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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE TRUE ALPHA – Episode 73

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“Ray?” She called. “Ray?” He stopped walking, turning to look at her.


“Ray, she’s coming. My friend, he told me. She’s on her way, very close to the fortress. Have you come up with a plan yet?” She asked, breathing heavily.

” Yes. My armies will surround the fortress as soon as she enters. The battle is between the both of you, we’ll only serve as assistant to you. But first, are you ready for this?”

Theodora nodded her head with confidence. ” I am ready.”

“Good. You will have to go to the ceremony hall, as soon as she tracks you, it will be easy for her to find you and then she won’t know what is happening outside.”

Theodora nodded in agreement. ” What about you?” She asked.

“Don’t worry about me, worry about about the child. I’ll be fine.” He kissed her for seconds before breaking it. ” I promise.”

She forced a smile on her face. “Okay. I have to go now.” She first went to meet the Nancy and Holland. ” I’ve talked to him, he did came up with a brilliant idea.”

” What’s the plan? ” Holland asked, inquisitively.

” I’ll be the distraction then he’ll surround the fortress with his armies. And while Sophie and I will be with our business, I’ll need you Nancy to help me with some thing.” She requested.

” Some thing like what?” Asked Nancy.

” I thought of this, I will create an illusion of her past and when she falls into this illusion, I want you Nancy to get ride of her.”

” Direct through the chest.” Nancy added.

” Or head, any can serve.” Looks at Holland, ” You find some where to hide.”

Holland nodded. ” Okay.”

Turns her gaze to Nancy. ” Let’s go.”

As soon as she got to the ceremonial hall, not even up to minutes, Sophie appeared on the same red shade attire.

She looked ten times beautiful than before. She was more of the definition of a goddess, and every man’s dream.

“Just as I expected to see you. Hello, Mrs Rutherford.” She greeted with a smile.

“So you came.”

” Yeah, I finally did. I hope your marriage has been going perfectly fine without me?” She laughed.

” It’s been going great without you.”

” I can see that. Even the baby is really kicking. How is he? “She points to her stomach.

” It’s none of your business, what do you want?” She snarled.

“Like I once told you, Dora, I want that throne. I am meant to be the queen and not you. The Rutherford name belongs to me and not you. How many times do I have to explain that to you?”

” Once. Look, Sophie, I don’t know if anyone has ever told you, you don’t deserve to be loved. You’re wasting your time. You might be the most beautiful woman on earth, but inside of you is totally darkness. And just in case you don’t know, I don’t fear you. Be you a witch or what-so-ever you call your d@mn self, I do not care. “She said in between teeth.

Sophie clapped her hands, then shoved a strand of her hair to the back of her ear. “Well, that was a good speech, I’d admit. I don’t think I care about anyone loving me the way I am or what I am, I can get the love twice as much as I want.

So get that at the back of your empty skull. On the other hand, a big congratulations on your new found gift. I’m really impressed about that.”

” Keep that to yourself. You have a chance to leave and never come back, and I will act like nothing happened between us. Or, we end this the way you want. Your choice. ”

” My choice? “She bit her finger. ” I choose the second choice, let’s just end this once and for all.”

They were staring at each other for long with anger boldly written on their faces but none has made a move to attack each other.

Sophie laughed. “Honestly, Dora, I am not gonna do this. You know I would have ended your life right now and here but. . . I just figured out some times, we have to let go of our past.

I’m not scared of you ki||ing me, I’m just scared of having my agendas unfinished. Though you were once one of them, but. . . I changed my mind. Your powers are beyond what I expected. They are the greatest gift I have ever seen.

I know you are strong enough to ki|| me even before I say a spell on you. We just have to know one thing, Dora, we are of no match to each other. I know this is fate, we have always been destined to have this battle, we can change it too.

Dora, we were given our gifts for a purpose. To fight evil, I know. Aside that, our gifts can do a lot better than just hurting ourselves. We both have reasons to live, we all do.

From the start, you were meant to be with Kaleb and not Raymond. Your duty to Raymond was to save him from his bondage, but the moment I walked into Kaleb’s life, I changed that fate. I knew what I did, I was so desperate to be with him. And I had him to myself.

Now you have Raymond with you, with me standing right here for destiny to prevail, so will I change this fate. I will reconsider your deal, I will leave this place and never come back and we will both live our lives like we never existed to each other. Deal? ”

Theodora thought over the idea, it’s been what she wanted. To end this without any bloodshed.

She nodded in agreement to the deal. “Fine. We end this now and live our lives like we never existed to each other. Deal.” She said sternly.

” I love the sound of that. So, we call this a good bye then.”

Theodora shrugged.

” When he grows up, tell him I said hello.” She said, referring to her baby.

“I will.”

“We keep our odds behind us, though I won’t say that makes us friends, at least not yet. I hope to see you someday, with our odds behind us. Good bye, Theodora Rutherford.” With that, she vanished into the thin air.

Theodora walked to the door, she opened it glaring at the faces staring back at her. And just two words she said to them.

“It’s Over.”




Holland looked so confused, I can obviously tell from her face. She wants to ask. She desperately do but kept it to herself.

But I know her more than anyone, she wouldn’t keep it to herself for long.

“When you said ‘it’s over,’ do you mean like over-over or it’s over like, you ki||ed her?” She asked.

” We didn’t fight ourselves, we understood each other. We saw reasons why we have to stay alive and move on. So, we made a deal, she goes and we will live out lives like we never existed to each other.”

” She accepted? “Raymond asked.

” She accepted. No one deserves to die just like that, we all have a second chance. We both deserve to have a second chance. We all do. Some one once told me; “Light and darkness has nothing to do with each other.” I guess that’s exactly what happened between us.”

Two white figures appeared behind Raymond, Holland and Nancy. They can’t see this white figures except I. The Moon Goddess was smiling at me and I did the same to her.

She was the one who thought me those words, I will never forget that.

And to my guardian angel, did I ever mention he is the best protector I have ever had??

Well, that should be our little secret. Don’t tell Raymond I said that.

LOLZ. . .


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