …” Grace asked me camly .

” Sure ” I said and she pat my back as she walked passed us and up the stairs .

” She doesn’t take $h|t from anybody not even me ….” Massimo said and I couldn’t agree more .

” You should tell Aria about Veronica , We should be prepared for anything else she has up her sleeves …even if it means wiping the all De Nero family in one day ” Massimo said and Kris looked away .

He wasn’t a fan of the drama going on anyways .

First the Balandin’s now the De Nero’s .

I think it’s high time I told my wife the truth ,no matter what happens I will tell her the truth immediately after the gets over this traumatic experience .



I hugged myself close as my heart squeezed with hurt ,I wanted to scream I wanted to ….cry out but I couldn’t ?

My throat was sore and hurt ….my heart hurt badly from the experience I just had .

What if he’d Succeeded in having his way with me ,I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.

“It’s all my fault ….it’s ….all my fault….it’s….it’s…” I cried bitterly in the same position .

” It’s not your fault Aria …” I heard Grace’s Voice and that only made me cry badly .

I couldn’t bear to look at her face ,I didn’t even want to see anyone right now after everything that happened .

” I wanna be alone please” I said and she walked over to me .

” Why ? So you’d cry and blame your self for what that animal Luciano did to you ? She asked and I cried bitterly.

” I shouldn’t have left the estate ,I should’ve tried to get used to things even though I was scared I should’ve ….” I trailed in tears .

” Calm down….Aria I used to feel like you too ” she said and I looked at her suprised .

“You where never like me ,….I’m so stupid ” I cried and she shook her head .

” Oh c’mon Aria …you’re not stupid ,you’re not just strong hearted like other people and that’s okay , it’s okay to feel scared and not want to be a part of this life of Guns and Bl**d after all you’re just human ” she said and I stared at her as I cried .

” You’re just saying that to make me feel good” I said staring into her eyes and she chuckled .

” I wish I was honey ,but I’m not ….there are times when i also feel like living a normal life where Massimo isn’t tye Don ,where we can go out without being attacked by his enemies …where I’d fufill my dreams ….But I faced reality that this was my life now .

Going out there to live like a normal woman when I’m obviously not a normal person would only in danger my life and hurt my husband and the De Luca family .

“Don’t pressure yourself Aria calm down and learn step by step …you’d get used to this life soon …” She said and I cried .

” I’m sorry Grace I should have listened to you I just ….” I trailed as I rubbed my face .

” You’re a good girl Aria and it’s okay if you’re not yet used to the bad girl life ” she said and I chuckled .

” Thanks Grace …you always understand me even when I can’t understand myself ” i said and she Chuckled .

” Consider me your sister Aria …I’m here for you , and there’s something I wanna tell you ” she said and I gave a nod .

” I know you’re not the submissive kind of person and their are times where this De Luca brothers and their Rudeness just makes you get so angry that you’d like to make decisions in anger , control it …, I’ve been married in this family long enough to know how much pride and stuborness flows in the blood of this people .

” Sometimes when he’s getting on your nerves , let him have his way ,I’m not telling you to lick his shoes and be totally submissive ..A wise woman keeps her home ” she said and I smiled .

” And to think I’m older than you ” I laughed .

” Oh c’mon I’m definitely the mama here ” she said teasingly and we both laughed .

” I love you Grace ” I said and her eyes stung as tears rolled outta her eyes .

” You’re crying ” I laughed out tears .

” I love you more sis ” she said and I chuckled as she pulled me into a hug and I cried in her arms.

I’d forgotten how having a family felt like , and having Grace around to always share my feelings with just made me realize how much of a soul sister she was to me .

” I’d learn to get used to all of this I promise ” I said and she Chuckled .

” Don’t worry I’m here to spoil you rotten , besides we have this ball we’d be attending next weekend with the brothers and if you heal before then , you can join us it’ll be fun ” she said and I gave a nod.

” Grace …” I called .

” Hmmn ” she answered

” I wanna…train …” I said and she smiled .

” Now that’s the spirit ” she said and we both chuckled softly.

“Can I come in ” Frederico said standing at the door and I gave a nod .

” I’d just escuse you guys ” she said and left .

” Hey ” Rico said as he joined me on the bed .

” Are you okay ? He asked as his hands trailed the cut which had been treated a while ago by the nurses .

” I’m fine ” I said and he kissed my forehead .

” I’m sorry …I know it’s not been easy to adjust with all of this ….my love ..” he said and I held his hand .

” I’m sorry Frederico I shouldn’t have left the estate , I …I’m so sorry … okay I know I make stupid Decisions sometimes but I really love you ” I said and he chuckled.

” Finally you accepted that you make stupid Decisions…you need to say that again so I’d keep a record ” he said and I laughed .

“You tease ” I said and we both laughed.

” Don’t do this next time Aria ” he said and i gave a nod .

” Yes …sir ” I said and he chuckled .

” Are you finally gonna tell me what you’ve been hiding from me ? I’m not a child Frederico and I’ve known you long enough to know you’re hiding something , did you get a woman pregnant or something ? I asked and his jaws literally dropped .

” Don’t tell me you knocked someone up Fred ! I said arms folded .

” What no …no it’s just it’s worse than that ” he said and this time my jaws dropped .

” Do I need to be scared ? I asked .


Hehehehe Aria thinks he got someone pregnant

So I read the previous Comments and I was like seriously ?

Some of you felt Aria deserved to be abused … guys come on ,no one deserves to be abused no matter what .

Some of you are more stubborn than Aria in reality trust me you’d do worse hehe.

Long mouthwatering Comments my lovelies .

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