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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚔️ My Bodyguard is a Girl ⚔️
( The Return of Zane?)

Season two~~

° ° ° Episode 9 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: From dinner Saga ♨
To Complicated situation ?

❎ Do Not Copy Or Repost ❎
The dinner came to an end, much more quicker than expected. I had to excuse myself from their presence so they could continue their query.

I alighted from the car and strolled right in, tonight dinner was epic i must say.

Mummy!! The voice of Purity welcomed me. Her voice sounding ever so sharp an loud.

I giggled as i saw her running into my arms.

“Mummy i missed you. ”
She muttered in tears.

Aww! Don’t cry my darling. I cooed pecking her cheeks.

I love you mummy, i missed you so much.
I begged uncle Gab to bring me here as soon as you left however they said no.

My baby, mummy loves you more! I hope you know that my darling?

She nodded while i used my hand to dab the tears off her face.

Hey momma! Andres called out, more like purred.
His lips landed on my cheeks and i chuckled at the tickling i felt.

I hugged them so tight, i have really missed my babies so much and it has not been up to a week since we departed from each other.

“And my darling Cassy is here.” Mother sprayed out her arms.
I went close and wrapped myself around the comfort of her arms which i miss so much.

It’s good to see you my darling daughter, you look gorgeous as always.

Thank you mummy, an you are not looking bad yourself.

Why thank you, Thalia said the same thing when i put on the blue dress.

“Thalia! I spoked quickly.”
What is Thalia doing here? Don’t tell me you brought her here with you?

No! I..i didn’t bring Thalia here, Thalia brought herself here with me, there’s a difference.

She bought her ticket, took the flight the same time and day as we, and then we took the car here together, that my dear is a big difference.

Call it wh@ťěver way you want to mom but Thalia presence here will cause a lot…
Her gritted teeth fell apart the minute she sight Thalia walking towards them.

“Thalia! Darling, you are here! ” What a lovely surprise.

“Won’t i get a hug? I missed you Cassy.”

She sighed softly and pulled her into a warm hug.

Is good to see you once again Thalia, although you never mentioned to me that you were coming over.

I know Cassy, an am sorry! The thing is i missed you so much that i felt like i couldn’t breath unless i see you, an here i am; it feels good to perceive the fragrance oozing from your body once again.

She feign a smile while patting Thalia’s hair.
The girl truly loves her and she feared that the story between Macron, Etienne and her would be replayed once more.

“How about we have dinner since no one cared to notice my presence again.”

Auntie Amaria! Purity screamed as loud as she can..

My darling Purity! She cooed hugging the little child.

In no time dinner was served and they all sat down to have dinner as a family.
Watching her family dine in happiness was her greatest achievement and she must keep it that way.

Neil, the head bodyguard sent a message letting them know that Etienne was seated outside and he planned on going no where.

Mummy, who is Etienne?
Purity asked in curiosity as always, thankfully she has always been smart enough to avoid questions like this.

Purity dear, what do i always tell you whenever you are eating?

“Not to say a word when eating!” She muttered playing with her food.

I’ll be right back, i need to check who’s waiting.
I trudge out of the house only to meet Etienne, siting outside the gate.

I stared at him, giving the sympathetic smile.
He must be going through a lot, i wonder why he has to suffer more, he’s the innocent one.

Etienne! I whispered drawing closer.

The minute he laid his eyes on me, he flashed a weak smile my way.

He got up and we stared into the eyes of one another, it was as if we were engaging in a staring contest.

His eyes held so much sadness in them and before i could utter a word he pulled me in for a hug, his warm tears slid down my back, my heart melted at his outburst.

Am sure he had no idea that am Valerie yet, so why he behave so freely with me, what prompt this attitude of his?

After pouring his eyes out in tears, he finally let go; taking a step back he scratched his hair awkwardly, turns out the man had only realize what he has done a while ago.

It’s fine Etienne, we all cry, sometimes crying might be just what we need to let out what’s eating us inside.
You don’t have to feel ashamed, even men cry.

He chuckled throatily, i can tell he felt better after hearing what i had to say to his reaction.

“Thank you Acacia.” Somehow feeling your presence around me, calms me down in a strange way, i feel like i know you.

Etienne, what do you want, what are you doing here?

I came because i have no one to go to, i an sorry for disturbing but i couldn’t think of anyone else, not at all.

What do you mean? Are you saying you have no friends, no one to run or talk to after all these years?

His brows knot, he moved closer staring at me as if i have grown another head on top of my head.
“What do you mean by after all these years? You barely know me at all.”

Uh!.. Yeah! Of course, i uhm don’t… don’t kno-know you at all.
I stuttered, my brain totally failed me, i felt like digging the ground and hiding inside of it.

Isn’t it obvious? I manage to say, after stupidly disgracing myself.

Of course is obvious that you have lived your live for many years, so i expect you to have friends around whom you can run to when in need.

I have no one Acacia!
He sigh slumping his @zz back on his car.

My heart bleed to see my Etienne this way, there is no way i would push him away or leave him this way, however there is no way am leaving my babies alone on their own.

I smacked my head in confusion.
What to do now? Am lost completely.

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves.
I would just have to solve this the hard an the easy way.

‘Why don’t you come in!”.. “I have visitors, and my family are here but you can come in..”

His face lightened up a little, i can swear i saw a glimpse of triumph in them.

We got in and met everyone seated in the living, their eyes seems to be glued to the television until they noticed my present.

My mummy is back! Purity squealed running into my arms.

Don’t tell me you missed mummy when it hasn’t been up an hour since you last saw her.

Even if it’s for a second, i miss my mummy this much. She said using her hands to describe what she meant.

I laughed and gave her a kiss on the lips.

Her eyes swiftly drift towards Etienne and her eyes lighten up, i needed no soothsayer to let me she needed answers already.

Hello everyone! Etienne addressed with a funny smile.

One can tell he was uncomfortable with just one stare.

Etienne please make yourself comfortable.

Thank you Cacia;, he took a seat closet to Andres and Andres could help the issue a bit as his eyes kept digging holes inside of Etienne.

‘Welcome!’ Mother greeted with a warm smile.
A part in me was happy with mother behavior towards Etienne, i thought she would detest him considering how our relationship worked out due to his awful mother however i was wrong.

Thank you ma’am. He smiled; his shoulders looked relaxed a bit, my heart melted.
“I love the scenario, if only everything will work out well for everyone.”

Mummy!! Purity yelled gaining everyone’s attention.

“What do you need Purity?” I yelled back.

Mummy! She whispered, an this time, she held those gaze that could melt a heart so quickly.

Oh baby, my love, mummy is so sorry for yelling.
I hushed with my sweetest voice, while moving my hands idly on her hair.

Momma why are you bent on spoiling this brat?

Purity Ç0çƙed her head over to Andres with one of her ki||er glares.
I going to ki|| you if you don’t shut up!

Then when am done ki||ing you, i am going to scatter your perfect hair that you love so much, i am going to put sauce on the hair and then get rats to eat on them.
She screamed panting heavily.

Gosh! These children will embarrassed themselves in front of Etienne, how many times do i have to tell them to behave whenever i have a visitor?

I twitched my eyes at Andres so he wouldn’t say a word but the idiota refused, he scoffed and stood up to his feet.

Grandmother, you of all people know how this granddaughter of yours keeps me worked out, she frustrates my life but never again, never again.

What are you going to do about that you turkey wings? She groaned biting her lips.

I cupped my face with my hands when she said that, then my eyes rolled back to Etienne who had an amusing look on his face: he seems so engrossed in watching the kids query.

Okay that’s it, good night everyone.
Amaria, my awful bodyguard declared standing up to her feet.

Betrayer! Where is Sage now i needed her the most, Amaria can be a pain in the neck. Whenever she’s supposed to help with the kids she runs away.

Mom, where is Thalia?
I asked as the kids kept engaging themselves in a tongue lashing contest with one another.

I guess she would be out soon, she wanted a bath.
Now don’t you dare tell me to stop this query for you, they are your children so stop them from querying.

I quickly threw her ‘the you are cruel look’ she needed to know how cruel she was by not helping me out when i needed her, and it seems Etienne was enjoying the query as his gaze was fixated on them, now i ponder why i bothered myself.

A time will come, you are going to miss me you silly brat, am going to go away and you are going to cry hard.

Aww! The little boy gat a dream, a big one at that.
Too bad dreams are meant for princess an fairytale and from what i can see you are not a princess neither are you in a fairytale you dummy.

Unless!… Unless you want to become a princess, i can tell mummy to pay me so i can help you accomplish your life goal you idiot.

Andres held his chest like he has been hit by a ball
For a little girl you have a very big mouth.

Awww, do you wanna cry? Is that the comeback you can give, you chicken wings.
Just wait for me to grow a bit taller and i will get sauce and rub it on your perfect hair that is seated on top of a dumb head you chicken wings.
She bellowed angrily at the top of her voices.

He cupped his face with his hands, his eyes widen
His reactions are always like this whenever he an Purity query yet he never learns his lesson and still love teasing her.

“I am going to tell momma that you have a crush and his name is..”

Right before Andres can utter another word she rushed at him in full force but he was quick to dough causing her to grow more angry, she made to rush at him again when Etienne held her closely.

Hey! Hey pretty, stay calm okay! He pats her hair in a gentle manner an surprisingly Purity stayed quiet:, I couldn’t believe my eyes, that girl is like a volcano, whenever she erupt she burns the whole area up.

He planted a kiss on her forehead and made her seat on his legs, Purity pushed herself into his arms like she does with me, that act of hers brought smile to my face.

Whoa! Look who’s acting like a good girl she’s not.
Andres hissed taking his seat, he looked puzzled.

Seeing them both made me remember how Corentin and i connected within few minutes.

The door bell rang out loudly drifting my attention from them to the door.
I strolled to the door an was about pulling the knob when it opened by itself.

Corentin!! I barely whispered and he fought his way in. What…what…what!

“Am i doing here?” He said bringing the words out of my mouth.
I came to see you, i missed you already.

He spoke in a calm an childish manner.
His arms were wrapped around me even before i could stand a chance to protest.

What is going on here?
His hoarse voice came out, an i needed no one to tell me he was curious.

Corentin jerk back, he appeared stunned when he heard that voice.

Uncle… My precious uncle Etienne, what’s up n_gg@ what are you doing here, in my dream?
Am literally surprise that you have the ability to walk right into my dream world, what are you now?
A super human with super strength that has the power to work into his nephew’s dream?

Corentin, do i appear to be kidding with you?
What are you doing here?
He spike sternly, his eyes held some sort of anger in them.

Corentin cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly.
I, i uh…well you won’t believe me if i say it anyway.

Corentin no! Don’t say it, at least not now.
I warned maintaining eyes contact with him.

Am sorry miss Acacia but i have to let him know, he needs to know the truth about the whole issue we have been keeping away from him.
Uncle Etienne, i…it’s hard to say, I’ll say it anyway.
I applied for a job here, i needed money, i have plans of leaving this place and going far away to find peace.

I followed her here without her knowledge because i needed help.

Wait a minute! Purity the drama queen yelled once again.

Before another say a word here, Uncle Etienne you need to tell me, why did you drop me down?

I was beginning to sleep in your arms, is this Corentin of a guy more important than this little beautiful, exotic angel you were petting a while ago?

“I hope am not disturbing anything, or anyone?”

Uncle Diego, when did you come in?
Andres beamed with joy.

I stood there too shocked to utter a word, how come i or anyone didn’t notice when he walked in?

“I just thought i should stop by an say hi to everyone.”
He replied walking closer to my direction, his hands held my face and he planted a soft kiss on my lips, like he always.

My eyeballs almost fall out, my vision became unstable an so did my brain refused working.

Why would he do such a thing even after seeing Etienne here?

Ewwe, so disgusting uncle Diego.

That sharp an annoying voice murmured the moment he pulled back.

Why does Purity not know when to keep quiet?

I totally freaked out when i sight Thalia glaring at us with tears in her eyes.
“I thought she was bathing what the hell!”

Okay children, come with grandma so we can talk inside the house, you too Corentin, let’s go darling.
Mother chirped in, God am so grateful to her for this.

Andres gave me the knowing stare. That boy is too smart for his age an he’s only sixteen.
I don’t know, am i cursed smart kids? or blessed with smart kids?

Speaking of curses, how did my life get entangled with Etienne, Diego and Thalia?
$h|t! This is not good, from one dinner disarray to a complicated situation.

“f-__-k when will my life become stable for once?”

T. B. C

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