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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Careful, walk carefully” Shane said as he carefully climbed up the stairs with Joshua.

The doctor said Joshua could get discharged this evening but he still gave Shane some drugs to give Joshua, the one that’ll help cure his internal injuries.

They finally got in and met a guy with green hair playing games on the couch, he didn’t even bother to look at them.

“Brad” Shane called slowly and Brad turned to look at him.

Brad was a handsome guy of their age with green hair, he spends most of his day sitting on the couch and playing games, or he can go to the barbershop to get a new haircut or hair dye.

When Brad saw Joshua, his eyes darkened. He immediately threw his game controller away and stood up.

“What is he doing here!” He pointed at Joshua who was already putting on some clothes that Shane got for him earlier.

Joshua bit his lips sadly and looked down.

“Dude calm down and let me explain” Shane tried talking to Brad but Brad was not ready to listen.

“What is this cheat doing here? And is he…” Brad trailed off and cleared his eyes.

“Is he putting on my clothes?” He asked, feeling even more exasperated.

Joshua looked at the cloth he was putting on then turned to look at Shane while Shane scratched his head nervously.

“All my clothes were dirty and I didn’t do my laundry yesterday so I thought I could give him yours” Shane said in a tiny voice and Joshua gulped.

If he had known that this cloth was for Brad then he wouldn’t have wore it.

“You thought?” Brad repeated and let out a loud laugh.

“Did you just say you thought? How dare you thought!?” Brad yelled at Shane.

“Brad calm down” Shane tried calming Brad down but Brad shook his head.

“It’s okay Shane, I’ll just take off the clothes” Joshua said with a low smile.

“Yes please, take it off and take it to the laundry room, wash it up for me so I won’t contaminate your germs!” Brad said harshly and Shane hit him lightly on the arms.

Joshua slowly nodded and began taking off the clothes, part of his singlet and boxers were turn but he would just manage it like that and as promised, he went to the laundry room to wash Brad’s clothes.

After washing and drying it, he came back to the living room and handed it back to Brad who sitting on the couch with his eyes glued to the TV.

“Thank you and please I need you to leave this house too” Brad replied, not taking his eyes off the TV.

“Brad!” Shane who was making dinner inside the kitchen shouted.

Brad scoffed, still not removing his eyes from the TV.

“Joshua don’t pay attention to him, this is my house and you can stay here” Shane flashed him a smile.

“No I’ll leave tommorow, don’t worry” Joshua replied and went upstairs to Shane’s room.

Shane sighed and shook his head, he really feel for Joshua.



Olivia lay on the bed with tears rolling down her eyes as she reminisce about her moments with Joshua.

She remembered the very first day Joshua asked her to be his girlfriend.

He took her to a beautiful garden in the evening, they stood at a place where they could both view the sunset together.

Olivia had her heart beating fast, she fell in love with him while they were $h00ting their film together but was to shy to say anything, she didn’t know that Joshua liked her too.

That day, he took her hands and looked into her eyes then confessed his feelings for her and that was the most romantic moment of Olivia’s life.

He was her first kiss, he gave her the best kiss of her life, thinking about it now was starting to give her goosebumps.

They began dating and he was the most sweetest guy she had ever seen, he made her see what love is but then things began changing when his child hood friend came.

He began spending a lot of time with her because he misses her and this would cause a fight between the both of them.

Each times Olivia brings the girl up, Joshua will keep on insisting that they were just friends and she was crazy and paranoid.

He even told her that he once had a crush on her and that was when he was still a kid but it’s all gone now, he promised that his heart was for her alone, he said he couldn’t picture himself with someone that was not her but yet she saw him kiss his so-called childhood friend openly in the clubhouse.

Olivia wiped her tears and sat up on her bed, she folded her legs together and took her brown guitar that was always by her side then began playing as she sang.

?And maybe I’m not just as intresting as the girls you had before.

?But God you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more.

?I’d say you broke my heart but you broke much more than that.

?Now I don’t want your sympathy, I just want myself back before..

?You found someone more exciting the next second you were gone.

?And you left me right there cryin’
Wonderin’ what I did wrong.

?And you always say I’m never satisfied but I don’t think that’s true.

?Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough…

?Yeah all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.

She sang her heart out.



Shane was already sleeping but Joshua was wide awake, he was sitting on Shane’s reading table, pressing Shane’s laptop as he browsed about a new house that he wants to buy.

He paused on his research and thought that it’ll be best if he gets a small house for himself, with that no one will ever find out where he lives.

He began doing another research till he found a house of his taste and the price was good too.

He saved it and decided to call the owner tommorow so they can discuss about it.

Currently Jace was putting on one of Shane’s smelling cloth and he almost died but he’ll manage till tommorow.

He sighed and took his phone, log into his Instagram account only to find out that he had lost 5 million followers just for today.

He decided to check on the news about what Olivia fans did to him earlier and ofcourse it was trending.

They were using him as a funny meme already, Joshua decided to read the comments but they were all negative, he couldn’t even find a positive one.

Joshua released his breath and power his phone off.

“It’s been two months Olivia, why won’t you just make this end? Did you even love me at all?” He muttered while trying to fight back his tears.

All because of Olivia, all his friends had left him expect Shane.

No one was willing to listen to him so he couldn’t defend himself.


A small girl happily ran into a huge mansion to go meet her parents.

She wanted to announce to them that she had passed her exam but when she got there, she began hearing loud noises.

She peeped in and couldn’t believe her eyes, they were masked man and they were $h00ting everyone.

She saw her mother pleading to them but they shut her mother right on the head.

Her father was already lying on his own pool of blood.

The girl wanted to scream but someone blocked her mouth and dragged her outside.

The person released her and she saw that it was her old Nana.

“Shh.. run” the old Nana said to her.

The girl shook her head in tears.

“Run before they ki|| you!” Old Nana shouted at her.

“Who’s there?” One of the masked man shouted and old Nana’s eyes widened.

She grabbed the little girl’s hand and began running with her.

“Catch them!”

They could hear some people chasing them. Old Nana was too old so she couldn’t run anymore and she fell down.

The girl’s eyes widened, she wanted to help her old Nana up but three loud bangs echoed and before she knew it, her old Nana’s head had burst open.

The girl screamed in fright but paused when she saw a huge shadow at the front of her, she slowly looked up to see the masked man pointing his gun at her.

He pulled the trigger but nothing happened and he cursed.

The girl took her hills immediately while the man chased after her and he was able to catch up with her.

“If I can’t ki|| you with a weapon then I can beat you to death” he smiled deviously, taking slow strides towards her.

The girl began moving back not knowing that there was a cliff at her back and when the man was about to hit her, she dodged but when she dodged, she fell off the cliff.


Carly screamed from her sleep and opened her eyes, she began holding her chest breathing heavily.


Who’s Carly? ?

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