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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Love or heartbreak).
❌ Don’t copy or repost ❌.
CHAPTER 43&44.
Evening *
“Welcome mom” Rosa said loudly and ran to hug her.

“Don’t fall me down, its not like this is the first time you are seeing me” Vikita laughed.

Rosa held her hand and led her to the dining table filled with different kinds of food.

“Isn’t this food too much” Vikita giggled and sat down.

Roxana came from the kitchen and dropped a bowl of soup on the table.

“Aunt Maria and I made this, it’s delicious” Roxana smiled.

“I helped too” Rosa pouted.

“No you didn’t, you stood in the kitchen eating the dessert and watching while I did all the work” Roxana said with an angry face.

“Wh@ťěver” Rosa scoffed.

“Thank you both for the surprise, I love you” Vikita said to pacify them.

“We love you too mum” They chorused.

“Thanks darlings” Vikita smiled.

Dan boarded the first flight back to Korea when Marcello called him that Vikita was awake.

He walked through the sitting room then to the dining table.

A smiled formed on his face.

“I am so glad you are awake” Dan smiled, he walked to her and gave a brief kiss on her lips.

She almost wiped her lips out of irritation..

“I am happy that you are awake, I wondered if you were going to be in coma for twenty years or something by that time, you would already be wrinkled and expecting great grand kids but I am happy you awake now” Dan said sarcastically.

Vikita stared at him in disbelief.

“And I also thought you would never come back from your trip because that’s what I really wanted but I am happy you are back now” She replied.

She had a scornful look on her face.

Rosa and Roxana stared at them like they were watching a, family drama.

“You girls , excuse us” Dan ordered.

“But dad…”

“Get out of here!!!” Dan yelled rudely.

Rosa and Roxana left from there immediately.

Dan moved closer to Vikita, he bent slightly to her with his face close to hers.

“if you weren’t sick, I would have disciplined you just now” Dan muttered with hatred in his eyes.

“Dan, you must have forgotten that there is law in this country, if you lay your finger on me one more time, I am going to report you to the police” Vikita uttered.

“With what proof?” He said with a mocking smile.

“I have videos, my torn clothes, medical reports and pictures of the beatings and I swear Dan Alessandro that if you touch me one more time,i will take everything straight to the police and rant on social media” Vikita uttered to his dismay.

He grabbed Vikita’s arm.

“You won’t dare” He widened his eyes as a warning.

“Try me” Vikita uttered looking straight into his eyes, like she woke up with a different personality.

He released her arm and walked out of there.

Vikita gave a soft sigh and smiled.

“Let me check what’s on here?” Vikita chuckled and opened the bowl .

“Delicious” Vikita laughed.

Everyone was on the dining table eating, when suddenly Katrina’s mom walked in along with Katrina.

Those two witches.

Rhett stopped eating as he saw them.

“Welcome, have your seat” Dan greeted.

“Thank you Dan,” Naomi replied with a smile.

Both of the witches sat down.

“What’s this about?” Vikita asked not liking the whole scenario.

“Well, your son, Rhett got my daughter pregnant” Naomi replied and all eyes moved to Rhett.

Rosa burst into laughter.

“You see what your playboy life has caused, now be ready to bear the consequences, Future father Rhett, Junior Rhett is on its way” Rosa laughed, slamming her hand on the table in serious laughter.

“I thought you were smart, Bro, I thought you were the master player, now the master player has scored the goal, Manchester United” Rosa mocked loudly.

“Of all women, its this witch you impregnated, this witch not even Laila, I liked that Ɓîtçh better this one, this one is a green snake in green grass” Rosa insulted pointing at Katrina.

“I beg your pardon, Rhett will you sit there and watch your little sister insult me?” Katrina yelled.

Vikita covered her ears with her palms.

“Who is little?You think Rhett is going to marry you, Bro, go do a paternity test, I’m sure that thing in her womb, ain’t yours” Rosa ranted.

“Rosa, I don’t want to hear another word from you or else…” Dan warned.

“Or else what?, You would beat me up, Dad let’s forget that, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, I am used it, so beating up would just be like feeding a drug addict cocaine, I ain’t scared of you dad, am not mom who tolerate your abusive behaviour” Rosa uttered h@ťěfully.

“Let’s stop washing our dirty linen in public” Roxana cautioned.

“You know what Ro, this family sucks, just full of hypocrites and these two witches would be the end of us” Rosa glared at them and stood up.

“Have a good night big brother Rhett, you are in big soup, next time put your Ďïčk in your trousers, it’s not every p@zzy you f-__-k and go scott free” Rosa yelled as she climbed the stairs.

“That thing in her stomach ain’t my niece or nephew though ” Rosa yelled.

Her voice echoed downstairs.

“Can you see how disgraceful your daughter is?” Dan asked angrily.

“My daughter or our daughter”

“Katherina” Vikita called.

“Vikita stop, it’s not Katherina, I h@ťě that name, it’s Katrina, Katrina” Katrina argued.

“Are you pregnant?” Nikita asked.

Katrina smiled and nodded.

“What!!!” Nikita screamed, she climbed the chair to see Katrina’s face properly.

“I am not going to be the only grandchild, I am not going to be the favourite anymore” Nikita said and burst into loud tears.

“Dad!!, I don’t want another baby here, I am the only baby” Nikita cried loudly…

“Nikita that’s enough” Marcello said and carried her out of there.

“I want to be the only grandchild here” She cried louder.

After a few minutes Marcello came back down.

“Excuse me” Roxana said and left the table.

“Katrina, you are pregnant for my son right?” Vikita asked.

“Obviously” Katrina snapped.

“Okay, we accept that, You can keep the baby and… I don’t know, he would always be there as a father to your child but a forced marriage isn’t going to work” Vikita said.

“Vikita I can’t believe you are saying this” Naomi uttered in disbelief.

“Arranged marriage won’t work, a marriage that is not built on love, just an unwanted pregnancy” Vikita sighed.

“I am ready to marry her” Rhett suddenly said and all eyes turned to him.

He caught them off guard.

“Rhett, no one is forcing you to do it” Vikita pleaded.

“I am doing it out of my own free will, a date should be set for the engagement” Rhett said and left the dining table.

Straight upstairs.

Katrina was shocked, she didn’t expect it to be that easy…

“Good he manned up to his responsibility for the first time in his life” Dan said like a compliment…

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